! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE updgrd(mptr) 1,8 ! ! To update a coarse grid by interpolating from finer grid(s). ! INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' INCLUDE 'agricst.inc' DIMENSION msrcs(30),iupvar(nxy2d+nxyz3d),iupsta(nxy2d+nxyz3d) LOGICAL :: smstg2 IF( intrpodr == 2 ) THEN nwhts=9 ELSE nwhts=4 END IF level = node(4,mptr) IF(level >= lfine) RETURN ! ! Get all the possible source grids on the next level for mptr. ! numscs=0 mgrid=lstart(level+1) 15 IF(mgrid == 0) GO TO 20 numscs=numscs+1 msrcs(numscs)=mgrid mgrid=node(10,mgrid) GO TO 15 20 CONTINUE nx=node(5,mptr) ny=node(6,mptr) ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update 2-d scalars ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (verbose6) WRITE(6,'('' UPDATING 2-D SCALAR(S):''//)') ndim=2 ! ! initialize the updating status flag with value 1 ! DO i=1,nxy2d iupsta(i)=1 END DO 100 CONTINUE ! ! search for unupdated 2-d scalars and group them according to staggering ! nupvar=0 DO iup=1,nxy2d ! ! look for 1st 2-d scalar that needs updating ! IF(iupxy(1,iup) == 1.AND.iupsta(iup) == 1.AND. iupxy(2,iup) == 0)THEN nupvar=nupvar+1 iupvar(nupvar)=iup iupsta(iup)=0 DO ivar=iup+1,nxy2d ! ! list additonal scalars with matching staggering to that of iup. ! IF(iupxy(1,ivar) == 1.AND.iupsta(ivar) == 1.AND. & iupxy(2,ivar) == 0.AND. smstg2(ivar,iup,2)) THEN nupvar=nupvar+1 iupvar(nupvar)=ivar iupsta(ivar)=0 END IF END DO END IF END DO ! ! if no 2-d scalar needs updating goto next step ! IF(nupvar == 0)GO TO 200 ! ! perform interpolations for 3-d scalars listed in iupvar(nupvar). ! IF( verbose6) THEN WRITE(6,'(/'' UPDATING '',I3,'' 2-D SCALAR(S)''/)')nupvar WRITE(6,9992) (iupvar(ii),ii=1,nupvar) 9992 FORMAT(1X, 10I5) END IF ! mxpts=nx*ny iptr1=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr2=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr3=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr4=igetsp( mxpts) iptr5=igetsp(nwhts*mxpts) iptr6=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr7=igetsp(2*mxpts) ! CALL itpscl(mptr,msrcs,numscs,a(iptr1),a(iptr2),a(iptr3), & a(iptr4),a(iptr5),a(iptr6),a(iptr7), & mxpts,nwhts,iupvar,nupvar,ndim) ! ! restore tem space ! CALL resett ! ! go back to check if any more var's need updating ! GO TO 100 200 CONTINUE ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update 3-d scalars ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(verbose6) WRITE(6,'('' UPDATING 3-D SCALAR(S):''//)') ndim=3 ! ! initialize the updating status flag with value 1 ! DO i=1,nxyz3d iupsta(i)=1 END DO ! ! search for unupdated 3-d scalars and group them according to staggering ! 300 CONTINUE nupvar=0 DO iup=1,nxyz3d ! ! look for 1st 3-d scalar that needs updating ! IF(iupxyz(1,iup) == 1.AND.iupsta(iup) == 1.AND. iupxyz(2,iup) == 0)THEN nupvar=nupvar+1 iupvar(nupvar)=iup iupsta(iup)=0 DO ivar=iup+1,nxyz3d ! ! list additonal 3-d scalars with matching staggering to that of iup. ! IF(iupxyz(1,ivar) == 1.AND.iupsta(ivar) == 1.AND. & iupxyz(2,ivar) == 0.AND. smstg2(ivar,iup,3))THEN nupvar=nupvar+1 iupvar(nupvar)=ivar iupsta(ivar)=0 END IF END DO END IF END DO ! ! if no more 3-d scalar needs updating goto next step ! IF(nupvar == 0) GO TO 400 ! ! perform interpolations for 3-d scalars listed in iupvar(nupvar). ! IF(verbose6) THEN WRITE(6,'(/'' UPDATING '',I3,'' 3-D SCALAR(S)''/)')nupvar WRITE(6,9992) (iupvar(ii),ii=1,nupvar) END IF ! mxpts=nx*ny iptr1=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr2=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr3=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr4=igetsp( mxpts) iptr5=igetsp(nwhts*mxpts) iptr6=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr7=igetsp(2*mxpts) ! CALL itpscl(mptr,msrcs,numscs,a(iptr1),a(iptr2),a(iptr3), & a(iptr4),a(iptr5),a(iptr6),a(iptr7), & mxpts,nwhts,iupvar,nupvar,ndim) ! ! restore tem space ! CALL resett ! ! go back to check if any more var's need updating ! GO TO 300 400 CONTINUE ! !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update 2-d vectors ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write(6,'('' updating 2-d vector(s):''//)') ndim=2 ! ! initialize the updating status flag with value 1 ! DO i=1,nxy2d iupsta(i)=1 END DO 500 CONTINUE ! ! search for a vector that needs updating and store the compnt No. in ! array iupvar. ! nupvar=0 DO iup=1,nxy2d ! ! look for 1st 2-d vector that needs updating ! IF(iupxy(1,iup) == 1.AND.iupxy(2,iup) > 0.AND. iupsta(iup) == 1) THEN iup2=iupxy(2,iup) iupvar(nupvar+1)=iup iupvar(nupvar+2)=iup2 nupvar=nupvar+2 iupsta(iup )=0 iupsta(iup2)=0 EXIT END IF END DO 67 CONTINUE ! ! if no more 2-d vector needs updating goto next step ! IF(nupvar == 0)GO TO 600 ! ! perform interpolations for 2-d vectors listed in iupvar(nupvar). ! IF(verbose6) THEN WRITE(6,'(//'' UPDATING 2-D VECTOR '',I5,I5//)') & iupvar(1),iupvar(2) END IF ! mxpts=nx*ny iptr1=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr2=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr3=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr4=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr5=igetsp(2*nwhts*mxpts) iptr6=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr7=igetsp(4*mxpts) ! CALL itpvtr(mptr,msrcs,numscs,a(iptr1),a(iptr2),a(iptr3), & a(iptr4),a(iptr5),a(iptr6),a(iptr7), & mxpts,nwhts,iupvar,nupvar,ndim) ! ! restore tem space ! CALL resett ! ! go back to check if any more var's need updating ! GO TO 500 600 CONTINUE ! !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! update 3-d vectors !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! IF(verbose6) WRITE(6,'('' UPDATING 3-D VECTOR(S):''//)') ndim=3 ! ! initialize the updating status flag with value 1 ! DO i=1,nxyz3d iupsta(i)=1 END DO ! 700 CONTINUE ! ! search for a vector that needs updating and store the compnt No. in ! array iupvar. ! nupvar=0 DO iup=1,nxyz3d ! ! pick out the 1st 3-d vector that needs updating ! IF(iupxyz(1,iup) == 1.AND.iupxyz(2,iup) > 0.AND. iupsta(iup) == 1) THEN iup2=iupxyz(2,iup) iupvar(nupvar+1)=iup iupvar(nupvar+2)=iup2 nupvar=nupvar+2 iupsta(iup )=0 iupsta(iup2)=0 EXIT END IF END DO 92 CONTINUE ! ! if no more 3-d vector needs updating goto next step ! IF(nupvar == 0)GO TO 800 ! ! perform interpolations for 3-d vectors listed in iupvar(nupvar). ! IF(verbose6) THEN WRITE(6,'(//'' UPDATING 3-D VECTOR '',I5,I5//)') & iupvar(1),iupvar(2) END IF ! mxpts=nx*ny iptr1=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr2=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr3=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr4=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr5=igetsp(2*nwhts*mxpts) iptr6=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr7=igetsp(4*mxpts) ! CALL itpvtr(mptr,msrcs,numscs,a(iptr1),a(iptr2),a(iptr3), & a(iptr4),a(iptr5),a(iptr6),a(iptr7), & mxpts,nwhts,iupvar,nupvar,ndim) ! ! restore tem space ! CALL resett ! ! go back to check if any more var's need updating ! GO TO 700 800 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE updgrd ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE itpscl(mrec,msrcs,numscs,ptsrec, & 2,9 irec,isrc,igsrc,whts,pts,irecp,mxpts,nwhts, & iupvar,nupvar,ndim) ! DIMENSION msrcs(numscs),ptsrec(2,mxpts),irec(2,mxpts), & isrc(2,mxpts),igsrc(mxpts),whts(nwhts,mxpts), & pts(2,mxpts),irecp(2,mxpts), & iupvar(nupvar) INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' nw1=nint( SQRT(FLOAT(nwhts)) ) nw2=nw1 ! ! Calculate and store the coor's of p-points of the receive ! grid in array ptsrec with their indecies stored in irec. ! IF(nupvar == 0) RETURN nx=node(5,mrec) ny=node(6,mrec) cosr=rnode(21,mrec) sinr=rnode(22,mrec) dxr=rnode(9 ,mrec) dyr=rnode(10,mrec) xor=rnode(1,mrec) yor=rnode(2,mrec) ivar=iupvar(1) IF(ndim == 2) THEN xshift=stgxy(1,ivar) yshift=stgxy(2,ivar) nx1=nx-idmxy(1,ivar) ny1=ny-idmxy(2,ivar) ELSE IF(ndim == 3)THEN xshift=stgxyz(1,ivar) yshift=stgxyz(2,ivar) nx1=nx-idmxyz(1,ivar) ny1=ny-idmxyz(2,ivar) ELSE PRINT*,'Error in ITPSCL: Variable dimension ndim set wrong!' PRINT*,'ndim should be 2 or 3, input was',ndim END IF xc=xshift*dxr*cosr ys=yshift*dyr*sinr xs=xshift*dxr*sinr yc=yshift*dyr*cosr xorp=xor+xc-ys yorp=yor+xs+yc ! ! To calculate the absolute coordinates of the model interior ! points that may need updating. ! ! Attention: ! ! here we assume that in x direction the interior points start ! at i=2 and finish at i=nx1-1. The boundaries are at i=1 and nx1. ! Similarly in y direction, the boundaries are at j=1 and ny1. ! If in a particular solver (model), the boundaries for certain ! variables are defined at points other the above, the use needs to ! change the following loop accordingly (i.e. change ist, jst, iend ! and jend). As a result, the part in routine ITPBSL that calculates ! the points for boundary value interpolations also need change. ! ist=2 jst=2 iend=nx1-1 jend=ny1-1 DO j=jst,jend jj=(j-jst)*(iend-ist+1) DO i=ist,iend ii = jj+i-ist+1 x = (i-1)*dxr y = (j-1)*dyr ptsrec(1,ii) = xorp+x*cosr-y*sinr ptsrec(2,ii) = yorp+x*sinr+y*cosr irec (1,ii) = i irec (2,ii) = j END DO END DO numpts=(iend-ist+1)*(jend-jst+1) ! ! Find the source points for receive grid points ptsrec ! ierfl=0 iptcmp=1 CALL getsrc(mrec,msrcs,numscs,xshift,yshift,ptsrec,numpts, & irec,igsrc,ierfl,iptcmp) ! ! if no point can be updated from listed source grids, skip through ! this loop ! IF(numpts == 0) THEN WRITE(6,'(''NO SRC. POINT FOUND FOR'',I2,''-d variable(s)'')')ndim WRITE(6,'(20i4)') iupvar RETURN END IF ! ! Loop through all source grids ! DO ks=1,numscs msrc=msrcs(ks) ! ! sort rec. grid points according to their source grid ! npts=0 DO np=1,numpts IF(igsrc(np) == msrc) THEN npts=npts+1 pts(1,npts)=ptsrec(1,np) pts(2,npts)=ptsrec(2,np) irecp(1,npts)=irec(1,np) irecp(2,npts)=irec(2,np) END IF END DO IF(npts == 0) CYCLE nxr=node(5,mrec) nyr=node(6,mrec) nzr=node(14,mrec) nxs=node(5,msrc) nys=node(6,msrc) nzs=node(14,msrc) ! ! Calculate weights of interpolation for points pts. ! CALL calwht(mrec,msrc,pts,isrc,whts,npts,nwhts,ivar,ndim) ! print*,'after calling calwht' ! do 1111 ii=1,npts ! write(6,'(5i5,10f10.5)') ii,irecp(1,ii),irecp(2,ii), ! : isrc(1,ii),isrc(2,ii),(whts(jj,ii),jj=1,nw1*nw2) !1111 continue ! ! update variables in list iupvar ! DO i=1,nupvar ivar=iupvar(i) IF(ndim == 2) THEN n3rd=1 irptr=igtnxy(mrec,ivar,1) isptr=igtnxy(msrc,ivar,1) ELSE n3rd=nzs irptr=igtxyz(mrec,ivar,1) isptr=igtxyz(msrc,ivar,1) END IF needsp =nxs*nys*n3rd iavrg=igetsp(needsp) CALL hrzavg(a(iavrg),a(isptr),nxs,nys,n3rd) CALL intrps(a(irptr),a(iavrg),nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,n3rd, & irecp,isrc,whts,npts,nw1,nw2) IF(ndim == 2) THEN CALL retnxy(mrec,ivar,1,irptr,.true.) CALL retnxy(msrc,ivar,1,isptr,.false.) ELSE CALL retxyz(mrec,ivar,1,irptr,.true.) CALL retxyz(msrc,ivar,1,isptr,.false.) END IF CALL reclam(iavrg,nxs*nys*n3rd) END DO ! END DO 500 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE itpscl ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE intrps(varrec,varsrc,nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,nz, & 5 irec,isrc,whts,numpts,nw1,nw2) DIMENSION varrec(nxr,nyr,nz),varsrc(nxs,nys,nz), & irec(2,numpts),isrc(2,numpts),whts(nw1,nw2,numpts) ! itest = 0 IF(itest == 1) THEN WRITE(6,'('' DATA DUMP IN INTRPS '',8I6)') & nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,nz,numpts,nw1,nw2 DO ip=1,20 WRITE(7,1114) irec(1,ip),irec(2,ip),isrc(1,ip),isrc(2,ip), & whts(1,1,ip),whts(2,1,ip),whts(1,2,ip),whts(2,2,ip) END DO 1114 FORMAT(1X,4I7,4E10.3) END IF IF(nw1 == 2.AND.nw2 == 2) THEN ! ! The interpolation calculations are all independent of each other, ! they can be vecotrized in inner loop and parellelized in outer loop. ! nzswap=2 ! ! if nz if small, swap the loop order ! IF(nz <= nzswap)THEN !fpp$ nodepchk DO ks=1,nz !DIR$ IVDEP DO np=1,numpts ir = irec(1,np) jr = irec(2,np) is = isrc(1,np) js = isrc(2,np) varrec(ir,jr,ks)=varsrc(is,js,ks)*whts(1,1,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js,ks)*whts(2,1,np) & +varsrc(is,js+1,ks)*whts(1,2,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js+1,ks)*whts(2,2,np) END DO END DO ELSE !fpp$ nodepchk DO np=1,numpts ir = irec(1,np) jr = irec(2,np) is = isrc(1,np) js = isrc(2,np) !DIR$ IVDEP DO ks=1,nz varrec(ir,jr,ks)=varsrc(is,js,ks)*whts(1,1,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js,ks)*whts(2,1,np) & +varsrc(is,js+1,ks)*whts(1,2,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js+1,ks)*whts(2,2,np) END DO END DO END IF ELSE IF(nz <= nzswap)THEN !fpp$ nodepchk DO ks=1,nz !DIR$ IVDEP DO np=1,numpts ir = irec(1,np) jr = irec(2,np) is = isrc(1,np) js = isrc(2,np) varrec(ir,jr,ks)= & varsrc(is-1,js-1,ks)*whts(1,1,np) & +varsrc(is ,js-1,ks)*whts(2,1,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js-1,ks)*whts(3,1,np) & +varsrc(is-1,js ,ks)*whts(1,2,np) & +varsrc(is ,js ,ks)*whts(2,2,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js ,ks)*whts(3,2,np) & +varsrc(is-1,js+1,ks)*whts(1,3,np) & +varsrc(is ,js+1,ks)*whts(2,3,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js+1,ks)*whts(3,3,np) END DO END DO ELSE !fpp$ nodepchk DO np=1,numpts ir = irec(1,np) jr = irec(2,np) is = isrc(1,np) js = isrc(2,np) !DIR$ IVDEP DO ks=1,nz varrec(ir,jr,ks)= & varsrc(is-1,js-1,ks)*whts(1,1,np) & +varsrc(is ,js-1,ks)*whts(2,1,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js-1,ks)*whts(3,1,np) & +varsrc(is-1,js ,ks)*whts(1,2,np) & +varsrc(is ,js ,ks)*whts(2,2,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js ,ks)*whts(3,2,np) & +varsrc(is-1,js+1,ks)*whts(1,3,np) & +varsrc(is ,js+1,ks)*whts(2,3,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js+1,ks)*whts(3,3,np) END DO END DO END IF END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE intrps ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE itpvtr(mrec,msrcs,numscs,ptsrec, & 2,13 irec,isrc,igsrc,whts,pts,irecp,mxpts,nwhts, & iupvar,nupvar,ndim) ! DIMENSION msrcs(numscs),ptsrec(2,mxpts,2),irec(2,mxpts,2), & isrc(2,mxpts,2),igsrc(mxpts,2),whts(nwhts,mxpts,2), & pts(2,mxpts,2),irecp(2,mxpts,2),iupvar(nupvar), & numpts(2),npts(2) INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' LOGICAL :: samstg,smstg2 nw1=nint( SQRT(FLOAT(nwhts)) ) nw2=nw1 ! IF(nupvar == 0) RETURN nxr=node(5,mrec) nyr=node(6,mrec) nzr=node(14,mrec) cosr=rnode(21,mrec) sinr=rnode(22,mrec) dxr=rnode(9 ,mrec) dyr=rnode(10,mrec) xor=rnode(1,mrec) yor=rnode(2,mrec) ! CALL chkdim(ndim,'ITPVTR') ! ! To loop through all vectors, which has two components stored consecutively ! in nupvar. The 1st compt. has to be the one in x direction. ! DO ivtr=1,nupvar,2 ivar1=iupvar(ivtr) ivar2=iupvar(ivtr+1) samstg=smstg2(ivar1,ivar2,ndim) IF(ndim == 2) THEN xshft = MAX( stgxy(1,ivar1),stgxy(1,ivar2) ) yshft = MAX( stgxy(2,ivar1),stgxy(2,ivar2) ) ELSE IF(ndim == 3)THEN xshft = MAX( stgxyz(1,ivar1),stgxyz(1,ivar2) ) yshft = MAX( stgxyz(2,ivar1),stgxyz(2,ivar2) ) END IF ! ! Find the points on rec. grid for both compnts. and the source grid for ! them.If the two compnts have the samew staggering, they have the ! same coordinate points and the source grid, therefore those for the ! 2nd compnt. do not need to be recalculated. ! DO icmpr=1,2 ! ! icmpr=1 for the 1st component of vectors ! =2 for the 2nd component of vectors ! IF(icmpr == 2.AND.samstg)THEN numpts(2)=numpts(1) DO ip=1,numpts(2) ptsrec(1,ip,2)=ptsrec(1,ip,1) ptsrec(2,ip,2)=ptsrec(2,ip,1) irec(1,ip,2)=irec(1,ip,1) irec(2,ip,2)=irec(2,ip,1) igsrc(ip,2)=igsrc(ip,1) END DO CYCLE END IF ivar=iupvar(ivtr+icmpr-1) IF(ndim == 2) THEN xshift=stgxy(1,ivar) yshift=stgxy(2,ivar) nx1=nxr-idmxy(1,ivar) ny1=nyr-idmxy(2,ivar) ELSE IF(ndim == 3)THEN xshift=stgxyz(1,ivar) yshift=stgxyz(2,ivar) nx1=nxr-idmxyz(1,ivar) ny1=nyr-idmxyz(2,ivar) END IF xc=xshift*dxr*cosr ys=yshift*dyr*sinr xs=xshift*dxr*sinr yc=yshift*dyr*cosr xorp=xor+xc-ys yorp=yor+xs+yc ! ! The following loop calculates the absolute coordinates of the model ! interior points that may need updating. ! ! Attention: ! ! here we assume that in x direction the interior points start ! at i=2 and finish at i=nx1-1. The boundaries are at i=1 and nx1. ! Similarly in y direction, the boundaries are at j=1 and ny1. ! If in a particular solver (model), the boundaries for certain ! variables are defined at points other the above, the use needs to ! change the following loop accordingly (i.e. change ist, jst, iend ! and jend). As a result, the part in routine ITPBVT that calculates ! the points for boundary value interpolations also need change. ! ist=2 jst=2 iend=nx1-1 jend=ny1-1 DO j=jst,jend jj=(j-jst)*(iend-ist+1) DO i=ist,iend ii=jj+i-ist+1 x=(i-1)*dxr y=(j-1)*dyr ptsrec(1,ii,icmpr) = xorp+x*cosr-y*sinr ptsrec(2,ii,icmpr) = yorp+x*sinr+y*cosr irec (1,ii,icmpr) = i irec (2,ii,icmpr) = j END DO END DO numpts(icmpr)=(iend-ist+1)*(jend-jst+1) 16 CONTINUE ! ! Find the source grid for receive grid points ptsrec ! ierfl=0 iptcmp=1 CALL getsrc(mrec,msrcs,numscs,xshft,yshft,ptsrec(1,1,icmpr), & numpts(icmpr),irec(1,1,icmpr),igsrc(1,icmpr),ierfl,iptcmp) END DO ! ! if no point can be updated from listed source grids, skip through ! this loop ! IF(numpts(1) == 0.AND.numpts(2) == 0) THEN WRITE(6,'(''NO SRC. POINT FOUND FOR'',I2, & & ''-d vector no. '', 2I6)')ndim,iupvar(ivtr),iupvar(ivtr+1) CYCLE END IF ! ! find storage pointers for the receive grid variables (2 compnts of vector). ! uppack them if neccesary. ! IF(ndim == 2) THEN irptr1=igtnxy(mrec,ivar1,1) irptr2=igtnxy(mrec,ivar2,1) ELSE irptr1=igtxyz(mrec,ivar1,1) irptr2=igtxyz(mrec,ivar2,1) END IF ! ! Loop through all source grids ! DO ks=1,numscs msrc=msrcs(ks) nxs=node(5,msrc) nys=node(6,msrc) nzs=node(14,msrc) coss=rnode(21,msrc) sins=rnode(22,msrc) cossr= coss*cosr+sins*sinr sinsr= coss*sinr-sins*cosr DO icmps=1,2 DO icmpr=1,2 IF(icmpr == 2.AND.samstg)THEN npts(2)=npts(1) DO ip=1,npts(2) pts (1,ip,2)=pts (1,ip,1) pts (2,ip,2)=pts (2,ip,1) isrc (1,ip,2)=isrc (1,ip,1) isrc (2,ip,2)=isrc (2,ip,1) irecp(1,ip,2)=irecp(1,ip,1) irecp(2,ip,2)=irecp(2,ip,1) END DO DO iw=1,nwhts DO ip=1,npts(2) whts(iw,ip,2)=whts(iw,ip,1) END DO END DO PRINT*,'irecp, isrc, whts with icmps=:',icmps CYCLE END IF ! ! sort rec. grid points according to their source grid ! npt=0 DO np=1,numpts(icmpr) IF(igsrc(np,icmpr) == msrc) THEN npt=npt+1 pts(1,npt,icmpr)=ptsrec(1,np,icmpr) pts(2,npt,icmpr)=ptsrec(2,np,icmpr) irecp(1,npt,icmpr)=irec(1,np,icmpr) irecp(2,npt,icmpr)=irec(2,np,icmpr) END IF END DO npts(icmpr)=npt IF(npts(icmpr) == 0) CYCLE ! ! Calculate weights of interpolation for points pts. ! ivsrc=iupvar(ivtr+icmps-1) CALL calwht(mrec,msrc,pts(1,1,icmpr),isrc(1,1,icmpr), & whts(1,1,icmpr),npts(icmpr),nwhts,ivsrc,ndim) END DO IF(npts(1) == 0.AND.npts(2) == 0) CYCLE ! ! find pointer for one of the components (icmps) of the source grid ! vector. If it is packed, do uppacking for this variable. ! ivsrc=iupvar(ivtr+icmps-1) IF(ndim == 2) THEN n3rd=1 isptr=igtnxy(msrc,ivsrc,1) ELSE n3rd=nzs isptr=igtxyz(msrc,ivsrc,1) END IF needsp = nxs*nys*n3rd iavrg=igetsp(needsp) CALL hrzavg(a(iavrg),a(isptr),nxs,nys,n3rd) IF(icmps == 1)THEN proj1=cossr proj2=-sinsr ELSE proj1=sinsr proj2=cossr END IF icmpr=1 IF(npts(icmpr) /= 0) THEN CALL intrpv(a(irptr1),a(iavrg),nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,n3rd, & irecp(1,1,icmpr),isrc(1,1,icmpr),whts(1,1,icmpr), & npts(icmpr),nw1,nw2,icmps,proj1) END IF icmpr=2 IF(npts(icmpr) /= 0) THEN CALL intrpv(a(irptr2),a(iavrg),nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,n3rd, & irecp(1,1,icmpr),isrc(1,1,icmpr),whts(1,1,icmpr), & npts(icmpr),nw1,nw2,icmps,proj2) END IF CALL reclam(iavrg,nxs*nys*n3rd) IF(ndim == 2) THEN CALL retnxy(msrc,ivsrc,1,isptr,.false.) ELSE CALL retxyz(msrc,ivsrc,1,isptr,.false.) END IF END DO ! END DO IF(ndim == 2) THEN CALL retnxy(mrec,ivar1,1,irptr1,.true.) CALL retnxy(mrec,ivar2,1,irptr2,.true.) ELSE CALL retxyz(mrec,ivar1,1,irptr1,.true.) CALL retxyz(mrec,ivar2,1,irptr2,.true.) END IF END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE itpvtr ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE intrpv(varrec,varsrc,nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,nz, & 6 irec,isrc,whts,numpts,nw1,nw2,mode,proj) DIMENSION varrec(nxr,nyr,nz),varsrc(nxs,nys,nz), & irec(2,numpts),isrc(2,numpts),whts(nw1,nw2,numpts) ! itest = 0 IF(itest == 1) THEN WRITE(6,'('' DATA DUMP IN INTRPV '',8I6)') & nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,nz,numpts,nw1,nw2 DO ip=1,20 WRITE(7,1114) irec(1,ip),irec(2,ip),isrc(1,ip),isrc(2,ip), & whts(1,1,ip),whts(2,1,ip),whts(1,2,ip),whts(2,2,ip) END DO 1114 FORMAT(1X,4I7,4E10.3) END IF iaccum=0 IF(mode == 2) iaccum=1 IF(nw1 == 2.AND.nw2 == 2) THEN ! ! The interpolation calculations are all independent of each other, ! they can be vecotrized in inner loop and parellelized in outer loop. ! nzswap=2 ! ! if nz if small, swap the loop order ! IF(nz <= nzswap)THEN !fpp$ nodepchk DO ks=1,nz !DIR$ IVDEP DO np=1,numpts ir = irec(1,np) jr = irec(2,np) is = isrc(1,np) js = isrc(2,np) varrec(ir,jr,ks)=varrec(ir,jr,ks)*iaccum & +(varsrc(is,js,ks)*whts(1,1,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js,ks)*whts(2,1,np) & +varsrc(is,js+1,ks)*whts(1,2,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js+1,ks)*whts(2,2,np))*proj END DO END DO ELSE !fpp$ nodepchk DO np=1,numpts ir = irec(1,np) jr = irec(2,np) is = isrc(1,np) js = isrc(2,np) !DIR$ IVDEP DO ks=1,nz varrec(ir,jr,ks)=varrec(ir,jr,ks)*iaccum & +(varsrc(is,js,ks)*whts(1,1,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js,ks)*whts(2,1,np) & +varsrc(is,js+1,ks)*whts(1,2,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js+1,ks)*whts(2,2,np))*proj END DO END DO END IF ELSE IF(nz <= nzswap)THEN !fpp$ nodepchk DO ks=1,nz !DIR$ IVDEP DO np=1,numpts ir = irec(1,np) jr = irec(2,np) is = isrc(1,np) js = isrc(2,np) varrec(ir,jr,ks)=varrec(ir,jr,ks)*iaccum & +(varsrc(is-1,js-1,ks)*whts(1,1,np) & +varsrc(is ,js-1,ks)*whts(2,1,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js-1,ks)*whts(3,1,np) & +varsrc(is-1,js ,ks)*whts(1,2,np) & +varsrc(is ,js ,ks)*whts(2,2,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js ,ks)*whts(3,2,np) & +varsrc(is-1,js+1,ks)*whts(1,3,np) & +varsrc(is ,js+1,ks)*whts(2,3,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js+1,ks)*whts(3,3,np))*proj END DO END DO ELSE !fpp$ nodepchk DO np=1,numpts ir = irec(1,np) jr = irec(2,np) is = isrc(1,np) js = isrc(2,np) !DIR$ IVDEP DO ks=1,nz varrec(ir,jr,ks)=varrec(ir,jr,ks)*iaccum & +(varsrc(is-1,js-1,ks)*whts(1,1,np) & +varsrc(is ,js-1,ks)*whts(2,1,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js-1,ks)*whts(3,1,np) & +varsrc(is-1,js ,ks)*whts(1,2,np) & +varsrc(is ,js ,ks)*whts(2,2,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js ,ks)*whts(3,2,np) & +varsrc(is-1,js+1,ks)*whts(1,3,np) & +varsrc(is ,js+1,ks)*whts(2,3,np) & +varsrc(is+1,js+1,ks)*whts(3,3,np))*proj END DO END DO END IF END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE intrpv ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE getsrc(mrec,msrcs,numscs,xshift,yshift,ptsrec,numpts, & 9 irec,igsrc,ierfl,iptcmp) DIMENSION msrcs(numscs),ptsrec(2,numpts),irec(2,numpts), & igsrc(numpts) ! INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' levelr = node(4,mrec) ! DO i=1,numpts igsrc(i)=0 END DO ! DO lvlchk=levelr-1,levelr+1 ! IF(lvlchk == 0) CYCLE DO ig=1,numscs msrc=msrcs(ig) IF(node(4,msrc) /= lvlchk) CYCLE ! ! now find points with msrc as source ! dx = rnode(9,msrc) dy = rnode(10,msrc) hx=2*hxposs(lvlchk)+xshift*dx hy=2*hyposs(lvlchk)+yshift*dy t1=rnode(16,msrc)-hx t2=rnode(17,msrc)+hx t3=rnode(18,msrc)-hy t4=rnode(19,msrc)+hy DO i=1,numpts ex1=ptsrec(1,i)*rnode(12,msrc)+ptsrec(2,i)*rnode(13,msrc) ex2=ptsrec(1,i)*rnode(14,msrc)+ptsrec(2,i)*rnode(15,msrc) IF((t1-ex1 >= 0).AND.(ex1-t2 >= 0).AND. & (t3-ex2 >= 0).AND.(ex2-t4 >= 0)) igsrc(i)=msrc END DO END DO END DO ! ! next check if source has been found for all points ! ierfl0=ierfl IF(ierfl == 1) THEN ierfl=0 DO i=1,numpts IF(igsrc(i) == 0) ierfl=ierfl+1 END DO IF(ierfl > 0) THEN ! ! some points do not have a source, problems here ! WRITE(6,'('' IN SOURCE, POINTS LACKING SOURCE, GRID '',i4)') mrec WRITE(6,'('' POSSIBLE SOURCE GRIDS '',10I4)')(msrcs(i),i=1,numscs) DO i=1,numpts IF(igsrc(i) == 0) WRITE(6,240) ptsrec(1,i),ptsrec(2,i) END DO 240 FORMAT(' point ',2(1X,e12.5)) ierfl=1 END IF END IF ! ! finally, return only those points that have source ! IF(ierfl0 == 1.AND.ierfl == 0) RETURN IF(iptcmp == 1) THEN ist=0 DO i=1,numpts IF(igsrc(i) /= 0)THEN ist=ist+1 igsrc(ist)=igsrc(i) ptsrec(1,ist)=ptsrec(1,i) ptsrec(2,ist)=ptsrec(2,i) irec(1,ist)=irec(1,i) irec(2,ist)=irec(2,i) END IF END DO numpts=ist 310 CONTINUE END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE getsrc ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE calwht(mrec,msrc,points,isrc,whts,numpts,nwhts, & 8 ivar,ndim) DIMENSION points(2,numpts),whts(nwhts,numpts),isrc(2,numpts) ! ! this routine calculates the weights for the interpolation ! of mass points or vertical velocity (stuff that doesn't need ! any rotation from grid msrc to grid mrec ! ! if nw = 4 bilinear interp., = 9 bi-quadratic ! INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' fq(xp,x1,x2,x3,x4)=(xp-x2)*(xp-x3)/ & ((x1-x2)*(x1-x3))+x4 fl(xp,x1,x2)=(xp-x2)/(x1-x2) ! cosc = rnode( 21,msrc) sinc = rnode( 22,msrc) dxc = rnode(9,msrc) dyc = rnode(10,msrc) odxc = 1./dxc odyc = 1./dyc xor = rnode(1,msrc) yor = rnode(2,msrc) ! IF(ndim == 2) THEN xshift=stgxy(1,ivar) yshift=stgxy(2,ivar) ELSE xshift=stgxyz(1,ivar) yshift=stgxyz(2,ivar) END IF xc=xshift*dxc*cosc ys=yshift*dyc*sinc xs=xshift*dxc*sinc yc=yshift*dyc*cosc xorp=xor+xc-ys yorp=yor+xs+yc DO i=1,numpts x=points(1,i) y=points(2,i) points(1,i)=1+( cosc*(x-xorp)+sinc*(y-yorp))*odxc points(2,i)=1+(-sinc*(x-xorp)+cosc*(y-yorp))*odyc END DO ! ! next, calculate weights for the interpolation ! IF(nwhts == 9) THEN alpha=0. alpha2=0. DO i=1,numpts xp=points(1,i)-FLOAT( nint(points(1,i)) ) yp=points(2,i)-FLOAT( nint(points(2,i)) ) tempy1=fq(yp,-1.,0.,1.,alpha) tempy2=fq(yp,0.,-1.,1.,alpha2) tempy3=fq(yp,1.,-1.,0.,alpha) tempx1=fq(xp,-1.,0.,1.,alpha) tempx2=fq(xp,0.,-1.,1.,alpha2) tempx3=fq(xp,1.,-1.,0.,alpha) whts(1,i)=tempy1*tempx1 whts(2,i)=tempy1*tempx2 whts(3,i)=tempy1*tempx3 whts(4,i)=tempy2*tempx1 whts(5,i)=tempy2*tempx2 whts(6,i)=tempy2*tempx3 whts(7,i)=tempy3*tempx1 whts(8,i)=tempy3*tempx2 whts(9,i)=tempy3*tempx3 isrc(1,i)=nint(points(1,i)) isrc(2,i)=nint(points(2,i)) END DO ELSE DO i=1,numpts xp=points(1,i)-FLOAT( INT(points(1,i)) ) yp=points(2,i)-FLOAT( INT(points(2,i)) ) tempy1=fl(yp,0.,1.) tempy2=fl(yp,1.,0.) tempx1=fl(xp,0.,1.) tempx2=fl(xp,1.,0.) whts(1,i)=tempy1*tempx1 whts(2,i)=tempy1*tempx2 whts(3,i)=tempy2*tempx1 whts(4,i)=tempy2*tempx2 isrc(1,i)=INT(points(1,i)) isrc(2,i)=INT(points(2,i)) END DO END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE calwht ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE hrzavg(vout,vin,nx,ny,nz) 2 ! ! Perform horizontal plane average over nine points. ! DIMENSION vout(nx,ny,nz),vin(nx,ny,nz) a19 = 1.0/9.0 DO k=1,nz DO j=2,ny-1 DO i=2,nx-1 vout(i,j,k)=(vin(i,j,k)+vin(i-1,j,k)+vin(i+1,j,k) & +vin(i,j-1,k)+vin(i,j+1,k)+vin(i+1,j+1,k) & +vin(i+1,j-1,k)+vin(i-1,j+1,k)+vin(i-1,j-1,k))*a19 END DO END DO END DO DO k=1,nz DO j=1,ny vout(1 ,j,k)=vin(1, j,k) vout(nx,j,k)=vin(nx,j,k) END DO DO i=1,nx vout(i,1 ,k)=vin(i,1 ,k) vout(i,ny,k)=vin(i,ny,k) END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE hrzavg FUNCTION smstg2(ivar1,ivar2, ndim),1 INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' LOGICAL :: smstg2 smstg2=.false. eps=1.0E-6 CALL chkdim(ndim,'SMSTG2') IF(ndim == 2) THEN IF(ABS(stgxy (1,ivar1)-stgxy (1,ivar2 )) < eps .AND. & ABS(stgxy (2,ivar1)-stgxy (2,ivar2)) < eps) smstg2=.true. ELSE IF(ABS(stgxyz(1,ivar1)-stgxyz(1,ivar2 )) < eps .AND. & ABS(stgxyz(2,ivar1)-stgxyz(2,ivar2)) < eps) smstg2=.true. END IF RETURN END FUNCTION smstg2 FUNCTION smstg3(ivar1,ivar2, ndim),1 INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' LOGICAL :: smstg3 smstg3=.false. eps=1.0E-6 CALL chkdim(ndim,'SMSTG3') IF(ndim == 2) THEN IF(ABS(stgxy (1,ivar1)-stgxy (1,ivar2)) < eps.AND. & ABS(stgxy (2,ivar1)-stgxy (2,ivar2)) < eps) smstg3=.true. ELSE IF(ABS(stgxyz(1,ivar1)-stgxyz(1,ivar2)) < eps.AND. & ABS(stgxyz(2,ivar1)-stgxyz(2,ivar2)) < eps.AND. & ABS(stgxyz(3,ivar1)-stgxyz(3,ivar2)) < eps) smstg3=.true. END IF RETURN END FUNCTION smstg3 ! SUBROUTINE addcst(mptr,ndim,ivar,cst),3 ! ! to add a constant CST to ndim-D variable IVAR for grid MPTR. ! INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' nx=node(5,mptr) ny=node(6,mptr) CALL chkdim(ndim,'GTRCRD') IF(ndim == 2) THEN nz=1 iptr=igtnxy(mptr,ivar,1) ELSE nz=node(14,mptr) iptr=igtxyz(mptr,ivar,1) END IF DO ijk=1,nx*ny*nz a(ijk-1+iptr)=a(ijk-1+iptr)+cst END DO IF(ndim == 2) THEN CALL retnxy(mptr,ivar,1,iptr,.true.) ELSE CALL retxyz(mptr,ivar,1,iptr,.true.) END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE addcst