!################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### PROGRAM EXTRACT_AVN ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! PROGRAM extract_avn,36 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: ! Ming Xue (August 2000) ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! Nov. 5, 2000. (Ming Xue) ! Added variables at sigma = 0.995 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input and output grid dimensions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: nx_ext, ny_ext, nz_ext ! dimensions of external data grid INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! NAMELIST variables for input data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=60) :: dir_extd ! directory of external data CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: extdname ! Prefix string of external file name. ! Used ONLY for ARPS data input ! The file name should look like: ! extdname.time_string INTEGER :: nextdfil ! number of external data files to process CHARACTER (LEN=29) :: extdtime(50) ! external data times ! format mm-dd-yyyy:hh:mm:ss/HHH:MM:SS ! _initial time_____ /forecast REAL :: latbgn,latend,lonbgn,lonend, del_lat, del_lon INTEGER :: ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: jobname CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: outdir ! NAMELIST /extdfile/ jobname,dir_extd,extdname, & nextdfil,extdtime, & latbgn,latend,lonbgn,lonend,outdir,filcmprs REAL, allocatable :: lat_ext(:,:) ! external data latidude REAL, allocatable :: lon_ext(:,:) ! external data longitude REAL, allocatable :: p_ext(:,:,:) ! Pressure (Pascals) REAL, allocatable :: hgt_ext(:,:,:) ! Height (m) REAL, allocatable :: t_ext(:,:,:) ! Temperature (K) REAL, allocatable :: u_ext(:,:,:) ! Eastward wind component REAL, allocatable :: v_ext(:,:,:) ! Northward wind component REAL, allocatable :: qv_ext(:,:,:) ! Specific humidity (kg/kg) REAL, allocatable :: qc_ext(:,:,:) ! Cloud H2O mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, allocatable :: qr_ext(:,:,:) ! Rain H2O mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, allocatable :: qi_ext(:,:,:) ! Ice H2O mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, allocatable :: qs_ext(:,:,:) ! Snow H2O mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, allocatable :: qh_ext(:,:,:) ! Hail H2O mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, allocatable :: tsfc_ext (:,:) ! Temperature at surface (K) REAL, allocatable :: tsoil_ext (:,:) ! Deep soil temperature (K) REAL, allocatable :: wetsfc_ext (:,:) ! Surface soil moisture REAL, allocatable :: wetdp_ext (:,:) ! Deep soil moisture REAL, allocatable :: wetcanp_ext(:,:) ! Canopy water amount REAL, allocatable :: snowdpth_ext(:,:) ! Snow depth (m) REAL, allocatable :: trn_ext (:,:) ! External terrain (m) REAL, allocatable :: psfc_ext (:,:) ! Surface pressure (Pa) REAL, allocatable :: ugrd_ext (:,:) ! u at sigma=0.995 (m/s) REAL, allocatable :: vgrd_ext (:,:) ! v at sigma=0.995 (m/s) REAL, allocatable :: tgrd_ext (:,:) ! T at sigma=0.995 (K) REAL, allocatable :: rhgrd_ext (:,:) ! relative humidity at sigma=0.995 (K) REAL, allocatable :: ptgrd_ext (:,:) ! PT at sigma=0.995 (K) REAL, allocatable :: pmsl_ext (:,:) ! MSL pressure (Pa) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc internal variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=19) :: extdinit CHARACTER (LEN=9) :: extdfcst CHARACTER (LEN=9) :: julfname INTEGER :: i,istatus INTEGER :: iyr,imo,iday,ihr,imin,isec,jldy INTEGER :: ifhr,ifmin,ifsec,mfhr INTEGER :: myr,iabssec,jabssec INTEGER :: ifile INTEGER :: iextmn,iextmx,jextmn,jextmx INTEGER :: idiag,jdiag REAL :: latnot(2) REAL :: amin,amax REAL :: qvmin,qvmax,qvval REAL :: csconst,pconst REAL :: deltaz,tv_ext REAL :: pres,temp,qvsat,rh,tvbar,qvprt,qtot REAL :: xdiag,ydiag,dd,dmin,latd,lond REAL :: ppasc,pmb,tc,tdc,theta,smix,e,bige,alge,dir,spd CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: soiloutfl,temchar CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: timsnd INTEGER :: lfn, tmstrln INTEGER :: tsfcout,tsoilout,wetsout,wetdout,wetcout,snowdout INTEGER :: isnow,jsnow,ii,jj REAL :: xumin,xumax,yvmin,yvmax INTEGER :: strlen, ireturn CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: FMT CHARACTER (LEN=100) :: tmp_ch INTEGER :: iproj_ext, nunit, idummy REAL :: scale_ext,trlon_ext,latnot_ext(2),x0_ext,y0_ext,rdummy INTEGER :: iuout, ivout, ipout, ihout,itout, & iqvout, itsfcout,itsoilout,iwsfcout,iwdpout, & iwcnpout,isnowout,itrnout,ipsfcout, & iugrdout,ivgrdout,itgrdout,iptgrdout,irhgrdout,ipmslout CHARACTER (LEN=13) :: outtime CHARACTER (LEN=120) :: outfile INTEGER :: len1,outflen,lenrun,ierr LOGICAL :: iexist ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read in additional namelists for external file specifications. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dir_extd = './' extdname = 'may20' nextdfil = 1 extdtime(1) = '1977-05-20.21:00:00+000:00:00' filcmprs = 1 READ (5,extdfile) WRITE (6, '(3x,a,a,a)')'dir_extd = ''', trim(dir_extd), ''',' WRITE (6, '(3x,a,a,a)')'extdname = ''', trim(extdname), ''',' WRITE (6, '(3x,a,i4,a)')'nextdfil = ', nextdfil, ',' DO i=1,nextdfil WRITE (6, '(3x,a,i2.2,a,a,a)') & 'extdtime(',i,') = ''', trim(extdtime(i)), ''',' END DO 2 CONTINUE nx_ext = 360 ny_ext = 181 nz_ext = 26 PRINT*,'nx_ext, ny_ext, nz_ext = ', nx_ext, ny_ext, nz_ext IF( lonbgn <= 0.0 ) THEN lonbgn = lonbgn + 360.0 END IF IF( lonend <= 0.0) THEN lonend = lonend + 360.0 END IF IF( lonbgn > lonend ) lonend = lonend + 360.0 latbgn = latbgn + 90.0 latend = latend + 90.0 ibgn = nint(lonbgn/1.0)+1 iend = nint(lonend/1.0)+1 jbgn = nint(latbgn/1.0)+1 jend = nint(latend/1.0)+1 PRINT *,'ibgn= ',ibgn,' iend=', iend PRINT *,'jbgn= ',jbgn,' jend=', jend allocate(lat_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(lon_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) ! allocate(p_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(hgt_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(t_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(u_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(v_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(qv_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(qc_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(qr_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(qi_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(qs_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(qh_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext),stat=istatus) allocate(tsfc_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(tsoil_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(wetsfc_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(wetdp_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(wetcanp_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(snowdpth_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(trn_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(psfc_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(ugrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(vgrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(tgrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(rhgrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(ptgrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) allocate(pmsl_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend),stat=istatus) lat_ext=-999.0 lon_ext=-999.0 p_ext =-999.0 hgt_ext=-999.0 t_ext =-999.0 u_ext =-999.0 v_ext =-999.0 qv_ext =-999.0 qc_ext =-999.0 qr_ext =-999.0 qi_ext =-999.0 qs_ext =-999.0 qh_ext =-999.0 tsfc_ext =-999.0 tsoil_ext =-999.0 wetsfc_ext =-999.0 wetdp_ext =-999.0 wetcanp_ext =-999.0 snowdpth_ext=-999.0 trn_ext =-999.0 psfc_ext =-999.0 ugrd_ext =-999.0 vgrd_ext =-999.0 tgrd_ext =-999.0 rhgrd_ext =-999.0 ptgrd_ext =-999.0 pmsl_ext =-999.0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Loop through the data times provided via NAMELIST. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO ifile=1,nextdfil ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Time conversions. ! Formats: extdtime='1994-05-06.18:00:00+000:00:00' ! julfname='941261800' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! READ(extdtime(ifile),'(a19,1x,a9)') extdinit,extdfcst IF(extdfcst == ' ') extdfcst='000:00:00' READ(extdinit, & '(i4,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2)',ERR=920,END=920) & iyr,imo,iday,ihr,imin,isec CALL julday(iyr,imo,iday,jldy) myr=MOD(iyr,100) ifhr=0 ifmin=0 ifsec=0 READ(extdfcst, & '(i3,1x,i2,1x,i2)',ERR=4,END=4) ifhr,ifmin,ifsec 4 CONTINUE mfhr=MOD(ifhr,24) jldy = jldy + ifhr/24 WRITE(julfname, & '(i2.2,i3.3,i2.2,i2.2)') myr,jldy,ihr,mfhr CALL ctim2abss(iyr,imo,iday,ihr,imin,isec,iabssec) jabssec=(ifhr*3600) + (ifmin*60) + ifsec + iabssec ! write(6,'(a,a9,a,/19x,a,a19,a/a,a/a,i16,a,/,i26,a)') ! : ' Calling rdextfil, looking for ', ! : extdfcst,' hour forecast ' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get NCEP AVN GRIB #3 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL get_avn_grb(nx_ext,ny_ext,nz_ext,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend, & dir_extd,extdname,extdinit,extdfcst,julfname, & iproj_ext,scale_ext,trlon_ext,latnot_ext,x0_ext,y0_ext, & lat_ext,lon_ext,p_ext,hgt_ext,t_ext,qv_ext,u_ext,v_ext, & qc_ext,qr_ext,qi_ext,qs_ext,qh_ext, & tsfc_ext,tsoil_ext,wetsfc_ext,wetdp_ext,wetcanp_ext, & snowdpth_ext,trn_ext,psfc_ext, & ugrd_ext,vgrd_ext,tgrd_ext,rhgrd_ext,ptgrd_ext,pmsl_ext, & istatus) IF(istatus /= 1) GO TO 999 PRINT*,' ' CALL a3dmax0(lat_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'lat_ext_min= ', amin,', lat_ext_max=',amax CALL a3dmax0(lon_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'lon_ext_min= ', amin,', lon_ext_max=',amax ! CALL a3dmax0(p_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'p_ext_min = ', amin,', p_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(hgt_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'hgt_ext_min= ', amin,', hgt_ext_max=',amax CALL a3dmax0(t_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 't_ext_min = ', amin,', t_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(u_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'u_ext_min = ', amin,', u_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(v_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'v_ext_min = ', amin,', v_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(qv_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'qv_ext_min = ', amin,', qv_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(qc_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'qc_ext_min = ', amin,', qc_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(qr_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'qr_ext_min = ', amin,', qr_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(qi_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'qi_ext_min = ', amin,', qi_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(qs_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'qs_ext_min = ', amin,', qs_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(qh_ext ,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,nz_ext,1,nz_ext,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'qh_ext_min = ', amin,', qh_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(tsfc_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'tsfc_ext_min = ', amin,', tsfc_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(tsoil_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'tsoil_ext_min = ', amin,', tsoil_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(wetsfc_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'wetsfc_ext_min = ', amin,', wetsfc_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(wetdp_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'wetdp_ext_min = ', amin,', wetdp_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(wetcanp_ext, & ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'wetcanp_ext_min= ', amin,', wetcanp_ext_max=',amax CALL a3dmax0(snowdpth_ext, & ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'snowd_ext_min = ', amin,', snow_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(psfc_ext, & ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'psfc_ext_min = ', amin,', psfc_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(trn_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'trn_ext_min = ', amin,', trn_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(ugrd_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'ugrd_ext_min = ', amin,', ugrd_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(vgrd_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'vgrd_ext_min = ', amin,', vgrd_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(tgrd_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'tgrd_ext_min = ', amin,', tgrd_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(rhgrd_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'rhgrd_ext_min = ', amin,', rhgrd_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0(ptgrd_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & 'ptgrd_ext_min = ', amin,', ptgrd_ext_max =',amax CALL a3dmax0( pmsl_ext,ibgn,iend,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend,jbgn,jend, & 1,1,1,1,amax,amin) WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') & ' pmsl_ext_min = ', amin,', pmsl_ext_max =',amax ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Write out the data patch ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! READ (extdinit,'(i4,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2)') & iyr,imo,iday,ihr,imin,isec myr=MOD(iyr,100) ifhr=0 ifmin=0 ifsec=0 READ(extdfcst,'(i3)',ERR=5,END=5) ifhr 5 CONTINUE WRITE (outtime,'(i4.4,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2,a1,i2.2)') & iyr,imo,iday,ihr,'f',ifhr len1=len_trim(outdir) outflen=len1 IF( outflen == 0 .OR. outdir(1:outflen) == ' ' ) THEN outdir = '.' outflen=1 END IF outflen = len_trim( outdir ) IF( outdir(outflen:outflen) /= '/') THEN outflen=outflen+1 outdir(outflen:outflen)='/' END IF ! print*,'outdir =', trim(outdir) INQUIRE(FILE=trim(outdir),EXIST=iexist) IF( .NOT.iexist ) THEN WRITE(6,'(5x,a,2(/5x,a))') & 'Specified output directory '//trim(outdir)//' not found.', & 'It was created by the program.' CALL unixcmd( 'mkdir -p '//trim(outdir) ) END IF lenrun = len_trim( jobname ) outfile = outdir(1:outflen)//jobname(1:lenrun) & //'.'//outtime(1:13) outflen = outflen + lenrun + 14 CALL fnversn(outfile, outflen) CALL getunit( nunit) CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr) CALL asnfile(outfile(1:outflen), '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr) OPEN(UNIT=nunit,FILE=outfile(1:outflen), & STATUS='unknown',FORM='unformatted',IOSTAT=istatus) IF( istatus /= 0 ) THEN WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a,/1x,i3,a)') & 'Error occured when opening file ',outfile(1:outflen), & 'using FORTRAN unit ',nunit,' Program stopped.' STOP END IF PRINT*,'To creat file ',trim(outfile) del_lat = 1.0 del_lon = 1.0 WRITE(nunit) iend-ibgn+1, jend-jbgn+1,nz_ext WRITE(nunit) lonbgn,lonend,latbgn,latend WRITE(nunit) del_lon, del_lat iuout = 1 ivout = 1 ipout = 1 ihout = 1 itout = 1 iqvout = 1 itsfcout = 1 itsoilout= 1 iwsfcout = 1 iwdpout = 1 iwcnpout = 0 isnowout = 0 itrnout = 1 ipsfcout = 1 iugrdout = 1 ivgrdout = 1 itgrdout = 1 iptgrdout= 1 ipmslout = 1 irhgrdout= 1 idummy = 0.0 WRITE(nunit) iuout, ivout, ipout, ihout,itout, & iqvout, itsfcout,itsoilout,iwsfcout,iwdpout, & iwcnpout,isnowout,itrnout,ipsfcout,iugrdout, & ivgrdout,itgrdout,iptgrdout,irhgrdout,ipmslout, & iproj_ext,idummy,idummy, idummy, idummy, & idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy rdummy = 0.0 WRITE(nunit) scale_ext,trlon_ext,latnot_ext(1),latnot_ext(2), & x0_ext, y0_ext, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, & rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, & rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, & rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, & rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy IF( iuout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'u(m/s)....' IF( iuout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) u_ext IF( ivout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'v(m/s)....' IF( ivout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) v_ext IF( ipout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'p(P)......' IF( ipout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) p_ext IF( ihout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'hgt(m)....' IF( ihout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) hgt_ext IF( itout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 't(K)......' IF( itout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) t_ext IF( iqvout==1) WRITE(nunit) 'qv(g/g)...' IF( iqvout==1) WRITE(nunit) qv_ext IF( itsfcout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'tsfc(K)...' IF( itsfcout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) tsfc_ext IF( itsoilout==1) WRITE(nunit) 'tsoil(K)..' IF( itsoilout==1) WRITE(nunit) tsoil_ext IF( iwsfcout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'wetsfc....' IF( iwsfcout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) wetsfc_ext IF( iwdpout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'wetdp.....' IF( iwdpout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) wetdp_ext IF( iwcnpout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'wetcanp...' IF( iwcnpout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) wetcanp_ext IF( isnowout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'snowdp(m).' IF( isnowout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) snowdpth_ext IF( itrnout ==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'trn(m)....' IF( itrnout ==1 ) WRITE(nunit) trn_ext IF( ipsfcout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'psfc(Pa)..' IF( ipsfcout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) psfc_ext IF( iugrdout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'ugrd(m/s).' IF( iugrdout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) ugrd_ext IF( ivgrdout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'vgrd(m/s).' IF( ivgrdout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) vgrd_ext IF( itgrdout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'tgrd(K)...' IF( itgrdout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) tgrd_ext IF( irhgrdout==1) WRITE(nunit) 'rhgrd.....' IF( irhgrdout==1) WRITE(nunit) rhgrd_ext IF( iptgrdout==1) WRITE(nunit) 'ptgrd(K)..' IF( iptgrdout==1) WRITE(nunit) ptgrd_ext IF( ipmslout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) 'pmsl(Pa)..' IF( ipmslout==1 ) WRITE(nunit) pmsl_ext CLOSE (UNIT=nunit) CALL retunit( nunit) IF( filcmprs .eq. 1 ) CALL cmprs( outfile(1:outflen) ) PRINT*,'Finished writing file ',trim(outfile) PRINT*,' ' END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Friendly exit message. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE(6,'(a/a,i4,a)') & ' Normal succesful completion of EXT2ARPS.', & ' Processed',nextdfil,' file(s)' STOP ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Problem doing time conversions. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 920 CONTINUE WRITE(6,'(a,/,a,i4,a,i4/,a,a19)') & ' Aborting, error in time format for external file', & ' File number:',ifile,' of',nextdfil, & ' External file time provided:',extdtime(ifile) STOP ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Error status returned from rdextfil ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 999 CONTINUE WRITE(6,'(a,i6)') & ' Aborting, error reading external file. istatus=', & istatus STOP END PROGRAM extract_avn ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GET_AVN_GRB ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE get_avn_grb(nx_ext,ny_ext,nz_ext,ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend, & 1,5 dir_extd,extdname,extdinit,extdfcst,julfname, & iproj_ext,scale_ext,trlon_ext,latnot_ext,x0_ext,y0_ext, & lat_ext,lon_ext,p_ext,hgt_ext,t_ext,qv_ext,u_ext,v_ext, & qc_ext,qr_ext,qi_ext,qs_ext,qh_ext, & tsfc_ext,tsoil_ext,wetsfc_ext,wetdp_ext,wetcanp_ext, & snowdpth_ext,trn_ext,psfc_ext, & ugrd_ext,vgrd_ext,tgrd_ext,rhgrd_ext,ptgrd_ext,pmsl_ext, & istatus) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Reads and pass out a section of NCEP AVN GRIB ! (Grid #3, 1x1 degree) data file. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: M. Xue ! 07/25/2000 Based on GETNMCAVN3. ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! dir_extd Directory name for external file ! extdname Prefix string of external file name ! extdinit Initialized time in mm-dd-yyyy:hh:mm:ss format ! extdfcst Forecast hour in HHH:MM:SS format ! julfname File name in yyjjjhhmm format ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! iproj_ext Map projection number of external data ! scale_ext Scale factor of external data ! trlon_ext True longitude of external data (degrees E) ! latnot_ext(2) True latitude(s) of external data (degrees N) ! x0_ext x coordinate of origin of external data ! y0_ext y coordinate of origin of external data ! lat_ext latitude of external data points (degrees N) ! lon_ext longitude of external data points (degrees E) ! p_ext pressure (Pascal) ! hgt_ext height (m) ! t_ext temperature (K) ! qv_ext specific humidity (kg/kg) ! u_ext u wind component (m/s) ! v_ext v wind component (m/s) ! qc_ext Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qr_ext Rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qi_ext Ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qs_ext Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qh_ext Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! ! tsfc_ext Surface temperature ! tsoil_ext Soil temperature ! wetsfc_ext Top layer soil moisture ! wetdp_ext Deep soil moisture ! wetcanp_ext Water content on canopy ! ! trn_ext External terrain (m) ! psfc_ext Surface pressure (Pa) ! ugrd_ext u at sigma=0.995 (m/s) ! vgrd_ext v at sigma=0.995 (m/s) ! tgrd_ext T at sigma=0.995 (K) ! rhgrd_ext relative humidity at sigma=0.995 (K) ! ptgrd_ext PT at sigma=0.995 (K) ! pmsl_ext MSL pressure (Pa) ! ! istatus status indicator ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! var_grb3d Arrays to store the GRIB 3-D variables: ! var_grb3d(nxgrb,nygrb,nzgrb,1,1) - Temperature (K) ! var_grb3d(nxgrb,nygrb,nzgrb,2,1) - Specific humidity ! (kg/kg) ! var_grb3d(nxgrb,nygrb,nzgrb,3,1) - u wind (m/s) ! var_grb3d(nxgrb,nygrb,nzgrb,4,1) - v wind (m/s) ! var_grb3d(nxgrb,nygrb,nzgrb,5,1) - Geopotential ! height (gpm) ! var_grb3d(nxgrb,nygrb,nzgrb,6,1) - Pressure vertical ! velocity (Pa/s) ! (if applied) ! var_grb3d(nxgrb,nygrb,nzgrb,1,2) - soil temp. (K) ! var_grb3d(nxgrb,nygrb,nzgrb,2,2) - vol. soil moist. ! (m**3/m**3) ! ! var_grb2d Arrays to store the GRIB 2-D variables: ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,1,1) - Surface pressure (Pa) ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,2,1) - Geopotential height (gpm) ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,3,1) - Surface temperature (K) ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,4,1) - Plant canopy surface water (kg/m**2) ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,6,1) - Snow depth ! ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,1,2) - temperature at sigma = 0.995 (K) ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,2,2) - u, east-west velocity at sigma = 0.995 (m/s) ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,3,2) - v, north-south velocity at sigma = 0.995 (m/s) ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,4,2) - relative humidity at sigma = 0.995 ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,5,2) - potential temperature at sigma = 0.995 (K) ! var_grb2d(nxgrb,nygrb,6,2) - undefined, unused ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'gribcst.inc' CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: dir_extd CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: extdname CHARACTER (LEN=19) :: extdinit CHARACTER (LEN=9) :: extdfcst CHARACTER (LEN=9) :: julfname ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! External grid variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: iproj_ext REAL :: scale_ext,trlon_ext REAL :: latnot_ext(2) REAL :: x0_ext,y0_ext REAL :: dx_ext,dy_ext ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Output external variable arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nx_ext,ny_ext,nz_ext INTEGER :: ibgn,iend,jbgn,jend REAL :: lat_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) REAL :: lon_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) REAL :: p_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Pressure (Pascals) REAL :: hgt_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Height (m) REAL :: t_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Temperature (K) REAL :: qv_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Specific humidity (kg/kg) REAL :: u_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Eastward wind component REAL :: v_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Northward wind component REAL :: qc_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Cloud H2O mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qr_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Rain H2O mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qi_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qs_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qh_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend,nz_ext) ! Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: tsfc_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! Temperature at surface (K) REAL :: tsoil_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! Deep soil temperature (K) REAL :: wetsfc_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! Surface soil moisture REAL :: wetdp_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! Deep soil moisture REAL :: wetcanp_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! Canopy water amount REAL :: snowdpth_ext(ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! Snow depth (m) REAL :: trn_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! External terrain (m) REAL :: psfc_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! Surface pressure (Pa) REAL :: ugrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! u at sigma=0.995 (m/s) REAL :: vgrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! v at sigma=0.995 (m/s) REAL :: tgrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! T at sigma=0.995 (K) REAL :: rhgrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! relative humidity at sigma=0.995 (K) REAL :: ptgrd_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! PT at sigma=0.995 (K) REAL :: pmsl_ext (ibgn:iend,jbgn:jend) ! MSL pressure (Pa) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Other external variable arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! real x_ext(nx_ext) ! real y_ext(ny_ext) INTEGER :: istatus ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Work arrays for storing grib data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL, allocatable :: var_grb2d(:,:,:,:) ! GRIB variables REAL, allocatable :: var_grb3d(:,:,:,:,:) ! GRIB 3-D variables INTEGER, allocatable :: var_lev3d(:,:,:) ! Levels (hybrid) for ! each 3-D variable REAL, allocatable :: rcdata(:) ! temporary data array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Original grid variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: iproj REAL :: scale,trlon,x0,y0 REAL :: latnot(2) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc internal variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: gribfile CHARACTER (LEN=13) :: gribtime INTEGER :: i,j,k,kk INTEGER :: iyr,imo,iday,myr, jldy INTEGER :: ihr,imin,isec INTEGER :: ifhr,ifmin,ifsec INTEGER :: grbflen, len1, lenrun INTEGER :: m,n,nz1,max_nr2d,max_nr3d,min_nr3d,nz2 REAL :: govrd INTEGER :: chklev, lvscan INTEGER :: iret ! Return flag ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'phycst.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! GRIB grid information ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=42) :: gridesc ! Grid description INTEGER :: iproj_grb ! Map projection indicator INTEGER :: gthin ! Indicator of whether the grid is "thinned" INTEGER :: ni_grb ! Number of points along x-axis INTEGER :: nj_grb ! Number of points along y-axis INTEGER :: np_grb ! Total number of horizontal grid points INTEGER :: nk_grb ! Number of vertical parameters REAL :: zk_grb(nz_ext) ! Vertical coordinate parameters INTEGER :: npeq ! Number of lat circles from pole to equator INTEGER :: nit(nz_ext) ! Number of x-points for thinned grid REAL :: pi_grb ! x-coordinate of pole point REAL :: pj_grb ! y-coordinate of pole point INTEGER :: ipole ! Projection center flag REAL :: di_grb ! x-direction increment or grid length REAL :: dj_grb ! y-direction increment or grid length REAL :: latsw ! Latitude of South West corner point REAL :: lonsw ! Longitude of South West corner point REAL :: latne ! Latitude of North East corner point REAL :: lonne ! Longitude of North East corner point REAL :: lattru1 ! Latitude (1st) at which projection is true REAL :: lattru2 ! Latitude (2nd) at which projection is true REAL :: lontrue ! Longitude at which projection is true REAL :: latrot ! Latitude of southern pole of rotation REAL :: lonrot ! Longitude of southern pole of rotation REAL :: angrot ! Angle of rotation REAL :: latstr ! Latitude of the pole of stretching REAL :: lonstr ! Longitude of the pole of stretching REAL :: facstr ! Stretching factor INTEGER :: scanmode ! Scanning indicator INTEGER :: iscan ! x-direction scanning indicator INTEGER :: jscan ! y-direction scanning indicator INTEGER :: kscan ! FORTRAN index scanning indicator INTEGER :: ires ! Resolution direction increments indicator INTEGER :: iearth ! Earth shape indicator: spherical or oblate? INTEGER :: icomp ! (u,v) components decomposition indicator INTEGER :: jpenta ! J-Pentagonal resolution parameter INTEGER :: kpenta ! K-Pentagonal resolution parameter INTEGER :: mpenta ! M-Pentagonal resolution parameter INTEGER :: ispect ! Spectral representation type INTEGER :: icoeff ! Spectral coefficient storage mode REAL :: xp_grb ! X coordinate of sub-satellite point REAL :: yp_grb ! Y coordinate of sub-satellite point REAL :: xo_grb ! X coordinate of image sector origin REAL :: yo_grb ! Y coordinate of image sector origin REAL :: zo_grb ! Camera altitude from center of Earth INTEGER :: isrc ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! allocate(var_grb2d(nx_ext,ny_ext,n2dvs,n2dlvt)) allocate(var_grb3d(nx_ext,ny_ext,nz_ext,n3dvs,n3dlvt)) allocate(rcdata(nx_ext*ny_ext)) allocate(var_lev3d(nz_ext,n3dvs,n3dlvt)) IF(extdfcst == ' ') extdfcst='000:00:00' READ (extdinit,'(i4,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2)') & iyr,imo,iday,ihr,imin,isec CALL julday(iyr,imo,iday,jldy) myr=MOD(iyr,100) ifhr=0 ifmin=0 ifsec=0 READ(extdfcst,'(i3)',ERR=4,END=4) ifhr 4 CONTINUE WRITE (gribtime,'(i4.4,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2,a1,i2.2)') & iyr,imo,iday,ihr,'f',ifhr len1=LEN(dir_extd) grbflen=len1 CALL strlnth( dir_extd, grbflen ) IF( grbflen == 0 .OR. dir_extd(1:grbflen) == ' ' ) THEN dir_extd = '.' grbflen=1 END IF IF( dir_extd(grbflen:grbflen) /= '/'.AND.grbflen < len1 ) THEN grbflen=grbflen+1 dir_extd(grbflen:grbflen)='/' END IF lenrun = LEN( extdname ) CALL strlnth( extdname, lenrun ) gribfile = dir_extd(1:grbflen)//extdname(1:lenrun) & //'.'//gribtime(1:13) grbflen = grbflen + lenrun + 14 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! RDNMCGRB reads NMC GRIB data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! gridtyp = avn3grid mproj_grb = avn3proj n2dvars = avn3nvs2d n2dlvtps = avn3nlvt2d DO k=1,n2dlvtps DO n=1,n2dvars var_id2d(n,k) = avn3var_id2d(n,k) END DO levtyp2d(k) = avn3levs2d(k) END DO n3dvars = avn3nvs3d n3dlvtps = avn3nlvt3d DO m=1,n3dlvtps DO n=1,n3dvars var_id3d(n,m) = avn3var_id3d(n,m) END DO levtyp3d(m) = avn3levs3d(m) END DO CALL rdnmcgrb(nx_ext,ny_ext,nz_ext,gribfile,grbflen, gribtime, & gridesc, iproj_grb, gthin, & ni_grb,nj_grb,np_grb, nk_grb,zk_grb, npeq,nit, & pi_grb,pj_grb,ipole, di_grb,dj_grb, & latsw,lonsw, latne,lonne, & latrot,lonrot,angrot, & latstr,lonstr,facstr, & lattru1,lattru2,lontrue, & scanmode, iscan,jscan,kscan, & ires,iearth,icomp, & jpenta,kpenta,mpenta,ispect,icoeff, & xp_grb,yp_grb, xo_grb,yo_grb,zo_grb, & rcdata,var_grb2d,var_grb3d,var_lev3d,iret) max_nr2d = 0 DO n=1,n2dvars DO m=1,n2dlvtps max_nr2d = MAX( max_nr2d, var_nr2d(n,m) ) END DO END DO max_nr3d = 0 min_nr3d = nz_ext DO n=1,n3dvars max_nr3d = MAX( max_nr3d, var_nr3d(n,1) ) min_nr3d = MIN( min_nr3d, var_nr3d(n,1) ) END DO IF ( max_nr3d == 0 ) THEN WRITE (6,'(a)') & 'No 3-D variable was found in the GRIB file', & 'Program stopped in GET_AVN_GRB.' STOP END IF IF ( max_nr2d == 0 ) THEN WRITE (6,'(a)') & 'No 2-D variables was found in the GRIB file' END IF ! write (6,'(/a7,2x,6(i7))') ! : 'Lev\\VID',(var_id3d(n,1),n=1,n3dvars) ! DO 60 k=1,max_nr3d ! var_lev3d(k,5,1) = var_lev3d(k,1,1) ! var_lev3d(k,6,1) = var_lev3d(k,1,1) ! write (6,'(/i5,4x,6(i7))') ! : k,(var_lev3d(k,n,1),n=1,n3dvars) 60 CONTINUE DO k=1,min_nr3d DO n=2,n3dvars IF ( var_lev3d(k,1,1) /= var_lev3d(k,n,1) ) THEN WRITE (6,'(a)') & 'Variables were not at the same level.', & 'Program stopped in GET_AVN_GRB.' STOP END IF END DO END DO IF ( iproj_grb == 5 .AND. ipole == 0 ) THEN ! Center in NP iproj_ext = 1 ELSE IF ( iproj_grb == 5 .AND. ipole == 1 ) THEN ! Center in SP iproj_ext = -1 ELSE IF ( iproj_grb == 3 .AND. ipole == 0 ) THEN ! Center in NP iproj_ext = 2 ELSE IF ( iproj_grb == 3 .AND. ipole == 1 ) THEN ! Center in SP iproj_ext = -2 ELSE IF ( iproj_grb == 1 ) THEN iproj_ext = 3 ELSE IF ( iproj_grb == 0 ) THEN iproj_ext = 4 ELSE WRITE (6,'(a)') & 'Unknown map projection. Set to non-projection.' iproj_ext = 0 END IF scale_ext = 1.0 latnot_ext(1) = lattru1 latnot_ext(2) = lattru2 trlon_ext = lontrue dx_ext = di_grb dy_ext = dj_grb DO i=ibgn,iend DO j=jbgn,jend lon_ext(i,j)= lonsw + (i-1) * dx_ext lat_ext(i,j)= latsw + (j-1) * dy_ext END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Retrieve 2-D variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO j=jbgn,jend DO i=ibgn,iend isrc = MOD(i,360) IF( isrc == 0) isrc = 360 IF ( var_nr2d(1,1) == 0 ) THEN psfc_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE psfc_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,1,1) ! Pa END IF IF ( var_nr2d(2,1) == 0 ) THEN trn_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE trn_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,2,1) ! gpm (same as geometric meter?) END IF IF ( var_nr2d(1,2) == 0 ) THEN tgrd_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE tgrd_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,1,2) END IF IF ( var_nr2d(2,2) == 0 ) THEN ugrd_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE ugrd_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,2,2) END IF IF ( var_nr2d(3,2) == 0 ) THEN vgrd_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE vgrd_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,3,2) END IF IF ( var_nr2d(4,2) == 0 ) THEN rhgrd_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE rhgrd_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,4,2)*0.01 ! 0-1.0 END IF IF ( var_nr2d(5,2) == 0 ) THEN ptgrd_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE ptgrd_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,5,2) END IF IF ( var_nr2d(1,3) == 0 ) THEN pmsl_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE pmsl_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,1,3) END IF IF ( var_nr3d(1,2) == 0 ) THEN tsfc_ext (i,j) = -999.0 tsoil_ext (i,j) = -999.0 wetsfc_ext(i,j) = -999.0 wetdp_ext (i,j) = -999.0 ELSE tsfc_ext (i,j) = var_grb2d(i,j,3,1) ! sfc temp. IF ( nint(var_grb2d(i,j,5,1)) == 1 ) THEN ! soil temp over land tsoil_ext (i,j) = var_grb3d(isrc,j,1,1,2) IF ( tsoil_ext (i,j) <= 200. ) THEN tsoil_ext (i,j) = tsfc_ext(i,j) END IF wetsfc_ext(i,j) = var_grb3d(isrc,j,2,2,2) wetdp_ext(i,j) = var_grb3d(isrc,j,1,2,2) ELSE ! sfc temp over sea tsoil_ext (i,j) = tsfc_ext(i,j) wetsfc_ext(i,j) = 1.0 wetdp_ext(i,j) = 1.0 END IF END IF IF ( var_nr2d(4,1) == 0 ) THEN wetcanp_ext(i,j) = -999.0 ELSE wetcanp_ext(i,j) = var_grb2d(isrc,j,4,1)*1.e-3 ! in meter END IF IF ( var_nr2d(6,1) == 0 ) THEN snowdpth_ext(i,j) = -999. ELSE ! Convert water equiv. of accum. snow depth (kg/m**2) to meters ! (where 1 meter liquid water is set equivqlent to 10 meters snow). ! 0.01 = 10. (m snow/m liquid) / (1000 kg/m**3) snowdpth_ext(i,j) = 0.01 * var_grb2d(isrc,j,6,1) ! in meters END IF END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Retrieve 3-D variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nz1 = MIN(var_nr3d(1,1),nz_ext) IF ( var_lev3d(1,1,1) > var_lev3d(nz1,1,1) ) THEN ! 1st level at sfc chklev = 1 lvscan = 0 ELSE chklev = -1 lvscan = nz1+1 END IF DO k=1,nz1 kk = chklev * k + lvscan DO j=jbgn,jend DO i=ibgn,iend isrc = MOD(i,360) IF( isrc == 0) isrc = 360 p_ext (i,j,kk) = 100.0 * FLOAT(var_lev3d(k,1,1)) ! Pressure hgt_ext(i,j,kk) = var_grb3d(isrc,j,k,1,1) u_ext (i,j,kk) = var_grb3d(isrc,j,k,2,1) ! u wind (m/s) v_ext (i,j,kk) = var_grb3d(isrc,j,k,3,1) ! v wind (m/s) t_ext (i,j,kk) = var_grb3d(isrc,j,k,4,1) ! Temperature (K) qc_ext (i,j,kk) = -999. qr_ext (i,j,kk) = -999. qi_ext (i,j,kk) = -999. qs_ext (i,j,kk) = -999. qh_ext (i,j,kk) = -999. END DO END DO END DO CALL getqvs(iend-ibgn+1,jend-jbgn+1,nz1, & 1,iend-ibgn+1,1,jend-jbgn+1,1,nz1, & p_ext, t_ext, qv_ext ) nz2 = MIN( nz1, min_nr3d ) DO k=1,nz2 kk = chklev * k + lvscan DO j=jbgn,jend DO i=ibgn,iend isrc = MOD(i,360) IF( isrc == 0) isrc = 360 qv_ext(i,j,kk) = 0.01*var_grb3d(isrc,j,k,5,1)*qv_ext(i,j,kk) END DO END DO END DO IF ( nz2 < nz1 ) THEN DO k=nz2+1,nz1 kk = chklev * k + lvscan DO j=jbgn,jend DO i=ibgn,iend qv_ext(i,j,kk) = 0.0 var_lev3d(k,5,1) = var_lev3d(k,1,1) END DO END DO END DO END IF istatus = 1 deallocate(var_grb2d,var_grb3d,rcdata,var_lev3d) RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_avn_grb