! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE POIS3D ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## !SUBROUTINE pois3d(nx,ny,nz,dx,dy,dz,eps,hole_id, & 7 tem3,tem4,tem5,tem6,tem7) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE:This program is designed to fill-in the holes for missing ! single-Doppler data on a Cartesian grid. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Code originally authored by Tzvi Gal-Chen with mods by ! Mei Xu 12-93, and Steven Lazarus 6-94. ! ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 06/94 (Steven Lazarus) ! All logical statements removed. ! ! 03/10/96 (Limin Zhao) ! Added an option to use a 3-D/2-D hole-filler ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT ARRAYS: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the z-direction (vertical) ! ! dx Grid spacing in the x-direction (east/west) ! dy Grid spacing in the y-direction (north/south) ! dz Grid spacing in the z-direction (vertical) ! ! tem3 Right hand side of the Poisson Eqn. ! tem4 Radial velocity data ! ! OUTPUT ARRAYS: ! ! tem5 Data grid to be filled ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! tem6 Check for convergence, where ! tem7 (n,1) = Difference in tem1 between two successive iter. ! (n,2) = tem1 at previous iteration ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Force explicit declarations INTEGER :: nx, ny, nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions INTEGER :: iprnt,ier REAL :: tem3 (nx,ny,nz) ! RHS of Poisson Equation REAL :: tem4 (nx,ny,nz) ! Radial velocity data REAL :: tem5 (nx,ny,nz) ! Data grid to be filled REAL :: tem6 (nx,ny,nz) ! Work array REAL :: tem7 (nx,ny,nz) ! Work array PARAMETER(iprnt=10) ! Controls frequency of printed output REAL :: dx,dy,dz ! Grid spacing REAL :: tetx,tety ! Coefficients of the 3-D Poisson REAL :: tetz,delt2 ! equation ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Miscellaneous local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k ! Do-loop indices INTEGER :: iter,itmx,ki ! Iteration control parameters INTEGER :: istor,jstor,kstor ! Grid location of max error REAL :: omeg,eps ! Relaxation coef.,error tolerance REAL :: tol ! User-specified tolerance level REAL :: denom ! Coef. ued in 3-D solver REAL :: dx2,dy2,dz2 ! Square of the grid spacing REAL :: hole_id ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'assim.inc' ! Assim/Retr control parameters ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! PRINT *,'Entering POIS3D ' PRINT *,'The tolerance level was set at ',eps PRINT *,'The option for hole-filler is ',hole_id ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize the variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO i=1,nx DO j=1,ny DO k=1,nz tem6(i,j,k) =0.0 tem7(i,j,k) =0.0 END DO END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Define iteration constants: ! ! itmx maximum number of iterations ! omeg relaxation factor ! eps solver convergence criteria ! denom 2.0*[(dy**2)*(dz**2)+(dx**2)*(dz**2)+(dx**2)*(dy**2)] ! tetx (dy**2)*(dz**2)/denom ! tety (dx**2)*(dz**2)/denom ! tetz (dx**2)*(dy**2)/denom ! delt2 (dx**2)*(dy**2)*(dz**2)/denom ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! itmx=2000 omeg=1.90 dx2=dx*dx dy2=dy*dy dz2=dz*dz denom=2.0*(dy2*dz2+dx2*dz2+dx2*dy2) tetx=dy2*dz2/denom tety=dx2*dz2/denom tetz=dx2*dy2/denom delt2=dx2*dy2*dz2/denom IF (hole_id == 2) THEN denom=2.0*(dy2+dx2) tetx=dy2/denom tety=dx2/denom tetz=0.0 delt2=dx2*dy2/denom WRITE(6,*)'I am doing 2-D hole-filling' END IF WRITE(6,*) 'dx2,dy2, dz2: ',dx2,dy2, dz2 WRITE(6,*) 'denom,tetx,tety,tetz,delt2: ', & denom,tetx,tety,tetz,delt2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Begin iterations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! iter =0 50 iter =iter + 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Store the current field every iteration ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ki = MOD(iter,1) IF(ki == 0) THEN DO i=1,nx-1 DO j=1,ny-1 DO k=1,nz-1 tem7(i,j,k) = tem5(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Terminate the iterations after itmx times ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(iter > itmx) THEN WRITE(6,60) itmx 60 FORMAT(' after',i4,' iterations tem5 did not converge') ier =1 WRITE(6,*)'Please increase iterations or check the code' STOP END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Begin iterations. Check the template (tem4) to ensure that the ! poisson solver is applied to "non-data" points only. To preserve ! the original data, tem5 is filled in the tem4 non-data regions and ! is equal to tem4 in the data regions. ! ! Fill the non-data points in the interior area. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=2,nz-2 DO j=2,ny-2 DO i=2,nx-2 IF(tem4(i,j,k) == spval) THEN tem5(i,j,k)=(tetx*(tem5(i+1,j,k)+tem5(i-1,j,k)) & + tety*(tem5(i,j+1,k)+tem5(i,j-1,k)) & + tetz*(tem5(i,j,k+1)+tem5(i,j,k-1)) & - delt2*tem3(i,j,k))*omeg+(1.-omeg)*tem5(i,j,k) END IF END DO END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Handle the perimeter points separately. Here we apply mixed ! boundary conditions, with zero normal gradient at non-data ! points (Neumann) and Dirichlet at data points. ! ! NOTE: The choice of which boundary condition is determined ! in the driver ASSIMDRIV. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=2,nz-2 DO i=2,nx-2 IF(tem4(i,1,k) == spval) THEN tem5(i,1,k) = tem5(i,2,k) END IF IF(tem4(i,ny-1,k) == spval) THEN tem5(i,ny-1,k)= tem5(i,ny-2,k) END IF END DO END DO DO k=2,nz-2 DO j=2,ny-2 IF(tem4(1,j,k) == spval) THEN tem5(1,j,k) = tem5(2,j,k) END IF IF(tem4(nx-1,j,k) == spval) THEN tem5(nx-1,j,k)= tem5(nx-2,j,k) END IF END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Apply the top and bottom boundary conditions. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO i= 2,nx-2 DO j= 2,ny-2 IF(tem4(i,j,1) == spval) THEN tem5(i,j,1) = tem5(i,j,2) END IF IF(tem4(i,j,nz-1) == spval) THEN tem5(i,j,nz-1) = tem5(i,j,nz-2) END IF END DO END DO DO j = 2, ny-2 IF(tem4(1,j,1) == spval) THEN tem5(1,j,1) = tem5(2,j,1) END IF IF(tem4(1,j,nz-1) == spval) THEN tem5(1,j,nz-1) = tem5(2,j,nz-1) END IF IF(tem4(nx-1,j,nz-1) == spval) THEN tem5(nx-1,j,nz-1) = tem5(nx-2,j,nz-1) END IF IF(tem4(nx-1,j,1) == spval) THEN tem5(nx-1,j,1) = tem5(nx-2,j,1) END IF END DO DO i = 2, nx-2 IF(tem4(i,1,1) == spval) THEN tem5(i,1,1) = tem5(i,2,1) END IF IF(tem4(i,1,nz-1) == spval) THEN tem5(i,1,nz-1) = tem5(i,2,nz-1) END IF IF(tem4(i,ny-1,1) == spval) THEN tem5(i,ny-1,1) = tem5(i,ny-2,1) END IF IF(tem4(i,ny-1,nz-1) == spval) THEN tem5(i,ny-1,nz-1) = tem5(i,ny-2,nz-1) END IF END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Handle the corner points separately ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=1,nz-1 IF(tem4(1,1,k) == spval) THEN tem5(1,1,k) = tem5(2,2,k) END IF IF(tem4(1,ny-1,k) == spval) THEN tem5(1,ny-1,k) = tem5(2,ny-2,k) END IF IF(tem4(nx-1,1,k) == spval) THEN tem5(nx-1,1,k) = tem5(nx-2,2,k) END IF IF(tem4(nx-1,ny-1,k) == spval) THEN tem5(nx-1,ny-1,k) = tem5(nx-2,ny-2,k) END IF END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Check convergence every iteration ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ki=MOD(iter,1) IF(ki /= 0) GO TO 50 DO i=2,nx-2 DO j=2,ny-2 DO k=2,nz-2 IF(tem4(i,j,k) == spval) THEN tem6(i,j,k)= ABS(tem5(i,j,k)-tem7(i,j,k)) END IF END DO END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Determine the largest value of tem6(i,j,k) and store its location ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! tol =0.0 DO i=2,nx-2 DO j=2,ny-2 DO k=2,nz-2 IF(tem4(i,j,k) == spval) THEN tol=MAX(tol,tem6(i,j,k)) IF(tol == tem6(i,j,k)) THEN istor = i jstor = j kstor = k END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO IF((MOD(iter,iprnt)) == 0) THEN PRINT 110, iter, tol 110 FORMAT(3X,'At iteration',i4,' tol is',g16.8) PRINT 115, istor,jstor,kstor 115 FORMAT(3X,'The max tol appears at (i,j,k)=',3I4) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If the tolerance is greater than the acceptable error (eps) ! continue iterations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF((tol >= eps).AND.(iter < itmx)) GO TO 50 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Cease iterations when the tolerance is less than the acceptable ! error (eps). Solution has converged. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(tol < eps) THEN WRITE(6,120) iter 120 FORMAT('Solution converged, # of iterations in pois3d was ',i4) ier=0 RETURN END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Cease iterations if the tolerance is greater than the acceptable ! error and the maximum number of iterations (itmx) has been exceeded. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE(6,130) iter 130 FORMAT(' After',i4,' iterations tem5(i,j,k) did not converge') ier=1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE pois3d