What is already known:
What this study adds:
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze potential radar base and dual-polarization precursor signatures for quasi-linear convective system (QLCS) tornadoes. QLCS tornadoes present many forecasting challenges based on their rapid development, transience, and dynamic environment. QLCS tornadoes can form in between radar scans so it is imperative to forecasters to locate potential key radar signatures to issue tornado warnings in advance of tornadogenesis. Having the ability to detect early radar signatures of QLCS tornado development can potentially increase tornado warning lead time to the public and help those in danger better prepare for the risks tornadoes pose. Radar analysis was conducted using the Warning Decision Support System (WDSS). Base products used were spectrum width, reflectivity, and velocity; dual-pol products used were correlation coefficient, differential reflectivity (ZDR), and specific differential phase (KDP). There were a total of 18 tornadic mesovortices and 5 non-tornadic mesovortices studied. The analysis showed that the most beneficial radar precursor signatures may be ZDR columns, enhanced areas of KDP around developing mesovortices, updraft/downdraft convergence zones along the leading edges of QLCSs, as well as concentrated areas of enhanced spectrum width at the low levels.