PROGRAM dir1deg,1 !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### PROGRAM DIR1DEG ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! A stand alone program which rewrites 1 degree terrain elevation data ! from elev.dat recieved from NCAR DATA SERVICES into a direct access ! file using either 2 of 8 byte integer format depending upon the type ! of machine used. The purpose of writing a direct access data format ! is to expedite the run time of the ARPSTERN11.F terrain processing ! program for initializing the ARPS terrain field. ! In addition, a dir1deg.hdr file (header file) will be created and ! used by arpstern11.f. ! ! INPUT: ! elev.dat (NCAR DATA FILE 5 MINUTE AND 1 DEGREE ! RESOLUTION) ! ! arpstern.input ARPSTERN11.F input file ! ! ! ! ! OUTPUT: ! dir1deg.dat direct access 1 degree unformatted ! data file with xxxx seperate records. ! ! dir1deg.hdr header file which has record numbers ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Dan Weber ! 1/12/94 ! ! Modification history: ! ! Dan Weber 7/06/94. ! Documentation added. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! ! INPUT: ! INTEGER :: ndx ! Number of data points in the longitudinal ! and latitudinal direction INTEGER :: jlim ! Limit of the number of reads in the ! elev.dat data file INTEGER :: klim ! Number of reads at a given ! longitude (determined by elev.dat = 6) INTEGER :: ilim ! Number of 80 character lines per record ! in elev.dat (=20) INTEGER :: ilon ! Maximum longitude PARAMETER (ilim=20,ilon=360,jlim=100000,klim=6,ndx=2) INTEGER :: rlat(ilim) ! Latitude read in from the ascii data file INTEGER :: rlon(ilim) ! Longitude read in from the ascii data file INTEGER :: flat(jlim) ! Latitude corresponding a record number INTEGER :: flon(jlim) ! Longitude corresponding a record number INTEGER :: qsize(ilim) ! Quad size of the block (1= 1 deg by 1 deg and ! 30' by 30', 5 = 5' by 5') INTEGER :: nlat(ilon) ! Search Latitude INTEGER :: nlon(ilon) ! Search Longitude ! ! LOCAL VARIABLES: ! INTEGER :: irec,i,ii,j,k,kk,l,num,iloc CHARACTER (LEN=80 ) :: tdatadir ! Directory in which the data file ! dma_elev.dat is stored. CHARACTER (LEN=80 ) :: terndir ! Directory in which the original ASCII terrain ! data files are stored. INTEGER :: lterndir ! Length of the non-blank part of string terndir. INTEGER :: analtype ! Dummy variable used for namelist data INTEGER :: mapproj ! Dummy variable used for namelist data INTEGER :: itertype ! Dummy variable used for namelist data INTEGER :: rmsopt ! Dummy variable used for namelist data INTEGER :: comtype ! Computer type for program to run on... ! for IBM, comtype = 1 ! CRAY, = 4 CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: dum1 ! Dummy variable used to read ascii header CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: dum2 ! Dummy variable used to read ascii header CHARACTER (LEN=8) :: dum3 ! Dummy variable used to read ascii header CHARACTER (LEN=9) :: dum4 ! Dummy variable used to read ascii header INTEGER :: units(ilim) ! Units of measure for the terrain data ! units = 1 meters ! = 2 feet ! = 3 fathoms INTEGER*2 TYPE(klim,ilim) ! Type of area the block defines See ! appendix fro definition of type. INTEGER :: ielev(klim,ilim) ! Intermediate terrain block data put in ! terms of increasing record number order. INTEGER*2 itp(4,jlim) ! Intermediate terrain values in record ! number order ! ! OUTPUT: ! INTEGER*2 iw(ndx,ndx) ! Terrain data written in unformatted ! form for entire 1 degree by 1 degree ! block to dir1deg.f file. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Defining namelist: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMELIST /terraind/analtype,mapproj,itertype,rmsopt,comtype, & tdatadir,terndir !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Begin executable portion of the code. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read the arpstern.input file for the terraind namelist information. ! (note: only need comtype for this program to run properly.) READ(5,terraind) lterndir = LEN(terndir) CALL strlnth( terndir, lterndir ) IF( lterndir == 0 ) THEN terndir = '.' lterndir=1 END IF ! ! open elev.dat, dir1deg.dat and dir1deg.hdr files... ! OPEN(10,FILE=terndir(1:lterndir)//'/elev.dat',STATUS='old') OPEN(11,FILE='dir1deg.dat',ACCESS='direct',FORM='unformatted', & STATUS='unknown',RECL=8*comtype) OPEN(12,FILE='dir1deg.hdr',FORM='formatted',STATUS='unknown') ! ! Initializing counters.... ! irec=0 num=1 nlat(1)=89 ! latitude of the southwestern part of the northern ! most block of data. nlon(1)=0 ! ! Starting the main loop which reads the elev.dat data set ! and check to see if the data is 5 minute or 1 degree (or ! 30 minute) resolution. ! DO j=1,jlim ! ! Reading 1 record at a time. (note: each record consists of ! 20 lines with 80 charactes...) ! READ(10,'(20(A2,I5,A1,I5,I1,6(i1,a1,i6),A9,I1,a8))',END=99) & (dum2,rlat(i),dum1,rlon(i),units(i),TYPE(1,i),dum1,ielev(1,i) & ,TYPE(2,i),dum1,ielev(2,i),TYPE(3,i),dum1,ielev(3,i),TYPE(4,i) & ,dum1,ielev(4,i),TYPE(5,i),dum1,ielev(5,i),TYPE(6,i),dum1 & ,ielev(6,i),dum4,qsize(i),dum3,i=1,ilim) ! print *,'ok after read',j ! ! Test for 1 degree block type ! IF(qsize(1) == 1)THEN ! qsize=1 for 1 degree, =5 for 5 minute data ! ! write 1 degree header to the dir1deg.hdr file and the 1 degree data ! to the dir1deg.dat file. Note: the latitude is for the nortwest ! corner of the block, this is inconsistant with the dir1km.dat storage ! format. Thus, 1 will be subtracted from the latitude to provide ! consistancy. The first record will be 89 south and 0 east. the file ! will store 89 south and 1 east and so on until 89 south and 359 east ! is written. Then the next latitude to the north will be written ! and so on, all the way up to the north pole. ! DO i=1,ilim IF(nlat(num) == (rlat(i)/100-1))THEN !testing if rlat is same as nlon(num)=1+nlon(num) ! previous one ELSE num=num+1 nlat(num)=rlat(i)/100-1 nlon(num)=1 END IF irec=irec+1 flat(irec)=rlat(i)/100-1 flon(irec)=rlon(i)/100 IF(TYPE(1,i) == 9)THEN !quad is all ocean and the elev is set to zero DO k=2,5 ielev(k,i)=200 ! and all components of ielev END DO ELSE IF(TYPE(1,i) == 0.OR.TYPE(1,i) == 4)THEN !quad contains land/ice IF(ielev(2,i) == 0.AND.ielev(3,i) == 0.AND.ielev(4,i) == 0 & .AND.ielev(5,i) == 0.AND.ielev(1,i) > 0)THEN ! packing data DO k=2,5 ielev(k,i)=(ielev(1,i)+4000)/20 END DO ELSE ! setting elevation to sea level (0.0 meters) DO k=2,5 IF(ielev(k,i) < 0)THEN ielev(k,i)=200 ELSE ielev(k,i)=(ielev(k,i)+4000)/20 ! putting in packed form END IF END DO END IF ELSE IF(TYPE(1,i) == 8)THEN ! quad contains some negative land DO k=2,5 ielev(k,i)=(ielev(k,i)+4000)/20 ! putting in packed form END DO ELSE IF(TYPE(1,i) == 5.OR.TYPE(1,i) == 3.OR.TYPE(1,i) == 2)THEN ! land/ocean mix and ! ice/ocean mix. IF(ielev(2,i) == 0.AND.ielev(3,i) == 0.AND.ielev(4,i) == 0.AND. & ielev(5,i) == 0.AND.ielev(1,i) > 0)THEN DO k=2,5 ielev(k,i)=(ielev(1,i)+4000)/20 ! packing data... END DO ELSE DO k=2,5 IF(ielev(k,i) < 0)ielev(k,i)=0 ielev(k,i)=(ielev(k,i)+4000)/20 ! putting in packed form END DO END IF ELSE ! type(k,i) out of accepted values PRINT *,'type of elevation unknown' STOP END IF DO k=2,5 itp(k-1,irec)=ielev(k,i) END DO END DO END IF END DO 99 PRINT *,j,jlim,irec ! print the number of records iloc=0 kk=0 DO i=num,1,-1 iloc=iloc+nlon(i) PRINT *,'latitude, number of blocks found of the latitude circle' & ,nlat(i),nlon(i),iloc DO j=1,nlon(i) kk=kk+1 ii=irec-iloc+j ! ! putting lat in the same format as the 30 second file. ! iw(1,1)=itp(3,ii) iw(2,1)=itp(4,ii) iw(1,2)=itp(1,ii) iw(2,2)=itp(2,ii) WRITE(12,'(i6,i6,i6)') flat(ii),flon(ii),kk ! writing data to ! the dir1deg.hdr header file WRITE(11,REC=kk) iw ! writing terrain data to the ! dir1deg.dat data file DO l=1,2 DO k=1,2 IF(iw(k,l) < 200)PRINT *,flat(ii),flon(ii),kk ! printing negative ! value locations.... END DO END DO END DO END DO STOP END PROGRAM dir1deg ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE STRLNTH ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE strlnth( string, length ) 235 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Return the length of the non-blank part of a character string. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Ming Xue ! 11/20/91 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 5/05/92 (M. Xue) ! Added full documentation. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! string A character string ! length The declared length of the character string 'string'. ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! length The length of the non-blank part of the string. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=* ) :: string ! A character string for the name of ! this run. INTEGER :: length ! The length of the non-blank part ! of a string. INTEGER :: i ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! DO i = length,1,-1 IF(string(i:i) /= ' ') EXIT END DO ! 200 CONTINUE length = MAX(1,i) RETURN END SUBROUTINE strlnth