! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GRIBDUMP ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE gribdump(nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nstyps, nchanl,filnam, grdbas, & 1,105 u,v,w,ptprt,pprt,qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qh,tke,kmh,kmv, & ubar,vbar,ptbar,pbar,rhobar,qvbar, & x,y,z,zp,zpsoil, & soiltyp,stypfrct,vegtyp,lai,roufns,veg, & tsoil,qsoil,wetcanp,snowdpth, & raing,rainc,prcrate, & radfrc,radsw,rnflx,radswnet,radlwin, & usflx,vsflx,ptsflx,qvsflx, & tem1,temxy1,temxy2) ! tem1,item1,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ! original ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Write history data into channel nchanl as GRIB data. ! ! All data read in are located at the original staggered grid points. ! ! Note: coordinate fields are dumped as 3 dimensional fields which ! have been converted from meters to kilometers. This is for the ! convenience of the plotting applications. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 11/01/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 12/09/1998 (Donghai Wang) ! Added the snow cover. ! ! 1/07/2000 (Eric Kemp) ! Snow cover is now written as GRIB variable 66 (snow depth (m)) ! ! 05/23/2002 (J. Brotzge) ! Added soil variables to allow for multiple soil schemes. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! nzsoil Number of grid points in the soil ! ! nchanl FORTRAN I/O channel number for history data output. ! filnam File name to store the GRIB messages ! grdbas Flag indicating if this is a call for the data dump ! of grid and base state arrays only. If so, grdbas=1. ! ! u x component of velocity at a given time level (m/s) ! v y component of velocity at a given time level (m/s) ! w Vertical component of Cartesian velocity at a given ! time level (m/s) ! ptprt Perturbation potential temperature at a given time ! level (K) ! pprt Perturbation pressure at a given time level (Pascal) ! qv Water vapor specific humidity at a given time level (kg/kg) ! qc Cloud water mixing ratio at a given time level (kg/kg) ! qr Rainwater mixing ratio at a given time level (kg/kg) ! qi Cloud ice mixing ratio at a given time level (kg/kg) ! qs Snow mixing ratio at a given time level (kg/kg) ! qh Hail mixing ratio at a given time level (kg/kg) ! tke Turbulent Kinetic Energy ((m/s)**2) ! ! kmh Horizontal turb. mixing coef. for momentum ( m**2/s ) ! kmv Vertical turb. mixing coef. for momentum ( m**2/s ) ! ! ubar Base state zonal velocity component (m/s) ! vbar Base state meridional velocity component (m/s) ! ptbar Base state potential temperature (K) ! pbar Base state pressure (Pascal) ! rhobar Base state density (kg/m**3) ! qvbar Base state water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg) ! ! x x coordinate of grid points in physical/comp. space (m) ! y y coordinate of grid points in physical/comp. space (m) ! z z coordinate of grid points in computational space (m) ! zp Vertical coordinate of grid points in physical space (m) ! zpsoil Vertical coordinate of grid points in the soil (m) ! ! soiltyp Soil type ! stypfrct Soil type fraction ! vegtyp Vegetation type ! lai Leaf Area Index ! roufns Surface roughness ! veg Vegetation fraction ! ! tsoil Soil temperature (K) ! qsoil Soil moisture ! wetcanp Canopy water amount ! ! raing Grid supersaturation rain ! rainc Cumulus convective rain ! prcrate Precipitation rates ! ! radfrc Radiation forcing (K/s) ! radsw Solar radiation reaching the surface ! rnflx Net radiation flux absorbed by surface ! ! usflx Surface flux of u-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) ! vsflx Surface flux of v-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) ! ptsflx Surface heat flux (K*kg/(m**2 * s )) ! qvsflx Surface moisture flux of (kg/(m**2 * s)) ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! None. ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! item1 Integer temporary work array. ! temxy1 2-D temporary work array. ! temxy2 2-D temporary work array. ! itemxy1 2-D integer temporary work array. ! itemxy2 2-D integer temporary work array. ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! The following parameters are passed into this subroutine through ! a common block in globcst.inc, and they determine which ! variables are output. ! ! grdout =0 or 1. If grdout =0, grid variables are not dumped. ! basout =0 or 1. If basout =0, base state variables are not dumped. ! varout =0 or 1. If varout =0, model variables are not dumped. ! mstout =0 or 1. If mstout =0, water variables are not dumped. ! rainout=0 or 1. If rainout=0, rain variables are not dumped. ! prcout =0 or 1. If prcout =0, precipitation rates are not dumped. ! iceout =0 or 1. If iceout =0, qi, qs and qh are not dumped. ! tkeout =0 or 1. If tkeout =0, tke is not dumped. ! trbout =0 or 1. If trbout =0, kmh and kmv are not dumped. ! sfcout =0 or 1. If sfcout =0, surface variables are not dumped. ! landout=0 or 1. If landout=0, surface propertty arrays are not dumped. ! radout =0 or 1. If radout =0, precipitation rates are not dumped. ! flxout =0 or 1. If flxout =0, precipitation rates are not dumped. ! ! These following parameters are also passed in through common ! blocks in globcst.inc. ! ! runname,curtim,umove,vmove,xgrdorg,ygrdorg ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'mp.inc' ! Message passing parameters. INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions INTEGER :: nzsoil ! Number of grid points in the soil. INTEGER :: nchanl ! FORTRAN I/O channel number for output CHARACTER (LEN=* ) :: filnam ! File name INTEGER :: grdbas ! If this is a grid/base state array dump REAL :: u (nx,ny,nz) ! Total u-velocity (m/s) REAL :: v (nx,ny,nz) ! Total v-velocity (m/s) REAL :: w (nx,ny,nz) ! Total w-velocity (m/s) REAL :: ptprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation potential temperature (K) REAL :: pprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation pressure (Pascal) REAL :: qv (nx,ny,nz) ! Water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg) REAL :: qc (nx,ny,nz) ! Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qr (nx,ny,nz) ! Rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qi (nx,ny,nz) ! Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qs (nx,ny,nz) ! Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qh (nx,ny,nz) ! Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: tke (nx,ny,nz) ! Turbulent Kinetic Energy ((m/s)**2) REAL :: kmh (nx,ny,nz) ! Horizontal turb. mixing coef. for ! momentum. ( m**2/s ) REAL :: kmv (nx,ny,nz) ! Vertical turb. mixing coef. for ! momentum. ( m**2/s ) REAL :: ubar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state u-velocity (m/s) REAL :: vbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state v-velocity (m/s) REAL :: ptbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state potential temperature (K) REAL :: pbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state pressure (Pascal) REAL :: rhobar(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state air density (kg/m**3) REAL :: qvbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state water vapor specific humidity ! (kg/kg) REAL :: x (nx) ! The x-coord. of the physical and ! computational grid. Defined at u-point. REAL :: y (ny) ! The y-coord. of the physical and ! computational grid. Defined at v-point. REAL :: z (nz) ! The z-coord. of the computational grid. ! Defined at w-point on the staggered grid. REAL :: zp (nx,ny,nz) ! The physical height coordinate defined at ! w-point of the staggered grid. REAL :: zpsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil) ! The physical height coordinate defined at ! w-point of the soil. INTEGER :: nstyps ! Number of soil types INTEGER :: soiltyp(nx,ny,nstyps) ! Soil type REAL :: stypfrct(nx,ny,nstyps) ! Soil type fraction INTEGER :: vegtyp (nx,ny) ! Vegetation type REAL :: lai (nx,ny) ! Leaf Area Index REAL :: roufns (nx,ny) ! Surface roughness REAL :: veg (nx,ny) ! Vegetation fraction REAL :: tsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps) ! Soil temperature (K) REAL :: qsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps) ! Soil moisture REAL :: wetcanp(nx,ny,0:nstyps) ! Canopy water amount REAL :: snowdpth(nx,ny) ! Snow depth (m) REAL :: raing(nx,ny) ! Grid supersaturation rain REAL :: rainc(nx,ny) ! Cumulus convective rain REAL :: prcrate(nx,ny,4) ! precipitation rates (kg/(m**2*s)) ! prcrate(1,1,1) = total precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,2) = grid scale precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,3) = cumulus precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,4) = microphysics precip. rate REAL :: radfrc(nx,ny,nz) ! Radiation forcing (K/s) REAL :: radsw (nx,ny) ! Solar radiation reaching the surface REAL :: rnflx (nx,ny) ! Net radiation flux absorbed by surface REAL :: radswnet(nx,ny) ! Net shortwave radiation REAL :: radlwin(nx,ny) ! Incoming longwave radiation REAL :: usflx (nx,ny) ! Surface flux of u-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) REAL :: vsflx (nx,ny) ! Surface flux of v-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) REAL :: ptsflx(nx,ny) ! Surface heat flux (K*kg/(m*s**2)) REAL :: qvsflx(nx,ny) ! Surface moisture flux (kg/(m**2*s)) REAL :: tem1(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary work array REAL :: temxy1(nx,ny) ! temporary work array REAL :: temxy2(nx,ny) ! temporary work array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Parameters for GRIB packing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nbufsz PARAMETER ( nbufsz = 800000 ) ! Size of GRIB buffer INTEGER :: ipds(25) ! PDS integer array INTEGER :: igdss(25) ! GDS integer array for s-grid INTEGER :: igdsu(25) ! GDS integer array for u-grid INTEGER :: igdsv(25) ! GDS integer array for v-grid INTEGER :: ibdshd(4) ! BDS header CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: pds(28) ! PDS ( GRIB Section 1) CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: gds(42) ! GDS ( GRIB Section 2) CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: bds(nbufsz) ! BDS ( GRIB Section 4) INTEGER :: ibds(nbufsz/4) ! identical to BDS EQUIVALENCE ( bds,ibds ) CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: mgrib(nbufsz) ! Buffer to carry GRIB messages INTEGER :: nbytes ! Byte position to start read or write INTEGER :: wdlen ! Length of machine word ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Parameters describing this routine ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=40) :: fmtver PARAMETER (fmtver='004.10 ARPS Data Format 10') ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variables to determine the length of machine word, wdlen ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=8) :: ctema,ctemb INTEGER :: itema,itemb EQUIVALENCE ( itema,ctema ) EQUIVALENCE ( itemb,ctemb ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k,is INTEGER :: istatus INTEGER :: itype ! Array type: 0 - floating, 1 - integer INTEGER :: dflag ! Dimension flag: 0 - 3-D, 1 - 2-D INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: item1 (:,:,:) ! Integer temporary work array INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: itemxy1(:,:) ! Integer temporary work array INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: itemxy2(:,:) ! Integer temporary work array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! include 'gribcst.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Save ipds & igds for future use ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LOGICAL :: firstcall(0:mgrdmax) SAVE firstcall, wdlen DATA firstcall/ mgrdmax*.true.,.true. / DATA ctema / '12345678' / ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! WRITE(6,'(/2a/,2(a/,2a//),2(a/))') 'WARNING: Using of GRIB format', & ' is discouraged for ARPS history files. this is because', & ' If grbpkbit = 16, the data loses precision badly.', & ' If you prefer to GRIB format, grbpkbit = 32 is ', & 'recommended.', & ' ARPS supported data format are binary, HDF4 and NetCDF', & ' GrADS and GRIB format should be used with GrADS', & ' for display purpose only.', & 'To use GRIB format, please go to file "src/arps/gribio3d.f90" ', & 'and comment out the first "arpsstop" call in subroutine gribdump.' CALL arpsstop('GRIB format not support. Please check output file for detail.',1) ALLOCATE(item1(nx,ny,nz), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(itemxy1(nx,ny), STAT = istatus) ALLOCATE(itemxy2(nx,ny), STAT = istatus) item1(:,:,:) = 0 itemxy1(:,:) = 0 itemxy2(:,:) = 0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize the integer array for BDS header ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ibdshd(1) = 0 ibdshd(2) = 0 ibdshd(3) = 0 ibdshd(4) = 0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize the integer array, ipds, for PDS. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL mkipds( nx,ny,nz, ipds ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize the GDS integer arrays for different grid type, igdsu, ! igdsv, and igdss ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL mkigds( nx,ny,nz, 0, igdss ) CALL mkigds( nx,ny,nz, 1, igdsu ) CALL mkigds( nx,ny,nz, 2, igdsv ) IF (mgrid < 0 .or. mgrid > mgrdmax) THEN mgrid = 0 ENDIF IF ( firstcall(mgrid) ) THEN ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate the length of machine word, wdlen, in bytes, which will ! be used to pack the data. Assume the length has only two possible ! value: 4 and 8 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! itemb = itema IF ( ctema /= ctemb ) THEN wdlen = 4 ELSE wdlen = 8 END IF IF (myproc == 0) WRITE (6,'(a,i2,a)') & 'The length of machine word is ',wdlen,' bytes' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Check if number of bits per datum fits size of computer word. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF ( wdlen*8 < grbpkbit ) THEN IF (myproc == 0) WRITE (6,'(a,i3,a,i3/a,a/a)') & 'Number of bits per datum, ',grbpkbit, & ', exceeds the machine word length, ',wdlen*8, & 'Please change grbpkbit in input namelist &output ', & 'to fit the machine word length.', & 'Program stoped in GRIBDUMP' CALL arpsstop(" ",1) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Write the sample of GrADS control file used to display the ARPS ! GRIB files. This control file is to display the variables on the ! scalar points. The GRIB grid type was given by ipds(5) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL gribcntl( nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,x,y,z,zp,zpsoil,ipds(5), temxy1,temxy2 ) firstcall(mgrid) = .false. END IF IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(1x,a,f13.3/)') 'Writing history data at time=', curtim ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Write the header of ARPS GRIB file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL wrthishd(nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nchanl,grdbas,fmtver, x,y,z, & wdlen,nbufsz,mgrib,nbytes) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If grdout=1 or grdbas=1, write out grid variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(grdout == 1 .OR. grdbas == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D array ipds(8) = 8 ! geometric height (m) ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(18) = 0 ! forecast time = 0 for grid and base variables IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing zp' CALL edgfill(zp,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,1,z,zp,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing zpsoil' CALL edgfill(zpsoil,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nzsoil,1,nzsoil) DO k = 1,nzsoil CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,1,z,zpsoil(1,1,k),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END DO END IF ! grdout ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If basout=1, write out base state variables. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(basout == 1 .OR. grdbas == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D array ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(18) = 0 ! forecast time = 0 for grid and base variables ipds(8) = 33 ! u wind (m/s) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a,f10.5)') 'Writing ubar ',ubar(1,1,1) CALL edgfill(ubar,1,nx,1,nx, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,ubar,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdsu,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 34 ! v wind (m/s) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a,f10.5)') 'Writing vbar ',vbar(1,1,1) CALL edgfill(vbar,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,vbar,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdsv,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 13 ! potential temperature (K) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a,f10.2)') 'Writing ptbar ',ptbar(1,1,1) CALL edgfill(ptbar,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,ptbar,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 1 ! pressure (Pascal) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a,f10.2)') 'Writing pbar ', pbar(1,1,1) CALL edgfill(pbar,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,pbar,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) IF(mstout == 1) THEN ipds(8) = 51 ! specific humidity (kg/kg) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qvbar' CALL edgfill(qvbar,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,qvbar,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF IF(landout == 1) THEN dflag = 1 ! 2-D array ipds(9) = 111 ! depth below land surface IF( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN itype = 1 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(11) = 0 ! 0 centimeter for surface ipds(8) = 224 ! soil type IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing soiltyp ' CALL iedgfill(soiltyp(1,1,1),1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, & 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,tem1(1,1,1),soiltyp(1,1,1), & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ELSE itype = 1 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 224 ! soil type IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing soiltyp ' DO is=1,nstyp ipds(11) = is ! 0 centimeter for surface CALL iedgfill(soiltyp(1,1,is),1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, & 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,tem1(1,1,1),soiltyp(1,1,is), & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END DO itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 226 ! redefine 226 for fraction of soil types IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing stypfrct' DO is=1,nstyp ipds(11) = is ! 0 centimeter for surface CALL edgfill(stypfrct(1,1,is),1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, & 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,stypfrct(1,1,is),item1(1,1,1), & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END DO END IF itype = 1 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(11) = 0 ipds(8) = 225 ! vegtyp IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing vegtyp' CALL iedgfill(vegtyp ,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,tem1(1,1,1),vegtyp, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 227 ! redefine 227 for LAI IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing lai' CALL edgfill(lai ,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,lai,item1(1,1,1), & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 83 ! surface roughness (m) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing roufns' CALL edgfill(roufns ,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,roufns,item1(1,1,1), & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 87 ! vegetation (%) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing veg' CALL edgfill(veg ,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx tem1(i,j,1) = veg(i,j) * 100. END DO END DO CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,tem1(1,1,1),item1(1,1,1), & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF END IF IF ( grdbas == 1 ) RETURN ipds(18) = nint(curtim/60) ! forecast time in minutes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If varout = 1, Write out u, v, w, pt, and p. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Write out u,v and w. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(varout == 1) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D array ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 33 ! u wind (m/s) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing u' CALL edgfill(u,1,nx,1,nx, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,u,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdsu,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 34 ! v wind (m/s) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing v' CALL edgfill(v,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,v,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdsv,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 40 ! w wind (m/s) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing w' CALL edgfill(w,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,1,z,w,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Write out scalars ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ipds(8) = 13 ! potential temperature (K) DO k = 1,nz-1 DO j = 1,ny-1 DO i = 1,nx-1 tem1(i,j,k) = ptbar(i,j,k) + ptprt(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a,f10.2)') 'Writing pt ', tem1(1,1,1) CALL edgfill(tem1,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,tem1,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 1 ! pressure (Pascal) DO k = 1,nz-1 DO j = 1,ny-1 DO i = 1,nx-1 tem1(i,j,k) = pbar(i,j,k) + pprt(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO CALL edgfill(tem1,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a,f10.2)') 'Writing p ', tem1(1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,tem1,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF ! varout ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If mstout = 1, write out moisture scalars. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(mstout == 1) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D array ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 51 ! specific humidity (kg/kg) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qv' CALL edgfill(qv,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,qv,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 153 ! cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qc' CALL edgfill(qc,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,qc,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 170 ! rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qr' CALL edgfill(qr,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,qr,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) IF(iceout == 1) THEN dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 178 ! ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qi' CALL edgfill(qi,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,qi,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 171 ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qs' CALL edgfill(qs,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,qs,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 179 ! graupel hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qh' CALL edgfill(qh,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,qh,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF !iceout IF(rainout == 1) THEN dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(8) = 62 ! large scale precipitation for raing (kg/m**2) ipds(11) = 0 ! at surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing raing' CALL edgfill(raing, 1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,raing,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 63 ! convective precipitation for rainc (kg/m**2) ipds(11) = 0 ! at surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing rainc' CALL edgfill(rainc,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,rainc,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF !rainout IF ( prcout == 1 ) THEN CALL edgfill(prcrate, 1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(8) = 59 ! precipitation rates (kg/m**2/s) ipds(9) = 111 ! use 111 to save more than one precip. rate ipds(11) = 1 ! total precipitation rate IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing prcrate1' CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,prcrate(1,1,1),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(11) = 2 ! grid scale precipitation rates IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing prcrate2' CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,prcrate(1,1,2),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(11) = 3 ! cumulus precipitation rates IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing prcrate3' CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,prcrate(1,1,3),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(11) = 4 ! microphysics precipitation rates IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing prcrate4' CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,prcrate(1,1,4),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF ! prcout END IF !mstout IF( tkeout == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 158 ! tke (J kg**-1) CALL edgfill(tke,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,tke,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If trbout = 1, write out the turbulence parameter, km. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( trbout == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 185 ! redefine 185 for kmh IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing kmh' CALL edgfill(kmh,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,kmh,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 186 ! redefine 186 for kmv CALL edgfill(kmv,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,kmv,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF ! trbout ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If sfcout = 1, write out the surface variables, ! tsfc, tsoil, wetsfc, wetdp, and wetcanp. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF ( sfcout == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 111 ! below land surface IF( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN ipds(8) = 85 ! soil temperature (K) ! ipds(11) = 1 ! 1 cm below the surface ipds(11) = 0 ! At the surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing tsoil' CALL edgfill(tsoil(1,1,1,0),1,nx,1,nx-1,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,nzsoil, & 1,nzsoil) ! CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,0,zpsoil,tsoil(1,1,1,0),item1, & ! nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ! ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & ! nbufsz,bds,ibds, & ! mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,1,zpsoil,tsoil(1,1,1,0),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 144 ! Soil moisture (m**3/m**3) ! ipds(11) = 100 ! 100 cm below the surface ipds(11) = 0 ! At the surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qsoil' CALL edgfill(qsoil(1,1,1,0),1,nx,1,nx-1,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,nzsoil,1, & nzsoil) ! CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,0,zpsoil,qsoil(1,1,1,0),item1, & ! nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ! ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & ! nbufsz,bds,ibds, & ! mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,1,zpsoil,qsoil(1,1,1,0),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 223 ! amount of liquid water retained on canopy (m) ipds(11) = 0 ! 0 cm below the surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing wetcnpy' CALL edgfill(wetcanp(1,1,0),1,nx,1,nx-1,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,wetcanp(1,1,0),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ELSE DO is=0,nstyp ipds(8) = 85 ! soil temperature (K) ! ipds(11) = 1+is ! 1 cm below the surface ipds(11) = is ! 'is' cm below the surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing tsoil' CALL edgfill(tsoil(1,1,1,is),1,nx,1,nx-1,1,ny,1,ny-1, & 1,nzsoil,1,nzsoil) ! CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,0,zpsoil,tsoil(1,1,1,is),item1, & ! nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ! ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & ! nbufsz,bds,ibds, & ! mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,1,zpsoil,tsoil(1,1,1,is),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 144 ! Soil moisture in (m**3/m**3) ! ipds(11) = 1+is ! 1 cm below the surface ipds(11) = is ! 'is' cm below the surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing qsoil' CALL edgfill(qsoil(1,1,1,is), 1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, & 1,nzsoil,1,nzsoil) ! CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,0,zpsoil,qsoil(1,1,1,is),item1, & ! nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ! ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & ! nbufsz,bds,ibds, & ! mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,1,zpsoil,qsoil(1,1,1,is),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 223 ! amount of liquid water retained on canopy (m) ipds(11) = is ! 0 cm below the surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing wetcnpy' CALL edgfill(wetcanp(1,1,is),1,nx,1,nx-1,1,ny,1,ny-1, & 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,wetcanp(1,1,is),item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END DO END IF IF (snowout == 1) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 66 ! Snow depth (m) ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(11) = 0 ! at surface IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Writing snowdpth' CALL edgfill(snowdpth,1,nx,1,nx-1,1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,snowdpth,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If radout = 1, write out radiation arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( radout == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 216 ! radiation forcing, radfrc CALL edgfill(radfrc,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,nz,1,nz-1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,radfrc,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(8) = 204 ! downward short wave radiation flux ipds(11) = 0 ! 0 cm below the surface CALL edgfill(radsw,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,radsw,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(8) = 232 ! downward total (net) radiation flux CALL edgfill(rnflx,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,rnflx,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(8) = 111 ! Net shortwave radiation CALL edgfill(radswnet,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,radswnet,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(8) = 205 ! Incoming longwave radiation CALL edgfill(radlwin,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,radlwin,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! If flxout = 1, write out surface fluxes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( flxout == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(8) = 124 ! u flux ipds(11) = 0 ! 0 cm below the surface CALL edgfill(usflx,1,nx,1,nx, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,usflx,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 125 ! v flux CALL edgfill(vsflx,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,vsflx,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 122 ! sensible heat flux for ptsflx CALL edgfill(ptsflx,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,ptsflx,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) ipds(8) = 121 ! latent heat flux for qvsflx CALL edgfill(qvsflx,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1) CALL wrtgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,qvsflx,item1, & nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,temxy1,temxy2,itemxy1,itemxy2) END IF DEALLOCATE(item1) DEALLOCATE(itemxy1,itemxy2) RETURN END SUBROUTINE gribdump ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GRIBREAD ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE gribread(nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nstyps, grdbas,inch,time,x,y,z, & 2,62 zp, zpsoil,uprt, vprt, wprt, ptprt, pprt, & qvprt, qc, qr, qi, qs, qh, tke,kmh,kmv, & ubar, vbar, wbar, ptbar, pbar, rhobar, qvbar, & soiltyp,stypfrct,vegtyp,lai,roufns,veg, & tsoil,qsoil,wetcanp,snowdpth, & raing,rainc,prcrate, & radfrc,radsw,rnflx,radswnet,radlwin, & usflx,vsflx,ptsflx,qvsflx) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Read in GRIB data set created by ARPS using history dump format ! No. 10. ! All data read in are located at the original staggered grid points ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 11/01/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 12/09/1998 (Donghai Wang) ! Added the snow cover. ! ! 1/07/2000 (Eric Kemp) ! Subroutine now reads in GRIB variable 66 (snow depth (m)) ! ! 05/23/2002 (J. Brotzge) ! Added soil variables to allow for multiple soil schemes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! nzsoil Number of grid points in the soil ! ! grdbas Data read flag. ! =1, only grid and base state arrays will be read ! =0, all arrays will be read based on data ! parameter setting. ! inch Channel number for binary reading. ! This channel must be opened for unformatted reading ! by the calling routine. ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! time Time in seconds of data read from "filename" ! ! x x coordinate of grid points in physical/comp. space (m) ! y y coordinate of grid points in physical/comp. space (m) ! z z coordinate of grid points in computational space (m) ! zp z coordinate of grid points in physical space (m) ! zpsoil z coordinate of grid points in the soil (m) ! ! uprt x component of perturbation velocity (m/s) ! vprt y component of perturbation velocity (m/s) ! wprt Vertical component of perturbation velocity in ! Cartesian coordinates (m/s). ! ptprt Perturbation potential temperature (K) ! pprt Perturbation pressure (Pascal) ! ! qvprt Perturbation water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qc Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qr Rainwater mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qi Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qs Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qh Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! tke Turbulent Kinetic Energy ((m/s)**2) ! ! kmh Horizontal turb. mixing coef. for momentum ( m**2/s ) ! kmv Vertical turb. mixing coef. for momentum ( m**2/s ) ! ! ubar Base state x velocity component (m/s) ! vbar Base state y velocity component (m/s) ! wbar Base state z velocity component (m/s) ! ptbar Base state potential temperature (K) ! pbar Base state pressure (Pascal) ! rhobar Base state air density (kg/m**3) ! qvbar Base state water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! ! soiltyp Soil type ! stypfrct Soil type fraction ! vegtyp Vegetation type ! lai Leaf Area Index ! roufns Surface roughness ! veg Vegetation fraction ! ! tsoil Soil temperature (K) ! qsoil Soil moisture (m**3/m**3) ! wetcanp Canopy water amount ! ! raing Grid supersaturation rain ! rainc Cumulus convective rain ! prcrate Precipitation rates ! ! radfrc Radiation forcing (K/s) ! radsw Solar radiation reaching the surface ! rnflx Net radiation flux absorbed by surface ! radswnet Net shortwave radiation, SWin - SWout ! radlwin Incoming longwave radiation ! ! usflx Surface flux of u-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) ! vsflx Surface flux of v-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) ! ptsflx Surface heat flux (K*kg/(m**2 * s )) ! qvsflx Surface moisture flux of (kg/(m**2 * s)) ! ! ireturn Return status indicator ! =0, successful read of all data ! =1, error reading data ! =2, end-of-file reached during read attempt ! ! TEMPORARY: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! item1 Integer temporary work array. ! temxy1 2-D temporary work array. ! itemxy1 2-D integer temporary work array. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions INTEGER :: nzsoil ! Number of grid points in the soil REAL :: x(nx) ! x-coord. of the physical and compu ! -tational grid. Defined at u-point(m). REAL :: y(ny) ! y-coord. of the physical and compu ! -tational grid. Defined at v-point(m). REAL :: z(nz) ! z-coord. of the computational grid. ! Defined at w-point on the staggered ! grid(m). REAL :: zp(nx,ny,nz) ! Physical height coordinate defined at ! w-point of the staggered grid(m). REAL :: zpsoil(nx,ny,nzsoil) ! Physical height coordinate defined at ! w-point of the soil (m). INTEGER :: grdbas ! Data read flag. INTEGER :: inch ! Channel number for binary reading REAL :: time ! Time in seconds of data read ! from "filename" REAL :: uprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation u-velocity (m/s) REAL :: vprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation v-velocity (m/s) REAL :: wprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation w-velocity (m/s) REAL :: ptprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation potential temperature (K) REAL :: pprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation pressure (Pascal) REAL :: qvprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation water vapor mixing ! ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qc (nx,ny,nz) ! Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qr (nx,ny,nz) ! Rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qi (nx,ny,nz) ! Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qs (nx,ny,nz) ! Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qh (nx,ny,nz) ! Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: kmh (nx,ny,nz) ! Horizontal turb. mixing coef. for REAL :: tke (nx,ny,nz) ! Turbulent Kinetic Energy ((m/s)**2) ! momentum. ( m**2/s ) REAL :: kmv (nx,ny,nz) ! Vertical turb. mixing coef. for ! momentum. ( m**2/s ) REAL :: ubar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state u-velocity (m/s) REAL :: vbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state v-velocity (m/s) REAL :: wbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state w-velocity (m/s) REAL :: ptbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state potential temperature (K) REAL :: pbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state pressure (Pascal) REAL :: rhobar(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state air density (kg/m**3) REAL :: qvbar (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state water vapor mixing ratio INTEGER :: nstyps ! Number of soil types INTEGER :: soiltyp(nx,ny,nstyps) ! Soil type REAL :: stypfrct(nx,ny,nstyps) ! Soil type fraction INTEGER :: vegtyp (nx,ny) ! Vegetation type REAL :: lai (nx,ny) ! Leaf Area Index REAL :: roufns (nx,ny) ! Surface roughness REAL :: veg (nx,ny) ! Vegetation fraction REAL :: tsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps) ! Soil temperature (K) REAL :: qsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps) ! Soil moisture (m**3/m**3) REAL :: wetcanp(nx,ny,0:nstyps) ! Canopy water amount REAL :: snowdpth(nx,ny) ! Snow depth (m) REAL :: raing(nx,ny) ! Grid supersaturation rain REAL :: rainc(nx,ny) ! Cumulus convective rain REAL :: prcrate(nx,ny,4) ! precipitation rates (kg/(m**2*s)) ! prcrate(1,1,1) = total precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,2) = grid scale precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,3) = cumulus precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,4) = microphysics precip. rate REAL :: radfrc(nx,ny,nz) ! Radiation forcing (K/s) REAL :: radsw (nx,ny) ! Solar radiation reaching the surface REAL :: rnflx (nx,ny) ! Net radiation flux absorbed by surface REAL :: radswnet(nx,ny) ! Net shortwave radiation REAL :: radlwin(nx,ny) ! Incoming longwave radiation REAL :: usflx (nx,ny) ! Surface flux of u-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) REAL :: vsflx (nx,ny) ! Surface flux of v-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) REAL :: ptsflx(nx,ny) ! Surface heat flux (K*kg/(m*s**2)) REAL :: qvsflx(nx,ny) ! Surface moisture flux (kg/(m**2*s)) REAL, allocatable :: tem1(:,:,:) ! Temporary work array REAL, allocatable :: temxy1(:,:) ! temporary work array INTEGER, allocatable :: item1(:,:,:) ! Integer temporary work array INTEGER, allocatable :: itemxy1(:,:) ! Integer temporary work array INTEGER :: ireturn ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Parameters describing routine that wrote the gridded data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Parameters for GRIB packing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nbufsz PARAMETER ( nbufsz = 800000 ) ! Size of GRIB buffer INTEGER :: ipds(25) ! PDS integer array INTEGER :: igdss(25) ! GDS integer array for s-grid INTEGER :: igdsu(25) ! GDS integer array for u-grid INTEGER :: igdsv(25) ! GDS integer array for v-grid INTEGER :: ibdshd(4) ! Integer array for BDS header CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: bds(nbufsz) ! BDS ( GRIB Section 4) INTEGER :: ibds(nbufsz/4) ! identical S ( GRIB Section 4) EQUIVALENCE ( bds,ibds ) CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: mgrib(nbufsz) ! Buffer to carry GRIB messages INTEGER :: itype ! Data type indicator INTEGER :: dflag ! Dimension flag ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variables to determine the length of machine word, wdlen ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: wdlen ! Length of machine word CHARACTER (LEN=8) :: ctema,ctemb INTEGER :: itema,itemb EQUIVALENCE ( itema,ctema ) EQUIVALENCE ( itemb,ctemb ) LOGICAL :: firstcall SAVE firstcall, wdlen DATA firstcall/ .true. / DATA ctema / '12345678' / ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Parameters describing this routine ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=40) :: fmtver PARAMETER (fmtver='004.10 ARPS Data Format 10') ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: lchanl PARAMETER (lchanl=6) ! Channel number for formatted printing. INTEGER :: i,j,k,is REAL :: tema1, tema2, temb1, temb2 REAL :: alatnot(2) INTEGER :: istat, nstyp1, nstyp2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'indtflg.inc' INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'grid.inc' ! Grid & map parameters. ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ALLOCATE (tem1(nx,ny,nz),stat=istat) IF (istat /= 0) THEN WRITE (6,*) "GRIBREAD: ERROR allocating tem1, returning" RETURN END IF ALLOCATE (item1(nx,ny,nz),stat=istat) IF (istat /= 0) THEN WRITE (6,*) "GRIBREAD: ERROR allocating item1, returning" RETURN END IF ALLOCATE (temxy1(nx,ny),stat=istat) IF (istat /= 0) THEN WRITE (6,*) "GRIBREAD: ERROR allocating temxy1, returning" RETURN END IF ALLOCATE (itemxy1(nx,ny),stat=istat) IF (istat /= 0) THEN WRITE (6,*) "GRIBREAD: ERROR allocating itemxy1, returning" RETURN END IF IF ( firstcall ) THEN itemb = itema IF ( ctema /= ctemb ) THEN wdlen = 4 ELSE wdlen = 8 END IF WRITE (6,'(a,i2,a)') & 'The machine word length is ',wdlen,' bytes' firstcall = .false. END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Check header info ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nstyp2 = nstyp CALL rdhishd( nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,inch,grdbas,fmtver,time,x,y,z, & nbufsz,mgrib ) nstyp1 = nstyp ! value read in from data nstyp = nstyp2 ! original value IF ( nstyp1 < 1 ) THEN nstyp1 = 1 END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate the length of machine word, wdlen, in bytes, which will ! be used to pack the data. Assume the length has only two possible ! value: 4 and 8 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dx = x(2) - x(1) dy = y(2) - y(1) alatnot(1) = trulat1 alatnot(2) = trulat2 CALL setmapr(mapproj, 1.0, alatnot, trulon) CALL lltoxy( 1,1, ctrlat,ctrlon, tema1, tema2 ) temb1 = tema1 - (FLOAT(nx-3)/2.) * dx temb2 = tema2 - (FLOAT(ny-3)/2.) * dy CALL setorig( 1, temb1, temb2) CALL setcornerll( nx,ny, x,y ) ! set corner lat/lon ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize the integer array for BDS header ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ibdshd(1) = 0 ibdshd(2) = 0 ibdshd(3) = 0 ibdshd(4) = 0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get the integer array, ipds, from the header. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL mkipds( nx,ny,nz, ipds ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get the GDS integer arrays for different grid type, igdsu, igdsv, ! and igdss, from the header ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL mkigds( nx,ny,nz, 0, igdss ) CALL mkigds( nx,ny,nz, 1, igdsu ) CALL mkigds( nx,ny,nz, 2, igdsv ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get zp ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( grdin == 1 .OR. grdbas == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D array ipds(8) = 8 ! geometric height (m) ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(18) = 0 ! forecast time = 0 for grid and base variables CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,1,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & zp,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' zp.' DO k = 1,nzsoil CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,1,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & zpsoil(1,1,k),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) END DO WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' zpsoil.' END IF ! grdin ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read in base state fields ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( basin == 1 .OR. grdbas == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D array ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(18) = 0 ! forecast time = 0 for grid and base variables ipds(8) = 33 ! u wind (m/s) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdsu,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & ubar,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' ubar.' ipds(8) = 34 ! v wind (m/s) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdsv,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & vbar,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' vbar.' ipds(8) = 13 ! potential temperature (K) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & ptbar,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' ptbar.' ipds(8) = 1 ! pressure (Pascal) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & pbar,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' pbar.' IF( mstin == 1) THEN ipds(8) = 51 ! specific humidity (kg/kg) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qvbar,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qvbar.' END IF IF(landin == 1) THEN dflag = 1 ! 2-D array ipds(9) = 111 ! depth below land surface IF( nstyp1 <= 1 ) THEN itype = 1 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 224 ! soil type ipds(11) = 0 ! 0 centimeter for surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,soiltyp(1,1,1), temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' soiltyp.' ELSE itype = 1 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 224 ! soil type DO is=1,nstyp1 ipds(11) = is ! number to identify soil types CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,soiltyp(1,1,is), temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' soiltyp.' END DO itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 226 ! redefine 226 for fraction of soil types DO is=1,nstyp1 ipds(11) = is ! fraction of different soil types CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & stypfrct(1,1,is),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' stypfrct.' END DO END IF CALL fix_stypfrct_nstyp(nx,ny,nstyp1,nstyp,stypfrct) itype = 1 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 225 ! vegtyp ipds(11) = 0 CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,vegtyp, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' vegtyp.' itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 227 ! redefine 227 for LAI CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & lai,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' lai.' ipds(8) = 83 ! surface roughness (m) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & roufns,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' roufns.' ipds(8) = 87 ! vegetation (%) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx veg(i,j) = tem1(i,j,1) / 100. END DO END DO WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' veg.' END IF END IF IF( grdbas == 1 ) GO TO 930 ipds(18) = nint(time/60) ! forecast time in minutes IF( varin == 1 ) THEN ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D array ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 33 ! u wind (m/s) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdsu,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) DO k = 1,nz DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx uprt(i,j,k) = tem1(i,j,k) - ubar(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' uprt.' ipds(8) = 34 ! v wind (m/s) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdsv,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) DO k = 1,nz DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx vprt(i,j,k) = tem1(i,j,k) - vbar(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' vprt.' ipds(8) = 40 ! w wind (m/s) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,1,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & wprt,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' wprt.' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read in scalars ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ipds(8) = 13 ! potential temperature (K) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) DO k = 1,nz DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx ptprt(i,j,k) = tem1(i,j,k) - ptbar(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' ptprt.' ipds(8) = 1 ! pressure (Pascal) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) DO k = 1,nz DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx pprt(i,j,k) = tem1(i,j,k) - pbar(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' pprt.' END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read in moisture variables ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( mstin == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D array ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 51 ! specific humidity (kg/kg) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) DO k = 1,nz DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx qvprt(i,j,k) = tem1(i,j,k) - qvbar(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qvprt.' ipds(8) = 153 ! cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qc,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qc.' ipds(8) = 170 ! rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qr,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qr.' IF( icein == 1 ) THEN dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 178 ! ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qi,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qi.' ipds(8) = 171 ! snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qs,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qs.' ipds(8) = 179 ! graupel hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qh,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qh.' END IF IF( rainin == 1 ) THEN dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(8) = 62 ! large scale precipitation for raing (kg/m**2) ipds(11) = 0 ! at surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & raing,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' raing.' ipds(8) = 63 ! convective precipitation for rainc (kg/m**2) ipds(11) = 0 ! at surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & rainc,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' rainc.' END IF IF( prcin == 1 ) THEN dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(8) = 59 ! precipitation rates (kg/m**2/s) ipds(9) = 111 ! use 111 for saving more than one precip. ipds(11) = 1 ! total precipitation rate CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & prcrate(1,1,1),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' prcrate1.' ipds(11) = 2 ! grid scale precipitation rate CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & prcrate(1,1,2),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' prcrate2.' ipds(11) = 3 ! cumulus precipitation rate CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & prcrate(1,1,3),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' prcrate3.' ipds(11) = 4 ! microphysics precipitation rate CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & prcrate(1,1,4),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' prcrate4.' END IF END IF IF( tkein == 1 ) THEN dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 158 ! tke (J kg**-1) CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tke,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' tke.' END IF IF( trbin == 1 ) THEN dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 185 ! redefine 185 for kmh CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & kmh,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' kmh.' dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 186 ! redefine 186 for kmv CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & kmv,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' kmv.' END IF IF( sfcin == 1 ) THEN dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 111 ! below land surface IF( nstyp1 <= 1 ) THEN ipds(8) = 85 ! soil temperature (K) ! ipds(11) = 1 ! 1 cm below the surface ipds(11) = 0 ! 0 cm below the surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,0,zpsoil,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tsoil(1,1,1,0),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' tsoil.' ipds(8) = 144 ! Soil moisture in (m**3/m**3) ! ipds(11) = 1 ! 1 cm below the surface ipds(11) = 0 ! 0 cm below the surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,0,zpsoil,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qsoil(1,1,1,0),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qsoil.' ipds(8) = 223 ! amount of liquid water retained on canopy (m) ipds(11) = 0 ! 0 cm below the surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & wetcanp(1,1,0),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' wetcanp.' ELSE DO is=0,nstyp1 ipds(8) = 85 ! soil temperature (K) ! ipds(11) = 1+is ! 1 cm below the surface ipds(11) = is ! is cm below the surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,0,zpsoil,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tsoil(1,1,1,is),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' tsoil.' ipds(8) = 144 ! Soil moisture in (m**3/m**3) ! ipds(11) = 1+is ! 1 cm below the surface ipds(11) = is ! is cm below the surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nzsoil,0,zpsoil,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qsoil(1,1,1,is),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qsoil.' ipds(8) = 223 ! amount of liquid water retained on canopy (m) ipds(11) = is ! 0 cm below the surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & wetcanp(1,1,is),item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' wetcanp.' END DO END IF CALL fix_soil_nstyp(nx,ny,nzsoil,nstyp1,nstyp,tsoil, & qsoil,wetcanp) IF (snowcin == 1) THEN ! Snow cover is depricated itype = 1 ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 143 ! Snow cover ipds(9) = 111 ipds(11) = 0 CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & tem1,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' snowcvr -- discarding.' END IF IF (snowin == 1) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(8) = 66 ! Snow depth (m) ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(11) = 0 ! at surface CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & snowdpth,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' snowdpth.' END IF END IF IF( radin == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! floating array ibdshd(3) = itype dflag = 0 ! 3-D ipds(9) = 103 ! z-coorinates ipds(8) = 216 ! radiation forcing, radfrc CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & radfrc,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' radfrc.' dflag = 1 ! 2-D ipds(9) = 1 ! at surface ipds(11) = 0 ! at surface ipds(8) = 204 ! downward short wave radiation flux CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & radsw,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' radsw.' ipds(8) = 232 ! downward total (net) radiation flux CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & rnflx,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' rnflx.' ipds(8) = 111 ! downward total (net) radiation flux CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & radswnet,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' radswnet.' ipds(8) = 205 ! downward total (net) radiation flux CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & radlwin,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' radlwin.' END IF IF( flxin == 1 ) THEN itype = 0 ! integer array ibdshd(3) = itype ipds(11) = 0 ! at surface ipds(8) = 124 ! u flux CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & usflx,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' usflx.' ipds(8) = 125 ! v flux CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & vsflx,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' vsflx.' ipds(8) = 122 ! sensible heat flux for ptsflx CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & ptsflx,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' ptsflx.' ipds(8) = 121 ! latent heat flux for qvsflx CALL rdgrib(nx,ny,1,0,z,dflag,inch, wdlen, & ipds,igdss,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & qvsflx,item1, temxy1,itemxy1) WRITE(lchanl,910) ipds(8),' qvsflx.' END IF 910 FORMAT(1X,'Field ',i4,' was read into array',a) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Friendly exit message ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 930 CONTINUE WRITE(6,'(/a,F8.1,a/)') & ' Data at time=', time/60,' (min) were successfully read.' ireturn = 0 DEALLOCATE (tem1,stat=istat) DEALLOCATE (item1,stat=istat) DEALLOCATE (temxy1,stat=istat) DEALLOCATE (itemxy1,stat=istat) RETURN END SUBROUTINE gribread ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE WRTGRIB ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE wrtgrib(nx,ny,nz,wstag,z,fvar,ivar, & 50,3 nchanl,nbytes,wdlen,itype,dflag, & ipds,igds,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds, & mgrib,tem1,tem2,item1,item2) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Write variable, fvar for floating array or ivar for integer array, ! into file pointer nchanl which points to a GRIB file. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 11/01/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! wstag Staggering flag of w-grid ! z z coordinate of grid points in computational space (m) ! ! fvar Floating array to be written into GRIB file ! ivar Integer array to be written into GRIB file ! ! nchanl FILE pointer of GRIB stream file which was opened by ! a C program, GOPEN ! ! itype Data type: 0 for floating array and 1 for integer array ! dflag Dimension flag: 0 for 3-D array and 1 for 2-D array ! nbytes Byte position at which the GRIB message starts ! wdlen Length of machine word (i.e. size of integer) in bytes ! ! ipds Integer array to carry the parameters for generating ! PDS (Section 1). ! igds Integer array to carry the parameters for generating ! GDS (Section 3). ! ! pds PDS (GRIB Section 1) ! gds GDS (GRIB Section 3) ! ! nbufsz Size of buffer of a GRIB message array ! bds BDS (GRIB Section 4) ! mgrib Working buffer of GRIB message array ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! nbtyes Position at which the next GRIB message starts ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! item1 Integer temporary work array. ! tem2 Temporary work array. ! item2 Integer temporary work array. ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x,y,z dir. INTEGER :: wstag ! Staggering flag for w-grid REAL :: z(nz) ! The z-coord. of the computational grid. ! Defined at w-point on the staggered grid. REAL :: fvar(nx,ny,nz) ! Floating array INTEGER :: ivar(nx,ny,nz) ! Integer array INTEGER :: nchanl ! FILE pointer indicates the GRIB file INTEGER :: itype ! Data type: 0 - floating, 1 - integer INTEGER :: dflag ! Dimension flag: 0 - 3-D, 1 - 2-D INTEGER :: nbytes ! Starting byte position INTEGER :: wdlen ! Length of machine word INTEGER :: ipds(25) ! ipds INTEGER :: igds(25) ! igds INTEGER :: ibdshd(4) ! BDS header CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: pds(28) ! PDS CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: gds(42) ! GDS INTEGER :: nbufsz ! Size of GRIB message array INTEGER :: ibds(nbufsz/wdlen) ! Identical to BDS CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: bds(nbufsz) ! BDS CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: mgrib(nbufsz) ! Working buffer REAL :: tem1 (nx,ny) ! Temporary work array REAL :: tem2 (nx,ny) ! Temporary work array INTEGER :: item1(nx,ny) ! Integer temporary work array INTEGER :: item2(nx,ny) ! Integer temporary work array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! GRIB parameters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: msglen ! Length of GRIB message INTEGER :: npts ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k, wstag1 REAL :: tema ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! npts = nx*ny IF ( dflag == 1 ) THEN DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx tem1 (i,j) = fvar(i,j,1) item1(i,j) = ivar(i,j,1) END DO END DO CALL gribenc(itype,wdlen,grbpkbit,npts,tem1,item1, & ipds,igds,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,msglen,mgrib, & tem2,item2) WRITE (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,msglen) RETURN END IF IF ( wstag > 1 .OR. wstag < 0 ) THEN WRITE(6,'(a,i1)') & 'Do not know the w-grid type, wstag = ',wstag, & 'Reset it to scalar grid.' wstag1 = 0 ELSE wstag1 = wstag END IF DO k = 1,nz-1 DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx tem1 (i,j) = fvar(i,j,k) item1(i,j) = ivar(i,j,k) END DO END DO IF ( wstag1 == 0 ) THEN tema = 0.5 * (z(k) + z(k+1)) ELSE tema = z(k) END IF ipds(11) = nint(tema) CALL gribenc(itype,wdlen,grbpkbit,npts,tem1,item1, & ipds,igds,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,msglen,mgrib, & tem2,item2) WRITE (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,msglen) END DO DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx tem1 (i,j) = fvar(i,j,nz) item1(i,j) = ivar(i,j,nz) END DO END DO ipds(11) = nint(z(nz)) CALL gribenc(itype,wdlen,grbpkbit,npts,tem1,item1, & ipds,igds,ibdshd,pds,gds, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,msglen,mgrib, & tem2,item2) WRITE (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,msglen) RETURN END SUBROUTINE wrtgrib ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE RDGRIB ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE rdgrib(nx,ny,nz,wstag,z,dflag,nchanl, wdlen, & 51,3 ipds,igds,ibdshd, & nbufsz,bds,ibds,mgrib, & fvar,ivar, tem1,item1) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Write variable, fvar for floating array or ivar for integer array, ! into file pointer nchanl which points to a GRIB file. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 11/01/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz number of grid points in the vertical ! ! dflag Dimension flag, 0: 3-D, 1: 2-D ! wstag Staggering flag of w-grid ! ! nchanl FILE pointer of GRIB stream file which was opened by ! a C program, GOPEN ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! fvar Floating array to be written into GRIB file ! ivar Integer array to be written into GRIB file ! ! wdlen Length of machine word (i.e. size of integer) in bytes ! ! ipds Integer array to carry the parameters for generating ! PDS (Section 1). ! igds Integer array to carry the parameters for generating ! GDS (Section 3). ! ! nbufsz Size of buffer of a GRIB message array ! bds BDS (GRIB Section 4) ! mgrib Working buffer of GRIB message array ! ! nbtyes Position at which the next GRIB message starts ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! item1 Integer temporary work array. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x,y,z dir. INTEGER :: wstag ! Staggering flag for w-grid REAL :: z(nz) ! Vertical coordinates INTEGER :: dflag ! Dimension flag, 0: 3-D, 1: 2-D INTEGER :: nchanl ! FILE pointer indicates the GRIB file INTEGER :: wdlen ! Length of machine word INTEGER :: ipds(25) ! ipds INTEGER :: igds(25) ! igds INTEGER :: ibdshd(4) ! BDS header INTEGER :: nbufsz ! Size of GRIB message array CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: mgrib(nbufsz) ! GRIB message REAL :: fvar(nx,ny,nz) ! Floating array INTEGER :: ivar(nx,ny,nz) ! Integer array CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: bds(nbufsz) ! BDS INTEGER :: ibds(nbufsz/wdlen) ! Identical to BDS REAL :: tem1 (nx,ny) ! Temporary work array INTEGER :: item1(nx,ny) ! Integer temporary work array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! GRIB parameters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: msglen ! Length of GRIB message INTEGER :: npts ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k, wstag1 REAL :: tema ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! External function ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: char2i ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! npts = nx*ny IF ( dflag == 1 ) THEN READ (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,8) msglen = char2i(mgrib(5))*65536 & + char2i(mgrib(6))*256 & + char2i(mgrib(7)) BACKSPACE (nchanl) READ (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,msglen) CALL gribdec(npts,nz, & wdlen,ipds,igds,ibdshd,nbufsz,mgrib, & tem1,item1, bds,ibds) DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx fvar(i,j,1) = tem1 (i,j) ivar(i,j,1) = item1(i,j) END DO END DO RETURN END IF IF ( wstag > 1 .OR. wstag < 0 ) THEN WRITE(6,'(a,i1)') & 'Do not know the w-grid type, wstag = ',wstag, & 'Reset it to scalar grid.' wstag1 = 0 ELSE wstag1 = wstag END IF DO k = 1,nz-1 IF ( wstag1 == 0 ) THEN tema = 0.5 * (z(k) + z(k+1)) ELSE tema = z(k) END IF ipds(11) = nint(tema) READ (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,8) msglen = char2i(mgrib(5))*65536 & + char2i(mgrib(6))*256 & + char2i(mgrib(7)) BACKSPACE (nchanl) READ (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,msglen) CALL gribdec(npts,nz, & wdlen,ipds,igds,ibdshd,nbufsz,mgrib, & tem1,item1, bds,ibds) DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx fvar(i,j,k) = tem1 (i,j) ivar(i,j,k) = item1(i,j) END DO END DO END DO ipds(11) = nint(z(nz)) READ (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,8) msglen = char2i(mgrib(5))*65536 & + char2i(mgrib(6))*256 & + char2i(mgrib(7)) BACKSPACE (nchanl) READ (nchanl) (mgrib(i),i=1,msglen) CALL gribdec(npts,nz, & wdlen,ipds,igds,ibdshd,nbufsz,mgrib, & tem1,item1, bds,ibds) DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx fvar(i,j,nz) = tem1 (i,j) ivar(i,j,nz) = item1(i,j) END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE rdgrib ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE MKIPDS ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE mkipds(nx,ny,nz, ipds) 2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Make integer product data array ipds ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 11/27/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 2003-12-29 Richard Carpenter ! Assigned values for Center and Process/Model. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! ipds IPDS array ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions INTEGER :: ipds(25) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ !wdt - ipds(3,4) ipds(1) = 28 ! number of bytes in PDS section ipds(2) = 0 ! parameter table version number, unknown ipds(3) = 192 ! ID number of originating center. CAPS? ipds(4) = 192 ! ID number of model. ARPS/CAPS? ipds(5) = 255 ! grid ID, 255 for self-defined GDS ipds(6) = 1 ! GDS flag, 1 = GDS section included ipds(7) = 0 ! BMS flag, 0 = no BMS section included ipds(8) = 0 ! indicator of parameter and unit ! (table 2), depends on variables ipds(9) = 103 ! indicator of type of level (table 3) ! depends on which variable ! 103 for z coordinates in meters ! 111 for soil layers in centimeters ! both use two octets: ipds(10) & ipds(11) ipds(10) = 0 ! value 1 of level, N/A ipds(11) = 0 ! value 2 of level (value of level) IF ( year <= 2000 ) THEN ipds(12) = year-1900 ! year of century ipds(23) = 20 ! century (20, change to 21 on Jan 1, 2001) ELSE ipds(12) = year-2000 ! year of century ipds(23) = 21 ! century (20, change to 21 on Jan 1, 2001) END IF ipds(13) = month ! month of year ipds(14) = day ! day of month ipds(15) = hour ! hour of day ipds(16) = minute ! minute of hour ipds(17) = 0 ! forecast time unit, minutes ipds(18) = 0 ! forecast time P1, or current time, curtim ipds(19) = 0 ! forecast time P2, N/A ipds(20) = 10 ! time range indicator, ! 10 = use two octets from ipds(18) ipds(21) = 0 ! number include in average, N/A ipds(22) = 0 ! number missing from average, N/A ipds(24) = 0 ! subcenter ID number ipds(25) = 0 ! scaling power of 10, ! depends on which variable RETURN END SUBROUTINE mkipds ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE MKIGDS ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE mkigds(nx,ny,nz,stagger,igds) 7,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Make integer grid description array IGDS. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 11/01/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 2003-12-02 Richard Carpenter ! Fixed projection center flag [GDS(27)=igds(12)] for S Hemi Lamb Conf. ! ! 2003-12-29 Richard Carpenter ! Fixed lat/lon increments for Mercator and Lat/Lon grids. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! stagger Flag for staggered grid ! = 0, s-grid, for scalar grid ! = 1, u-grid, for u-vector grid ! = 0, v-grid, for v-vector grid ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! igds IPDS array ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions INTEGER :: stagger INTEGER :: igds(25) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i REAL :: swlat,swlon, nelat,nelon ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'grid.inc' ! Grid & map parameters. ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! IF ( stagger == 0 ) THEN swlat = swlats swlon = swlons nelat = nelats nelon = nelons ELSE IF ( stagger == 1 ) THEN swlat = swlatu swlon = swlonu nelat = nelatu nelon = nelonu ELSE IF ( stagger == 2 ) THEN swlat = swlatv swlon = swlonv nelat = nelatv nelon = nelonv ELSE WRITE(6,'(a)') & 'Do not know the grid type. Set the grid type to scalar grid' END IF IF ( ABS(mapproj) == 1 ) THEN ! Polar stereographic igds(1) = nz ! number of vertical (z) coordinates igds(2) = 255 ! location (in octets) of vertical ! coordinate list igds(3) = 5 ! data representation type (table 6) igds(4) = nx ! number of x-coordinates igds(5) = ny ! number of y-coordinates igds(6) = nint(swlat*1000) ! latitude at southwest corner igds(7) = nint(swlon*1000) ! longitude at southwest corner igds(8) = 8 ! u & v relative to x & y direction igds(9) = nint(trulon*1000) ! true longitude of projection igds(10) = dx igds(11) = dy IF ( trulat1 >= 0. ) THEN igds(12) = 0 ! northern pole on plane ELSE igds(12) = 1 ! southern pole on plane END IF igds(13) = 64 ! scanning flag, 64 for +i & +j direction DO i = 14,25 igds(i) = 0 ! unused END DO ELSE IF ( ABS(mapproj) == 2 .OR. mapproj == 0 ) THEN ! Lambert conformal ! and no projection too igds( 1) = nz ! number of vertical (z) coordinates igds( 2) = 255 ! location (in octets) of vertical ! coordinate list igds( 3) = 3 ! data representation type (table 6) igds( 4) = nx ! number of x-coordinates igds( 5) = ny ! number of y-coordinates igds( 6) = nint(swlat*1000) ! latitude at southwest corner igds( 7) = nint(swlon*1000) ! longitude at southwest corner igds( 8) = 8 ! u & v relative to x & y direction igds( 9) = nint(trulon*1000) ! true longitude of projection igds(10) = dx igds(11) = dy IF ( trulat1 >= 0. ) THEN igds(12) = 0 ! northern pole on plane ELSE igds(12) = 128 ! southern pole on plane END IF igds(13) = 64 ! scanning flag, 64 for +i & +j direction igds(14) = 0 ! unused igds(15) = nint(trulat1*1000) ! first true latitude (millidegree) igds(16) = nint(trulat2*1000) ! second true latitude (millidegree) igds(17) = -90000 ! latitude of south pole (millidegree) igds(18) = nint(trulon*1000) ! longitude of south pole (millidegree) DO i = 19, 25 igds(i) = 0 ! unused END DO ELSE IF (ABS(mapproj) == 3 .OR. ABS(mapproj) == 4) THEN ! Mercator or Lat/Lon igds( 1) = nz ! number of vertical (z) coordinates igds( 2) = 255 ! location (in octets) of vertical ! coordinate list IF ( ABS(mapproj) == 4 ) THEN igds( 3) = 0 ! data representation type (table 6) ELSE igds( 3) = 1 ! data representation type (table 6) END IF igds( 4) = nx ! number of x-coordinates igds( 5) = ny ! number of y-coordinates igds( 6) = NINT(swlat*1000) ! latitude at southwest corner igds( 7) = NINT(swlon*1000) ! longitude at southwest corner igds( 8) = 0 ! res-comp flag: 0: u & v relative to E/N igds( 9) = NINT(nelat*1000) ! latitude of last point igds(10) = NINT(nelon*1000) ! longitude of last point igds(11) = ABS(NINT((nelat-swlat)*1000./(ny-1))) ! latitude increment igds(12) = ABS(NINT((nelon-swlon)*1000./(nx-1))) ! longitude increment igds(13) = NINT(trulat1*1000) ! true latitude igds(14) = 64 ! scanning flag, 64 for +i & +j direction DO i = 15,25 igds(i) = 0 ! unused END DO ELSE WRITE (6,'(a,i2/a)') & 'ARPS does support the type of map projection: ',mapproj, & 'Model stopped in MKIGDS.' CALL arpsstop(' ',1) END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE mkigds ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GRIBCNTL ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE gribcntl(nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,x,y,z,zp,zpsoil,gdsid,temxy1,temxy2) 1,6 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! ARPS GRIB data description file for GrADS display ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 11/27/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 05/23/2002 (J. Brotzge) ! Added variables to allow for soil depth grid. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! nzsoil Number of grid points in the soil ! ! x The x-coord. of the physical and computational grid. ! Defined at u-point. ! y The y-coord. of the physical and computational grid. ! Defined at v-point. ! z The z-coord. of the computational grid. ! Defined at w-point on the staggered grid. ! ! WORK ARRAY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions INTEGER :: nzsoil ! Number of grid points in the soil REAL :: x (nx) ! The x-coord. of the physical and ! computational grid. Defined at u-point. REAL :: y (ny) ! The y-coord. of the physical and ! computational grid. Defined at v-point. REAL :: z (nz) ! The z-coord. of the computational grid. ! Defined at w-point on the staggered grid. REAL :: zp (nx,ny,nz) ! The physical height coordinate defined at ! w-point of the staggered grid. REAL :: zpsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil) ! The physical height coordinate defined at ! w-point of the soil. INTEGER :: gdsid ! ID number of GRIB grid. ! (should always be 255) REAL :: temxy1(nx,ny) ! Temporary array REAL :: temxy2(nx,ny) ! Temporary array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER (LEN=120) :: grbctlfl CHARACTER (LEN=120) :: grbdatfl CHARACTER (LEN=15) :: chrstr, chr1 CHARACTER (LEN=50) :: vartit(50), varnam(50) INTEGER :: varlev(50), varparam(50,4) INTEGER :: varnum INTEGER :: nchout0 CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: monnam(12) ! Name of months DATA monnam/'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', & 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'/ CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: dtunit INTEGER :: ntm,tinc REAL :: lonmin,latmin,lonmax,latmax REAL :: xbgn,ybgn,zbgn REAL :: xinc,yinc,z0 REAL :: lat11,lat12,lon11,lon12,lat21,lat22,lon21,lon22 REAL :: latinc,loninc INTEGER :: fnlen INTEGER :: i,k, is ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'grid.inc' ! Grid & map parameters. ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Open the GrADS data control file: runname.ctl ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF ( ABS(mapproj) /= 2 ) RETURN fnlen = lfnkey + 9 grbctlfl(1:fnlen) = runname(1:lfnkey)//'.gribcntl' CALL fnversn( grbctlfl, fnlen ) CALL getunit (nchout0) WRITE (6,'(a)') 'The GrADS data control file is ' & //grbctlfl(1:fnlen) OPEN (nchout0, FILE = grbctlfl(1:fnlen), STATUS = 'unknown') IF ( ldirnam == 0 ) THEN ldirnam = ldirnam + 1 dirname(1:ldirnam) = '.' END IF fnlen = ldirnam + lfnkey + 14 grbdatfl(1:fnlen) = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/' & //runname(1:lfnkey)//'.grb000000' xbgn = 0.5 * (x(1) + x(2)) ybgn = 0.5 * (y(1) + y(2)) zbgn = 0.5 * (z(1) + z(2)) xinc = (x(2) - x(1)) yinc = (y(2) - y(1)) z0 = (z(2)-z(1))/2. CALL xytoll(nx,ny,x,y,temxy1,temxy2) CALL xytoll(1,1,xbgn,ybgn,lat11,lon11) CALL a3dmax0(temxy1,1,nx,1,nx,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1, & latmax,latmin) CALL a3dmax0(temxy2,1,nx,1,nx,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1, & lonmax,lonmin) latinc = (latmax-latmin)/(ny-1) loninc = (lonmax-lonmin)/(nx-1) WRITE (6,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') & 'latmin:latmax:latinc = ', & latmin,':',latmax,':',latinc WRITE (6,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') & 'lonmin:lonmax:loninc = ', & lonmin,':',lonmax,':',loninc WRITE (chrstr,'(i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a3,i4.4)') & hour,':',minute,'Z',day,monnam(month),year IF ( nint(thisdmp) <= 0 ) THEN ntm = 1 ELSE ntm = nint(tstop/thisdmp) + 1 END IF IF ( nint(thisdmp) < 60 ) THEN WRITE (6, '(/a/a)') & 'GrADS reqiures the smallest uint minute for time interval.', & 'Return to the caller.' tinc = nint(thisdmp) RETURN ELSE IF (thisdmp < 3600.) THEN tinc = nint(thisdmp/60.) dtunit = 'MN' ELSE IF (thisdmp < 86400.) THEN tinc = nint(thisdmp/3600.) dtunit = 'HR' ELSE tinc = nint(thisdmp/86400.) dtunit = 'DY' END IF varnum = 0 IF ( varout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'u' vartit(varnum) = 'X-velocity total wind u (m/s)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 33 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'v' vartit(varnum) = 'Y-velocity total wind v (m/s)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 34 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'w' vartit(varnum) = 'Z-velocity total wind w (m/s)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 40 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'pt' vartit(varnum) = 'Potential Temperature (K)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 13 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'p' vartit(varnum) = 'Pressure (mb)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 1 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 END IF IF ( mstout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qv' vartit(varnum) = 'Water Vapor Mixing Ratio (g/kg)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 51 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qc' vartit(varnum) = 'Cloud Water Mixing Ratio (g/kg)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 153 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qr' vartit(varnum) = 'Rain Water Mixing Ratio (g/kg)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 170 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 IF ( iceout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qi' vartit(varnum) = 'Cloud Ice Mixing Ratio (g/kg)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 178 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qs' vartit(varnum) = 'Snow Mixing Ratio (g/kg)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 171 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qh' vartit(varnum) = 'Hail Mixing Ratio (g/kg)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 179 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 END IF IF ( rainout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'raing' vartit(varnum) = 'Grid Supersaturation Rain ' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 62 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'rainc' vartit(varnum) = 'Cumulus Convection Rain ' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 63 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 END IF IF ( prcout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'prcrt1' vartit(varnum) = 'Total precipitation rate ' varlev(varnum) = 1 varparam(varnum,1) = 59 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 1 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'prcrt2' vartit(varnum) = 'Grid scale precipitation rate ' varlev(varnum) = 2 varparam(varnum,1) = 59 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 2 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'prcrt3' vartit(varnum) = 'cumulus precipitation rate ' varlev(varnum) = 3 varparam(varnum,1) = 59 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 3 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'prcrt4' vartit(varnum) = 'Microphysics precipitation rate ' varlev(varnum) = 4 varparam(varnum,1) = 59 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 4 END IF END IF IF ( tkeout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'tke' vartit(varnum) = 'Turbulent kinetic energy (m**2/s)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 158 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 END IF IF ( trbout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'kmh' vartit(varnum) = 'Horiz. Turb. Mixing Coeff. for ' & //'Momentum (m**2/s)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 185 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'kmv' vartit(varnum) = 'Vertical Turb. Mixing Coeff. for ' & //'Momentum (m**2/s)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 186 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 END IF IF ( sfcout == 1 ) THEN IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'tsoil' vartit(varnum) = 'Soil Temperature (K)' varlev(varnum) = nzsoil varparam(varnum,1) = 85 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 1 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qsoil' vartit(varnum) = 'Soil moisture (m**3/m**3)' varlev(varnum) = nzsoil varparam(varnum,1) = 144 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 1 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'wr' vartit(varnum) = 'Canopy Soil moisture' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 223 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 ELSE DO is=0,nstyp WRITE (chr1,'(i1)') is varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'tsoil'//chr1 vartit(varnum) = 'Soil Temperature (K)' varlev(varnum) = nzsoil varparam(varnum,1) = 85 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 1+is varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qsoil'//chr1 vartit(varnum) = 'Soil moisture (m**3/m**3)' varlev(varnum) = nzsoil varparam(varnum,1) = 144 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = 1+is varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'wr'//chr1 vartit(varnum) = 'Canopy Soil moisture' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 223 varparam(varnum,2) = 111 varparam(varnum,3) = is END DO END IF IF ( snowout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'snowd' vartit(varnum) = 'Snow depth (m)' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 66 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 END IF END IF IF( radout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'radfrc' vartit(varnum) = 'Radiation forcing (K/s)' varlev(varnum) = nz varparam(varnum,1) = 216 varparam(varnum,2) = 103 varparam(varnum,3) = z0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'radsw' vartit(varnum) = 'Net short wave radiation flux (W/m**2)' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 204 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'rnflx' vartit(varnum) = 'Total radiation flux (W/m**2)' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 232 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 END IF IF( flxout == 1 ) THEN varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'uflx' vartit(varnum) = 'u flux' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 124 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'vflx' vartit(varnum) = 'v flux' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 125 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'ptflx' vartit(varnum) = 'pt flux' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 122 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 varnum = varnum + 1 varnam(varnum) = 'qvflx' vartit(varnum) = 'qv flux' varlev(varnum) = 0 varparam(varnum,1) = 121 varparam(varnum,2) = 1 varparam(varnum,3) = 0 END IF DO i=1,varnum varparam(i,4) = 0 END DO WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a)') & 'TITLE ARPS 4.0 GRIB Control for GrADS Display of ' & //runname(1:lfnkey)//' (a sample)','*' WRITE (nchout0,'(a,a)') & 'DSET ',grbdatfl(1:fnlen) WRITE (nchout0,'(a,i4)') & 'DTYPE GRIB ',gdsid WRITE (nchout0,'(a)') & 'OPTIONS template' WRITE (nchout0,'(a)') & 'INDEX '//runname(1:lfnkey)//'.gribmap' WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a)') & 'UNDEF -9.e+33','*' IF ( mapproj == 2 ) THEN WRITE (nchout0,'(a)') & '* For lat-lon-lev display, umcomment the following 4 lines.' WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,1x,i3,a,2f12.6,2i3,3f12.6,2f12.2)') & 'PDEF',nx,ny,' LCC',lat11,lon11,1,1, & trulat1,trulat2,trulon,xinc,yinc END IF WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)') & 'XDEF',nx, ' LINEAR ',lonmin,loninc WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)') & 'YDEF',ny, ' LINEAR ',latmin,latinc WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a)') & 'ZDEF',nz,' LEVELS ' WRITE (nchout0,'(8f10.2)') & ((z(k)+z(k+1))/2.,k=1,nz-1),z(nz) WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a/a)') & '* WARNING& ! The vertical levels were set to computational ', & '* coordinates, z(k), because zp is not uniform in ', & '* horizontal when terrain option was turned on' ! WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a)') & ! 'ZSOILDEF',nzsoil,' LEVELS ' ! WRITE (nchout0,'(8f10.2)') & ! ((zpsoil(k)+zpsoil(k+1))/2.,k=1,nzsoil-1),zpsoil(nzsoil) ! WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a/a)') & ! '* WARNING& ! The vertical levels were set to computational ', & ! '* coordinates, zpsoil(k), because zpsoil is not uniform in ', & ! '* horizontal when terrain option was turned on' WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,a,3x,i2.2,a/a)') & 'TDEF',ntm,' LINEAR ',chrstr,tinc,dtunit,'*' WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i3)') & 'VARS',varnum DO i = 1, varnum WRITE (nchout0,'(a6,1x,i3,2x,i3.3,a,i4.4,a,i3.3,2x,a)') & varnam(i),varlev(i), varparam(i,1),',',varparam(i,2),',', & varparam(i,3),vartit(i) END DO WRITE (nchout0,'(a)') & 'ENDVARS' CLOSE (nchout0) CALL retunit(nchout0) RETURN END SUBROUTINE gribcntl