PROGRAM arps2eta212,139 ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### PROGRAM ARSP2ETA212 ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Converts ARPS history files to a ETA GRIB #212 format file. ! ! Reads in a history file produced by ARPS in any ARPS format. ! Converts variables and interpolates to a fixed set of pressure ! levels. ! ! NOTE: ! Please make sure the ARPS domain covers ETA Grid #212 domain ! before running this program. ! ! INPUT Namelist ! arps2eta212.input ! ! Libraries: ! libarps.a ! libadas.a ! HDF 4 library (When ARPS is in HDF 4 format) ! ! Subroutine CALLs: ! dtaread ! mkarps2d ! v2dint ! ! Subroutine defined in this file ! extrph ! extrpt ! extrpq ! extrpuv ! cal_avor ! gtsinlat_ext ! mkipds_212 ! mkigds_212 ! wrtgb -- pack and write GRIB message for Grid #212 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! AUTHOR: Yunheng Wang ! 04/19/2003 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! DATA ARRAYS READ IN: ! ! x x coordinate of grid points in physical/comp. space (m) ! y y coordinate of grid points in physical/comp. space (m) ! z z coordinate of grid points in computational space (m) ! zp z coordinate of grid points in physical space (m) ! zpsoil z coordinate of soil model (m) ! ! w vertical component of velocity in Cartesian ! coordinates (m/s). ! ! ptprt perturbation potential temperature (K) ! pprt perturbation pressure (Pascal) ! uprt perturbation x velocity component (m/s) ! vprt perturbation y velocity component (m/s) ! wprt perturbation z velocity component (m/s) ! ! qv water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qc Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qr Rainwater mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qi Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qs Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qh Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! ! ubar Base state x velocity component (m/s) ! vbar Base state y velocity component (m/s) ! wbar Base state z velocity component (m/s) ! ptbar Base state potential temperature (K) ! pbar Base state pressure (Pascal) ! rhobar Base state density (kg/m**3) ! qvbar Base state water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! ! soiltyp Soil type ! vegtyp Vegetation type ! lai Leaf Area Index ! roufns Surface roughness ! veg Vegetation fraction ! ! tsoil Soil Temperature (K) ! qsoil Soil moisture ! wetcanp Canopy water amount ! ! rain Total rain (raing + rainc) ! raing Grid supersaturation rain ! rainc Cumulus convective rain ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Grid dimensions. INTEGER :: nzsoil ! Soil levels INTEGER :: nstyps ! Maximum number of soil types. INTEGER :: hinfmt,nhisfile_max,nhisfile,lengbf,lenfil PARAMETER (nhisfile_max=200) CHARACTER (LEN=132) :: grdbasfn,hisfile(nhisfile_max) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Arrays to be read in: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: x(:) ! The x-coord. of the physical and ! computational grid. ! Defined at u-point. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: y(:) ! The y-coord. of the physical and ! computational grid. ! Defined at v-point. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: z(:) ! The z-coord. of the computational ! grid. Defined at w-point. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zp(:,:,:) ! The height of the terrain. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zpsoil(:,:,:) ! The height of the soil model. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: uprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation u-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation v-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation w-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ptprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation potential temperature (K) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: pprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation pressure (Pascal) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qvprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation water vapor specific ! humidity (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qc (:,:,:) ! Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qr (:,:,:) ! Rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qi (:,:,:) ! Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qs (:,:,:) ! Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qh (:,:,:) ! Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qv (:,:,:) ! Water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tke (:,:,:) ! Turbulent Kinetic Energy ((m/s)**2) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: kmh (:,:,:) ! Horizontal turb. mixing coef. for ! momentum. ( m**2/s ) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: kmv (:,:,:) ! Vertical turb. mixing coef. for ! momentum. ( m**2/s ) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ubar (:,:,:) ! Base state u-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vbar (:,:,:) ! Base state v-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wbar (:,:,:) ! Base state w-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ptbar (:,:,:) ! Base state potential temperature (K) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: pbar (:,:,:) ! Base state pressure (Pascal) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rhobar (:,:,:) ! Base state air density (kg/m**3) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qvbar (:,:,:) ! Base state water vapor specific INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: soiltyp (:,:,:) ! Soil type REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: stypfrct(:,:,:) ! Soil type INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: vegtyp(:,:) ! Vegetation type REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lai (:,:) ! Leaf Area Index REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: roufns (:,:) ! Surface roughness REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: veg (:,:) ! Vegetation fraction REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tsoil (:,:,:,:) ! Soil Temperature (K) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qsoil (:,:,:,:) ! Soil Moisture REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wetcanp(:,:,:) ! Canopy water amount REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: snowdpth(:,:) ! Snow depth (m) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rain (:,:) ! Total rainfall REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: raing(:,:) ! Grid supersaturation rain REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rainc(:,:) ! Cumulus convective rain REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: prcrate(:,:,:) ! precipitation rate (kg/(m**2*s)) ! prcrate(1,1,1) = total precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,2) = grid scale precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,3) = cumulus precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,4) = microphysics precip. rate REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: radfrc(:,:,:) ! Radiation forcing (K/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: radsw (:,:) ! Solar radiation reaching the surface REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rnflx (:,:) ! Net radiation flux absorbed by surface REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: radswnet(:,:) ! Net shortwave radiation REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: radlwin(:,:) ! Incoming longwave radiation REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: usflx (:,:) ! Surface flux of u-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vsflx (:,:) ! Surface flux of v-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ptsflx(:,:) ! Surface heat flux (K*kg/(m*s**2)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qvsflx(:,:) ! Surface moisture flux (kg/(m**2*s)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: e_mb (:,:,:) ! vapor pressure in mb REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: mix (:,:,:) ! total mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: esat_mb(:,:,:) ! saturation vapor pressure in mb REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rh (:,:,:) ! Relative humidity in % REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: t_dew (:,:,:) ! dewpoint temp. in degrees K REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: raing3hr(:,:) ! 3 hour precipitation accumulation REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rainc3hr(:,:) ! 3 hour precipitation accumulation REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rain3hr(:,:) ! 3 hour precipitation accumulation REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: raingaccum(:,:) ! precipitation accumulation 3 hr before REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: raincaccum(:,:) ! precipitation accumulation 3 hr before ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc ARPS variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nchr, nchw, nchoutr REAL :: latnot(2), swx,swy,ctrx,ctry LOGICAL :: init REAL :: rlnp, soildp REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: xs(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ys(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zps(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zps_km(:,:,:) REAL :: gamma,ex1,ex2,rln700,p00,t00 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: p_mb(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: mf2d(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: avor(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: uear(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vear(:,:,:) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 2-D stability index arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lcl(:,:) ! lifting condensation level REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lfc(:,:) ! level of free convection REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: el(:,:) ! equilibrium level REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: twdf(:,:) ! max. wet bulb pot. temp. difference REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: li(:,:) ! lifted index REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: pbe(:,:) ! CAPE REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: mbe(:,:) ! Moist CAPE REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: nbe(:,:) ! CIN REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tcap(:,:) ! Cap Strength REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: heli(:,:) ! helicity REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: brn(:,:) ! Bulk Richardson Number (Weisman and Klemp) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: brnu(:,:) ! Shear parameter of BRN, "U" REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: srlfl(:,:) ! storm-relative low-level flow (0-2km AGL) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: srmfl(:,:) ! storm-relative mid-level flow (2-9km AGL) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: shr37(:,:) ! 7km - 3km wind shear REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ustrm(:,:) ! Estimated storm motion (modified Bob Johns) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vstrm(:,:) ! Estimated storm motion (modified Bob Johns) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: blcon(:,:) ! Boundary layer convergence REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wrk1(:),wrk2(:),wrk3(:),wrk4(:),wrk5(:),wrk6(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wrk7(:),wrk8(:),wrk9(:),wrk10(:),wrk11(:),wrk12(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem2d1(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem2d2(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem2d3(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem2d4(:,:) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ETA output variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Constants INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nx_eta = 185, ny_eta = 129, nz_eta = 39 REAL, PARAMETER :: dx_eta = 40635.25, dy_eta = 40635.25 ! Meters INTEGER :: nprlvl INTEGER :: iprlvl(nz_eta) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iprbgn = 1000, iprend = 50, iprinc = -25 ! mb INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iproj_eta = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iproj_eia = 2 REAL, PARAMETER :: scale_eta = 1.0 REAL, PARAMETER :: latsw = 12.190, lonsw = -133.459, & latne = 57.290, lonne = -49.385, & lattru_eta(2) = (/25.00, 25.00/), & lontru_eta = -95.00 REAL :: x0_eta, y0_eta REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: x_eta(:), y_eta(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lat_eta(:,:), lon_eta(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: umap(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vmap(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Working arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem1(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem2(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem3(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem4(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: sinlat(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem2d_eta(:,:) ! store data to be packed and written REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem2d2_eta(:,:) ! store data to be packed and written REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wrkhori(:,:,:) ! store horizontal interpolations REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wrkhori2(:,:,:)! store horizontal interpolations REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: p_eta(:,:,:) ! store horizontally interpolated pressure REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lnp_eta(:,:,:) ! store -ln(p) at ETA grid INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: iloc(:,:) ! x-index/y-index location of INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: jloc(:,:) ! ETA grid point in the ARPS array REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: x2d(:,:) ! x/y coordinate of ETA grid point REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: y2d(:,:) ! in ARPS coordinate REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dxfld(:), dyfld(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rdxfld(:), rdyfld(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: slopey(:,:),alphay(:,:),betay(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Grib message variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: wdlen ! Length of machine word INTEGER :: ipds(25) ! PDS integer array INTEGER :: igds(25) ! GDS integer array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variables to determine the length of machine word, wdlen ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=8) :: ctema,ctemb INTEGER :: itema,itemb EQUIVALENCE ( itema,ctema ) EQUIVALENCE ( itemb,ctemb ) DATA ctema / '12345678' / REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: mtem(:,:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: mitem1(:,:), mitem2(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Namelists ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: iorder ! order of polynomial for interpolation (1, 2 or 3) NAMELIST /interpolation_options/ iorder INTEGER :: vvelout NAMELIST /output/ dirname,grbpkbit,readyfl, vvelout ! these variables are declared in ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! External functions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL :: wmr2td,oe,dpt, compute_density EXTERNAL wmr2td,oe,dpt, compute_density ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k,klev,ifile,ireturn INTEGER :: istatus, fcttm REAL :: time INTEGER :: p1time,p2time CHARACTER(LEN=132) :: filname CHARACTER(LEN=132) :: filnamr INTEGER :: lenstr INTEGER :: varid REAL :: rho ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initializations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! WRITE(6,'(9(/5x,a))') & '###############################################################',& '###############################################################',& '## ##',& '## Welcome to ARPS2ETA212 ##',& '## a program that reads in history files generated by ARPS ##',& '## and produces a ETA GRIB #212 format file. ##',& '## ##',& '###############################################################',& '###############################################################' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get the names of the input data files. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL get_input_file_names(hinfmt,grdbasfn,hisfile,nhisfile) lengbf = len_trim(grdbasfn) CALL get_dims_from_data(hinfmt,grdbasfn(1:lengbf), & nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nstyps, ireturn) IF( ireturn /= 0 ) THEN PRINT*,'Problem occured when trying to get dimensions from data.' PRINT*,'Program stopped.' STOP END IF WRITE(6,'(3(a,i5))') 'nx =',nx,', ny=',ny,', nz=',nz nstyp = nstyps ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get output options and the name of the grid/base data set. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! grbpkbit = 16 dirname = './' readyfl = 0 vvelout = 2 ! dump omega by default READ(5,interpolation_options) READ(5,output) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Allocate ARPS arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE(x (nx)) ALLOCATE(y (ny)) ALLOCATE(z (nz)) ALLOCATE(zp (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(zpsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil)) ALLOCATE(zps_km(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(p_mb(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(uprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(vprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(wprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(ptprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(pprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qvprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qv (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qc (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qr (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qi (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qs (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qh (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(tke (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(kmh (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(kmv (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(ubar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(vbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(wbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(ptbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(pbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(rhobar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qvbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(soiltyp (nx,ny,nstyps)) ALLOCATE(stypfrct(nx,ny,nstyps)) ALLOCATE(vegtyp (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(lai (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(roufns (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(veg (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(tsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(qsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(wetcanp(nx,ny,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(snowdpth(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(rain (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(raing(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(rainc(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(prcrate(nx,ny,4)) ALLOCATE(raing3hr(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(rainc3hr(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(rain3hr(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(raingaccum(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(raincaccum(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(radfrc(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(radsw (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(rnflx (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(radswnet(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(radlwin(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(usflx (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(vsflx (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(ptsflx(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(qvsflx(nx,ny)) x =0.0 y =0.0 z =0.0 zp =0.0 uprt =0.0 vprt =0.0 wprt =0.0 ptprt =0.0 pprt =0.0 qvprt =0.0 qc =0.0 qr =0.0 qi =0.0 qs =0.0 qh =0.0 tke =0.0 kmh =0.0 kmv =0.0 ubar =0.0 vbar =0.0 wbar =0.0 ptbar =0.0 pbar =0.0 rhobar =0.0 qvbar =0.0 qv =0.0 soiltyp =0.0 stypfrct=0.0 vegtyp =0.0 lai =0.0 roufns =0.0 veg =0.0 tsoil =0.0 qsoil =0.0 wetcanp=0.0 snowdpth=0.0 rain =0.0 raing=0.0 rainc=0.0 prcrate=0.0 raing3hr = 0.0 rainc3hr = 0.0 rain3hr = 0.0 raingaccum = 0.0 raingaccum = 0.0 radfrc=0.0 radsw =0.0 rnflx =0.0 radswnet =0.0 radlwin =0.0 usflx =0.0 vsflx =0.0 ptsflx=0.0 qvsflx=0.0 ALLOCATE(xs(nx), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(ys(ny), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(zps(nx,ny,nz), STAT = istatus) zps = 0.0 zps_km = 0.0 p_mb = 0.0 ALLOCATE ( uear (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE ( vear (nx,ny,nz)) uear = 0.0 vear = 0.0 ALLOCATE ( e_mb (nx,ny,nz)) ! vapor pressure in mb ALLOCATE ( mix (nx,ny,nz)) ! total mixing ratio (kg/kg) ALLOCATE ( esat_mb(nx,ny,nz)) ! saturation vapor pressure in mb ALLOCATE ( rh (nx,ny,nz)) ! Relative humidity in % ALLOCATE ( t_dew (nx,ny,nz)) ! dewpoint temp. in degrees K ALLOCATE ( avor (nx,ny,nz)) ! absolute vorticity avor = 0.0 ALLOCATE(lcl(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(lfc(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(el(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(twdf(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(li(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(pbe(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(mbe(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(nbe(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(tcap(nx,ny)) lcl =0.0 lfc =0.0 el =0.0 twdf=0.0 li =0.0 pbe =0.0 mbe =0.0 nbe =0.0 tcap=0.0 ALLOCATE(wrk1(nz),wrk2(nz),wrk3(nz),wrk4(nz),wrk5(nz),wrk6(nz)) ALLOCATE(wrk7(nz),wrk8(nz),wrk9(nz),wrk10(nz),wrk11(nz),wrk12(nz)) wrk1 = 0.0 wrk2 = 0.0 wrk3 = 0.0 wrk4 = 0.0 wrk5 = 0.0 wrk6 = 0.0 wrk7 = 0.0 wrk8 = 0.0 wrk9 = 0.0 wrk10= 0.0 wrk11= 0.0 wrk12= 0.0 ALLOCATE(tem2d1(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(tem2d2(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(tem2d3(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(tem2d4(nx,ny)) tem2d1=0.0 tem2d2=0.0 tem2d3=0.0 tem2d4=0.0 ALLOCATE( mf2d(nx,ny)) mf2d=0.0 ALLOCATE(heli (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(brn (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(brnu (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(srlfl(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(srmfl(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(shr37(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(ustrm(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(vstrm(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(blcon(nx,ny)) heli =0.0 brn =0.0 brnu =0.0 srlfl=0.0 srmfl=0.0 shr37=0.0 ustrm=0.0 vstrm=0.0 blcon=0.0 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Allocate eta arrays ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE(x_eta (nx_eta), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(y_eta (ny_eta), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(lat_eta(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(lon_eta(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE ( umap (nx_eta,ny_eta)) ALLOCATE ( vmap (nx_eta,ny_eta)) umap = 0.0 vmap = 0.0 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Allocate temporary arrays ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE(lnp_eta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz), STAT = istatus) lnp_eta = 0.0 ALLOCATE(p_eta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz), STAT = istatus) p_eta = 0.0 ALLOCATE(wrkhori(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz), STAT = istatus) wrkhori = 0.0 ALLOCATE(wrkhori2(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz), STAT = istatus) wrkhori2 = 0.0 ALLOCATE(iloc(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(jloc(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) iloc = 0 jloc = 0 ALLOCATE(x2d (nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(y2d (nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) x2d = 0.0 y2d = 0.0 ALLOCATE( dxfld(nx), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE( dyfld(ny), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(rdxfld(nx), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(rdyfld(ny), STAT = istatus) dxfld = 0.0 dyfld = 0.0 rdxfld = 0.0 rdyfld = 0.0 ALLOCATE(slopey(nx,ny), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(alphay(nx,ny), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE( betay(nx,ny), STAT = istatus) slopey = 0.0 alphay = 0.0 betay = 0.0 ALLOCATE(tem1(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(tem2(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(tem3(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(tem4(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(sinlat(nx,ny)) sinlat = 0.0 tem1 =0.0 tem2 =0.0 tem3 =0.0 tem4 =0.0 ALLOCATE(tem2d_eta(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) tem2d_eta = 0.0 ALLOCATE(tem2d2_eta(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) tem2d2_eta = 0.0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate the length of machine word, wdlen, in bytes, which will ! be used to pack the data. Assume the length has only two possible ! value: 4 and 8 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! itemb = itema IF ( ctema /= ctemb ) THEN wdlen = 4 ELSE wdlen = 8 END IF WRITE (6,'(a,i2,a)') & 'The length of machine word is ',wdlen,' bytes' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initilize GRIB message variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL mkigds_212(nx_eta,ny_eta,nprlvl,igds) ! ALLOCATE(mtem(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(mitem1(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(mitem2(nx_eta,ny_eta), STAT = istatus) mtem = 0.0 mitem1 = 0 mitem2 = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Find x,y locations of ETA grid. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL setmapr(iproj_eia,scale_eta,lattru_eta,lontru_eta) CALL setorig(2,latsw,lonsw) CALL lltoxy(1,1,latsw,lonsw,x0_eta,y0_eta) ! CALL setorig(1,x0_eta,y0_eta) DO i=1,nx_eta x_eta(i)=x0_eta+(i-1)*dx_eta END DO DO j=1,ny_eta y_eta(j)=y0_eta+(j-1)*dy_eta END DO CALL xytoll(nx_eta,ny_eta,x_eta,y_eta,lat_eta,lon_eta) DO klev = iprbgn,iprend,iprinc iprlvl((iprbgn-klev)/ABS(iprinc) + 1) = klev END DO nprlvl = SIZE(iprlvl) IF(nprlvl > nz_eta) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'ERROR: nz_eta is too small.' STOP END IF !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Begin loop over all of the history files ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- lengbf=LEN_trim(grdbasfn) WRITE(6,'(/a,a)')' The grid/base name is ', grdbasfn(1:lengbf) init = .false. nchw = 10 DO ifile = 1,nhisfile lenfil = LEN(hisfile(ifile)) CALL strlnth( hisfile(ifile), lenfil) WRITE(6,'(/a,/1x,a)')' The data set name is ', & hisfile(ifile)(1:lenfil) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read all input data arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL dtaread(nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nstyps,hinfmt,nchr,grdbasfn(1:lengbf), & lengbf, & hisfile(ifile)(1:lenfil),lenfil,time, & x,y,z,zp,zpsoil,uprt,vprt,wprt,ptprt,pprt, & qvprt, qc, qr, qi, qs, qh, tke, kmh, kmv, & ubar, vbar, wbar, ptbar, pbar, rhobar, qvbar, & soiltyp,stypfrct,vegtyp,lai,roufns,veg, & tsoil,qsoil,wetcanp,snowdpth, & raing,rainc,prcrate, & radfrc,radsw,rnflx,radswnet,radlwin, & usflx,vsflx,ptsflx,qvsflx, & ireturn, tem1,tem2,tem3) ! IF(nx < nx_eta .OR. ny < ny_eta) THEN ! WRITE(6,'(a)') 'ARPS domain is smaller than ETA 212 domain.' ! STOP ! END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ireturn = 0 for a successful read ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ireturn == 0 ) THEN ! successful read !WRITE(6,*) 'time =', time fcttm = INT(time/3600) CALL gtlfnkey(runname, lenstr) WRITE(filname,'(a,a1,I4.4,I2.2,I2.2,I2.2,a,I2.2,a4)') & runname(1:lenstr),'.',year,month,day,hour,'f',fcttm,'.grb' p1time = INT((time-10800)/3600) ! in minutes p2time = INT(time/3600) ! in minutes lenstr = LEN_TRIM(dirname) IF(lenstr > 0) THEN IF(dirname(lenstr:lenstr) /= '/') THEN dirname(lenstr+1:lenstr+1) = '/' lenstr = lenstr + 1 END IF filname = dirname(1:lenstr) // TRIM(filname) print *, 'Output file name is ',filname END IF ! lenstr = 132 ! CALL strlnth( filname, lenstr ) lenstr = LEN_TRIM(filname) CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, istatus) CALL asnfile(filname, '-F f77 -N ieee', istatus) CALL getunit( nchw ) OPEN(UNIT=nchw,FILE=trim(filname),STATUS='unknown', & FORM='unformatted',IOSTAT= istatus ) IF(istatus /= 0) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'Error while creating file.',TRIM(filname) STOP END IF IF( .NOT.init ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Establish coordinate for scalar fields. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO i=1,nx-1 xs(i)=0.5*(x(i)+x(i+1)) END DO xs(nx)=2.*xs(nx-1)-xs(nx-2) DO j=1,ny-1 ys(j)=0.5*(y(j)+y(j+1)) END DO ys(ny)=2.*ys(ny-1)-ys(ny-2) DO k=1,nz-1 DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 zps(i,j,k)=0.5*(zp(i,j,k)+zp(i,j,k+1)) END DO END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Find x,y locations of ETA grid in terms of the ARPS grid. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- latnot(1) = trulat1 latnot(2) = trulat2 CALL setmapr(mapproj,1.0/sclfct,latnot,trulon) CALL lltoxy( 1,1, ctrlat,ctrlon, ctrx, ctry ) swx = ctrx - (FLOAT((nx-3))/2.) * dx/sclfct swy = ctry - (FLOAT((ny-3))/2.) * dy/sclfct CALL setorig(1,swx,swy) CALL xytomf(nx,ny,xs,ys,mf2d) CALL lltoxy(nx_eta,ny_eta,lat_eta,lon_eta,x2d,y2d) CALL setijloc(nx_eta,ny_eta,nx,ny,x2d,y2d, & xs,ys,iloc,jloc) CALL setdxdy(nx,ny,1,nx,1,ny, xs,ys,dxfld,dyfld,rdxfld,rdyfld) init=.true. END IF ! NOT init ! Restore to use ETA map projection CALL setmapr(iproj_eia,scale_eta,lattru_eta,lontru_eta) CALL setorig(2,latsw,lonsw) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Begin ARPS data conversions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=1,nz-1 DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 pprt(i,j,k)=pprt(i,j,k)+pbar(i,j,k) ptprt(i,j,k)=ptprt(i,j,k)+ptbar(i,j,k) qvprt(i,j,k)=qvprt(i,j,k)+qvbar(i,j,k) tem1(i,j,k)=0.5*(uprt(i,j,k)+ubar(i,j,k)+ & uprt(i+1,j,k)+ubar(i+1,j,k)) tem2(i,j,k)=0.5*(vprt(i,j,k)+vbar(i,j,k)+ & vprt(i,j+1,k)+vbar(i,j+1,k)) tem3(i,j,k)=0.5*(wprt(i,j,k)+wbar(i,j,k)+ & wprt(i,j,k+1)+wbar(i,j,k+1)) qi(i,j,k)=qi(i,j,k)+qs(i,j,k)+qh(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Swap wind data back into wind arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=1,nz-1 DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 uprt(i,j,k)=tem1(i,j,k) vprt(i,j,k)=tem2(i,j,k) wprt(i,j,k)=tem3(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Put temperature into tem2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=1,nz-1 DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 tem2(i,j,k)=ptprt(i,j,k)*(pprt(i,j,k)/p0)**rddcp END DO END DO END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Processing Pressure data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,pprt(:,:,k),p_eta(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) lnp_eta(:,:,k) = -ALOG(p_eta(:,:,k)) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Processing Temperature data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,tem2(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) ! here use mkarps2d in the reverse direction ! interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid instead of the other END DO PRINT *, ' Storing Temperature GRIB data.' DO klev=1,nprlvl rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(iprlvl(klev))) ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL extrpt(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,p_eta, & iprlvl(klev),tem2d_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message CALL mkipds_212(11,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO ! Find temperature in 2m DO k = 1, nz DO j = 1,ny_eta DO i = 1, nx_eta wrkhori2(i,j,k) = z(k) END DO END DO END DO PRINT *, ' Storing Temperature at 2m.' CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,wrkhori2,2,tem2d_eta) CALL mkipds_212(11,105,2,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process Specific Humidity (51) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,qvprt(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) END DO PRINT *, ' Storing Specific Humidity GRIB data.' DO klev=1,nprlvl rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(iprlvl(klev))) ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL extrpq(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,p_eta, & iprlvl(klev),tem2d_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message CALL mkipds_212(51,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process U wind (33) and V wind (34) ! ! Wind needs to be rotated to ETA grid ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! First rotate the wind to true-earth-relative in ARPS map projection CALL setmapr(mapproj,1.0/sclfct,latnot,trulon) CALL lltoxy( 1,1, ctrlat,ctrlon, ctrx, ctry ) swx = ctrx - (FLOAT((nx-3))/2.) * dx/sclfct swy = ctry - (FLOAT((ny-3))/2.) * dy/sclfct CALL setorig(1,swx,swy) CALL xytoll(nx,ny,xs,ys,tem2d1,tem2d2) DO k = 1,nz CALL uvmptoe(nx,ny,uprt(:,:,k),vprt(:,:,k), & tem2d2,uear(:,:,k),vear(:,:,k)) END DO ! Second rotate the true earth wind to ETA map projection CALL setmapr(iproj_eia,scale_eta,lattru_eta,lontru_eta) CALL setorig(2,latsw,lonsw) ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,uear(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay,& tem4) CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,vear(:,:,k),wrkhori2(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay,& tem4) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 10m u and v ! Dan recommended to use k = 2 is 10m ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL uvetomp(nx_eta,ny_eta,wrkhori(:,:,2),wrkhori2(:,:,2), & lon_eta,umap,vmap) PRINT *, ' Storing horizontal wind at 10m.' CALL mkipds_212(33,105,10,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,umap,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) CALL mkipds_212(34,105,10,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,vmap,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT *, ' Storing Horizontal wind GRIB data.' DO klev=1,nprlvl rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(iprlvl(klev))) ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori2,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d2_eta) CALL extrpuv(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,wrkhori2,p_eta, & iprlvl(klev),tem2d_eta,tem2d2_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message CALL uvetomp(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,tem2d2_eta,lon_eta,umap,vmap) CALL mkipds_212(33,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,umap,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) CALL mkipds_212(34,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,vmap,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process Geopotential Heigth (gpm) (7) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,zps(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) END DO PRINT *, ' Storing Geopotential Height GRIB data.' DO klev=1,nprlvl rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(iprlvl(klev))) ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL extrph(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,wrkhori,p_eta, & iprlvl(klev),tem2d_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message CALL mkipds_212(07,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process W wind (40) (ETA uses Pa S**-1 -- 39) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(vvelout == 2) THEN ! convert W to Omega DO k=1,nz DO j=1,ny DO i=1,nx rho = compute_density(tem2(i,j,k),pprt(i,j,k)) wprt(i,j,k)= -rho*g*wprt(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO varid = 39 ELSE IF(vvelout == 1) THEN varid = 40 ELSE varid = 0 END IF ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid IF(varid /= 0) THEN DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,wprt(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) END DO PRINT *, ' Storing W-wind GRIB data.' DO klev=1,nprlvl rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(iprlvl(klev))) ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL extrpq(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,p_eta, & iprlvl(klev),tem2d_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message CALL mkipds_212(varid,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO END IF ! varid /= 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process soil temperature (85) ! level type = 111 Depth below land surface ! ETA use 112 layer between two depths below land surface ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT *, ' Storing soil temperature at layer below land surface.' DO k = 1,nzsoil CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,tsoil(:,:,k,0),tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) soildp = 100*(zpsoil(2,2,1)-zpsoil(2,2,k)) CALL mkipds_212(85,111,soildp,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process soil moisture content (144) ! level type = 111 Depth below land surface ! ETA use 112 layer between two depths below land surface ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT *, ' Storing soil moisture GRIB data.' DO k = 1,nzsoil CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,qsoil(:,:,k,0),tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) soildp = 100*(zpsoil(2,2,1)-zpsoil(2,2,k)) ! layer below land surface, cm CALL mkipds_212(144,111,soildp,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Water equiv. of accum snow depth (kg/m**2) -- 65 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT *, ' Storing accum. snow depth.' tem1(:,:,1) = 100* snowdpth(:,:) CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,tem1(:,:,1),tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) CALL mkipds_212(65,01,00,0,p2time,0,10,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Convective precip (63) ! ! rainc unit is mm ! 63 require kg m**-2 = rhowater (1000 kg m**-3) * rainc (mm) * 1.0E-3 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (time >= 10800 .AND. MOD(INT(time),10800) == 0) THEN ! precipitation dump every 3 hours raing3hr = raing - raingaccum rainc3hr = rainc - raincaccum raingaccum = raing raingaccum = rainc rain3hr = raing3hr + rainc3hr CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,rain3hr,tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) print *, ' Storing total precipitation rainfall.' CALL mkipds_212(61,01,00,4,p1time,p2time,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,raing3hr,tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) print *, ' Storing large scale precipitation.' CALL mkipds_212(62,01,00,4,p1time,p2time,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,rainc3hr,tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) print *, ' Storing convective rainfall.' CALL mkipds_212(63,01,00,4,p1time,p2time,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Output near-sfc data. ! Simularity theory or something could be applied here ! to make these data be valid at sfc instrument height, ! for now we output level 2. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,pprt(:,:,2),tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) print *, ' Storing near-sfc presure.' CALL mkipds_212(01,01,0,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Geopotential Height (gpm) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,zps(:,:,2),tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) print *, ' Storing near-sfc Geopotential Height' CALL mkipds_212(07,01,00,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Surface Temperature (11) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,tem2(:,:,2),tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) print *, ' Storing near-sfc temperature' CALL mkipds_212(11,01,00,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculation t_dew, rh etc. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO k=1,nz-1 DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 zps_km(i,j,k)=zps(i,j,k)/1000.0 p_mb(i,j,k)=0.01*pprt(i,j,k) mix(i,j,k)=1000.0*(qvprt(i,j,k)/(1.-qvprt(i,j,k))) e_mb(i,j,k)=qvprt(i,j,k)*p_mb(i,j,k)/(qvprt(i,j,k)+ & 287.0/461.0) esat_mb(i,j,k)=6.1078*EXP((2.500780E6/461.0)*((1.0/273.15)- & (1.0/tem2(i,j,k)))) t_dew(i,j,k)=wmr2td(p_mb(i,j,k),mix(i,j,k)) & + 273.15 rh(i,j,k)=100.0*(e_mb(i,j,k)/esat_mb(i,j,k)) rh(i,j,k)=MAX(0.,rh(i,j,k)) END DO END DO END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process Relative Humidity (52) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,rh(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) END DO PRINT *, ' Storing Relative Humidity GRIB data.' DO klev=1,nprlvl rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(iprlvl(klev))) ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL extrpq(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,p_eta, & iprlvl(klev),tem2d_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message DO j = 1, ny_eta DO i = 1, nx_eta tem2d_eta(i,j) = MAX( MIN(tem2d_eta(i,j), 100.0), 0.0) END DO END DO CALL mkipds_212(52,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process Dew-point temperature (17) at 850mb only ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,t_dew(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) END DO rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(850)) PRINT *, ' Storing Dew-point temp. at pressure = ',850, 'mb.' ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL extrpt(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,p_eta, & 850,tem2d_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message CALL mkipds_212(17,100,850,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Find dew-point temperature at 2m ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DO k = 1, nz DO j = 1,ny_eta DO i = 1, nx_eta wrkhori2(i,j,k) = z(k) END DO END DO END DO CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,wrkhori2,2,tem2d_eta) PRINT *, ' Storing dew-point temperature at 2m' CALL mkipds_212(17,105,2,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Process Clould ice, (58) kg m**-2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid DO k = 1,nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 tem1(i,j,k) = rhobar(i,j,k) * qi(i,j,k) ! ? END DO END DO END DO CALL edgfill(tem1,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,tem1(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) END DO PRINT *, ' Storing Could ice GRIB data' DO klev=1,nprlvl rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(iprlvl(klev))) ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL extrpq(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,p_eta, & iprlvl(klev),tem2d_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message CALL mkipds_212(58,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,10,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate abosolute vorticity ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL cal_avor(avor,uprt,vprt,x,y,nx,ny,nz,1,0,omega, & sinlat,xs,ys,tem2d1) avor = avor * 1.0E-5 ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid DO k = 1,nz-1 CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,avor(:,:,k),wrkhori(:,:,k), & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) END DO PRINT *, ' Storing absolut vor. GRIB data' DO klev=1,nprlvl rlnp = -ALOG(100.*FLOAT(iprlvl(klev))) ! 2. Vertically interpolate to pressure levels CALL v2dinta(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,1,nx_eta,1,ny_eta,1,nz-1, & wrkhori,lnp_eta,rlnp,tem2d_eta) CALL extrpq(nx_eta,ny_eta,nz,wrkhori,p_eta, & iprlvl(klev),tem2d_eta) ! 3. Pack and write GRIB message CALL mkipds_212(41,100,iprlvl(klev),0,p2time,0,10,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) IF(istatus /= 0) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'Error when presure =', iprlvl(klev) STOP END IF END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Put temperature into tem2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=1,nz-1 DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 tem2(i,j,k)=ptprt(i,j,k)* & (pprt(i,j,k)/p0)**rddcp tem3(i,j,k)=-ALOG(pprt(i,j,k)) END DO END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate temperature (K) at ARPS grid points ! and 700mb pressure level ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! rln700=-ALOG(70000.0) CALL v2dinta(nx,ny,nz,1,nx-1,1,ny-1,1,nz-1, & tem2,tem3,rln700,tem1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate sea level pressure (mb) ! Reduction method: Benjamin and Miller: 1990, MWR, vol.118, No.10, ! Page: 2100-2101 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! gamma=.0065 ! std lapse rate per meter ex1=0.1903643 ! R*gamma/g ex2=5.2558774 DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 p00 = 0.01*(pprt(i,j,2)) IF (p00 <= 700.0) THEN t00 = tem2(i,j,2) ELSE t00 = tem1(i,j,1)*(p00/700.0)**ex1 END IF tem1(i,j,1)=p00*(1.0+gamma*zps(i,j,2)/t00)**ex2 END DO END DO PRINT *, ' Storing MSL Pressure ' ! 1. Horizontally interpolate from ARPS grid to ETA grid CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,tem1(:,:,1),tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) ! 2. Pack and write GRIB message CALL mkipds_212(02,102,00,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,100*tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate stability indices. ! Use level k=2 as the "surface". ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! imid=(nx/2)+1 ! jmid=(ny/2)+1 CALL arps_be(nx,ny,nz, & pprt,zps_km,tem2,qvprt, & lcl,lfc,el,twdf,li,pbe,mbe,nbe,tcap, & wrk1,wrk2,wrk3,wrk4,wrk5,wrk6, & wrk7,wrk8,wrk9,wrk10,wrk11,wrk12,tem2d1) ! PRINT *, ' Sample stability values: ' ! PRINT *, ' lcl,lfc : ',lcl(imid,jmid),lfc(imid,jmid) ! PRINT *, ' el, twdf: ',el(imid,jmid),twdf(imid,jmid) ! PRINT *, ' li, pbe : ',li(imid,jmid),pbe(imid,jmid) ! PRINT *, ' mbe, nbe: ',mbe(imid,jmid),nbe(imid,jmid) ! PRINT *, ' tcap : ',tcap(imid,jmid) ! CALL calcshr(nx,ny,nz,x,y,zp,mf2d, & pprt,tem2,uprt,vprt,pbe, & shr37,ustrm,vstrm,srlfl,srmfl,heli,brn,brnu,blcon, & tem2d1,tem2d2,tem2d3,tem2d4,tem4) ! PRINT *, ' Sample shear values: ' ! PRINT *, ' shr37,ustrm,vstrm: ', & ! shr37(imid,jmid),ustrm(imid,jmid),vstrm(imid,jmid) ! PRINT *, ' srlfl,srmfl,heli: ', & ! srlfl(imid,jmid),srmfl(imid,jmid),heli(imid,jmid) ! PRINT *, ' brn,brnu,blcon: ', & ! brn(imid,jmid),brnu(imid,jmid),blcon(imid,jmid) ! process near-sfc LI PRINT *, ' Storing near-sfc LI' CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,li,tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) CALL mkipds_212(24,01,00,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) ! process near-sfc CAPE PRINT *, ' Storing near-sfc CAPE' CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,pbe,tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) CALL mkipds_212(157,01,00,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) ! process near-sfc CIN PRINT *, ' Storing near-sfc CIN' CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,nbe,tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) CALL mkipds_212(156,01,00,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) ! process near-sfc Helicity PRINT *, ' Storing helicity' CALL mkarps2d(nx,ny,nx_eta,ny_eta, iorder,iloc,jloc, & xs,ys,x2d,y2d,heli,tem2d_eta, & dxfld, dyfld,rdxfld, rdyfld,slopey,alphay, betay, & tem4) CALL mkipds_212(190,01,00,0,p2time,0,0,ipds) CALL wrtgb(nx_eta,ny_eta,tem2d_eta,nchw,wdlen,grbpkbit, & ipds,igds, mtem,mitem1,mitem2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE(UNIT=nchw) CALL retunit(nchw) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Create ready file, indicating history dump writing is complete ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( readyfl == 1 ) THEN WRITE (filnamr,'(a)') trim(filname) // "_ready" CALL getunit( nchoutr ) OPEN (UNIT=nchoutr,FILE=trim(filnamr)) WRITE (nchoutr,'(a)') trim(filname) CLOSE (nchoutr) CALL retunit (nchoutr ) END IF END IF END DO STOP END PROGRAM arps2eta212 ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXTRPH ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE extrph(nx,ny,nz,zps,t,pr,iprlvl,hgtcdf) 3 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Extrapolate height by using a std atmos lapse rate ! below the last physical level. Above the domain, ! assume a constant temperature above 300 mb, otherwise ! use the std atmos lapse rate. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! AUTHOR: Keith Brewster, from arps2gem ! 2/19/99 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz REAL :: zps(nx,ny,nz) REAL :: t(nx,ny,nz) REAL :: pr(nx,ny,nz) INTEGER :: iprlvl REAL :: hgtcdf(nx,ny) ! INCLUDE '' ! REAL :: gamma,rddg,const PARAMETER ( gamma = 0.0065, & ! degrees/m lapse rate rddg = (rd/g), & const = (rd*gamma/g) ) ! INTEGER :: i,j REAL :: prcdf ! prcdf=100.*FLOAT(iprlvl) DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 IF(prcdf < pr(i,j,nz-1)) THEN IF(pr(i,j,nz-1) <= 30000.) THEN hgtcdf(i,j)=zps(i,j,nz-1) + & rddg*t(i,j,nz-1)*ALOG(pr(i,j,nz-1)/prcdf) ELSE hgtcdf(i,j)=zps(i,j,nz-1) + (t(i,j,nz-1)/gamma)* & (1.-(prcdf/pr(i,j,nz-1))**const) END IF ELSE IF(prcdf >= pr(i,j,2)) THEN hgtcdf(i,j)=zps(i,j,2) + (t(i,j,2)/gamma)* & (1.-(prcdf/pr(i,j,2))**const) END IF END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE extrph ! SUBROUTINE extrpt(nx,ny,nz,t,pr,iprlvl,tcdf) 5 ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXTRPT ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Extrapolate temperature by using a std atmos lapse rate ! below the last physical level. Above the domain, ! assume a constant temperature above 300 mb, otherwise ! use the std atmos lapse rate. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! AUTHOR: Keith Brewster, from arps2gem ! 2/19/99 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz REAL :: t(nx,ny,nz) REAL :: pr(nx,ny,nz) INTEGER :: iprlvl REAL :: tcdf(nx,ny) INCLUDE '' REAL, PARAMETER :: gamma = 0.0065 ! degrees/m lapse rate REAL, PARAMETER :: const = (rd*gamma/g) INTEGER :: i,j REAL :: prcdf prcdf = 100.*FLOAT(iprlvl) DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 IF(prcdf <= pr(i,j,nz-1)) THEN IF(pr(i,j,nz-1) <= 30000.) THEN tcdf(i,j)=t(i,j,nz-1) ELSE tcdf(i,j)=t(i,j,nz-1)* & ((prcdf/pr(i,j,nz-1))**const) END IF ELSE IF(prcdf >= pr(i,j,2)) THEN tcdf(i,j)=t(i,j,2)* & ((prcdf/pr(i,j,2))**const) END IF END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE extrpt ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXTRPQ ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE extrpq(nx,ny,nz,q,pr,iprlvl,qcdf) 17 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Assign a zero-gradient value to scalars below ground. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! AUTHOR: Keith Brewster, from arps2gem ! 2/19/99 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz REAL :: q(nx,ny,nz) REAL :: pr(nx,ny,nz) INTEGER :: iprlvl REAL :: qcdf(nx,ny) ! INTEGER :: i,j REAL :: prcdf ! prcdf=100.*FLOAT(iprlvl) DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 IF(prcdf < pr(i,j,nz-1)) THEN qcdf(i,j)=q(i,j,nz-1) ELSE IF(prcdf > pr(i,j,2)) THEN qcdf(i,j)=q(i,j,2) END IF END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE extrpq ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXTRPUV ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE extrpuv(nx,ny,nz,us,vs,pr,iprlvl,ucdf,vcdf) 3 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Assign a constant value to sub-terrainian winds ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! AUTHOR: Keith Brewster, from arps2gem ! 2/19/99 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz REAL :: us(nx,ny,nz) REAL :: vs(nx,ny,nz) REAL :: pr(nx,ny,nz) INTEGER :: iprlvl REAL :: ucdf(nx,ny) REAL :: vcdf(nx,ny) ! INTEGER :: i,j REAL :: prcdf ! prcdf=100.*FLOAT(iprlvl) DO j=1,ny-1 DO i=1,nx-1 IF(prcdf < pr(i,j,nz-1)) THEN ucdf(i,j)=us(i,j,nz-1) vcdf(i,j)=vs(i,j,nz-1) ELSE IF(prcdf > pr(i,j,2)) THEN ucdf(i,j)=us(i,j,2) vcdf(i,j)=vs(i,j,2) END IF END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE extrpuv ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINES cal_avor ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! Calculate absolute Vort*10^5 (1/s) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Min Zou ! 3/2/98 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE cal_avor(tem9,u,v,x,y,nx,ny,nz,mode,flagsin,omega, & 2,4 sinlat,tem1,tem2,tem3) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz REAL :: tem9(nx,ny,nz),sinlat(nx,ny) REAL :: u(nx,ny,nz), v(nx,ny,nz) REAL :: x(nx), y(ny) REAL :: tem1(nx), tem2(ny), tem3(nx,ny) REAL :: omega INTEGER :: mode,flagsin INTEGER :: i,j,k REAL :: tmp1 ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! DO k=2,nz-2 DO j=2,ny-2 DO i=2,nx-2 tem9(i,j,k)= 1.0E5*( & (v(i+1,j,k)-v(i-1,j,k)+v(i+1,j+1,k)-v(i-1,j+1,k))/ & (4*(x(i+1)-x(i)))- & (u(i,j+1,k)-u(i,j-1,k)+u(i+1,j+1,k)-u(i+1,j-1,k))/ & (4*(y(j+1)-y(j))) ) END DO END DO END DO DO j=2,ny-2 DO i=2,nx-2 tem9(i,j, 1)=tem9(i,j, 2) tem9(i,j,nz-1)=tem9(i,j,nz-2) END DO END DO DO k=1,nz-1 DO j=2,ny-2 tem9( 1,j,k)=tem9( 2,j,k) tem9(nx-1,j,k)=tem9(nx-2,j,k) END DO END DO DO k=1,nz-1 DO i=1,nx-1 tem9(i, 1,k)=tem9(i, 2,k) tem9(i,ny-1,k)=tem9(i,ny-2,k) END DO END DO IF(mode == 1) THEN IF( flagsin == 0) THEN CALL gtsinlat_ext(nx,ny,x,y,sinlat,tem1,tem2, tem3) tmp1 = 2.0* omega DO j=1,ny DO i=1,nx sinlat(i,j) = tmp1 * sinlat(i,j)*1.0E5 END DO END DO ! flagsin=1 END IF DO k=1,nz DO j=1,ny DO i=1,nx tem9(i,j,k) = tem9(i,j,k) + sinlat(i,j) END DO END DO END DO END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE cal_avor ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GTSINLAT ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE gtsinlat_ext(nx,ny, x,y, sinlat, xs, ys, temxy) 1,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the sin of the lattitude of each grid point, to be used ! in the calculation of latitude-dependent Coriolis parameters. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! AUTHOR: Ming Xue ! 3/21/95. ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! x x-coordinate of grid points in computational space (m) ! y y-coordinate of grid points in computational space (m) ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! sinlat Sin of latitude at each grid point ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! xs x-coordinate at scalar points. ! ys y-coordinate at scalar points. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny ! Dimensions of model grid. REAL :: x (nx) ! The x-coord. of the u points. REAL :: y (ny) ! The y-coord. of the v points. REAL :: sinlat(nx,ny) ! Sin of latitude at each grid point REAL :: xs (nx) ! x-coord. of scalar points. REAL :: ys (ny) ! y-coord. of scalar points. REAL :: temxy (nx,ny) ! Work array. REAL :: r2d INTEGER :: i,j ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! DO i=1,nx-1 ! xs(i) = (x(i)+x(i+1))*0.5 ! END DO ! xs(nx) = -xs(nx-2)+2.0*xs(nx-1) ! ! DO j=1,ny-1 ! ys(j) = (y(j)+y(j+1))*0.5 ! END DO ! ys(ny) = -ys(ny-2)+2.0*ys(ny-1) ! CALL xytoll(nx,ny,xs,ys,sinlat,temxy) r2d = ATAN(1.0)*4.0/180.0 DO j=1,ny DO i=1,nx sinlat(i,j) = SIN( r2d * sinlat(i,j) ) END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE gtsinlat_ext ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !%% %% !%% Subroutines for grib dumping %% !%% %% !%% The follwing subroutines were all rewritten from those %% !%% in src/arps/gribio3d.f90 specifically for ETA #212 grid %% !%% %% !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE MKIPDS ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE mkipds_212(parno,lvltyp,vlvl,timer,p1time,p2time,scaling, ipds) 28 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Make integer product data array ipds ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! parno Indicator of parameter (see Code table 2) ! lvltyp Indicator of type of level (see Code table 3) ! vlvl Height, pressure, etc. of levels (see Code table 3) ! timer Time range indicator (eithor 10 or 4) ! p1time ! p2time Period of time (number of time units) ! ARPS forcast time in minutes ! scaling Units decimal scale factor ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! ipds IPDS array ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parno,lvltyp,vlvl,timer,p1time,p2time,scaling INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ipds(25) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE '' ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ipds(1) = 28 ! number of bytes in PDS section ipds(2) = 2 ! parameter table version number, unknown !%% ipds(19) = 2 !? (19) - VERSION NR OF PARAMETER TABLE ipds(3) = 0 ! ID number of originating center. CAPS? ipds(4) = 0 ! ID number of model. ARPS/CAPS? ipds(5) = 212 ! grid ID, 255 for self-defined GDS ipds(6) = 1 ! GDS flag, 1 = GDS section included !%% ipds(1) = 07 ! (1) - ID OF CENTER !%% ipds(2) = 255 ! (2) - GENERATING PROCESS ID NUMBER !%% ipds(3) = 212 ! (3) - GRID DEFINITION !%% ipds(4) = 128 ! (4) - GDS/BMS FLAG (RIGHT ADJ COPY OF OCTET 8) ! 128 GDS included ! 64 BMS included ! 192 Both included ipds(7) = 0 ! BMS flag, 0 = no BMS section included !%%% !%%% After called this subroutine, ipds(8), ipds(9) and ipds(11) !%%% need to be set for each variables specifically. !%%% ipds(8) = parno ! indicator of parameter and unit ! (table 2), depends on variables ipds(9) = lvltyp ! indicator of type of level (table 3) ! depends on which variable ! 100 for isobar surface ! 103 for z coordinates in meters ! 111 for soil layers in centimeters ipds(10) = 0 ! value 1 of level, N/A ipds(11) = vlvl ! value 2 of level (value of level) ! both use two octets: ipds(10) & ipds(11) !%% ipds(5) = 011 ! (5) - INDICATOR OF PARAMETER !%% ipds(6) = 100 ! (6) - TYPE OF LEVEL !%% ipds(7) = 1000 ! (7) - HEIGHT/PRESSURE , ETC OF LEVEL IF ( year <= 2000 ) THEN ipds(12) = year-1900 ! year of century ipds(23) = 20 ! century (20, change to 21 on Jan 1, 2001) ELSE ipds(12) = year-2000 ! year of century ipds(23) = 21 ! century (20, change to 21 on Jan 1, 2001) END IF ipds(13) = month ! month of year ipds(14) = day ! day of month ipds(15) = hour ! hour of day ipds(16) = minute ! minute of hour !%% ipds(8) = year-2000 ! (8) - YEAR INCLUDING (CENTURY-1) !%% ipds(9) = month ! (9) - MONTH OF YEAR !%% ipds(10)= day ! (10) - DAY OF MONTH !%% ipds(11)= hour ! (11) - HOUR OF DAY !%% ipds(12)= minute ! (12) - MINUTE OF HOUR !%% ipds(21)= 21 ! (21) - CENTURY OF REFERENCE TIME OF DATA ipds(17) = 1 ! forecast time unit, minutes !%% ipds(13) = 254 ! (13) - INDICATOR OF FORECAST TIME UNIT ! 254 seconds ! 0 minutes ! 1 hours ipds(18) = p1time ! forecast time P1, or current time, curtim ipds(19) = p2time ! forecast time P2, N/A ipds(20) = timer ! time range indicator, ! 10 = use two octets from ipds(18) ! 0 = Analysis at initial time ! 4 = accumulated from p1 to p2 !%% ipds(14) = 0 ! (14) - TIME RANGE 1 !%% ipds(15) = 0 ! (15) - TIME RANGE 2 !%% ipds(16) = 1 ! (16) - TIME RANGE FLAG ipds(21) = 0 ! number include in average, N/A ipds(22) = 0 ! number missing from average, N/A !%% ipds(17) = 0 ! (17) - NUMBER INCLUDED IN AVERAGE !%% ipds(20) = 0 ! (20) - NR MISSING FROM AVERAGE/ACCUMULATION ipds(24) = 0 ! subcenter ID number ipds(25) = scaling ! scaling power of 10, ! depends on which variable !%% ipds(23) = 255 ! (23) - SUBCENTER NUMBER !%% ipds(22) = 2 !? (22) - UNITS DECIMAL SCALE FACTOR ! parameters below are those appeared in W3LIB !%% ipds(18) = 1 !? (18) - VERSION NR OF GRIB SPECIFICATION !%% ipds(24) = 0 ! (24) - PDS BYTE 29, FOR NMC ENSEMBLE PRODUCTS ! 128 IF FORECAST FIELD ERROR ! 64 IF BIAS CORRECTED FCST FIELD ! 32 IF SMOOTHED FIELD ! WARNING: CAN BE COMBINATION OF MORE THAN 1 !%% ipds(25) = 0 ! (25) - PDS BYTE 30, NOT USED RETURN END SUBROUTINE mkipds_212 ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE MKIGDS ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE mkigds_212(nx,ny,nz,igds) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Make integer grid description array IGDS. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! igds IPDS array ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: igds(25) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ETA #212 Grid parameters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL, PARAMETER :: swlat = 12.19, swlon = -133.459 REAL, PARAMETER :: trulat = 25.0, trulon = -95.0 REAL, PARAMETER :: dx = 40635.25, dy = 40635.25 ! Meters ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! igds( 1) = nz ! number of vertical (z) coordinates igds( 2) = 255 ! location (in octets) of vertical ! coordinate list igds( 3) = 3 ! data representation type (table 6) igds( 4) = nx ! number of x-coordinates igds( 5) = ny ! number of y-coordinates igds( 6) = nint(swlat*1000) ! latitude at southwest corner igds( 7) = nint(swlon*1000) ! longitude at southwest corner igds( 8) = 8 ! u & v relative to x & y direction igds( 9) = nint(trulon*1000) ! true longitude of projection igds(10) = NINT(dx) igds(11) = NINT(dy) igds(12) = 0 ! northern pole on plane igds(13) = 64 ! scanning flag, 64 for +i & +j direction igds(14) = 0 ! unused igds(15) = nint(trulat*1000) ! first true latitude (millidegree) igds(16) = nint(trulat*1000) ! second true latitude (millidegree) igds(17) = -90000 ! latitude of south pole (millidegree) igds(18) = nint(trulon*1000) ! longitude of south pole (millidegree) igds(19:25) = 0 ! unused RETURN END SUBROUTINE mkigds_212 ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE WRTGB ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE wrtgb(nx,ny,fvar,nchanl,wdlen,grbpkbit, & 28,1 ipds,igds,tem1,item1,item2) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Write a 2D float array, fvar, into file pointer nchanl ! which points to a GRIB file. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! ! fvar Floating array to be written into GRIB file ! ! nchanl FILE pointer of GRIB stream file which was opened by ! a C program, GOPEN ! ! wdlen Length of machine word (i.e. size of integer) in bytes ! ! ipds Integer array to carry the parameters for generating ! PDS (Section 1). ! igds Integer array to carry the parameters for generating ! GDS (Section 3). ! ibdshd BDS header ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! ! pds PDS (GRIB Section 1) ! gds GDS (GRIB Section 3) ! ! bds BDS (GRIB Section 4) ! ibds Identical to BDS ! ! nbufsz Size of buffer of a GRIB message array ! mgrib Working buffer of GRIB message array ! ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! item1 Integer temporary work array. ! item2 Integer temporary work array. ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny ! Number of grid points in x,y,z dir. REAL :: fvar(nx,ny) ! 2D Floating array INTEGER :: nchanl ! FILE pointer indicates the GRIB file INTEGER :: wdlen ! Length of machine word INTEGER :: grbpkbit ! Number of bits in packing GRIB data INTEGER :: ipds(25) ! ipds INTEGER :: igds(25) ! igds INTEGER :: ibdshd(4) ! BDS header REAL :: tem1 (nx,ny) ! Temporary work array INTEGER :: item1(nx,ny) ! Integer temporary work array INTEGER :: item2(nx,ny) ! Integer temporary work array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! GRIB parameters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: msglen ! Length of GRIB message INTEGER :: npts CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: pds(28) ! PDS CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: gds(42) ! GDS INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nbufsz = 800000 ! Size of GRIB message array INTEGER :: ibds(nbufsz/4) ! Identical to BDS CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: bds(nbufsz) ! BDS EQUIVALENCE (bds, ibds) CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: mgrib(nbufsz) ! Working buffer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j INTEGER :: itype ! Data type: 0 - floating, 1 - integer ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! npts = nx*ny itype = 0 item1 = 0 ibdshd = 0 CALL gribenc(itype,wdlen,grbpkbit,npts,fvar,item1, & ipds,igds,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,msglen,mgrib, & tem1,item2) WRITE (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,msglen) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrtgb ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### FUNCTION compute_density ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! FUNCTION compute_density(t_k, p_pa) RESULT(rho) ! Computes density (kg/m{-3}) given temperature (K) and pressure (Pa) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: t_k REAL, INTENT(IN) :: p_pa REAL :: rho REAL, PARAMETER :: Rd = 287.04 ! J deg{-1} kg{-1} ! Gas constant for dry air rho = p_pa / (Rd * t_k) RETURN END FUNCTION compute_density