PROGRAM splitfiles,18 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. (Local Variables) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz,nstyps,nzsoil INTEGER :: nztmp INTEGER nxsm,nysm INTEGER :: exbcvarsz ! add by wyh INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: istat ! Flag set by open statement on the status ! of file opening ! existence INTEGER :: numfiles INTEGER :: lfname CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: filename REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: buf_r(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: buf_rsoil4d(:,:,:,:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: buf_i(:,:,:) INTEGER (KIND=selected_int_kind(4)), ALLOCATABLE:: buf_i16(:,:,:,:) INTEGER sstat integer mp_opt_save !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Global constants and parameters, most of them specify the ! model run options. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE '' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Control parameters defining the boundary condition types. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE '' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Universal physical constants such as gas constants. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE '' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! External boundary parameters and variables. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE '' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Nudging ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE '' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Message passing variables. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE '' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! namelist Declarations: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read the input file to check what input options, which need input ! data files have been set. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL initpara(nx, ny, nz, nzsoil,nstyps) nproc_x = nproc_x_in nproc_y = nproc_y_in ! Undo what initpara() did so we don't do this twice and get the wrong answers. if ( mp_opt > 0 ) then nx = ( nx - 3 ) * nproc_x + 3; ny = ( ny - 3 ) * nproc_y + 3; endif ! Convert to processor nx & ny (initpara thinks we're in non-MP mode) IF (nx /= nproc_x*int((nx-3)/nproc_x)+3) THEN nx = nproc_x*int((nx-3)/nproc_x+0.9999999999999) + 3 IF (myproc == 0) THEN WRITE (6,*) "WARNING: adjusting nx to fit on ",nproc_x," processors:" WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') " new nx =",nx ENDIF ENDIF IF (ny /= nproc_y*int((ny-3)/nproc_y)+3) THEN ny = nproc_y*int((ny-3)/nproc_y+0.9999999999999) + 3 IF (myproc == 0) THEN WRITE (6,*) "WARNING: adjusting ny to fit on ",nproc_y," processors:" WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') " new ny =",ny ENDIF ENDIF nxsm = (nx - 3)/nproc_x + 3 nysm = (ny - 3)/nproc_y + 3 IF ((inifmt == 3) .or. (ternfmt == 3) .or. (exbcfmt == 3) .or. & (soilfmt == 3) .or. (sfcfmt == 3)) THEN ! HDF format used ALLOCATE(buf_r(nxsm,nysm,nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_rsoil4d(nxsm,nysm,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(buf_i(nxsm,nysm,nz)) ! ALLOCATE(buf_i16(nxsm,nysm,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ! ! We need to allocated a 4D array so that "tsoil" and "qsoil" will fit. ! Although "nzsoil" is the third dimension there, it isn't big enough ! for other variables. Historically, "nz" has been used, however, if ! "nzsoil" is larger than "nz", that isn't good either. ! ! All of this can be controlled. What can't be controlled is the size ! used by the "em" files. It is controlled by "nstyp" in the "EM" input ! file, not the "nstyp" in the input to "splitfiles". The "EM" value ! of "nstyp" has always been 9, so this may never be a problem. ! nztmp = nz if ( nzsoil > nztmp ) nztmp = nzsoil ALLOCATE(buf_i16(nxsm,nysm,nztmp,0:nstyps)) ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Split the initial data files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (initopt == 3) THEN WRITE (6, *) 'Splitting initial history dump files...' IF (inifmt == 1) THEN CALL splitdump (inifile,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil) CALL splitdump (inigbf,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil) ELSE IF (inifmt == 3) THEN CALL split_hdf(inifile,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil,nstyps,buf_r, & buf_rsoil4d,buf_i,buf_i16,sstat) CALL split_hdf(inigbf,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil,nstyps,buf_r, & buf_rsoil4d,buf_i,buf_i16,sstat) ELSE WRITE (6, *) 'File not in binary format. Not split' END IF !------------- add by wyh for split restart files --------------------- ELSE IF (initopt == 2) THEN IF (lbcopt == 2) THEN exbcvarsz = 22 ELSE exbcvarsz = 1 END IF WRITE (6, *) 'Splitting restart file...' CALL splitrestart (rstinf,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil, nstyps, exbcvarsz) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Split the terrain data file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (ternopt == 2) THEN WRITE (6, *) 'Splitting terrain file...' IF (ternfmt == 3) THEN CALL split_hdf(terndta,nxsm,nysm,1,1,1,buf_r,buf_rsoil4d, & buf_i,buf_i16,sstat) ELSE CALL splitterrain(terndta,nxsm,nysm) ENDIF END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Split the surface and soil data files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (sfcdat == 2 .or. sfcdat == 3 ) THEN WRITE (6, *) 'Splitting surface data file...' IF (sfcfmt == 3) THEN CALL split_hdf(sfcdtfl,nxsm,nysm,1,1,1,buf_r,buf_rsoil4d, & buf_i,buf_i16,sstat) ELSE CALL splitsoil(sfcdtfl,nxsm,nysm,nstyps) ENDIF END IF IF ((soilinit == 2 .or. soilinit == 3 ) .AND. (initopt == 3)) THEN WRITE (6, *) 'Splitting soil data file...' IF (soilfmt == 3) THEN CALL split_hdf(soilinfl,nxsm,nysm,1,nzsoil,nstyps,buf_r, & buf_rsoil4d,buf_i,buf_i16,sstat) ELSE CALL splitsoilini(soilinfl,nxsm,nysm,nzsoil,nstyps) ENDIF END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Split the external boundary data files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (lbcopt == 2) THEN WRITE (6, *) 'Splitting EXBC files...' numfiles = nint((tstop - tstart - dtbig)/tintvebd) + 10 ! Go past the end in case an exbc ! file past the end time is needed. CALL ctim2abss ( year,month,day,hour,minute,second, abstinit) abststop = abstinit + nint(tstop) ! ! We will need to turn off "mpi_opt" when getbcfn() is called, as that routine ! will want to try to read the split file which doesn't exist. ! mp_opt_save = mp_opt DO i = 1, numfiles+1 abstfcst = abstinit + (i-1) * tintvebd + nint(tstart) mp_opt = 0 CALL getbcfn (abstfcst, exbcname, tinitebd, tintvebd, & filename, lfname, istat) mp_opt = mp_opt_save ! Restore the value !wdt update: filename -> filename(1:lfname) in loop below IF (istat == 0) THEN IF (exbcfmt == 3) THEN CALL split_hdf(filename(1:lfname),nxsm,nysm,nz,1,1, & buf_r,buf_rsoil4d,buf_i,buf_i16,sstat) ELSE CALL splitexbc(filename(1:lfname)//' ',nxsm,nysm,nz) ENDIF END IF END DO END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Split the "incr" files. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (nudgopt == 1 ) THEN WRITE (6,*) 'splitting incr file' CALL split_hdf(incrfnam,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil,nstyps,buf_r, & buf_rsoil4d,buf_i,buf_i16,sstat) ENDIF IF ((inifmt == 3) .or. (ternfmt == 3) .or. (exbcfmt == 3) .or. & (soilfmt == 3) .or. (sfcfmt == 3)) THEN ! HDF format used DEALLOCATE(buf_r) DEALLOCATE(buf_rsoil4d) DEALLOCATE(buf_i) DEALLOCATE(buf_i16) ENDIF call arpsstop("Normal Finish", 0) END PROGRAM splitfiles