PROGRAM arpsread,7 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! Sample program to read history data files produced by ARPS. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Ming Xue ! 12/12/2003: Rewrote based on arpscvt. Input file names will be ! specified in arpsread.input. ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz,nzsoil ! Grid dimensions. INTEGER :: nstyps ! Maximum number of soil types. INTEGER :: hinfmt,nhisfile_max,nhisfile,lengbf,nf,lenfil PARAMETER (nhisfile_max=200) CHARACTER (LEN=132) :: grdbasfn,hisfile(nhisfile_max) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Include files: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE '' ! INCLUDE '' ! INCLUDE '' ! INCLUDE '' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arrays to be read in: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: x(:) ! The x-coord. of the physical and ! computational grid. Defined at u-point. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: y(:) ! The y-coord. of the physical and ! computational grid. Defined at v-point. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: z(:) ! The z-coord. of the computational ! grid. Defined at w-point. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zp(:,:,:) ! The height of the terrain. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zpsoil(:,:,:) ! The height of the terrain. REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: uprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation u-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation v-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation w-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ptprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation potential temperature (K) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: pprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation pressure (Pascal) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qvprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation water vapor specific ! humidity (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qc (:,:,:) ! Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qr (:,:,:) ! Rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qi (:,:,:) ! Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qs (:,:,:) ! Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qh (:,:,:) ! Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tke (:,:,:) ! Turbulent Kinetic Energy ((m/s)**2) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: kmh (:,:,:) ! Horizontal turb. mixing coef. for ! momentum. ( m**2/s ) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: kmv (:,:,:) ! Vertical turb. mixing coef. for ! momentum. ( m**2/s ) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ubar (:,:,:) ! Base state u-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vbar (:,:,:) ! Base state v-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wbar (:,:,:) ! Base state w-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ptbar (:,:,:) ! Base state potential temperature (K) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: pbar (:,:,:) ! Base state pressure (Pascal) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rhobar (:,:,:) ! Base state air density (kg/m**3) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qvbar (:,:,:) ! Base state water vapor specific ! humidity (kg/kg) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: u (:,:,:) ! Total u-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: v (:,:,:) ! Total v-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: w (:,:,:) ! Total w-velocity (m/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qv (:,:,:) ! Water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: soiltyp (:,:,:) ! Soil type REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: stypfrct(:,:,:) ! Soil type INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: vegtyp(:,:) ! Vegetation type REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lai (:,:) ! Leaf Area Index REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: roufns (:,:) ! Surface roughness REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: veg (:,:) ! Vegetation fraction REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tsoil (:,:,:,:) ! Soil temperature (K) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qsoil (:,:,:,:) ! Soil moisture (m**3/m**3) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wetcanp(:,:,:) ! Canopy water amount REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: snowdpth(:,:) ! Snow depth (m) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: raing(:,:) ! Grid supersaturation rain REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rainc(:,:) ! Cumulus convective rain REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: prcrate(:,:,:) ! precipitation rate (kg/(m**2*s)) ! prcrate(1,1,1) = total precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,2) = grid scale precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,3) = cumulus precip. rate ! prcrate(1,1,4) = microphysics precip. rate REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: radfrc(:,:,:) ! Radiation forcing (K/s) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: radsw (:,:) ! Solar radiation reaching the surface REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: rnflx (:,:) ! Net radiation flux absorbed by surface REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: radswnet (:,:) ! Net solar radiation, SWin - SWout REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: radlwin (:,:) ! Incoming longwave radiation REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: usflx (:,:) ! Surface flux of u-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vsflx (:,:) ! Surface flux of v-momentum (kg/(m*s**2)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ptsflx(:,:) ! Surface heat flux (K*kg/(m*s**2)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: qvsflx(:,:) ! Surface moisture flux (kg/(m**2*s)) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: reflectivity(:,:,:) ! simulated reflectivity (dBZ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Temporary working arrays: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem1(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem2(:,:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem3(:,:,:) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Misc. internal variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nchin INTEGER :: grdbas INTEGER :: i,j,k,ireturn REAL :: time INTEGER :: nfile INTEGER :: length, ierr, istatus ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get the names of the input data files. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL get_input_file_names(hinfmt,grdbasfn,hisfile,nhisfile) lengbf = len_trim(grdbasfn) CALL get_dims_from_data(hinfmt,grdbasfn(1:lengbf), & nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nstyps, ireturn) IF (nstyps <= 0) nstyps = 1 nstyp = nstyps IF( ireturn /= 0 ) THEN PRINT*,'Problem occured when trying to get dimensions from data.' PRINT*,'Program stopped.' STOP END IF WRITE(6,'(4(a,i5))') 'nx =',nx,', ny=',ny,', nz=',nz ,'nzsoil=',nzsoil ALLOCATE(x (nx)) ALLOCATE(y (ny)) ALLOCATE(z (nz)) ALLOCATE(zp (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(zpsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil)) ALLOCATE(uprt (nx,ny,nz),STAT=istatus) CALL check_alloc_status(istatus, "uprt") ALLOCATE(vprt (nx,ny,nz),STAT=istatus) CALL check_alloc_status(istatus, "vprt") ALLOCATE(wprt (nx,ny,nz),STAT=istatus) CALL check_alloc_status(istatus, "wprt") ALLOCATE(ptprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(pprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qvprt (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qc (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qr (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qi (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qs (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qh (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(tke (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(kmh (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(kmv (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(ubar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(vbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(wbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(ptbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(pbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(rhobar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qvbar (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(u (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(v (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(w (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(qv (nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(soiltyp (nx,ny,nstyps)) ALLOCATE(stypfrct(nx,ny,nstyps)) ALLOCATE(vegtyp (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(lai (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(roufns (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(veg (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(tsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(qsoil (nx,ny,nzsoil,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(wetcanp(nx,ny,0:nstyps)) ALLOCATE(snowdpth(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(raing(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(rainc(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(prcrate(nx,ny,4)) ALLOCATE(radsw (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(rnflx (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(radswnet (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(radlwin (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(radfrc(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(usflx (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(vsflx (nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(ptsflx(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(qvsflx(nx,ny)) ALLOCATE(tem1(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(tem2(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(tem3(nx,ny,nz)) ALLOCATE(reflectivity(nx,ny,nz)) x =0.0 y =0.0 z =0.0 zp =0.0 zpsoil =0.0 uprt =0.0 vprt =0.0 wprt =0.0 ptprt =0.0 pprt =0.0 qvprt =0.0 qc =0.0 qr =0.0 qi =0.0 qs =0.0 qh =0.0 tke =0.0 kmh =0.0 kmv =0.0 ubar =0.0 vbar =0.0 wbar =0.0 ptbar =0.0 pbar =0.0 rhobar =0.0 qvbar =0.0 u =0.0 v =0.0 w =0.0 qv =0.0 soiltyp =0.0 stypfrct=0.0 vegtyp =0.0 lai =0.0 roufns =0.0 veg =0.0 tsoil =0.0 qsoil =0.0 wetcanp=0.0 snowdpth=0.0 raing=0.0 rainc=0.0 prcrate=0.0 radfrc=0.0 radsw =0.0 rnflx =0.0 radswnet = 0.0 radlwin = 0.0 usflx =0.0 vsflx =0.0 ptsflx=0.0 qvsflx=0.0 tem1=0.0 tem2=0.0 tem3=0.0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get the name of the input data set. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ldirnam=LEN(dirname) CALL strlnth( dirname , ldirnam) lengbf=len_trim(grdbasfn) WRITE(6,'(/a,a)')' The grid/base name is ', grdbasfn(1:lengbf) DO nfile = 1,nhisfile lenfil=len_trim(hisfile(nfile)) WRITE(6,'(/a,a,a)') & ' Data set ', trim(hisfile(nfile)),' to be converted.' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read all input data arrays !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL dtaread(nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nstyps, & hinfmt, nchin,grdbasfn(1:lengbf),lengbf, & hisfile(nfile)(1:lenfil),lenfil,time, & x,y,z,zp,zpsoil, uprt ,vprt ,wprt ,ptprt, pprt , & qvprt, qc, qr, qi, qs, qh, tke,kmh,kmv, & ubar, vbar, wbar, ptbar, pbar, rhobar, qvbar, & soiltyp,stypfrct,vegtyp,lai,roufns,veg, & tsoil, qsoil, wetcanp,snowdpth, & raing,rainc,prcrate, & radfrc,radsw,rnflx,radswnet,radlwin, & usflx,vsflx,ptsflx,qvsflx, & ireturn, tem1, tem2, tem3) curtim = time if( ireturn /= 0 ) then WRITE(6,'(1x,a,i2,/1x,a)') & 'Data read was unsuccessful. ireturn =', ireturn,' Job stopped.' STOP endif ! ! Do whatever you want to do with the data here ! ENDDO STOP END PROGRAM ARPSREAD