!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE RDNMCGRB2                  ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE rdnmcgrb2(nx_ext,ny_ext,nz_ext,gribfile,grbflen, gribtime,   & 4,26
           iproj_grb,nx_grb,ny_grb,dx_grb,dy_grb,                       &
           latsw,lonsw,lattru1,lattru2,lontrue,uvearth,                 &
           n2dvs, n3dvs, maxvar, nzsoilin_ext,                          &
           varids, var2dindx, var3dindx, var2dlvl, var3dlvl, var3dsoil, &
           var_grb2d, var_grb3d, lvldbg,                                &
!  This subroutine is to read and select given variables with GRIB
!  grid ID and level type from NMC GRIB files.
!  The decoder of GRIB2 is from NCEP.
!  AUTHOR: Yunheng Wang
!  08/01/2006
!    gribfile      GRIB file name
!    grbflen       Length of GRIB file name
!    gribtime      Time of GRIB data
!    iproj_grb     Map projection number of GRIB data
!    trlon_grb     True longitude of GRIB data (degrees E)
!    latnot_grb(2) True latitude(s) of GRIB data (degrees N)
!    swlat_grb     Latitude  of first grid point at southwest conner
!    swlon_grb     Longitude of first grid point at southwest conner
!    dx_grb        x-direction grid length
!    dy_grb        y-direction grid length
!    iret          Return flag
!  Variable Declarations.


  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nx_ext,ny_ext,nz_ext

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: grbflen

  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: gribfile
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: gribtime

  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iproj_grb    ! Map projection indicator
                                       ! Already converted to ARPS map definitions
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nx_grb       ! Number of points along x-axis
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ny_grb       ! Number of points along y-axis
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: dx_grb          ! x-direction increment or grid length
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: dy_grb          ! y-direction increment or grid length
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: latsw           ! Latitude  of South West corner point
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: lonsw           ! Longitude of South West corner point
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: lattru1         ! Latitude (1st) at which projection is true
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: lattru2         ! Latitude (2nd) at which projection is true
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: lontrue         ! Longitude      at which projection is true
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: uvearth         ! = 0, Resolved u and v components of vector quantities relative to easterly and northerly directions
                                          ! = 1, Resolved u and v components of vector quantities relative to the defined grid in the direction of increasing x and y (or i and j) coordinates, respectively

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: n2dvs, n3dvs, maxvar
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: nzsoilin_ext
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: varids(4,maxvar)
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: var2dindx(maxvar), var3dindx(maxvar)
  REAL,    INTENT(IN)  :: var2dlvl(n2dvs), var3dlvl(nz_ext), var3dsoil(nzsoilin_ext)
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: var_grb2d(nx_ext,ny_ext,n2dvs)
  REAL,    INTENT(OUT) :: var_grb3d(nx_ext,ny_ext,nz_ext,n3dvs)

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: lvldbg

  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iret         ! Return flag

!  Temporary arrays to read GRIB file
  INTEGER :: grbunit

  INTEGER :: istatus      ! Return status

  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxlen = 32000

  TYPE(gribfield) :: gfld

!  Misc internal variables
  INTEGER :: i,j,k,m,n,ij
  INTEGER :: iyr,  imo,  iday,  ihr,  fhr

  LOGICAL             :: fexist
  INTEGER             :: grbflen_new
  CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: gribfile_new

  LOGICAL             :: verbose = .FALSE.
  CHARACTER(LEN=12), PARAMETER :: cmd     = 'rdnmcgrib2: '

  INTEGER :: iseek, icount, itot
  INTEGER :: lgrib, lgribin, lskip
  INTEGER :: currlen
  INTEGER :: listsec0(3), listsec1(13)
  INTEGER :: numfields, numlocal, maxlocal

  REAL    :: levelin

  INTEGER :: iscan, jscan, ijscan
  INTEGER :: ibgn, iinc, iend, jbgn, jinc, jend

  INTEGER :: itemp

!  Beginning of executable code...
  IF (lvldbg > 90) verbose = .TRUE.

! Date and time expected

  READ (gribtime,'(i4,3i2,1x,i3)') iyr,imo,iday,ihr,fhr
!  Open the GRIB file
  INQUIRE(FILE=gribfile(1:grbflen), EXIST = fexist )

  IF( fexist ) THEN
    gribfile_new = gribfile
    grbflen_new = grbflen
    GO TO 200

  INQUIRE(FILE=trim(gribfile(1:grbflen))//'.Z', EXIST = fexist )
  IF( fexist ) THEN
    CALL unixcmd( 'cp '//trim(gribfile(1:grbflen))//'.Z tem_ext_file.Z' )
    INQUIRE(FILE='tem_ext_file', EXIST = fexist )
    IF( fexist ) call unixcmd( '/bin/rm tem_ext_file' ) 
    CALL uncmprs( 'tem_ext_file.Z' )
    gribfile_new = 'tem_ext_file'
    grbflen_new = 12 
    GO TO 200

  INQUIRE(FILE=trim(gribfile(1:grbflen))//'.gz', EXIST = fexist )
  IF( fexist ) THEN
    CALL unixcmd( 'cp '//trim(gribfile(1:grbflen))//'.gz tem_ext_file.gz' )
    INQUIRE(FILE='tem_ext_file', EXIST = fexist )
    IF( fexist ) call unixcmd( '/bin/rm tem_ext_file' ) 
    CALL uncmprs( 'tem_ext_file.gz' )
    gribfile_new = 'tem_ext_file'
    grbflen_new = 12
    GO TO 200

  WRITE(6,'(a)') 'GRIB file '//gribfile(1:grbflen)//                      &
      ' or its compressed version not found. Program stopped in RDNMCGRB2.'


  WRITE(6,'(1x,8A)') cmd, 'Opening GRIB ', gribfile(1:grbflen)

  CALL getunit( grbunit )

  CALL baopenr(grbunit,gribfile_new(1:grbflen_new),iret)

  IF  ( iret /= 0 )  THEN
    WRITE(6,'(a,a,/,a,i4)')                                             &
        'ERROR in opening file ',gribfile_new(1:grbflen_new),           &
        'function baopenr return status: ',iret

! Loop over all records

  itot    = 0     ! total field counter
  icount  = 0     ! total GRIB2 message counter
  iseek   = 0
  currlen = 0

!  DO n = 1,maxvar
!    WRITE(0,*) varids(:,n)

  iret = 0
  DO WHILE  (iret == 0)

    CALL skgb(grbunit,iseek,maxlen,lskip,lgrib)
    IF (lgrib == 0) EXIT

    IF (lgrib > currlen) THEN      ! Extend buffer size as needed
      IF (ALLOCATED(cgrib)) DEALLOCATE(cgrib)
      ALLOCATE(cgrib(lgrib), STAT = istatus)
      currlen = lgrib
    END IF

    CALL baread(grbunit,lskip,lgrib,lgribin,cgrib)   ! read a GRIB message
    IF (lgrib /= lgribin) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(2(a,I6))')                                              &
         'ERROR: GRIB2 message size in error, required size = ',lgrib,  &
         ', read-in size = ',lgribin
      CALL arpsstop('ERROR in rdnmcgrb2 when calling baread.',1)
    END IF
    icount = icount + 1
    iseek = lskip+lgrib            ! next GRIB message starting location

    CALL gb_info(cgrib,lgrib,listsec0,listsec1,                         &
    IF (iret /= 0) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a,I3)') 'ERROR: quering GRIB2 message = ',iret
      CALL arpsstop('ERROR in rdnmcgrb2 when calling gb_info.',1)
    END IF
    itot = itot+numfields

    IF (icount == 1) THEN          ! Once per file for date and map projection value
      CALL gf_getfld(cgrib,lgrib,1,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,gfld,iret)
      IF (iret /= 0) THEN
        WRITE(6,'(a,I3)') 'ERROR: Decoding GRIB2 message = ',iret
        CALL arpsstop('ERROR in rdnmcgrb2 when calling gf_getfld.',1)
      END IF
      IF (verbose)  &
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,I4.4,4(a,I2.2),/)') 'GRIB date-time found is: ', &
            gfld%idsect(6),'-',gfld%idsect(7),'-',gfld%idsect(8),'_',   &

      IF (iyr /= gfld%idsect(6) .OR. imo /= gfld%idsect(7) .OR.         &
          iday /= gfld%idsect(8).OR. ihr /= gfld%idsect(9) .OR.         &
          fhr /= gfld%ipdtmpl(9) ) THEN
        WRITE(6,'(a,/,7x,2a,/,7x,a,I4.4,4(a,I2.2))')                    & 
            'ERROR: GRIB data is in wrong date and time',               &
            'Expected: ',gribtime, '   Found: ',gfld%idsect(6),'-',     &
            gfld%idsect(7),'-',gfld%idsect(8),'_',gfld%idsect(9),       &
        CALL arpsstop('Wrong grib file?',1)
      END IF

      itemp = gfld%ipdtmpl(5)         ! indicator of model
      IF (gfld%idsect(1) == 7) THEN
        IF (itemp == 83 .OR. itemp == 84) THEN
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,/)') 'NCEP NAM model'
        ELSE IF (itemp == 81 .OR. itemp == 96) THEN
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,/)') 'NCEP GFS model'
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,I3,/)') 'Unkown model from NCEP, model = ',itemp
        END IF
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,I2,a,I2,/)')                                   &
          'Unknown model and orig center, center = ',gfld%idsect(1),  &
          ' model = ',itemp
      END IF 

      IF (gfld%igdtnum == 0) THEN       ! Lat/Lon grid 
        iproj_grb = 4
        nx_grb    = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
        ny_grb    = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
        dx_grb    = gfld%igdtmpl(17)/1.0E6  ! in degree
        dy_grb    = gfld%igdtmpl(18)/1.0E6  ! in degree
        iscan     = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(19),128)/128  ! get the first bit 
                    ! = 0, +x(+i) direction, = 1, -x(-i) direction
        jscan     = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(19),64) / 64   ! get the second bit 
                    ! = 0, -y(-j) direction, = 1, +y(+j) direction
        ijscan    = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(19),32) / 32   ! get the third bit 
                    ! = 0, x direction first, = 1, y direction first

        uvearth   = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(14),8)  /  8   ! get the fifth bit, big-endian
        IF (jscan == 1) THEN          ! +y(+j) direction
          latsw     = gfld%igdtmpl(12)/1.0E6
          lonsw     = gfld%igdtmpl(13)/1.0E6
        ELSE                          ! -y(-j) direction
          latsw     = gfld%igdtmpl(15)/1.0E6
          lonsw     = gfld%igdtmpl(13)/1.0E6
        END IF
      ELSE IF (gfld%igdtnum == 30) THEN ! Lambert Conformal Grid
        iproj_grb   = 2
        nx_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
        ny_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
        lontrue     = gfld%igdtmpl(14)/1.0E6
        lattru1     = gfld%igdtmpl(19)/1.0E6
        lattru2     = gfld%igdtmpl(20)/1.0E6
        dx_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(15)/1.0E3
        dy_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(16)/1.0E3
        latsw       = gfld%igdtmpl(10)/1.0E6
        lonsw       = gfld%igdtmpl(11)/1.0E6
        iscan     = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(18),128)/128  ! get the first bit 
                    ! = 0, +x(+i) direction, = 1, -x(-i) direction
        jscan     = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(18),64) / 64   ! get the second bit 
                    ! = 0, -y(-j) direction, = 1, +y(+j) direction
        ijscan    = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(18),32) / 32   ! get the third bit 
                    ! = 0, x direction first, = 1, y direction first

      ELSE IF (gfld%igdtnum == 20) THEN ! Polar-Stereographic Grid
        iproj_grb   = 1
        nx_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
        ny_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
        lattru1     = 60.
        lattru2     = 91.
        latsw       = gfld%igdtmpl(10)
        lonsw       = gfld%igdtmpl(11)

         WRITE(6,'(1x,a,I3)') 'Unkown projection: ',gfld%igdtnum
         CALL arpsstop('Unknown map project in GRIB2 file.',1)
      END IF

      iinc = (-1)**iscan
      ibgn = (nx_ext)**iscan
      iend = ibgn + (nx_ext-1)*iinc

      jinc = (-1)*(-1)**jscan
      jend = (ny_ext)**jscan
      jbgn = jend - (ny_ext-1)*jinc

      IF (nx_ext /= nx_grb .OR. ny_ext /= ny_grb) THEN
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,/,8x,a,I3,a,I3,/,8x,a,I3,a,I3)')                 &
           'ERROR: Dimension size inconsistent',                        &
           'Expected: nx_ext = ',nx_ext,', ny_ext = ',ny_ext,           &
           'Found   : nx_grb = ',nx_grb,', ny_grb = ',ny_grb
         CALL arpsstop('Inconsistent dimension size in GRIB2 file.',1)
      END IF

      IF (verbose) THEN
        WRITE(6,'(1x,2a)') 'M_No  StartBytes F_No. ',                   &
             'Field_No.  (Dis, Cat, Par) LevelType   Levelval  GRB_Array'
        WRITE(6,'(1x,2a)') '===== ========== ===== ',                   &
             '========== =============== ========== ========== =========='
      END IF

      CALL gf_free( gfld )

    END IF        ! First GRIB2 message

    IF (verbose) WRITE(6,FMT='(1x,I4,2x,I10,1x,I3,3x)',ADVANCE='NO')  &

    DO n = 1,numfields   ! unpack GRIB2 fields in each message
      CALL gf_getfld(cgrib,lgrib,n,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,gfld,iret)
      IF (iret /= 0) THEN
        WRITE(6,'(a,I3)') 'ERROR: Decoding GRIB2 message = ',iret
        CALL arpsstop('ERROR in rdnmcgrb2 when calling gf_getfld.',1)
      END IF
      IF (verbose) THEN
        IF (n == 1) THEN
        WRITE(6,FMT='(I5,6x,3(a,I3),a,I10,4x)',ADVANCE='NO') n,         &
        WRITE(6,FMT='(24x,I5,6x,3(a,I3),a,I10,4x)',ADVANCE='NO') n,     &
        END IF
      END IF

      DO m = 1,maxvar    ! match the required variables
!        IF (gfld%ipdtmpl(4) == varids(1,m) .AND.      &  ! Discipline
        IF (gfld%discipline == varids(1,m) .AND.      &  ! Discipline
            gfld%ipdtmpl(1) == varids(2,m) .AND.      &  ! Category
            gfld%ipdtmpl(2) == varids(3,m) .AND.      &  ! Parameter
            gfld%ipdtmpl(10)== varids(4,m) ) THEN        ! Elevation

          levelin = gfld%ipdtmpl(12)

! Check 3D levels

          IF (gfld%ipdtmpl(10) == 100 .OR.  &  ! Pressure level
              gfld%ipdtmpl(10) == 105       &  ! Hybrid level
!              gfld%ipdtmpl(10) == 104       &  ! Sigma level
              ) THEN                           ! 3D levels
            DO k = 1,nz_ext
              IF (levelin == var3dlvl(k)) EXIT
            END DO
            IF (k > nz_ext) THEN
              WRITE(6,'(/,1x,a,F15.2,a,/,1x,a,/)')                      &
              'WARNING: varaible level (',levelin,') is not found in var3dlvl.', &
              '         Please check the parameters array passing in to rdnmcgrb2.'
!              CALL arpsstop('Unknown variable level.',1)
              IF (verbose) WRITE(6,FMT='(F10.2,5x,a,I3)',ADVANCE='NO')  &
                                levelin, '3D-',k 
            END IF
            ij = 0
            DO j = jbgn, jend, jinc
              DO i = ibgn, iend, iinc
                ij = ij+1
!                ij = j + (i-1)*ny_ext
!                ij = i + (j-1)*nx_ext
                var_grb3d(i,j,k,var3dindx(m)) = gfld%fld(ij)  ! store the unpacked 2D slab 
              END DO
            END DO
! Check Soil levels

          ELSE IF (gfld%ipdtmpl(10) == 106 ) THEN  ! Depth below land surface

            DO k = 1,nzsoilin_ext
              IF (levelin == var3dsoil(k)) EXIT
            END DO
            IF (k > nzsoilin_ext) THEN
              WRITE(6,'(/,1x,a,F15.2,a,/,1x,a,/)')                        &
              'WARNING: varaible level (',levelin,') is not found in var3dsoil.',  &
              '         Please check the parameters array passing in to rdnmcgrb2.'
!              CALL arpsstop('Unknown soil variable level.',1)
              IF (verbose) WRITE(6,FMT='(F10.2,5x,a,I3.3)',ADVANCE='NO')  &
                                levelin, '3DSOIL-',k 
            END IF
            ij = 0                            ! assume ijscan = 0
            DO j = jbgn, jend, jinc
              DO i = ibgn, iend, iinc
                ij = ij+1
                var_grb3d(i,j,k,var3dindx(m)) = gfld%fld(ij)  ! store the unpacked 2D slab 
              END DO
            END DO
! Check 2D level, Should be at specified 2D slab

          ELSE IF (gfld%ipdtmpl(10) == 103 .OR.      &  ! Specified height above ground
                   gfld%ipdtmpl(10) == 104 ) THEN       ! Sigma level

            IF (levelin == var2dlvl(var2dindx(m)) ) THEN
              ij = 0
              DO j = jbgn, jend, jinc
                DO i = ibgn, iend, iinc
                  ij = ij+1
                  var_grb2d(i,j,var2dindx(m)) = gfld%fld(ij)
                END DO
              END DO
              IF (verbose) WRITE(6,FMT='(F10.2,5x,a)',ADVANCE='NO')     &
                                levelin, '2D' 
              IF (verbose) WRITE(6,FMT='(F10.2,5x,a)',ADVANCE='NO')     &
                                levelin, '-- Skipped' 
            END IF  ! 2D variable at the right layer

! Check 2D level, Do not need to check the level values

          ELSE IF (gfld%ipdtmpl(10) == 1 .OR.             &  ! Ground or water surface
                   gfld%ipdtmpl(10) == 101 ) THEN            ! Mean Sea Level
            ij = 0
            DO j = jbgn, jend, jinc
              DO i = ibgn, iend, iinc
                ij = ij+1
                var_grb2d(i,j,var2dindx(m)) = gfld%fld(ij)
              END DO
            END DO
            IF (verbose) WRITE(6,FMT='(F10.2,5x,a,I2,a)',ADVANCE='NO')  &
                              levelin, '2D-ground(',var2dindx(m),')' 
            IF (verbose) WRITE(6,FMT='(F10.2,5x,a)',ADVANCE='NO')       &
                              levelin, '-- Skipped' 
          END IF         ! Store if matched levels also

          EXIT           ! already matched, so exit from the required variable loop

        END IF         ! matched var. ids
      END DO         ! matching loop all required variables

      IF (verbose ) THEN
        IF ( m > maxvar) THEN
          WRITE(6,'(10x,a)') ' --- skipped.' 
        END IF
      END IF
      CALL gf_free( gfld )

    END DO               ! numfields

  END DO   ! number of GRIB2 messages

! Close file and release the gribfield before returning

  CALL baclose( grbunit,iret )
  CALL retunit( grbunit )


!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE RDGRB2DIMS                 ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE rdgrb2dims(gribfile,grbflen,nx_grb,ny_grb,iret) 1,11
!  This subroutine extracts dimension sizes from GRIB2 file
!  The decoder of GRIB2 is from NCEP.
!  AUTHOR: Yunheng Wang
!  08/20/2007
!    gribfile      GRIB file name
!    grbflen       Length of GRIB file name
!    nx_grb        x-direction grid length
!    ny_grb        y-direction grid length
!    iret          Return flag
!  Variable Declarations.


  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: grbflen

  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: gribfile

  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nx_grb       ! Number of points along x-axis
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ny_grb       ! Number of points along y-axis

  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iret         ! Return flag

!  Temporary arrays to read GRIB file
  INTEGER :: grbunit

  INTEGER :: istatus      ! Return status

  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxlen = 32000

  TYPE(gribfield) :: gfld

!  Misc internal variables
!  LOGICAL             :: verbose = .FALSE.
  CHARACTER(LEN=12), PARAMETER :: cmd     = 'rdgrib2dims: '

  INTEGER :: iseek
  INTEGER :: lgrib, lgribin, lskip

  INTEGER :: iscan, jscan, ijscan
  INTEGER :: listsec0(3), listsec1(13)
  INTEGER :: numfields, numlocal, maxlocal

  INTEGER :: itemp
!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Open the GRIB file
  WRITE(6,'(1x,8A)') cmd, 'Opening GRIB ', gribfile(1:grbflen)

  CALL getunit( grbunit )

  CALL baopenr(grbunit,gribfile(1:grbflen),iret)

  IF  ( iret /= 0 )  THEN
    WRITE(6,'(a,a,/,a,i4)')                                             &
        'ERROR in opening file ',gribfile(1:grbflen),                   &
        'function baopenr return status: ',iret

! Loop over all records

  iseek   = 0
  iret = 0

  CALL skgb(grbunit,iseek,maxlen,lskip,lgrib)
  IF (lgrib == 0) THEN
    iret = -3

  ALLOCATE(cgrib(lgrib), STAT = istatus)

  CALL baread(grbunit,lskip,lgrib,lgribin,cgrib)   ! read a GRIB message
  IF (lgrib /= lgribin) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(2(a,I6))')                                              &
       'ERROR: GRIB2 message size in error, required size = ',lgrib,  &
       ', read-in size = ',lgribin
    CALL arpsstop('ERROR in rdgrb2dims when calling baread.',1)

  CALL gb_info(cgrib,lgrib,listsec0,listsec1,                         &
  IF (iret /= 0) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(a,I3)') 'ERROR: quering GRIB2 message = ',iret
    CALL arpsstop('ERROR in rdgrb2dims when calling gb_info.',1)

  CALL gf_getfld(cgrib,lgrib,1,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,gfld,iret)
  IF (iret /= 0) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(a,I3)') 'ERROR: Decoding GRIB2 message = ',iret
    CALL arpsstop('ERROR in rdgrb2dims when calling gf_getfld.',1)
  itemp = gfld%ipdtmpl(5)         ! indicator of model
  IF (gfld%idsect(1) == 7) THEN
    IF (itemp == 83 .OR. itemp == 84) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,/)') 'NCEP NAM model'
    ELSE IF (itemp == 81 .OR. itemp == 96) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,/)') 'NCEP GFS model'
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,I3,/)') 'Unkown model from NCEP, model = ',itemp
    END IF
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,I2,a,I2,/)')                                   &
          'Unknown model and orig center, center = ',gfld%idsect(1),  &
          ' model = ',itemp

  IF (gfld%igdtnum == 0) THEN       ! Lat/Lon grid 
!    iproj_grb = 4
    nx_grb    = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
    ny_grb    = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
!    dx_grb    = gfld%igdtmpl(17)/1.0E6  ! in degree
!    dy_grb    = gfld%igdtmpl(18)/1.0E6  ! in degree
!    iscan     = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(19),128)/128  ! get the first bit 
                    ! = 0, +x(+i) direction, = 1, -x(-i) direction
!    jscan     = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(19),64) / 64   ! get the second bit 
                    ! = 0, -y(-j) direction, = 1, +y(+j) direction
!    ijscan    = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(19),32) / 32   ! get the third bit 
                    ! = 0, x direction first, = 1, y direction first

!    uvearth   = IAND(gfld%igdtmpl(14),8)  /  8   ! get the fifth bit, big-endian
!    IF (jscan == 1) THEN          ! +y(+j) direction
!      latsw     = gfld%igdtmpl(12)/1.0E6
!      lonsw     = gfld%igdtmpl(13)/1.0E6
!    ELSE                          ! -y(-j) direction
!      latsw     = gfld%igdtmpl(15)/1.0E6
!      lonsw     = gfld%igdtmpl(13)/1.0E6
!    END IF
  ELSE IF (gfld%igdtnum == 30) THEN ! Lambert Conformal Grid
!    iproj_grb   = 2
    nx_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
    ny_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
!    lontrue     = gfld%igdtmpl(14)
!    lattru1     = gfld%igdtmpl(19)
!    lattru2     = gfld%igdtmpl(20)
!    dx_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(15)
!    dy_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(16)
!    latsw       = gfld%igdtmpl(10)
!    lonsw       = gfld%igdtmpl(11)

  ELSE IF (gfld%igdtnum == 20) THEN ! Polar-Stereographic Grid
!    iproj_grb   = 1
    nx_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(8)
    ny_grb      = gfld%igdtmpl(9)
!    lattru1     = 60.
!    lattru2     = 91.
!    latsw       = gfld%igdtmpl(10)
!    lonsw       = gfld%igdtmpl(11)

     WRITE(6,'(1x,a,I3)') 'Unkown projection: ',gfld%igdtnum
     CALL arpsstop('Unknown map project in GRIB2 file.',1)

  CALL gf_free( gfld )

! Close file and release the gribfield before returning

  CALL baclose( grbunit,iret )
  CALL retunit( grbunit )

  DEALLOCATE (cgrib)