! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE inivar(mrec,msrc,lisvar,nvar,ndim) 4,5 ! INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' INCLUDE 'agricst.inc' INTEGER :: lisvar(nvar) LOGICAL :: smstg2 ! ! interp all variables in lisvar(1-->nvar) for grid mrec from ! grid msrc. ndim is the dimension of the variables (either 2d or 3d) ! IF( intrpodr == 2 ) THEN nwhts=9 ELSE nwhts=4 END IF IF(nvar <= 0) THEN WRITE(6,'('' WARNING: NO VARIABLE WAS INITIALIZED IN INIVAR '', & & '' since nvar='',i4)') nvar RETURN END IF ldiff = ABS(node(4,mrec)-node(4,msrc)) IF(ldiff > 1)THEN WRITE(6,'('' WARNING: RECEIVE AND SOURCE GRIDS DIFFER'', & & '' in level by'',i4,'', it should be =< 1 '')') ldiff RETURN END IF CALL chkdim(ndim,'INIVAR') nx=node(5,mrec) ny=node(6,mrec) ! ! check if the variable is a vector ! nchk=0 IF(ndim == 2)THEN DO ivar=1,nvar IF (inixy(2,lisvar(ivar)) /= 0) nchk=nchk+1 END DO ELSE DO ivar=1,nvar IF (inixyz(2,lisvar(ivar)) /= 0) nchk=nchk+1 END DO END IF IF(nchk /= 0) THEN IF(nchk == nvar)GO TO 5000 WRITE(6,'('' ERROR: THERE WAS A MIXTURE OF SCALARS AND'')') WRITE(6,'('' VECTORS PASSED INTO INIVAR IN ARRAY'', & & '' lisvar, the list were:'')') WRITE(6,'(10x,2i10)') (i,lisvar(i),i=1,nvar) WRITE(6,'('' JOB STOPPED IN INIVAR!'')') STOP END IF ! ! if they are scalars, check if they have the same staggering ! if not, abort the job. ! nchk=0 IF(ndim == 2)THEN DO i=2,nvar ivar=lisvar(i) IF(.NOT.smstg2(ivar,lisvar(1),2)) nchk=nchk+1 END DO ELSE DO i=2,nvar ivar=lisvar(i) IF(.NOT.smstg2(ivar,lisvar(1),3)) nchk=nchk+1 END DO END IF IF(nchk /= 0)THEN WRITE(6,'('' ERROR: LIST OF SCALARS DO NOT HAVE SAME '', & & ''staggering, job stopped in inivar.'')') STOP END IF ! ! perform interpolations for scalars listed in lisvar(nvar). ! mxpts=nx*ny iptr1=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr2=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr3=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr4=igetsp( mxpts) iptr5=igetsp(nwhts*mxpts) iptr6=igetsp(2*mxpts) ! CALL itpnsl(mrec,msrc,lisvar,nvar,ndim, & a(iptr1),a(iptr2),a(iptr3), & a(iptr4),a(iptr5),a(iptr6),mxpts,nwhts) ! CALL resett GO TO 999 ! 5000 CONTINUE ! ! if in lisvar are vectors, make sure the matching components ! are stored consecutively. ! DO i=1,nvar-1,2 IF(ndim == 2)THEN IF(lisvar(i+1) /= ABS(inixy (2,lisvar(i)))) GO TO 991 ELSE IF(lisvar(i+1) /= ABS(inixyz(2,lisvar(i)))) GO TO 991 END IF END DO ! ! Interpolate vectors from source grid MSRC to receive grid MREC. ! mxpts=nx*ny iptr1=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr2=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr3=igetsp(4*mxpts) iptr4=igetsp(2*mxpts) iptr5=igetsp(2*nwhts*mxpts) iptr6=igetsp(4*mxpts) ! DO i=1,nvar-1,2 ivar1=lisvar(i) ivar2=lisvar(i+1) ! ! perform interpolations for a vector (ivar1, ivar2). ! Note that ivar1 must the component paralell to the x axis. ! CALL itpnvt(mrec,msrc,ivar1,ivar2,ndim, & a(iptr1),a(iptr2),a(iptr3),a(iptr4),a(iptr5), & a(iptr6),mxpts,nwhts) END DO ! CALL resett 999 RETURN ! 991 WRITE(6,'('' ERROR: IMPROPER LIST OF VECTOR COMPONENTS '', & & ''given in array lisvar, they were:'')') WRITE(6,'(5x,3i10)')(i,lisvar(i),lisvar(i+1),i=1,nvar-1,2) WRITE(6,'('' JOB STOPPED IN INIVAR'')') STOP END SUBROUTINE inivar ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE itpnsl(mrec,msrc,lisvar,nvar,ndim, & 1,8 pts,irec,isrc,igsrc,whts,pts1,mxpts,nwhts) ! DIMENSION pts(2,mxpts),irec(2,mxpts),isrc(2,mxpts), & igsrc(mxpts),whts(nwhts,mxpts),pts1(2,mxpts), & lisvar(nvar) INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' INCLUDE 'agricst.inc' nw1=nint( SQRT(FLOAT(nwhts)) ) nw2=nw1 ! IF(nvar == 0) RETURN CALL chkdim(ndim,'INTNSL') nxr=node(5,mrec) nyr=node(6,mrec) nzr=node(14,mrec) nxs=node(5,msrc) nys=node(6,msrc) nzs=node(14,msrc) cosr=rnode(21,mrec) sinr=rnode(22,mrec) dxr=rnode(9 ,mrec) dyr=rnode(10,mrec) xor=rnode(1,mrec) yor=rnode(2,mrec) ivar=lisvar(1) IF(ndim == 2) THEN xshift=stgxy (1,ivar) yshift=stgxy (2,ivar) nx1=nxr-idmxy (1,ivar) ny1=nyr-idmxy (2,ivar) ELSE IF(ndim == 3)THEN xshift=stgxyz(1,ivar) yshift=stgxyz(2,ivar) nx1=nxr-idmxyz(1,ivar) ny1=nyr-idmxyz(2,ivar) END IF xc=xshift*dxr*cosr ys=yshift*dyr*sinr xs=xshift*dxr*sinr yc=yshift*dyr*cosr xorp=xor+xc-ys yorp=yor+xs+yc ! ! To calculate the absolute coordinates of all grid points including ! boundary and interior. ! ist=1 jst=1 iend=nx1 jend=ny1 DO j=jst,jend jj=(j-jst)*(iend-ist+1) DO i=ist,iend ii=jj+i-ist+1 x=(i-1)*dxr y=(j-1)*dyr pts (1,ii) = xorp+x*cosr-y*sinr pts (2,ii) = yorp+x*sinr+y*cosr irec(1,ii) = i irec(2,ii) = j END DO END DO numpts=(iend-ist+1)*(jend-jst+1) npts0=numpts ! ! Find the source points for receive grid points pts ! ierfl=0 iptcmp=1 CALL getsrc(mrec,msrc, 1 ,xshift,yshift,pts,numpts, & irec,igsrc,ierfl,iptcmp) ! IF( numpts /= npts0 ) THEN WRITE(6,'(a,i5,a,i5,a,i5)') & ' In INTNSL, ' ,npts0-numpts, ' points on grid ',mrec, & ' got no source from source grid ',msrc WRITE(6,'(a,i1,a,i5)') & ' It was for ',ndim,'-D scalar No. ',ivar END IF ! ! Calculate weights of interpolation for points pts. ! DO ip=1,numpts pts1(1,ip)=pts(1,ip) pts1(2,ip)=pts(2,ip) END DO CALL calwht(mrec,msrc,pts1,isrc,whts,numpts,nwhts,ivar,ndim) ! ! Interpolate for variables in list lisvar from source grid MSRC ! to receive grid MREC. ! DO i=1,nvar ivar=lisvar(i) IF(ndim == 2) THEN n3rd=1 irptr=igtnxy(mrec,ivar,1) isptr=igtnxy(msrc,ivar,1) ELSE n3rd=nzs irptr=igtxyz(mrec,ivar,1) isptr=igtxyz(msrc,ivar,1) END IF CALL intrps(a(irptr),a(isptr),nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,n3rd, & irec,isrc,whts,numpts,nw1,nw2) IF(ndim == 2) THEN CALL retnxy(mrec,ivar,1,irptr,.true.) CALL retnxy(msrc,ivar,1,isptr,.false.) ELSE CALL retxyz(mrec,ivar,1,irptr,.true.) CALL retxyz(msrc,ivar,1,isptr,.false.) END IF END DO ! 500 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE itpnsl ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE itpnvt(mrec,msrc,ivar1a,ivar2a,ndim, & 1,11 pts,irec,isrc,igsrc,whts,pts1,mxpts,nwhts) ! DIMENSION pts(2,mxpts,2),irec(2,mxpts,2),isrc(2,mxpts,2), & igsrc(mxpts,2),whts(nwhts,mxpts,2),numpts(2),pts1(2,mxpts,2) DIMENSION lisvar(2) INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' INCLUDE 'agricst.inc' LOGICAL :: samstg,smstg2 nw1=nint( SQRT(FLOAT(nwhts)) ) nw2=nw1 ! CALL chkdim(ndim,'INTNVT') ! nxr=node(5,mrec) nyr=node(6,mrec) nzr=node(14,mrec) cosr=rnode(21,mrec) sinr=rnode(22,mrec) dxr=rnode(9 ,mrec) dyr=rnode(10,mrec) xor=rnode(1,mrec) yor=rnode(2,mrec) nxs=node(5,msrc) nys=node(6,msrc) nzs=node(14,msrc) coss=rnode(21,msrc) sins=rnode(22,msrc) cossr= coss*cosr+sins*sinr sinsr= coss*sinr-sins*cosr IF(ndim == 2)THEN i1= inixy (2,ivar1a) i2= inixy (2,ivar2a) ELSE i1= inixyz(2,ivar1a) i2= inixyz(2,ivar2a) END IF IF(i1*i2 >= 0) GO TO 991 IF(i1 > 0.AND.i2 < 0) THEN ivar1 = ivar1a ivar2 = ivar2a END IF IF(i1 < 0.AND.i2 > 0)THEN WRITE(6,'('' WARNING: THE ORDER OF TWO COMPONENTS OF VACTOR'' & & ,'' passed into intbvt incorrect!'')') WRITE(6,'('' THEIR ORDER IS CHANGED'')') ivar1 = ivar2a ivar2 = ivar1a END IF lisvar(1)=ivar1 lisvar(2)=ivar2 ! ! check to see if the two components of the vector have same staggering ! samstg=smstg2(ivar1,ivar2,ndim) IF(ndim == 2) THEN xshft = MAX( stgxy(1,ivar1),stgxy(1,ivar2) ) yshft = MAX( stgxy(2,ivar1),stgxy(2,ivar2) ) ELSE IF(ndim == 3)THEN xshft = MAX( stgxyz(1,ivar1),stgxyz(1,ivar2) ) yshft = MAX( stgxyz(2,ivar1),stgxyz(2,ivar2) ) END IF ! ! Find the points on rec. grid for both compnts. and their source grid. ! If the two compnts have the same staggering, the coordinate ! points and the source grid only need to be computed once. ! DO icmpr=1,2 ! ! icmpr=1 for the 1st component of vectors ! =2 for the 2nd component of vectors ! IF(icmpr == 2.AND.samstg)THEN numpts(2)=numpts(1) DO ip=1,numpts(2) pts (1,ip,2)=pts (1,ip,1) pts (2,ip,2)=pts (2,ip,1) irec(1,ip,2)=irec(1,ip,1) irec(2,ip,2)=irec(2,ip,1) igsrc(ip,2)=igsrc(ip,1) END DO CYCLE END IF ivar=lisvar(icmpr) IF(ndim == 2) THEN xshift=stgxy(1,ivar) yshift=stgxy(2,ivar) nx1=nxr-idmxy(1,ivar) ny1=nyr-idmxy(2,ivar) ELSE IF(ndim == 3)THEN xshift=stgxyz(1,ivar) yshift=stgxyz(2,ivar) nx1=nxr-idmxyz(1,ivar) ny1=nyr-idmxyz(2,ivar) END IF xc=xshift*dxr*cosr ys=yshift*dyr*sinr xs=xshift*dxr*sinr yc=yshift*dyr*cosr xorp=xor+xc-ys yorp=yor+xs+yc ! ! To calculate the absolute coordinates of all grid points including ! boundary and interior. ! ist=1 jst=1 iend=nx1 jend=ny1 DO j=jst,jend jj=(j-jst)*(iend-ist+1) DO i=ist,iend ii=jj+i-ist+1 x=(i-1)*dxr y=(j-1)*dyr pts (1,ii,icmpr) = xorp+x*cosr-y*sinr pts (2,ii,icmpr) = yorp+x*sinr+y*cosr irec(1,ii,icmpr) = i irec(2,ii,icmpr) = j END DO END DO numpts(icmpr)=(jend-jst+1)*(iend-ist+1) npts0=numpts(icmpr) ! ! Find the source for receive grid points pts ! ierfl=0 iptcmp=1 CALL getsrc(mrec,msrc, 1 ,xshft,yshft,pts(1,1,icmpr), & numpts(icmpr),irec(1,1,icmpr),igsrc(1,icmpr),ierfl,iptcmp) ! IF( (numpts(icmpr) /= npts0) .AND. verbose6 ) THEN WRITE(6,'('' WARNING: IN INTNVT,'',I4,'' POINTS ON GRID '',I4, & & '' got no source from source grid '',i4)') & npts0-numpts(icmpr), mrec, msrc WRITE(6,'('' IT WAS FOR '',I1,''-D VECTOR COMPNT. '',2I4)') & ndim,ivar END IF END DO ! ! find storage pointers for the receive grid variables (2 compnts of vector). ! uppack them if neccesary. ! IF(ndim == 2) THEN irptr1=igtnxy(mrec,ivar1,1) irptr2=igtnxy(mrec,ivar2,1) ELSE irptr1=igtxyz(mrec,ivar1,1) irptr2=igtxyz(mrec,ivar2,1) END IF DO icmps=1,2 DO icmpr=1,2 IF(icmpr == 2.AND.samstg)THEN DO ip=1,numpts(2) isrc(1,ip,2)=isrc (1,ip,1) isrc(2,ip,2)=isrc (2,ip,1) END DO DO iw=1,nwhts DO ip=1,numpts(2) whts(iw,ip,2)=whts(iw,ip,1) END DO END DO CYCLE END IF ! ! Calculate weights of interpolation for points pts. ! DO ip=1,numpts(icmpr) pts1(1,ip,icmpr)=pts(1,ip,icmpr) pts1(2,ip,icmpr)=pts(2,ip,icmpr) END DO ivsrc=lisvar(icmps) CALL calwht(mrec,msrc,pts1(1,1,icmpr),isrc(1,1,icmpr), & whts(1,1,icmpr),numpts(icmpr),nwhts,ivsrc,ndim) END DO ! ! find pointer for one of the components (icmps) of the source grid ! vector. If it is packed, do uppacking for this variable. ! ivsrc=lisvar(icmps) IF(ndim == 2) THEN n3rd=1 isptr=igtnxy(msrc,ivsrc,1) ELSE n3rd=nzs isptr=igtxyz(msrc,ivsrc,1) END IF IF(icmps == 1)THEN proj1=cossr proj2=-sinsr ELSE proj1=sinsr proj2=cossr END IF icmpr=1 IF(numpts(icmpr) /= 0) THEN CALL intrpv(a(irptr1),a(isptr),nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,n3rd, & irec(1,1,icmpr),isrc(1,1,icmpr),whts(1,1,icmpr), & numpts(icmpr),nw1,nw2,icmps,proj1) END IF icmpr=2 IF(numpts(icmpr) /= 0) THEN CALL intrpv(a(irptr2),a(isptr),nxr,nyr,nxs,nys,n3rd, & irec(1,1,icmpr),isrc(1,1,icmpr),whts(1,1,icmpr), & numpts(icmpr),nw1,nw2,icmps,proj2) END IF IF(ndim == 2) THEN CALL retnxy(msrc,ivsrc,1,isptr,.false.) ELSE CALL retxyz(msrc,ivsrc,1,isptr,.false.) END IF END DO ! IF(ndim == 2) THEN CALL retnxy(mrec,ivar1,1,irptr1,.true.) CALL retnxy(mrec,ivar2,1,irptr2,.true.) ELSE CALL retxyz(mrec,ivar1,1,irptr1,.true.) CALL retxyz(mrec,ivar2,1,irptr2,.true.) END IF RETURN 991 CONTINUE WRITE(6,'('' ERROR: TWO VARIABLES PASSED INTO INTBVT ARE'', & & '' two componoents of a vector!'')') WRITE(6,'('' JOB STOPPED IN INTBVT.'')') STOP END SUBROUTINE itpnvt SUBROUTINE chkdim(ndim,subnam) 13 CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: subnam IF(ndim /= 2.AND.ndim /= 3)THEN WRITE(6,'('' ERROR IN '',A, & & '' : variable DIMENSION given wrong!'')')subnam WRITE(6,'(''IT SHOULD BE 2 OR 3, INPUT WAS'',I4)')ndim WRITE(6,'(''JOB STOPPED IN '',A)')subnam STOP END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE chkdim ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE INISFCTYPS ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE initindex(mptr, mparent) 1,3 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Fill soil and vegetation types into grid 'mptr' from its parent ! grid mparent. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 04/23/1997 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! mptr Grid ID number ! mparent Grid mptr's parent grid ID number ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: mptr, mparent ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrigrid.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'grddsc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nstyps PARAMETER ( nstyps = 4 ) INTEGER :: isoiltyp1p, isoiltyp2p, isoiltyp3p, isoiltyp4p INTEGER :: istypfrct1p,istypfrct2p,istypfrct3p,istypfrct4p INTEGER :: isoiltyp1, isoiltyp2, isoiltyp3, isoiltyp4 INTEGER :: istypfrct1, istypfrct2, istypfrct3, istypfrct4 INTEGER :: ivegtyp, ivegtypp INTEGER :: i,j, ij,ijs INTEGER :: nx,ny, nxp,nyp INTEGER :: is,js REAL :: hx,hy, hxp,hyp REAL :: xs0,ys0,xs,ys REAL :: xs0p,ys0p ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Integer function to get the pointers to the storage. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: igtnxy ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! nx = node(5,mptr) ny = node(6,mptr) nxp = node(5,mparent) nyp = node(6,mparent) hx = rnode(9 ,mptr) hy = rnode(10,mptr) xs0 = rnode(1,mptr) + hx/2 ys0 = rnode(2,mptr) + hy/2 hxp = rnode(9 ,mparent) hyp = rnode(10,mparent) xs0p = rnode(1,mparent) ys0p = rnode(2,mparent) isoiltyp1 = igtnxy(mptr,id_soiltyp, 1) isoiltyp2 = igtnxy(mptr,id_soiltyp+1,1) isoiltyp3 = igtnxy(mptr,id_soiltyp+2,1) isoiltyp4 = igtnxy(mptr,id_soiltyp+3,1) istypfrct1 = igtnxy(mptr,id_stypfrct, 1) istypfrct2 = igtnxy(mptr,id_stypfrct+1,1) istypfrct3 = igtnxy(mptr,id_stypfrct+2,1) istypfrct4 = igtnxy(mptr,id_stypfrct+3,1) ivegtyp = igtnxy(mptr,id_vegtyp,1) isoiltyp1p = igtnxy(mparent,id_soiltyp, 1) isoiltyp2p = igtnxy(mparent,id_soiltyp+1,1) isoiltyp3p = igtnxy(mparent,id_soiltyp+2,1) isoiltyp4p = igtnxy(mparent,id_soiltyp+3,1) istypfrct1p = igtnxy(mparent,id_stypfrct, 1) istypfrct2p = igtnxy(mparent,id_stypfrct+1,1) istypfrct3p = igtnxy(mparent,id_stypfrct+2,1) istypfrct4p = igtnxy(mparent,id_stypfrct+3,1) ivegtypp = igtnxy(mparent,id_vegtyp,1) DO j=1,ny DO i=1,nx xs = xs0 + (i-1)*hx ys = ys0 + (j-1)*hy is = MAX( 1, MIN( nxp-1, INT((xs-xs0p)/hxp)+1 ) ) js = MAX( 1, MIN( nyp-1, INT((ys-ys0p)/hyp)+1 ) ) ij = (j-1)*nx + i ijs = (js-1)*nxp + is a(isoiltyp1+ij-1) = a(isoiltyp1p+ijs-1) a(isoiltyp2+ij-1) = a(isoiltyp2p+ijs-1) a(isoiltyp3+ij-1) = a(isoiltyp3p+ijs-1) a(isoiltyp4+ij-1) = a(isoiltyp4p+ijs-1) a(istypfrct1+ij-1) = a(istypfrct1p+ijs-1) a(istypfrct2+ij-1) = a(istypfrct2p+ijs-1) a(istypfrct3+ij-1) = a(istypfrct3p+ijs-1) a(istypfrct4+ij-1) = a(istypfrct4p+ijs-1) a(ivegtyp+ij-1) = a(ivegtypp+ijs-1) END DO END DO CALL retnxy(mptr,id_soiltyp, 4,isoiltyp1, .true.) CALL retnxy(mptr,id_stypfrct,4,istypfrct1,.true.) CALL retnxy(mptr,id_vegtyp, 1,ivegtyp, .true.) RETURN END SUBROUTINE initindex