PROGRAM joinfiles,5 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! To join together history dumps files produced by the processors ! of MPP machines with message passing. ! ! Variable Declarations. (Local Variables) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY. ! ! 11/06/1995 (M. Xue) ! Set the start time for file joining to zero instead of tstart. ! tstart may not be at the history dump time for a restart run. ! The program will skip the times when the corresponding files ! are not found. ! ! 2003/07/17 (Y. Wang) ! Modified to work with the new 4D soil variables which were ! added since ARPS version IHOP_3. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nstyps INTEGER :: nxsm,nysm INTEGER :: i CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: tmplnth ! Temporary array to store namelist logname INTEGER :: ndumps, time CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: next REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: buf_r(:,:,:), buf_rsm(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: buf_rsoil4d(:,:,:,:), buf_rsmsoil4d(:,:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: buf_r1(:), buf_r2(:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: buf_i(:,:,:), buf_ism(:,:,:) INTEGER (KIND=selected_int_kind(4)), ALLOCATABLE :: & buf_i16(:,:,:), buf_i16sm(:,:,:) INTEGER (KIND=selected_int_kind(4)), ALLOCATABLE :: & buf_i16soil(:,:,:,:), buf_i16soilsm(:,:,:,:) INTEGER :: sstat ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' ! Global constants and parameters, most of ! them specify the model run options. INCLUDE '' ! Control parameters defining the boundary ! condition types. INCLUDE '' ! Universal physical constants such as gas constants. INCLUDE '' ! External boundary parameters and variables. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! namelist Declarations: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read the input file to check what input options, which need input ! data files have been set. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL initpara(nx, ny, nz, nzsoil, nstyps) nproc_x = nproc_x_in nproc_y = nproc_y_in ! Convert to processor nx & ny (initpara thinks we're in non-MP mode) IF (nx /= nproc_x*int((nx-3)/nproc_x)+3) THEN nx = nproc_x*int((nx-3)/nproc_x+0.9999999999999) + 3 IF (myproc == 0) THEN WRITE (6,*) "WARNING: adjusting nx to fit on ",nproc_x," processors:" WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') " new nx =",nx ENDIF ENDIF IF (ny /= nproc_y*int((ny-3)/nproc_y)+3) THEN ny = nproc_y*int((ny-3)/nproc_y+0.9999999999999) + 3 IF (myproc == 0) THEN WRITE (6,*) "WARNING: adjusting ny to fit on ",nproc_y," processors:" WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') " new ny =",ny ENDIF ENDIF nxsm = (nx - 3)/nproc_x + 3 nysm = (ny - 3)/nproc_y + 3 ! IF( thisdmp == 0.0 ) THEN IF( thisdmp <= 0.1 ) THEN PRINT*, & 'The history dump option was off. No file joining was done.' STOP END IF ndumps = nint((tstop-tstart)/thisdmp) + 1 ALLOCATE(buf_r(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_rsm(nxsm,nysm,nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_rsoil4d(nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(buf_rsmsoil4d(nxsm,nysm,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(buf_r1(nxsm+nysm+nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_r2(nx+ny+nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_i(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_ism(nxsm,nysm,nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_i16(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_i16sm(nxsm,nysm,nz)) ALLOCATE(buf_i16soil(nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(buf_i16soilsm(nxsm,nysm,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Join the base state data dump ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (hdmpfmt == 1) THEN tmplnth = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/'//runname(1:lfnkey)//'.bingrdbas' CALL joindumps (tmplnth,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil) ELSE IF (hdmpfmt == 3) THEN tmplnth = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/'//runname(1:lfnkey)//'.hdfgrdbas' CALL join_hdf(tmplnth,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil,nstyps,nx,ny, & buf_r,buf_rsm, buf_rsoil4d,buf_rsmsoil4d, & buf_i,buf_ism,buf_i16,buf_i16sm, & buf_i16soil,buf_i16soilsm, & buf_r1,buf_r2,sstat) ELSE WRITE (6,*) "History dumps not in compatible format for joining." STOP ENDIF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Join the history dump files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! time = INT(tstart) DO i = 1, ndumps WRITE (next, '(i6.6)') time IF (hdmpfmt == 1) THEN tmplnth = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/'// & runname(1:lfnkey)//'.bin'//next CALL joindumps (tmplnth,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil) ELSE IF (hdmpfmt == 3) THEN tmplnth = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/'// & runname(1:lfnkey)//'.hdf'//next CALL join_hdf(tmplnth,nxsm,nysm,nz,nzsoil,nstyps,nx,ny, & buf_r,buf_rsm, buf_rsoil4d,buf_rsmsoil4d, & buf_i,buf_ism,buf_i16,buf_i16sm, & buf_i16soil,buf_i16soilsm, & buf_r1,buf_r2,sstat) ELSE WRITE (6,*) "History dumps not in compatible format for joining." STOP ENDIF time = time + INT (thisdmp) END DO WRITE (6, *) 'Done joining files...' DEALLOCATE(buf_r) DEALLOCATE(buf_rsm) DEALLOCATE(buf_rsoil4d) DEALLOCATE(buf_rsmsoil4d) DEALLOCATE(buf_r1) DEALLOCATE(buf_r2) DEALLOCATE(buf_i) DEALLOCATE(buf_ism) DEALLOCATE(buf_i16) DEALLOCATE(buf_i16soil) DEALLOCATE(buf_i16soilsm) END PROGRAM joinfiles