Refereed Publications of CAPS
Publication Year |
- Burke, A., N. Snook, D.J. Gagne II, S. McCorkle, and A. McGovern, 2020: Calibration of Machine Learning–Based Probabilistic Hail Predictions for Operational Forecasting. Wea. Forecasting, 35, 149-168,
- Kong, R., M. Xue, A. O. Fierro, Y. Jung, C. Liu, E. R. Mansell, and D. R. MacGorman, 2020: Assimilation of GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper Flash Extent Density Data in GSI EnKF for the Analysis and Short Term Forecast of a Mesoscale Convective System. Mon. Wea. Rev., Conditionally accepted
- Li, X.-B., Peng, Z.-R., Lu, Q.-C., Wang, D., Hu, X.-M., Wang, D., . . . He, H. (2020): Evaluation of unmanned aerial system in measuring lower tropospheric ozone and fine aerosol particles using portable monitors. Atmospheric Environment, 117134. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.117134.
- Dahl, N. A., A. Shapiro, C. K. Potvin, A. Theisen, J. G. Gebauer, A. D. Schenkman, and M. Xue, 2019: High-resolution, rapid-scan dual-Doppler retrievals of vertical velocity in simulated supercells. J Atmos Ocean Tech, 36,1477-1500.
- Dang, R., Yang, Y., Hu, X.-M., Wang, Z., and Zhang, S. (2019). A Review of Techniques for Diagnosing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height (ABLH) Using Aerosol Lidar Data. Remote Sensing, 11(13), 1590. doi:10.3390/rs11131590.
- Dang, R.*, Yang, Y., Li, H., HH X-M., Wang, Z., Huang, Z., . . . Zhang, T. (2019) Atmosphere Boundary Layer Height (ABLH) Determination under Multiple-Layer Conditions Using Micro-Pulse Lidar. Remote Sensing, 11(3), 263. doi:10.3390/rs11030263
- Dawson, D, II, B. Roberts, M. Xue, 2019: A method to maintain the environmental wind profile in idealized simulations of deep convection with surface friction. Mon. Wea. Rev. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0462.1
- Fu, P., K. Zhu, K. Zhao, B. Zhou, and M. Xue, 2019: The role of nocturnal low-level jet in the formation of morning precipitation peak over Dabie Mountains. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36, 15-28.
- Hu, X.-M., M. Xue, F. Kong, and H. Zhang, 2019: Meteorological conditions during an ozone episode in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas and impact of their model uncertainties on air quality prediction J. Geophy. Res., Accepted.
- Hu, X.-M., M. Xue, and X. Li (2019), The Use of High-Resolution Sounding Data to Evaluate and Optimize NonLocal PBL Schemes for Simulating the Slightly Stable Upper Convective Boundary Layer. Mon. Wea. Rev., doi:10.1175/MWR-D-19-0085.1.
- Hu, X.-M., Xue, M., Kong, F., and Zhang, H. (2019), Meteorological Conditions during an Ozone Episode in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas and Impact of their Modeling Uncertainties on Air Quality Prediction. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres, 124,1941-1961 doi:10.1029/2018JD029791.
- Johnson, M., Y. Jung, J. A. Milbrandt, H. Morrison, and M. Xue, 2019: Effects of the representation of rimed ice in bulk microphysics schemes on polarimetric signatures. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 3785-3810.
- Johnson, M., Y. Jung, J. Milbrandt, H. Morrison, and M. Xue, 2019: Effects of the representation of rimed-ice in bulk microphysics schemes on polarimetric signatures, Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 3785-3810, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0398.1.
- Labriola, J., N. Snook, M. Xue, and K. Thomas, 2019: Analysis of next-day hail forecasts using multi-moment microphysics schemes for the 8 May 2017 severe hail event in Colorado. Mon. Wea. Rev., Conditionally accepted.
- Labriola, J., N. Snook, Y. Jung, and M. Xue, 2019: Explicit Ensemble Prediction of Hail in 19 May 2013 Oklahoma City Thunderstorms and Analysis of Hail Growth Pocesses with Several Multi-Moment Microphysics Schemes, Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 1193-1213, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0266.1.
- Labriola, J., N. Snook, M. Xue, and K.W. Thomas, 2019: Forecasting the 8 May 2017 Severe Hail Storm in Denver, Colorado, at a Convection-Allowing Resolution: Understanding Rimed Ice Treatments in Multimoment Microphysics Schemes and Their Effects on Hail Size Forecasts. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 3045-3068, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0319.1
- Lagerquist, R., A. McGovern, and D.J. Gagne II. (2019) Deep learning for spatially explicit prediction of synoptic-scale fronts. Weather and Forecasting, Number 4, Pages 1137-1160. doi:10.1175/WAF-D-18-0183.1
- Li, J., G. Wang, M. A. Mayes, S. D. Allison, S. D. Frey, Z. Shi, X.-M. Hu, Y. Luo, and J. M. Melillo, 2019: Reduced carbon use efficiency and increased microbial turnover with soil warming, Global Change Biol, 25, 900-910.
- Li, X., Hu, X.-M., et al. (2019), Spatiotemporal Variations and Regional Transport of Air Pollutants in Two Urban Agglomerations in Northeast China Plain. Chinese Geographical Science, 20(6), 917-933. doi:10.1007/s11769-019-1081-8
- Li, X., Hu, X.-M., et al. (2019) Impact of planetary boundary layer structure on the formation and evolution of air-pollution episodes in Shenyang, Northeast China. Atmos. Environ., 116850 doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.116850 >
- Li, J., G. Wang, M. A. Mayes, S. D. Allison, S. D. Frey, Z. Shi, X.-M. Hu, Y. Luo, and J. M. Melillo (2018), Reduced carbon use efficiency and increased microbial turnover with soil warming, Global Change Biol, doi:10.1111/gcb.14517.
- Liu, C., M. Xue, and R. Kong, 2019: Direct variational assimilation of radar reflectivity and radial velocity data: Issues with nonlinear reflectivity operator and solutions. Mon. Wea Rev., 137,17-29
- Liu, C., E. Fedorovich, J. Huang, X.-M. Hu, Y. Wang, X. Lee, 2019: Impact of aerosol shortwave radiative heating on the entrainment in atmospheric convective boundary layer: a large-eddy simulation study, J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 785-799. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-18-0107.1
- Liu, C., M. Xue, and R. Kong, 2019: Direct assimilation of radar reflectivity data using 3DVAR: Treatment of hydrometeor background errors and OSSE tests. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 17-29.
- Loken, E. D., A. J. Clark, M. Xue, and F. Kong, 2019: Spread and skill in mixed- and single-physics convection-allowing ensembles. Wea. Forecasting, 34, 305-330.
- Mahale, V. N., G. Zhang, M. Xue, J. Gao, and H. D. Reeves, 2019: Variational retrieval of rain microphysics and related parameters from polarimetric radar data with a parameterized operator. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 36, 2483-2500.
- McGovern, A., D.J. Gagne II, R. Lagerquist, K. Elmore, and G.E. Jergensen, 2019: Making the black box more transparent: Understanding the physical implications of machine learning. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 100, Number 11, Pages 2175-2199.
- McGovern, A., C. Karstens, T. Smith, and R. Lagerquist, (2019) Quasi-Operational Testing of Real-time Storm-longevity Prediction via Machine Learning. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 34, Number 5, Pages 1437-1451.
- Moss, R.H.; Avery, S.; Baja, K.; Burkett, M.; Chischilly, A.M.; Dell, J.; Fleming, P.A.,; Geil, K.; Jacobs, K.; Jones, A.; Knowlton, K.; Koh, J.; Melillo, J.; Pandya, R.; Richmond, T.C.; Scarlett, L.; Snyder, J.; Stults, M.; Waple, A.; Whitehead, J.; Zarrilli, D.; Ayyub, B.; Fox, J.; Ganguly, A.; Joppa, L.; Julius, S.; Kirshen, P.; Kreutter, R.; McGovern, A.; Meyer, R.; Neumann, J.; Solecki, W.; Smith, J.; Tissot, P.; Yohe, G.; Zimmerman, R.,(2019) Evaluating Knowledge to Support Climate Action: A Framework for Sustained Assessment: Report of an Independent Advisory Committee on Applied Climate Assessment. Weather, Climate, and Society. 11:3, pages 465-487.
- Oliveira, M. I., M. Xue, B. Roberts, and L. J. Wicker, 2019: Horizontal vortex tubes near tornadoes: three-dimensional structure and dynamics. Atmosphere, 10, 716. doi:10.3390/atmos10110716.
- Potvin, C. K., J. R. Carley, A. Clark, L. J. Wicker, P. S. Skinner, A. E. Reinhart, B. T. Gallo, J. S. Kain, G. Romine, E. Aligo, B. A. Brewster, D. C. Dowell, L. M. Harris, I. L. Jirak, F. Kong, T. A. Supinie, K. W. Thomas, X. Wang, Y. Wang, and M. Xue, 2019: Systematic comparison of convection-allowing models during the 2017 NOAA HWT Spring Forecasting Experiment. Wea. Forecasting, 34, 1395-1416.
- Putnam, B., M. Xue, Y. Jung, N. Snook, and G. Zhang, 2019: Ensemble Kalman Filter Assimilation of Polarimetric Radar Observations for the 20 May 2013 Oklahoma Tornadic Supercell Case. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 2511-2533, doi:10.11754/MWR-D-18-0251.1.
- Rao, X., K. Zhao, X. Chen, A. Huang, M. Xue, Q. Zhang, and M. Wang, 2019: Influence of synoptic pattern and low-level wind speed on intensity and diurnal variations of orographic convection in summer over Pearl River Delta, South China. J. Geophy. Res., 124, 657-679.
- Snook, N., F. Kong, K. Brewster, M. Xue, B. Albright, S. Perfater, K. Thomas, and T. Supinie, 2019: Evaluation of Convection-Permitting Precipitation Forecast Products using WRF, NMMB, and FV3 for the 2016-2017 NOAA Hydrometeorology Testbed Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall Experiments. Wea. and Forecasting, 34, 781-804, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-18-0155.1
- Snook, N., M. Xue, and Y. Jung, 2019: Tornado-Resolving Ensemble and Probabilistic Predictions of the 20 May 2013 Newcastle-Moore EF5 Tornado. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 1215-1235. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0236
- Stratman, D., N. Yussouf, Y. Jung, T. Supinie, M. Xue, P. Skinner, and B. Putnam, 2019: Optimal Temporal Frequency of Phased-Array Radar Observations for Storm-Scale Data Assimilation, Wea. Forecasting, Accepted.
- Sun, Z., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and B. Zhou, 2019: Prediction of a rare EF4 tornado in Funing, China: Resolution dependency of simulated tornadoes. Atmos. Res., 229, 175-189.
- Thomas, A., Huff, A., Hu, X.-M., and Zhang F. (2019), Quantiying Uncertainties of Ground-Level Ozone within WRF-Chem Simulations in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States as a Response to Variability, J. Adv. Modeling Earth Systems, doi:10.1029/2018MS001457
- Wang, Hong, Fanyou Kong, Naiyu Wu, Hongping Lan, 2019: Investigation of microphysical structure of a squall line in South China observed with a polarimetric radar and a disdrometer, Atmospheric Research, Conditionally accepted.
- Xu, X., M. A. C. Teixeira, M. Xue, and Y. Wang, 2019: Parameterization of Directional Absorption of Orographic Gravity Waves and Its Impact on the Atmospheric General Circulation Simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 3435-3453.
- Xu, X., M. Xue, M. A. C. Teixeira, J. Tang, and Y. Wang, 2019: Impacts of parameterized directional absorption of orographic gravity waves on the simulated atmospheric general circulation in Weather Research and Forecasting model. J. Atmos. Sci., Conditionally accepted.
- Yang, Y., X.-M. Hu, S. Gao, Y. Wang (2019), Sensitivity of WRF Simulations with the YSU PBL Scheme to the Lowest Model Level Height for a Sea Fog Event over the Yellow Sea, Atmospheric Research, 215, 253-267. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.09.004.
- Yao, D., Z. Meng, and M. Xue, 2019: Genesis, maintenance and demise of a simulated tornado and the evolution of its preceding descending reflectivity core (DRC). Atmosphere, 10236; doi:10.3390/atmos10050236.
- Zhang, C., M. Xue, T. A. Supinie, F. Kong, N. Snook, K. W. Thomas, K. Brewster, Y. Jung, L. M. Harris, and S.-J. Lin, 2019: How Well Does the FV3 Model Predict Precipitation at a Convection-Allowing Resolution? Results from CAPS Forecasts for the 2018 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed with Different Physics Combinations. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2018GL081702,.
- Zhang, G., V. N. Mahale, B. J. Putnam, Y. Qi, Q. Cao, A. D. Bryd, P. Bukovcic, D. S. Zrnic, J. Gao, M. Xue, Y. Jung, H. D. Reeves, P. L. Heinselman, A. Ryzhkov, R. D. Palmer, P. Zhang, M. Weber, G. M. McFarquhar, B. M. III, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, J. Vivekanandan, Y. Al-Rashid, R. L. Ice, D. S. Berkowitz, C. Tong, C. Fulton, and R. J. Doviak, 2019: Current status and future challenges of weather radar polarimetry: Bridging the gap between radar meteorology/hydrology/engineering and numerical weather prediction. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36, 571-588. doi:10.1007/s00376-019-8172-4.
- Zhang, X.*, J. Huang, ... X.-M. Hu, X. Lee (2019), Improvng lake-breeze simulation with WRF nested LES and lake-model over a large shallow lake, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0282.1.
- Zhang, C., M. Xue, T. Supinie, F. Kong, N. Snook, K. Thomas, K. Brewster, Y. Jung, L. Harris, and S.-J. Lin, 2019: How well does the FV3 model predict precipitation at a convection-allowing resolution? Results from CAPS forecasts for the 2018 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed with different physics combinations, Geophys. Res. Letters, 46, 3523-3531, doi:10.1029/2018GL081702.
- Zhang, Y., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and B. Zhou, 2019: What is the main cause of diurnal variation and nocturnal peak of summer precipitation in Sichuan Basin, China? The key role of boundary layer low-level jet inertial oscillations. J. Geophy. Res., 124, 2643-2664. doi:10.1029/2018JD029834.
- Zhao, K., H. Huang, M. Wang, W.-C. Lee, G. Chen, L. Wen, J. Wen, G. Zhang, M. Xue, Z. Yang, L. Liu, C. Wu, Z. Hu, and S. Chen, 2019: Recent Progress of Dual-Polarization Radar Research and Application in China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36, 961-974.
- Zhu, K., M. Xue, K. Ouyan, and Y. Jung, 2019: Assimilating Polarimetric Radar Data with an Ensemble Kalman Filter:OSSEs with a Tornadic Supercell Storm Simulated with a Two-Moment Microphysics Scheme, Q. J. RQ. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., Conditionally accepted.
- Zhu, K., M. Xue, Y. Pan, M. H. S. G. Benjamin, S. S. Weygandt, and H. Lin, 2019: The Impact of Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation within a Frequently Updated Regional Forecast System Using GSI-based Ensemble Kalman Filter. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36, 1308-1326.
- Bluestein, H. B., G. S. Romine, R. Rotunno, D. W. Reif, and C. C. Weiss, 2018: On the Anomalous Counterclockwise Turning of the Surface Wind with Time in the Plains of the United States. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 467-484.
- Chen, X., H. Yuan, and M. Xue, 2018: Spatial spread-skill relationship in terms of agreement scales for precipitation forecasts in a convection-allowing ensemble. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 144,85-98.
- Chen, X., Y. Wang, J. Fang, and M. Xue, 2018: A numerical study on rapid intensification of typhoon Vicente (2012) in the South China Sea. Part II: Roles of inner-core processes. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 235-255.
- Chen, X., M. Xue, and J. Fang, 2018: Rapid intensification of typhoon Mujigae (2015) over anomalously warm sea surface of the South China Sea. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 4313-4335.
- Clark, A, I. Jirak, S. Dembek, F. Kong, K. Thomas, K. Knopfmeier, B. Gallo, C. Melick, M. Xue, K. Brewster, Y. Jung, A. Kennedy, X. Dong, J. Markel, G. Romine, K. Fossell, R. Sobash, J. Carley, B. Ferrier, M. Pyle, C. Alexander, S. Weiss, J. Kain, L. Wicker, G. Thompson, D. Imy, G. Creager, 2018: The Community Leveraged Unified Ensemble (CLUE) in the 2016 NOAA/Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 99, 1433-1448.
- Dang, R., Yang, Y., Li, H., Hu, X.-M., Wang, Z., Huang, Z., Zhou, T., Zhang, T. (2019). Atmosphere Boundary Layer Height (ABLH) Determination under Multiple-Layer Conditions Using Micro- Pulse Lidar. Remote Sensing, 11, 263.
- Ernst, S., D. LaDue, and A. Gerard, 2018. Understanding emergency manager forecast use in severe weather events. J. Operational Meteorology, 6, 95-105,
- Gasperoni, N.A., K.A. Brewster, X. Wang, and F.H. Carr. 2018: Assessing impacts of the high frequency assimilation of surface observations for the forecast of convection initiation on 3 April 2014 within the Dallas-Ft. Worth Testbed., Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 3845-3872.
- Grasso, Lewis, Daniel T. Lindsey, Yoo-Jeong Noh, Christopher O'Dell, Fanyou Kong, 2018: Improvements to cloud top brightness temperatures computed from the CRTM at 3.9 μm. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 3927-3944
- Griffin, C. B., C. C. Weiss, A. E. Reinhart, J. C. Snyder, H. B. Bluestein, J. Wurman, and K. A. Kosiba, 2018: In Situ and Radar Observations of the Low Reflectivity Ribbon in Supercells during VORTEX2. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 307-327.
- Hu, J., Li, Y., Zhao, T., Liu, J., Hu, X.-M., Liu, D., Jiang, Y., J. Xu, Chang, L. (2018), An important mechanism of regional O3 transport for summer smog over the Yangtze River Delta in East China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 16239-16251.
- Hu, X.-M., M. Xue, R. A. McPherson, E. Martin, D. H. Rosendahl, and L. Qiao, 2018: Precipitation dynamical downscaling over the Great Plains. J. Adv. Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 421-447.
- Hu, X.-M., Xue, M., Kong, F., & Zhang, H., 2019: Meteorological Conditions during an Ozone Episode in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas and Impact of their Modeling Uncertainties on Air Quality Prediction. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres , doi:10.1029/2018JD029791
- Johnson, M., Y. Jung, D. Dawson, T. A. Supinie, M. Xue, J. Park, and Y.-H. Lee, 2018: Evaluation of Unified Model microphysics in high-resolution NWP simulations using polarimetric radar observations. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 35, 771-784.
- Karstens, C. D., J. Correia Jr., D. S. LaDue, J. Wolfe, T. C. Meyer, D. R. Harrison, J. L. Cintineo, K. M. Calhoun, T. M. Smith, A. E. Gerard, and L. P. Rothfusz, 2018: Development of a human- machine mix for forecasting severe convective events. Wea. Forecasting, 33, 715-737,
- Kim, D., C.-H. Ho, D.-S. Park, J. Chan, and Y. Jung, 2018: The relationship between tropical cyclone rainfall area and environmental conditions over the subtropical oceans, J. Climate, 31, 4605-4616.
- Kong, Fanyou, 2018: A Study of Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecast. Adv. in Meteo. Sci. and Tech. (in Chinese), 8, 53-60.
- Kong, R., M. Xue, and C. Liu, 2018: Development of a hybrid en3DVar data assimilation system and comparisons with 3DVar and EnKF for radar data assimilation with observing system simulation experiments. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 175-198.
- LaDue, D. S., and A. E. Cohen, 2018. Facilitating the self-directed learning efforts of professional meteorologists. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99, 2519-2527.
- LaDue, D. S., R. R. Hoffman, R. Pliske, and P. Daipha, 2019: Expertise in weather forecasting. In P. Ward, J. M. Schraagen, J. Gore, and E. Roth (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Expertise: Research and Application, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
- Li, X.-B., D. Wang, Q.-C. Lu, Z.-R. Peng, Q. Fu, X.-M. Hu, J. Huo, G. Xiu, B. Li, C. Li, D.-S. Wang, H. Wang, 2018:. Three-dimensional analysis of ozone and PM2.5 distributions obtained by observations of tethered balloon and unmanned aerial vehicle in Shanghai, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 32, 1189-1203.
- Liu, C., J. Huang, E. Fedorovich, X.-M. Hu, Y. Wang, X. Lee, 2018: The effect of aerosol radiative heating on turbulence statistics and spectra in the atmospheric convective boundary layer: a largeeddy simulation study, Atmosphere, 9, 347, doi:10.3390/atmos9090347.
- Luo, L., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and B. Zhou, 2018: Explicit prediction of hail in a long-lasting multi-cellular convective system in Eastern China using multi-moment microphysics schemes. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 3115-3137.
- Luo, X., M. Xue, and J. Fei, 2018: Simulation and Analysis of the Initiation of a Squall Line within a Meiyu Frontal System in East China. Atmosphere, 9, 183; doi:10.3390/atmos9050183.
- Meng, Z., L. Bai, M. Zhang, Z. Wu, Z. Li, M. Pu, Y. Zheng, X. Wang, D. Yao, M. Xue, K. Zhao, Z. Li, S. Peng, and L. Li, 2018: The Deadliest Tornado (EF4) in the Past 40 Years in China. Wea. Forecasting, 33, 693-713.
- Pan, Y., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and M. Wang, 2018: A prototype regional GSI-based EnKF-variational hybrid data assimilation system for the Rapid Refresh forecasting system: Dual-resolution implementation and testing results. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 35, 518-530.
- Wang, Hong, Fanyou Kong, Youngsun Jung, Naigeng Wu, Jinfang Yin, 2018: Quality Control of S-band Polarimetric Radar Measurements for Data Assimilation. J. Appl. Meteor. Sci. (in Chinese), 29, 546-558.
- Xu, X., Y. Tang, Y. Wang, and M. Xue, 2018: Directional Absorption of Mountain Waves and Its Influence on the Wave Momentum Transport in the Northern Hemisphere. J. Geophy. Res., 123, 2640-2654.
- Xue, M., X. Luo, K. Zhu, Z. Sun, and J. Fei, 2018: The controlling role of boundary layer inertial oscillations in meiyu frontal precipitation and its diurnal cycles over China J. Geophy. Res., 123, 5090-5115.
- Zhou, B., M. Xue, and K. Zhu, 2018: A grid-refinement-based approach to modeling the convective boundary layer in the gray zone: Algorithm Implementation and Testing. J. Atmos. Sci. 75, 1143-1161.
- Zhu, J., F. Kong, X.-M. Hu, Y. Guo, L. Ran, H. Lei 2018: Impact of Soil Moisture Uncertainty on Summertime Short-range Ensemble Forecasts. Advances in Atmos. Sci., 35,839-852
- Zhu, K., M. Xue, B. Zhou, K. Zhao, Z. Sun, P. Fu, Y. Zheng, X. Zhang, and Q. Meng, 2018: Evaluation of real-time precipitation forecasts during 2013-2014 summer seasons over China at a convection-permitting resolution: spatial distribution, propagation, diurnal cycles and skill scores. J. Geophy. Res., 123, 1037-1064.
- Bluestein, H. B. 2017: Tornadoes and their parent convective storms. Oxford Handbooks Online in Natural Hazard Science (pp. 67). Oxford University Press.
- Bluestein, H. B., Wienhoff, Z., Turner, D., Reif, D. W., Thiem, K. J., Houser, J. 2017:. A comparison of the fine-scale structures of a prefrontal wind-shift line and a strong cold front in the Southern Plains of the U. S. Monthly Weather Review, 145, 3307-3330.
- Chen, G., Zhao, K., Zhang, G., Huang, H., Liu, S., Wen, L., Yang, Z., Yang, Z., Xu, L., Zhu, W. 2017:. Improving Polarimetric C-Band Radar Rainfall Estimation with Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer Observations in Eastern China. J. Hydrometeor. 18, 1375-1391.
- Duda, J., X. Wang, and M. Xue, 2017: Sensitivity of Convection-Allowing Forecasts to Land-Surface Model Perturbations and Implications for Ensemble Design. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 2001-2025.
- Fedorovich, E., Gibbs, J. A., Shapiro, A. 2017: Numerical study of nocturnal low-level jets over gently sloping terrain. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 2813-2834.
- Fedorovich, E., Shapiro, A. 2017:. Oscillations in Prandtl slope flow started from rest. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 143, 670-677.
- Fulton, C., Salazar-Cerreño, J. L., Zhang, Y., Zhang, G., Kelly, R., Meier, J., McCord, M., Schmidt, D., Byrd, A., Mohan, L., Karimkashi, S., Zrnic, D., Doviak, R., Zahrai, A., Yeary, M., Palmer, R. (2017). Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar (CPPAR): Beamforming and Calibration for Weather Applications. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 55. 2827 - 2841.
- Gagne II, D. J., S. E. Haupt, A. McGovern, and J. K. Williams, 2017: Evaluation of Statistical Learning Configurations for Gridded Solar Irradiance Forecasting. Solar Energy. 150, 383-393.
- Gagne, D. J., II, A. McGovern, S. E. Haupt, R. Sobash, J. K. Williams, and M. Xue, 2017: Storm-Based Probabilistic Hail Forecasting with Machine Learning Applied to Convection-Allowing Ensembles. Weather Forecasting, 32, 1819-1840.
- Gallo, B. T., A. J. Clark, I. Jirak, J. S. Kain, S. J. Weiss, M. Coniglio, K. Knopfmeier, J. C. Jr., C. J. Melick, E. Iyer, A. R. Dean, M. Xue, F. Kong, Y. Jung, F. Shen, K. W. Thomas, K. Brewster, D. Stratman, G. Carbin, W. Line, R. Adams-Selin, and S. Willington, 2017: Breaking New Ground in Severe Weather Prediction: The 2015 NOAA/Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment. Wea. Forecasting, 32, 1541-1568.
- Gebauer, J. G., Fedorovich, E., Shapiro, A. 2017: A 1D theoretical analysis of northerly low- level jets over the Great Plains. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 3419-3431.
- Geerts, B., D. Parsons, C. L. Ziegler, T. M. Weckwerth, M. I. Biggerstaff, R. D. Clark, M. C. Coniglio, B. B. Demoz, R. A. Ferrare, W. A. G. Jr., K. Haghi, J. M. Hanesiak, P. M. Klein, K. R. Knupp, K. Kosiba, G. M. McFarquhar, J. A. Moore, A. R. Nehrir, M. D. Parker, J. O. Pinto, R. M. Rauber, R. S. Schumacher, D. D. Turner, Q. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Wang, and J. Wurman, 2017: The 2015 Plains Elevated Convection at Night Field Project. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 98, 767-786.
- Haghi, K. R., Parsons, D. B., Shapiro, A. 2017: Bores observed during IHOP_2002: The relationship of bores to the nocturnal environment. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 3929-3946.
- Hoffman, R. R., D. S. LaDue, H. M. Mogil, P. J. Roebber, and J. G. Trafton, 2017:. Minding the Weather: How Expert Forecasters Think. MIT Press, 470 pp.
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2014 
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- Kirstetter, P.E., Y. Hong, J.J. Gourley, S. Chen, Z. Flamig, J. Zhang, M. Schwaller, W. Petersen, and E. Amitai, 2012: Toward a Framework for Systematic Error Modeling of Spaceborne Precipitation Radar with NOAA/NSSL Ground Radar-based National Mosaic QPE. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13(4), 1285-1300.
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- Ni-Bin Chang and Yang Hong (2012), Book “Multiscale Hydrologic Remote Sensing: Prospects and Applications”, Taylor & Francis Group-CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-4398-7745-6, 550 Page (Link:, Adopted as textbook for Remote Sensing Hydrology Course.
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2005 
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2001 
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2000 
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1999 
- Adlerman, E.J., K.K. Droegemeier, and R-P. Davies-Jones 1999: Numerical
simulation of cyclic mesocyclogenesis. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 2045-2069.
- Gao, J., M. Xue, A. Shapiro, and K. K. Droegemeier, 1999: A variational
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two Doppler radars. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 2128-2142.
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- Shapiro, A. and J. Mewes, 1999: New formulations of dual-Doppler wind
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1998 
- Carpenter, R.L. Jr., K.K. Droegemeier, and A.M. Blyth, 1998a: Entrainment
and detrainment in numerically simulated cumulus congestus clouds, Part
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and detrainment in numerically simulated cumulus congestus clouds, Part
III: Detailed parcel analyses and conceptual model. J. Atmos. Sci, 55,
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1997 
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potential benefits, and results from real-time operational tests. WMO
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1993 
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1990 
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