What is already known:
What this study adds:
In 2006, the Severe Hazards Analysis and Verification Experiment (SHAVE) was formed to collect high resolution severe weather reports. The resulting dataset is a detailed and accurate record of surface hail fall. Currently, the exact processes that determine the size and distribution of hail at the surface is relatively unknown. While there are numerous products that address the presence of hail cores aloft, a gridded surface product is missing. The benefit of a gridded surface product is a more accurate understanding of surface hail size at any particular location. In this study, we incorporated the near surface environment (NSE) from the 20 km RUC analysis and existing radar products with SHAVE hail reports to determine if the NSE could be a beneficial component of a surface hail fall product. We found that the current resolution and reliability of the NSE data is too low for the addition of NSE variables to add significantly to the accuracy of the existing radar products.