! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXTBDTINI ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE extbdtini(nx,ny,nz, & 1,7 u,v,w, ptprt,pprt,qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qh, & ptbar,pbar, & u0exb,v0exb,w0exb,pt0exb,pr0exb,qv0exb,qc0exb,qr0exb, & qi0exb,qs0exb,qh0exb,udtexb,vdtexb,wdtexb, & ptdtexb,prdtexb,qvdtexb,qcdtexb,qrdtexb,qidtexb, & qsdtexb,qhdtexb,bcrlx, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc, ireturn) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Read in predicted variables from the first available external data ! sets to calculate the linear time tendencies of the external data ! set. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 8/10/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 08/30/1995 (Yuhe Liu) ! Changed the initial boundary arrays, for restart run, from the ! model arrays to the time interplated external boundary arrays. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! nx,ny,nz Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. ! ! u u-velocity ! v v-velocity ! w w-velocity ! ptprt Potential temperature perturbation ! pprt Pressure perturbation ! qv Specific humidity ! qc Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qr Rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qi Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qs Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! qh Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! ! ptbar Base state potential temperature ! pbar Base state pressure ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! uexbc EXBC u array ! vexbc EXBC v array ! wexbc EXBC w array ! ptexbc EXBC pt array ! prexbc EXBC pr array ! qvexbc EXBC qv array ! qcexbc EXBC qc array ! qrexbc EXBC qr array ! qiexbc EXBC qi array ! qsexbc EXBC qs array ! qhexbc EXBC qh array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations and COMMON blocks. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. REAL :: u(nx,ny,nz) ! u-velocity REAL :: v(nx,ny,nz) ! v-velocity REAL :: w(nx,ny,nz) ! w-velocity REAL :: ptprt(nx,ny,nz) ! Potential temperature perturbation REAL :: pprt(nx,ny,nz) ! Pressure perturbation REAL :: qv(nx,ny,nz) ! Specific humidity REAL :: qc(nx,ny,nz) ! Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qr(nx,ny,nz) ! Rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qi(nx,ny,nz) ! Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qs(nx,ny,nz) ! Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: qh(nx,ny,nz) ! Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL :: ptbar(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state potential temperature REAL :: pbar(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state pressure REAL :: u0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary u-velocity field REAL :: v0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary v-velocity field REAL :: w0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary w-velocity field REAL :: pt0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary pt field REAL :: pr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary p field REAL :: qv0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qv field REAL :: qc0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qc field REAL :: qr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qr field REAL :: qi0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qi field REAL :: qs0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qs field REAL :: qh0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qh field REAL :: udtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary u REAL :: vdtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary v REAL :: wdtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary w REAL :: ptdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary pt REAL :: prdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary p REAL :: qvdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qv REAL :: qcdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qc REAL :: qrdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qr REAL :: qidtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qi REAL :: qsdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qs REAL :: qhdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qh REAL :: bcrlx (nx,ny) ! EXBC relaxation coefficients REAL :: uexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC u array REAL :: vexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC v array REAL :: wexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC w array REAL :: ptexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC pt array REAL :: prexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC p array REAL :: qvexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qv array REAL :: qcexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qc array REAL :: qrexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qr array REAL :: qiexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qi array REAL :: qsexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qs array REAL :: qhexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qh array INTEGER :: abststrt CHARACTER ( LEN = 256 ) :: filename INTEGER :: lfname CHARACTER ( LEN = 15 ) :: ctime ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i, j, k, n INTEGER :: istat, ierr, ireturn INTEGER :: iyr, imon,idy, ihr, imin,isec INTEGER :: iebc,iwbc,jnbc,jsbc, idist ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'grid.inc' ! Grid parameters INCLUDE 'mp.inc' ! Message passing parameters. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Make sure the external boundary fields match and fit the model ! domain. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! n = 2*ngbrz ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Fill the boundary relaxation varibles with zero. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO j = 1, ny DO i = 1, nx bcrlx(i,j) = 0. END DO END DO iebc=1 ! iwbc=nx-1 ! jnbc=ny-1 iwbc=nx-1+(nproc_x-1)*(nx-3) jnbc=ny-1+(nproc_y-1)*(ny-3) jsbc=1 IF (mp_opt > 0) THEN END IF DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 ! idist=min(i-iebc,iwbc-i,jnbc-j,j-jsbc) idist=MIN(i+(loc_x-1)*(nx-3)-iebc, & iwbc-i-(loc_x-1)*(nx-3), & jnbc-j-(loc_y-1)*(ny-3), & j+(loc_y-1)*(ny-3)-jsbc) IF(idist < ngbrz ) bcrlx(i,j) = 1./(1.+(FLOAT(idist)/brlxhw)**2) END DO END DO IF (myproc == 0) THEN WRITE (6,'(/a)') 'Boundary relaxation coefficients' WRITE (6,'(/a,a)') & ' j\\i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7', & ' 8 9' WRITE (6,'(i3,9f8.5)') (j,(bcrlx(i,j),i=1,9),j=1,ny) END IF CALL ctim2abss( year,month,day,hour,minute,second, abstinit ) abststop = abstinit + nint(tstop) abststrt = abstinit + nint(tstart) CALL getbcfn( abststrt, exbcname, tinitebd, tintvebd, & filename, lfname, istat ) IF ( istat /= 0 ) THEN ireturn = 1 RETURN END IF IF ( initopt == 2 ) THEN RETURN END IF DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx u0exb(i,j,k) = u(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny DO i = 1, nx-1 v0exb(i,j,k) = v(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 w0exb(i,j,k) = w(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 pt0exb(i,j,k) = ptprt(i,j,k) pr0exb(i,j,k) = pprt(i,j,k) qv0exb(i,j,k) = qv(i,j,k) qc0exb(i,j,k) = qc(i,j,k) qr0exb(i,j,k) = qr(i,j,k) qi0exb(i,j,k) = qi(i,j,k) qs0exb(i,j,k) = qs(i,j,k) qh0exb(i,j,k) = qh(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO abstfcst0 = abststrt ! blocking inserted for ordering i/o for message passing DO i=0,nprocs-1,readstride IF(myproc >= i.AND.myproc <= i+readstride-1)THEN IF(mp_opt > 0 .AND. readsplit > 0) THEN CALL readsplitexbc(nx,ny,nz,filename,lfname, ctime, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc,ierr) ELSE CALL readexbc(nx,ny,nz,filename,lfname, ctime, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc,ierr) END IF END IF IF (mp_opt > 0) CALL mpbarrier END DO IF ( ierr == 1 ) THEN ireturn = 2 RETURN ELSE IF ( ierr == 2 ) THEN ireturn = 3 RETURN END IF DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 ptexbc(i,j,k) = ptexbc(i,j,k) - ptbar(i,j,k) prexbc(i,j,k) = prexbc(i,j,k) - pbar(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO READ (ctime, '(i4,2i2,1x,3i2)') & iyr,imon,idy,ihr,imin,isec CALL ctim2abss( iyr,imon,idy,ihr,imin,isec, abstfcst ) DO k = 1, nz DO j = 1, ny DO i = 1, nx udtexb (i,j,k) = 0.0 ! Initialize the tendencies with zero. vdtexb (i,j,k) = 0.0 wdtexb (i,j,k) = 0.0 ptdtexb(i,j,k) = 0.0 prdtexb(i,j,k) = 0.0 qvdtexb(i,j,k) = 0.0 qcdtexb(i,j,k) = 0.0 qrdtexb(i,j,k) = 0.0 qidtexb(i,j,k) = 0.0 qsdtexb(i,j,k) = 0.0 qhdtexb(i,j,k) = 0.0 END DO END DO END DO CALL exbcdt(nx,ny,nz, & u0exb,v0exb,w0exb,pt0exb,pr0exb, & qv0exb,qc0exb,qr0exb,qi0exb,qs0exb,qh0exb, & udtexb,vdtexb,wdtexb,ptdtexb,prdtexb, & qvdtexb,qcdtexb,qrdtexb,qidtexb,qsdtexb,qhdtexb, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc) RETURN END SUBROUTINE extbdtini ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXTBDT ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE extbdt(nx,ny,nz, ptbar,pbar, ireturn, & 1,6 u0exb,v0exb,w0exb,pt0exb,pr0exb, & qv0exb,qc0exb,qr0exb,qi0exb,qs0exb,qh0exb, & udtexb,vdtexb,wdtexb,ptdtexb,prdtexb, & qvdtexb,qcdtexb,qrdtexb,qidtexb,qsdtexb,qhdtexb, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Read in predicted variables from external boundary file to ! calculate the linear time tendencies of the external data. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 8/10/94 (Yuhe Liu) ! Split the initial call to calculate the time tendency into another ! subroutine, EXTBDTINI. ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! uexbc EXBC u array ! vexbc EXBC v array ! wexbc EXBC w array ! ptexbc EXBC pt array ! prexbc EXBC pr array ! qvexbc EXBC qv array ! qcexbc EXBC qc array ! qrexbc EXBC qr array ! qiexbc EXBC qi array ! qsexbc EXBC qs array ! qhexbc EXBC qh array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations and COMMON blocks. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. REAL :: ptbar(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state potential temperature REAL :: pbar(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state pressure REAL :: u0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary u-velocity field REAL :: v0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary v-velocity field REAL :: w0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary w-velocity field REAL :: pt0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary pt field REAL :: pr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary p field REAL :: qv0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qv field REAL :: qc0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qc field REAL :: qr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qr field REAL :: qi0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qi field REAL :: qs0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qs field REAL :: qh0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qh field REAL :: udtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary u REAL :: vdtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary v REAL :: wdtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary w REAL :: ptdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary pt REAL :: prdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary p REAL :: qvdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qv REAL :: qcdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qc REAL :: qrdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qr REAL :: qidtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qi REAL :: qsdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qs REAL :: qhdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qh REAL :: uexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC u array REAL :: vexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC v array REAL :: wexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC w array REAL :: ptexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC pt array REAL :: prexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC p array REAL :: qvexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qv array REAL :: qcexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qc array REAL :: qrexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qr array REAL :: qiexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qi array REAL :: qsexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qs array REAL :: qhexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qh array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CHARACTER ( LEN = 256 ) :: filename INTEGER :: lfname CHARACTER ( LEN = 15 ) :: ctime ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i, j, k INTEGER :: istat, ierr, ireturn REAL :: tinc INTEGER :: abstcur INTEGER :: iyr, imon,idy, ihr, imin,isec ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'grid.inc' ! Grid parameters INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' INCLUDE 'mp.inc' ! Message passing parameters. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! abstcur = abstinit + nint(curtim+dtbig) IF ( abstcur <= abstfcst ) THEN ireturn = 0 RETURN END IF CALL getbcfn( abstcur, exbcname, tinitebd, tintvebd, & filename, lfname, istat ) IF ( istat /= 0 ) THEN ireturn = 1 RETURN END IF tinc = FLOAT( abstfcst - abstfcst0 ) DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx u0exb(i,j,k) = u0exb(i,j,k) + udtexb(i,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny DO i = 1, nx-1 v0exb(i,j,k) = v0exb(i,j,k) + vdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 w0exb(i,j,k) = w0exb(i,j,k) + wdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 pt0exb(i,j,k) = pt0exb(i,j,k) + ptdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc pr0exb(i,j,k) = pr0exb(i,j,k) + prdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc qv0exb(i,j,k) = qv0exb(i,j,k) + qvdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc qc0exb(i,j,k) = qc0exb(i,j,k) + qcdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc qr0exb(i,j,k) = qr0exb(i,j,k) + qrdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc qi0exb(i,j,k) = qi0exb(i,j,k) + qidtexb(i,j,k) * tinc qs0exb(i,j,k) = qs0exb(i,j,k) + qsdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc qh0exb(i,j,k) = qh0exb(i,j,k) + qhdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END DO ! blocking inserted for ordering i/o for message passing DO i=0,nprocs-1,readstride IF(myproc >= i.AND.myproc <= i+readstride-1)THEN IF(mp_opt > 0 .AND. readsplit > 0) THEN CALL readsplitexbc(nx,ny,nz,filename,lfname, ctime, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc,ierr) ELSE CALL readexbc(nx,ny,nz,filename,lfname, ctime, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc,ierr) END IF END IF IF (mp_opt > 0) CALL mpbarrier END DO IF ( ierr == 1 ) THEN ireturn = 2 RETURN ELSE IF ( ierr == 2 ) THEN ireturn = 3 RETURN END IF DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 ptexbc(i,j,k) = ptexbc(i,j,k) - ptbar(i,j,k) prexbc(i,j,k) = prexbc(i,j,k) - pbar(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO abstfcst0 = abstfcst READ (ctime, '(i4,2i2,1x,3i2)') & iyr,imon,idy,ihr,imin,isec CALL ctim2abss( iyr,imon,idy,ihr,imin,isec, abstfcst ) CALL exbcdt(nx,ny,nz, & u0exb,v0exb,w0exb,pt0exb,pr0exb,qv0exb,qc0exb,qr0exb, & qi0exb,qs0exb,qh0exb,udtexb,vdtexb,wdtexb, & ptdtexb,prdtexb,qvdtexb,qcdtexb,qrdtexb,qidtexb, & qsdtexb,qhdtexb, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc) ireturn = 0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE extbdt ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXBCDT ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE exbcdt(nx,ny,nz, & 2 u0exb,v0exb,w0exb,pt0exb,pr0exb,qv0exb,qc0exb,qr0exb, & qi0exb,qs0exb,qh0exb,udtexb,vdtexb,wdtexb, & ptdtexb,prdtexb,qvdtexb,qcdtexb,qrdtexb,qidtexb, & qsdtexb,qhdtexb, & uexbc,vexbc,wexbc,ptexbc,prexbc, & qvexbc,qcexbc,qrexbc,qiexbc,qsexbc,qhexbc) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the linear time-dependent tendencies of external ! boundary data. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations and COMMON blocks. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. REAL :: u0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary u-velocity field REAL :: v0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary v-velocity field REAL :: w0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary w-velocity field REAL :: pt0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary pt field REAL :: pr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary p field REAL :: qv0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qv field REAL :: qc0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qc field REAL :: qr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qr field REAL :: qi0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qi field REAL :: qs0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qs field REAL :: qh0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qh field REAL :: udtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary u REAL :: vdtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary v REAL :: wdtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary w REAL :: ptdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary pt REAL :: prdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary p REAL :: qvdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qv REAL :: qcdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qc REAL :: qrdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qr REAL :: qidtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qi REAL :: qsdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qs REAL :: qhdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qh REAL :: uexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC u array REAL :: vexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC v array REAL :: wexbc (nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC w array REAL :: ptexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC pt array REAL :: prexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC p array REAL :: qvexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qv array REAL :: qcexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qc array REAL :: qrexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qr array REAL :: qiexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qi array REAL :: qsexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qs array REAL :: qhexbc(nx,ny,nz) ! EXBC qh array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i, j, k REAL :: tinc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'EXBCDT') tinc = FLOAT( abstfcst - abstfcst0 ) DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx udtexb(i,j,k) = (uexbc(i,j,k)-u0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny DO i = 1, nx-1 vdtexb(i,j,k) = (vexbc(i,j,k)-v0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 wdtexb(i,j,k) = (wexbc(i,j,k)-w0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 ptdtexb(i,j,k) = (ptexbc(i,j,k)-pt0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 prdtexb(i,j,k) = (prexbc(i,j,k)-pr0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO IF ( qvbcrd /= 0 ) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 qvdtexb(i,j,k) = (qvexbc(i,j,k)-qv0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO END IF IF ( qcbcrd /= 0 ) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 qcdtexb(i,j,k) = (qcexbc(i,j,k)-qc0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO END IF IF ( qrbcrd /= 0 ) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 qrdtexb(i,j,k) = (qrexbc(i,j,k)-qr0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO END IF IF ( qibcrd /= 0 ) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 qidtexb(i,j,k) = (qiexbc(i,j,k)-qi0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO END IF IF ( qsbcrd /= 0 ) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 qsdtexb(i,j,k) = (qsexbc(i,j,k)-qs0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO END IF IF ( qhbcrd /= 0 ) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 qhdtexb(i,j,k) = (qhexbc(i,j,k)-qh0exb(i,j,k))/tinc END DO END DO END DO END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE exbcdt ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXBCUV ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE exbcuv(nx,ny,nz, time, u,v, u0exb,v0exb,udtexb,vdtexb) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the external boundary conditions for u and v. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! time The time at which the boundary conditions of u and v are set. ! ! u u-velocity ! v v-velocity ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! u u-velocity ! v v-velocity ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. REAL :: time ! The time at which the boundary conditions ! of u and v are set. REAL :: u(nx,ny,nz) ! v-velocity REAL :: v(nx,ny,nz) ! v-velocity REAL :: u0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary u-velocity field REAL :: v0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary v-velocity field REAL :: udtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary u REAL :: vdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary v ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i, j, k REAL :: tinc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'mp.inc' ! Message passing parameters. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'EXBCUV') tinc = time - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) IF (loc_x == 1) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 u( 1,j,k) = u0exb( 1,j,k) + udtexb( 1,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_x == nproc_x) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 u(nx,j,k) = u0exb(nx,j,k) + udtexb(nx,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_y == 1) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO i = 1, nx u(i, 1,k) = u0exb(i, 1,k) + udtexb(i, 1,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_y == nproc_y) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO i = 1, nx u(i,ny-1,k) = u0exb(i,ny-1,k) + udtexb(i,ny-1,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_x == 1) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny v( 1,j,k) = v0exb( 1,j,k) + vdtexb( 1,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_x == nproc_x) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny v(nx-1,j,k) = v0exb(nx-1,j,k) + vdtexb(nx-1,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_y == 1) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 v(i, 1,k) = v0exb(i, 1,k) + vdtexb(i, 1,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_y == nproc_y) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 v(i,ny,k) = v0exb(i,ny,k) + vdtexb(i,ny,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE exbcuv ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXBCW ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE exbcw( nx,ny,nz, time, w, w0exb,wdtexb ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the external boundary conditions for w. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! time The time at which the boundary condition of w is set. ! ! w w-velocity ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! w w-velocity ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. REAL :: time ! The time at which the boundary condition ! of w is set. REAL :: w(nx,ny,nz) ! w-velocity REAL :: w0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary w-velocity field REAL :: wdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary w ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i, j, k REAL :: tinc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' INCLUDE 'mp.inc' ! Message passing parameters. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'EXBCW') tinc = time - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) IF (loc_x == 1) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 w( 1,j,k) = w0exb( 1,j,k) + wdtexb( 1,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_x == nproc_x) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 w(nx-1,j,k) = w0exb(nx-1,j,k) + wdtexb(nx-1,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_y == 1) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 w(i, 1,k) = w0exb(i, 1,k) + wdtexb(i, 1,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_y == nproc_y) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 w(i,ny-1,k) = w0exb(i,ny-1,k) + wdtexb(i,ny-1,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE exbcw ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXBCPT ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE exbcpt( nx,ny,nz, time, ptprt, pt0exb,ptdtexb ) 4,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the external boundary conditions for ptprt. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! time The time at which the boundary condition of ptprt is set. ! ! ptprt Potential temperature perturbation ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! ptprt Potential temperature perturbation ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. REAL :: time ! The time at which the boundary condition ! of ptprt is set. REAL :: ptprt(nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation potential temperature. REAL :: pt0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary pt field REAL :: ptdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary pt ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL :: tinc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'EXBCPT') tinc = time - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) CALL exbcs( nx,ny,nz, ptprt, pt0exb, ptdtexb, tinc) RETURN END SUBROUTINE exbcpt ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXBCP ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE exbcp( nx,ny,nz, time , pprt, pr0exb,prdtexb ) 3,1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the external boundary conditions for pprt. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! time The time at which the boundary condition of pprt is set. ! ! pprt Pressure perturbation ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! pprt Pressure perturbation ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. REAL :: time ! The time at which the boundary condition ! of pprt is set. REAL :: pprt(nx,ny,nz) ! Pressure perturbation REAL :: pr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary p field REAL :: prdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary pt ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL :: tinc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'EXBCP') tinc = time - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) CALL exbcs( nx,ny,nz, pprt, pr0exb, prdtexb, tinc) RETURN END SUBROUTINE exbcp ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXBCQ ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE exbcq(nx,ny,nz, qflag, time, q, q0exb,qdtexb) 9,6 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the external boundary conditions for q. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! qflag Indicator of water/ice species ! ! time The time at which the boundary condition of q is set. ! ! q One of the water or ice species. ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! q q updated at the lateral boundary ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. INTEGER :: qflag ! Indicator of water/ice species REAL :: time ! The time at which the boundary condition ! of q is set. REAL :: q(nx,ny,nz) ! Water vapor mixing ratio REAL :: q0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qv field REAL :: qdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qv ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL :: tinc ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'EXBCQ') tinc = time - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) IF( qflag == 1) THEN IF(qvbcrd == 1) CALL exbcs(nx,ny,nz,q,q0exb,qdtexb,tinc) ELSE IF( qflag == 2) THEN IF(qcbcrd == 1) CALL exbcs(nx,ny,nz,q,q0exb,qdtexb,tinc) ELSE IF( qflag == 3) THEN IF(qrbcrd == 1) CALL exbcs(nx,ny,nz,q,q0exb,qdtexb,tinc) ELSE IF( qflag == 4) THEN IF(qibcrd == 1) CALL exbcs(nx,ny,nz,q,q0exb,qdtexb,tinc) ELSE IF( qflag == 5) THEN IF(qsbcrd == 1) CALL exbcs(nx,ny,nz,q,q0exb,qdtexb,tinc) ELSE IF( qflag == 6) THEN IF(qhbcrd == 1) CALL exbcs(nx,ny,nz,q,q0exb,qdtexb,tinc) END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE exbcq ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE EXBCS ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE exbcs( nx,ny,nz, s, s0, sdt, tinc) 8 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the external boundary conditions for a scalar s. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Ming Xue based on Yuhe Liu's EXBCP. ! 8/12/95 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! s A scalar whose boundary values is to be set ! s0 s at a past time ! sdt Time tendency of s ! tinc Time increment between currnet s and s0 ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! s Boundary values of s. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in x, y, and z dir. REAL :: s (nx,ny,nz) ! A scalar REAL :: s0 (nx,ny,nz) ! s at a past time REAL :: sdt(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of s REAL :: tinc ! Time increment between s and s0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i, j, k ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'mp.inc' ! Message passing parameters. ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! IF (loc_x == 1) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 s( 1,j,k) = s0( 1,j,k) + sdt( 1,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_x == nproc_x) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 s(nx-1,j,k) = s0(nx-1,j,k) + sdt(nx-1,j,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_y == 1) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 s(i, 1,k) = s0(i, 1,k) + sdt(i, 1,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF IF (loc_y == nproc_y) THEN DO k = 1, nz-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 s(i,ny-1,k) = s0(i,ny-1,k) + sdt(i,ny-1,k) * tinc END DO END DO END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE exbcs ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE BRLXUVW ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE brlxuvw( nx,ny,nz, dtbig1, & 1,5 u,v,w,rhostr, & uforce,vforce,wforce, & u0exb,v0exb,w0exb, udtexb,vdtexb,wdtexb,bcrlx, & tem1,tem2,tem3,tem4,tem5,tem6 ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the boundary relaxation and computational mixing for u, ! v, and w in the boundary zone. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Xue Ming & Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! u x component of velocity (m/s) ! v y component of velocity (m/s) ! w Vertical component of velocity in Cartesian ! coordinates (m/s). ! ! rhostr Base state density rhobar times j3 (kg/m**3) ! ! INPUT/OUTPUT : ! ! uforce forcing terms in u-momentum equation (kg/(m*s)**2). ! uforce= uforce_others + uforce_boundary ! vforce forcing terms in v-momentum equation (kg/(m*s)**2). ! vforce= vforce_others + vforce_boundary ! wforce forcing terms in w-momentum equation (kg/(m*s)**2). ! wforce= wforce_others + wforce_boundary ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! tem2 Temporary work array. ! tem3 Temporary work array. ! tem4 Temporary work array. ! tem5 Temporary work array. ! tem6 Temporary work array. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions REAL :: dtbig1 REAL :: u (nx,ny,nz) ! Total u-velocity (m/s) REAL :: v (nx,ny,nz) ! Total v-velocity (m/s) REAL :: w (nx,ny,nz) ! Total w-velocity (m/s) REAL :: rhostr(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state density rhobar times j3. REAL :: uforce(nx,ny,nz) ! forcing terms in u-momentum equ (kg/(m*s)**2) ! uforce = uforce_others + uforce_boundary REAL :: vforce(nx,ny,nz) ! forcing terms in v-momentum equ (kg/(m*s)**2) ! vforce = vforce_others + vforce_boundary REAL :: wforce(nx,ny,nz) ! forcing terms in w-momentum equ (kg/(m*s)**2) ! wforce = wforce_others + wforce_boundary REAL :: u0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary u-velocity field REAL :: v0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary v-velocity field REAL :: w0exb (nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary w-velocity field REAL :: udtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary u REAL :: vdtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary v REAL :: wdtexb (nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary w REAL :: bcrlx(nx,ny) ! EXBC relaxation coefficients REAL :: tem1(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem2(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem3(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem4(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem5(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem6(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k REAL :: tinc, temb ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! Global constants that control model execution INCLUDE 'grid.inc' ! Grid parameters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'EXBCP') tinc = (curtim +dtbig-2.*dtbig1) - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) CALL rhouvw(nx,ny,nz,rhostr,tem1,tem2,tem3) DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx temb = u0exb(i,j,k) + udtexb(i,j,k) * tinc tem4(i,j,k) = ( u(i,j,k) - temb ) * tem1(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny DO i = 1, nx-1 temb = v0exb(i,j,k) + vdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc tem5(i,j,k) = ( v(i,j,k) - temb ) * tem2(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO ! DO 30 k = 1, nz ! DO 30 j = 1, ny-1 ! DO 30 i = 1, nx-1 ! temb = w0exb(i,j,k) + wdtexb(i,j,k) * tinc ! tem6(i,j,k) = ( w(i,j,k) - temb ) * tem3(i,j,k) !30 CONTINUE CALL difxx(tem4, nx,ny,nz, 2,nx-1,1,ny-1,1,nz-1, dx, tem1) CALL difyy(tem4, nx,ny,nz, 2,nx-1,2,ny-2,1,nz-1, dy, tem2) DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 2, ny-2 DO i = 2, nx-1 uforce(i,j,k) = uforce(i,j,k) & - cbcdmp * .5 * (bcrlx(i-1,j)+bcrlx(i,j)) & * tem4(i,j,k) & + cbcmixh* ( 1.+2.*(bcrlx(i-1,j)+bcrlx(i,j)) ) & * ( tem1(i,j,k) + tem2(i,j,k) ) END DO END DO END DO CALL difxx(tem5, nx,ny,nz, 2,nx-2,2,ny-1,1,nz-1, dx, tem1) CALL difyy(tem5, nx,ny,nz, 1,nx-1,2,ny-1,1,nz-1, dy, tem2) DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 2, ny-1 DO i = 2, nx-2 vforce(i,j,k) = vforce(i,j,k) & - cbcdmp * .5 * (bcrlx(i,j-1)+bcrlx(i,j)) & * tem5(i,j,k) & + cbcmixh* ( 1. + 2.*(bcrlx(i,j-1)+bcrlx(i,j)) ) & * ( tem1(i,j,k) + tem2(i,j,k) ) END DO END DO END DO ! CALL difxx(tem6, nx,ny,nz, 2,nx-2,1,ny-1,1,nz-1, dx, tem1) ! CALL difyy(tem6, nx,ny,nz, 1,nx-1,2,ny-2,1,nz-1, dy, tem2) ! ! DO 300 k = 1, nz ! DO 300 j = 2, ny-2 ! DO 300 i = 2, nx-2 ! wforce(i,j,k) = wforce(i,j,k) ! : - cbcdmp * bcrlx(i,j) * tem6(i,j,k) ! : + cbcmixh* ( 1. + 4.*bcrlx(i,j) ) ! : * ( tem1(i,j,k) + tem2(i,j,k) ) !300 CONTINUE ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE brlxuvw ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE BRLXPT ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE brlxpt( nx,ny,nz, dtbig1, ptprt,rhostr, ptforce, & 1,1 pt0exb,ptdtexb, bcrlx, & tem1, tem2, tem3,tem4 ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the boundary relaxation and computational mixing for ! potential temperature perturbation, ptprt, in the boundary zone. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Xue Ming & Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 8/15/95 (M. Xue) ! BRLXS is now called to calculated the boundary relaxation term ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! ptprt Perturbation potential temperature (K) ! ! rhostr Base state density rhobar times j3 (kg/m**3) ! ! INPUT/OUTPUT : ! ! ptforce Source terms in potential temperature equation (kg/(m*s)**2). ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! tem2 Temporary work array. ! tem3 Temporary work array. ! tem4 Temporary work array. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions REAL :: dtbig1 REAL :: ptprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation potential temperature (K) REAL :: rhostr (nx,ny,nz) ! Base state density rhobar times j3. REAL :: ptforce(nx,ny,nz) ! Forcing term in ptprt euation REAL :: pt0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary pt field REAL :: ptdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary pt REAL :: bcrlx(nx,ny) ! EXBC relaxation coefficients REAL :: tem1(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem2(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem3(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem4(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k REAL :: tinc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! Global constants that control model execution ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'BRLXPT') tinc = (curtim+dtbig-2.*dtbig1) - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) CALL brlxs(nx,ny,nz,ptprt,pt0exb,ptdtexb,bcrlx,tinc,rhostr,tem4, & tem1,tem2,tem3) DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 2, ny-2 DO i = 2, nx-2 ptforce(i,j,k) = ptforce(i,j,k) + tem4(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE brlxpt ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE BRLXP ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE brlxp( nx,ny,nz, dtbig1, pprt,rhostr, pforce, & 1,1 pr0exb,prdtexb, bcrlx, & tem1, tem2, tem3,tem4) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the boundary relaxation and computational mixing for ! pprt in the boundary zone. ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Xue Ming & Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 8/15/95 (M. Xue) ! BRLXS is now called to calculated the boundary relaxation term ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! ! u x component of velocity (m/s) ! v y component of velocity (m/s) ! w Vertical component of velocity in Cartesian ! coordinates (m/s). ! ! x x coordinate of grid points in physical/comp. space (m) ! y y coordinate of grid points in physical/comp. space (m) ! ! rhostr Base state density rhobar times j3 (kg/m**3) ! ! INPUT/OUTPUT : ! ! pforce forcing terms in pressure equation (kg/(m*s)**2). ! pforce = pforce_others + pforce_boundary ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! tem2 Temporary work array. ! tem3 Temporary work array. ! tem4 Temporary work array. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions REAL :: dtbig1 REAL :: pprt (nx,ny,nz) ! Perturbation pressure (Pascal) REAL :: rhostr(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state density rhobar times j3. REAL :: pforce(nx,ny,nz) ! forcing terms in pert. pressure (Pascal) ! pforce = pforce_others + pforce_boundary REAL :: pr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary p field REAL :: prdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary p REAL :: bcrlx(nx,ny) ! EXBC relaxation coefficients REAL :: tem1(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem2(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem3(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem4(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k REAL :: tinc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! Global constants that control model execution ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'BRLXP') tinc = (curtim+dtbig-2.*dtbig1) - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) CALL brlxs(nx,ny,nz,pprt,pr0exb,prdtexb,bcrlx,tinc,rhostr,tem4, & tem1,tem2,tem3) DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 2, ny-1 DO i = 2, nx-1 pforce(i,j,k) = pforce(i,j,k) + tem4(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE brlxp ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE BRLXQ ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE brlxq( nx,ny,nz, dtbig1, qflag, q,rhostr, qsrc, & 2,6 qv0exb,qc0exb,qr0exb,qi0exb,qs0exb,qh0exb, & qvdtexb,qcdtexb,qrdtexb,qidtexb,qsdtexb,qhdtexb,bcrlx, & tem1, tem2, tem3 ,tem4) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the boundary relaxation and computational mixing for ! a water/ice variable q in the boundary zone. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Xue Ming & Yuhe Liu ! 5/26/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 8/15/95 (M. Xue) ! Generalized for any wter/ice variable q, by calling BRLXS. ! ! 9/15/97 (M. Xue and G. Bassett) ! Added in subroutine BRLXQ checks like (qsbcrd.eq.1) in the IF ! tests so that boundary relaxation or smoothing is NOT done when ! variable is not found in the exbc file (when q*bcrd=0). ! Previously it was ralaxing the variables to the initial state, ! therefore initial storms in the boundary zone tend to stick. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! dtbig1 Big time step size (s) ! qflag Indicator for water/ice variable ! q One of the water or ice variable ! rhostr Base state density rhobar times j3 (kg/m**3) ! ! INPUT/OUTPUT : ! ! qsrc Source terms in water/ice water equation (kg/(m*s)**2). ! qvsrc = qvsrc_others + qvsrc_boundary ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! tem2 Temporary work array. ! tem3 Temporary work array. ! tem4 Temporary work array. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions REAL :: dtbig1 INTEGER :: qflag ! Indicator for water/ice variable REAL :: q (nx,ny,nz) ! Water/ice variable REAL :: rhostr(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state density rhobar times j3. REAL :: qsrc(nx,ny,nz) ! Source term in q euation REAL :: qv0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qv field REAL :: qc0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qc field REAL :: qr0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qr field REAL :: qi0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qi field REAL :: qs0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qs field REAL :: qh0exb(nx,ny,nz) ! External boundary qh field REAL :: qvdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qv REAL :: qcdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qc REAL :: qrdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qr REAL :: qidtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qi REAL :: qsdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qs REAL :: qhdtexb(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of external boundary qh REAL :: bcrlx(nx,ny) ! EXBC relaxation coefficients REAL :: tem1(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem2(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem3(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem4(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k REAL :: tinc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! Global constants that control model execution ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! CALL checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, 'BRLXQ') tinc = (curtim+dtbig-2.*dtbig1) - FLOAT(abstfcst0-abstinit) DO k = 1, nz DO j = 1, ny DO i = 1, nx tem4(i,j,k) = 0.0 END DO END DO END DO IF( qvbcrd == 1 .AND. qflag == 1 ) THEN CALL brlxs(nx,ny,nz,q,qv0exb,qvdtexb,bcrlx,tinc,rhostr,tem4, & tem1,tem2,tem3) ELSE IF( qcbcrd == 1 .AND. qflag == 2 ) THEN CALL brlxs(nx,ny,nz,q,qc0exb,qcdtexb,bcrlx,tinc,rhostr,tem4, & tem1,tem2,tem3) ELSE IF( qrbcrd == 1 .AND. qflag == 3 ) THEN CALL brlxs(nx,ny,nz,q,qr0exb,qrdtexb,bcrlx,tinc,rhostr,tem4, & tem1,tem2,tem3) ELSE IF( qibcrd == 1 .AND. qflag == 4 ) THEN CALL brlxs(nx,ny,nz,q,qi0exb,qidtexb,bcrlx,tinc,rhostr,tem4, & tem1,tem2,tem3) ELSE IF( qsbcrd == 1 .AND. qflag == 5 ) THEN CALL brlxs(nx,ny,nz,q,qs0exb,qsdtexb,bcrlx,tinc,rhostr,tem4, & tem1,tem2,tem3) ELSE IF( qhbcrd == 1 .AND. qflag == 6 ) THEN CALL brlxs(nx,ny,nz,q,qh0exb,qhdtexb,bcrlx,tinc,rhostr,tem4, & tem1,tem2,tem3) END IF DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 2, ny-2 DO i = 2, nx-2 qsrc(i,j,k) = qsrc(i,j,k) + tem4(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE brlxq ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE BRLXS ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE brlxs( nx,ny,nz, s, s0,sdt,bcrlx, tinc, rhostr, srlx, & 8,2 tem1, tem2, tem3 ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Calculate the boundary relaxation and computational mixing term ! for a scalar 's' in the boundary zone. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Ming Xue ! 8/15/95 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 8/24/95 (M. Xue) ! Corrected a sign error in loop 60. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! s A scalar whose boundary values is to be set ! s0 s at a past time ! sdt Time tendency of s ! tinc Time increment between currnet s and s0 ! rhostr Base state density rhobar times j3 (kg/m**3) ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! srlx Relaxation and spatial smoothing term in the boundary zone ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! tem1 Temporary work array. ! tem2 Temporary work array. ! tem3 Temporary work array. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Number of grid points in 3 directions REAL :: s (nx,ny,nz) ! A scalar REAL :: s0 (nx,ny,nz) ! s at a past time REAL :: sdt(nx,ny,nz) ! Time tendency of s REAL :: bcrlx(nx,ny) ! EXBC relaxation coefficients REAL :: tinc ! Time increment between s and s0 REAL :: rhostr(nx,ny,nz) ! Base state density rhobar times j3. REAL :: srlx(nx,ny,nz) ! Source term in qv euation REAL :: tem1(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem2(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array REAL :: tem3(nx,ny,nz) ! Temporary array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declare the external boundary fields. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! Global constants that control model execution INCLUDE 'grid.inc' ! Grid parameters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! DO k = 1, nz-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 DO i = 1, nx-1 tem1(i,j,k)=(s(i,j,k)-(s0(i,j,k)+sdt(i,j,k)*tinc))*rhostr(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO CALL difxx(tem1, nx,ny,nz, 2,nx-2,1,ny-1,2,nz-1, dx, tem2) CALL difyy(tem1, nx,ny,nz, 1,nx-1,2,ny-2,2,nz-1, dy, tem3) DO k = 2, nz-2 DO j = 2, ny-2 DO i = 2, nx-2 srlx(i,j,k) = - cbcdmp * bcrlx(i,j) * tem1(i,j,k) & + cbcmixh* ( 1. + 4.*bcrlx(i,j) ) & * ( tem2(i,j,k) + tem3(i,j,k) ) END DO END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE brlxs ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE CHECKDIMS ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE checkdims(nx,ny,nz, nxebc,nyebc,nzebc, subname),1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Check if two sets of grid dimensions are the same. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 8/12/95 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT : ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the vertical ! nxebc nx in the external boundary condition data ! nyebc ny in the external boundary condition data ! nzebc nz in the external boundary condition data ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! None ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations and COMMON blocks. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz INTEGER :: nxebc,nyebc,nzebc CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: subname ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! IF (nxebc /= nx .OR. nyebc /= ny .OR. nzebc /= nz) THEN WRITE (6,'(a/a/a/a,i5,a,i5,a,i5/a/a,i5,a,i5,a,i5)') & ' Array dimension(s) of the external boundary fields ', & ' inconsistent with model definitions. ', & ' Dimensions for boundary fields were', & ' nxebc = ', nxebc, ', nyebc = ', nyebc, & ', nzebc = ', nzebc, & ' and the model definitions were', & ' nx = ', nx, ', ny = ', ny, ', nz = ', nz CALL arpsstop('arpsstop called from checkdims',1) END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE checkdims ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE SETEXBCCST ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE setexbcptr(nx,ny,nz) 3 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Set the pointers to EXBC variables in the EXBC buffer array. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu ! 04/17/1997 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the z-direction (vertical) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! The number grid points in 3 directions INTEGER :: nxy, nxyz ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'exbc.inc' ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! nxy = nx*ny nxyz = nxy*nz ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Pointers to previous EXBC data arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nu0exb = 1 + 00*nxyz nv0exb = 1 + 01*nxyz nw0exb = 1 + 02*nxyz npt0exb = 1 + 03*nxyz npr0exb = 1 + 04*nxyz nqv0exb = 1 + 05*nxyz nqc0exb = 1 + 06*nxyz nqr0exb = 1 + 07*nxyz nqi0exb = 1 + 08*nxyz nqs0exb = 1 + 09*nxyz nqh0exb = 1 + 10*nxyz ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Pointers to previous EXBC time tendency arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nudtexb = 1 + 11*nxyz nvdtexb = 1 + 12*nxyz nwdtexb = 1 + 13*nxyz nptdtexb = 1 + 14*nxyz nprdtexb = 1 + 15*nxyz nqvdtexb = 1 + 16*nxyz nqcdtexb = 1 + 17*nxyz nqrdtexb = 1 + 18*nxyz nqidtexb = 1 + 19*nxyz nqsdtexb = 1 + 20*nxyz nqhdtexb = 1 + 21*nxyz RETURN END SUBROUTINE setexbcptr