

About Our Mentors

A fun number: we have had at least two alumni of this program as mentors in all but one of the years 2009 to 2020!


Home Institutions of Participants

Our participants have come from across the U.S. and many different institutions. The following table lists all institutions of our participants from 2001 – 2020. The number in parentheses indicates how many students have come from that institution, if N>1.

Austin Peay State Univ.
Ball State Univ. (2)
Bates College
Birmingham-Southern College
Boston College
Brooklyn College
Bronx Community College
Bucknell University
California State Univ. Fullerton
California Univ. of Pennsylvania (3)
Cameron University
Carleton College
Central Methodist Univ.
Central Michigan Univ. (4)
Central Washington Univ.
Citrus College
City Univ. of New York
Clemson Univ.
Cleveland State Univ.
Cornell Univ. (3)
Davidson College
Earlham College
East Carolina University
East Central University (4)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Prescott
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach
Florida International University (2)
Florida State University (3)
Georgetown Univ.
Georgia Institute of Technology
Indiana University (2)
Iowa State Univ. (3)
Jackson State University (5)
Langston University
Lycoming College
Lyndon State College (5)
Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver
Michigan State University
Millersville Univ. (6)
Minnesota State Univ.
Morgan State Univ.
Mount Holyoke College (2)
Murray State Univ.
North Carolina State Univ. (5)
Northern Illinois University (6)
Northland College (3)
The Ohio State University (4)
Oklahoma State University
Olivet Nazarene University
Pennsylvania State University (7)
Pittsburg State Univ., Kansas
Plymouth State Univ. (4)
Purdue University (3)
Rhodes College
Rice University
Rutgers University (3)
San Jose State Univ.
St. Cloud State Univ. (5)
St. Francis University
Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville
SUNY Albany (2)
SUNY Brockport
SUNY Oneonta (2)
SUNY Oswego
SUNY Stony Brook
South Dakota School of Mines & Tech.
Southwestern Oklahoma State Univ. (2)
Texas A&M University (4)
Texas A&M Univ. Commerce
Union University
Univ. Alabama Huntsville
Univ. Alaska-Fairbanks
Univ. Central Oklahoma
Univ. Georgia at Athens (2)
Univ. Hawaii Manoa
Univ. of Illinois–Urbana Champaign
Univ. Kansas
Univ. Louisiana at Monroe (2)
Univ. Maryland College Park
Univ. Massachusetts Lowell (2)
Univ. Miami, Coral Gables (6)
Univ. Mississippi
Univ. Missouri (2)
Univ. Nevada Reno
Univ. North Carolina–Asheville (2)
Univ. North Carolina–Charlotte (2)
Univ. Nebraska–Lincoln
Univ. Northern Colorado (6)
Univ. Oklahoma (5)
Univ. Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Univ. Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (2)
Univ. South Alabama
Univ. Texas at Arlington
Univ. Texas at Austin
Univ. Texas Pan American
Univ. Virginia
Univ. Utah
Univ. Washington
Univ. Wisconsin-Madison (2)
Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Valencia College
Valparaiso Univ. (22)
Western Connecticut Univ. (2)
Western Kentucky Univ. (2)


The total number of students has varied from 10 to 14.



Academic Status or Achievement of Past Participants

Of alumni who have completed their bachelor's degree, 82% have earned a graduate degree. While this is certainly a positive outcome, the goal of an REU is clarity for any career direction, no matter what terminal degree that might imply.

Academic Status of 1991-2017 Participants, N=223 (status of 10 are unknown)
  In School, Pursuing Degree Highest Degree Achieved for Those No Longer in School
B.S. M.S. Ph.D. B.S. M.S. Ph.D.
Number of participants 24 31 13 35 105 49
Expressed as % 35% 46% 19% 19% 56% 26%

Table updated August 2020


Work Status of Past Participants

Of those alumni who are now working, about 75% are in meteorology or a related field (related field examples: emergency management, science curriculum design or teaching, science writing). Some alumni had been in the field before their careers took them in new directions. Some who are not working in meteorology were from majors outside meteorology and returned to those disciplines. In a few cases a meteorology major left the field for another job, to follow a spouse, or to raise children.

Work Status of 1991-2020 Participants Who Have Completed School
  Meteorology Related Field Non-Meterology Not Working Unknown or Deceased
Number of Participants 131 26 30 9 13

Table updated August 2020



Page Last Updated: Aug 6, 2020