! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE CLOUD_LWC ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE cloud_lwc (nx,ny,nz,time,dirname,runname & 1,11 ,clouds_3d & ,temp_3d,rh_3d,p_3d,zs_3d & ,istat_radar,radar_3d & ,iflag_slwc,slwc_3d,cice_3d,ctmp_3d & ,l_flag_incld_w,w_3d & ,l_mask_pcptype,l_flag_cldtyp,cldpcp_type_3d & ,l_flag_icing,icing_index_3d & ,istatus) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! This routine calculates SLWC, Cloud Type, and Icing Index. ! This routine also does the in-cloud w-field. These have been ! combined to make more efficient use of looping through large ! arrays. The input flags can be adjusted to allow only some of ! these to be returned. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Jian Zhang ! 02/96 Based on LAPS code by Steve Albers, 04/94 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 05/10/96 J. Zhang ! Modified for ADAS format. Added full documentation. ! 08/21/96 J. Zhang ! Added subroutine cloud_type_qc, a quality check ! scheme to assure the consistency of cumulonimbus clouds. ! 04/11/97 J. Zhang ! Included the dims.inc file for nx,ny,nz. ! 08/05/97 J. Zhang ! Included the adascld25.inc file for L_Cb_qc, ! r_missing, wmhr_cu, wmhr_sc, and wc_st. ! 09/11/97 J. Zhang ! Change adascld25.inc to adascld26.inc. ! 11/02/97 J. Zhang ! Change the input argument "slwc_3d(i,j,k)" (unit: g/kg) ! in the call to the icing index algorithm subroutine ! to "lwc_g_m3" (unit: g/m3). ! 11/18/97 J. Zhang ! Added flag 'clddiag' in adascld26.inc for whether to ! output the special cloud fields. ! 07/10/01 K. Brewster ! Cloud temperature added as an output array for use in ! optional latent heating adjustment to temperature. ! 07/10/01 K. Brewster ! Removed radar-based depletion of ice. ! 07/10/01 K. Brewster ! Added 1-d cloud temp array to get_sfm_1d call. ! Cleaned up calculation of entrainment dilution to make ! code more readable. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'adas.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! LWC Flags: ! iflag_slwc = 1 : Adiabatic LWC ! iflag_slwc = 2 : Adjusted LWC ! iflag_slwc = 3 : Adjusted SLWC ! iflag_slwc = 13 : New Smith-Feddes LWC ! ! INCLUDE: (from adas.inc) ! clddiag ! flag for whether to output the special cloud ! ! INPUT: INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! model grid size REAL :: time ! analysis time in seconds from the model ! initial time CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: dirname CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: runname ! INCLUDE: (from adas.inc) ! real r_missing ! indicator for missing data ! real wmhr_Cu ! coef_wmax for Cu-clouds (m/s/m) ! real wmhr_Sc ! coef_wmax for Sc-clouds (m/s/m) ! real wc_St ! real thresh_cvr ! cld fractn threshld for "cloudy" REAL :: clouds_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! 3D cloud fraction analysis REAL :: temp_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! 3D temp.(K) field on model grid REAL :: p_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! 3D pres.(pa) field on model grid REAL :: rh_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! 3D relative humidity (%) on model grid REAL :: zs_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! physical hgts (m) at model scalar g.p. INTEGER :: istat_radar ! Valid 3D radar data? (1=yes) REAL :: radar_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! 3D reflectivity interp. on model grid INTEGER :: iflag_slwc ! indicator for CLWC schemes LOGICAL :: l_flag_incld_w ! Analize w-field in clouds? LOGICAL :: l_flag_cldtyp ! Analize cloud/precip types? LOGICAL :: l_flag_icing ! Analyze icing severity? ! ! OUTPUT: INTEGER :: istatus REAL :: slwc_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! liquid water content field (g/kg) REAL :: cice_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! ice water content (g/kg) REAL :: ctmp_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! cloud temperature (K) REAL :: w_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! vertical velocity (m/s) in clouds REAL :: w_tem(nx,ny,nz) ! vertical velocity (m/s) in clouds INTEGER :: cldpcp_type_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! cloud/previp type field INTEGER :: icing_index_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! icing severity index LOGICAL :: l_mask_pcptype(nx,ny) ! Analyze 2D precip type using ! simulated radar data ?? ! LOCAL: INTEGER :: ibase_array(nx,ny) ! lowest cloud base hgt index INTEGER :: itop_array(nx,ny) ! highest cloud top hgt index ! ! LOCAL: REAL :: t_1d(nz) REAL :: zs_1d(nz) REAL :: zp_1d(nz) REAL :: p_mb_1d(nz) REAL :: p_pa_1d(nz) REAL :: slwc_1d(nz) REAL :: w_1d(nz) REAL :: cice_1d(nz) REAL :: ctmp_1d(nz) REAL :: dte_dz_1d(nz) INTEGER :: cldtyp_1d(nz) INTEGER :: istat_1 LOGICAL :: l_cb_qc ! Check the spatial continuity of the Cb cloud? PARAMETER (l_cb_qc = .true.) ! ! Temporary array: REAL :: tem1(nz) ! ! Constant: REAL :: rair PARAMETER (rair=287.04) ! J/deg/kg ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k,k1,kb,kt,mode,kr, k_highest,k_base,k_top INTEGER :: imid,jmid,ibeg,iend,kbeg,kend INTEGER :: n_cld_columns,n_slwc_call REAL :: cld_base_m,cld_top_m,cld_base_qc_m,cld_top_qc_m REAL :: xindex,ramp,rho,lwc_g_m3 LOGICAL :: l_cloud, l_prt INTEGER :: itype,i_precip_type,i_cldtyp, iarg,istatwrt CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: c2_type CHARACTER (LEN=6) :: varid CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: varname CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: varunits ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! WRITE(6,*)' Start LWC subroutine.' istatus = 0 PRINT*,'wmhr_Cu=',wmhr_cu,' wmhr_Sc=',wmhr_sc,' wc_St=', wc_st PRINT*,'thresh_cvr=',thresh_cvr ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Print out information about the data passed in. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! imid=nx/2 ibeg=MAX(1,(nx/2-5)) iend=MIN(nx,(nx/2+5)) jmid=ny/2 kbeg=MAX(1,(nz/2-5)) kend=MIN(nz,(nz/2+5)) IF(clddiag == 1) THEN WRITE(6,'(a)')'grid point heights (m) at j=jmid,i=imid-5,+5' DO k=kbeg,kend WRITE(6,622) k,(zs_3d(i,jmid,k),i=ibeg,iend) 622 FORMAT (1X,'k=',i2,11F7.0) END DO END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Check consistency of input flags ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(l_flag_icing) THEN iflag_slwc = 13 END IF IF(iflag_slwc >= 1) THEN l_flag_cldtyp = .true. END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Generate Lowest Base and Highest Top Arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE(6,*)' Generating Lowest Base and Highest Top Arrays' DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx ibase_array(i,j) = nz itop_array(i,j) = 0 END DO END DO DO j = 1,ny-1 DO i = 1,nx-1 DO k = nz-1,1,-1 IF(clouds_3d(i,j,k) >= thresh_cvr) THEN ibase_array(i,j) = k END IF END DO END DO END DO DO j = 1,ny-1 DO i = 1,nx-1 DO k = 1,nz-1 IF(clouds_3d(i,j,k) >= thresh_cvr) THEN itop_array(i,j) = k END IF END DO END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize liquid water content array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE(6,*) IF(iflag_slwc /= 0) THEN WRITE(6,*)' Initializing SLWC array' DO k = 1,nz DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx slwc_3d(i,j,k) = 0.0 cice_3d(i,j,k) = 0.0 ctmp_3d(i,j,k) = temp_3d(i,j,k) END DO END DO END DO END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize cloud vertical velicity array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(l_flag_incld_w)THEN WRITE(6,*)' Initializing w array' DO k = 1,nz DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx w_3d(i,j,k) = r_missing w_tem(i,j,k) = 0.0 END DO END DO END DO END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize cloud type array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(l_flag_cldtyp) THEN WRITE(6,*)' Initializing Cloud Type Array' DO k = 1,nz DO j = 1,ny DO i = 1,nx cldpcp_type_3d(i,j,k) = 0 END DO END DO END DO END IF ! n_cld_columns = 0 n_slwc_call = 0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Find Cloud Layers and Computing Output Field(s) ! The procedure works column by column. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE(6,*)' Finding Cloud Layers and Computing Output Field(s)' DO i = 1,nx-1 DO j = 1,ny-1 IF( i == 14 .and. j == 14) then l_prt=.true. ELSE l_prt=.false. END IF l_cloud = .false. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Generate vertical sounding at this grid point and ! call SLWC routine ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ibase_array(i,j) < nz) THEN ! At least one lyr exists l_cloud = .true. n_cld_columns = n_cld_columns + 1 DO k = 1,nz-1 ! Initialize t_1d(k) = temp_3d(i,j,k) zs_1d(k) = zs_3d(i,j,k) p_pa_1d(k) = p_3d(i,j,k) p_mb_1d(k) = 0.01*p_3d(i,j,k) cldtyp_1d(k) = 0 END DO IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) PRINT*,i,j WRITE(6,635) (t_1d(k),k=2,34) 635 FORMAT(1X,'T:',11F7.1) WRITE(6,636) (p_mb_1d(k),k=2,34) 636 FORMAT(1X,'P:',11F7.1) WRITE(6,637) (zs_1d(k),k=2,34) 637 FORMAT(1X,'z:',11F7.0) WRITE(6,638) (rh_3d(i,j,k),k=2,34) 638 FORMAT(1X,'rh:',11F6.1) WRITE(6,639) (clouds_3d(i,j,k),k=2,34) 639 FORMAT(1X,'cldcvr:',11F6.2) WRITE(6,640) (radar_3d(i,j,k),k=2,34) 640 FORMAT(1X,'radar:',11F6.2) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get Base and Top ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! k = MAX(ibase_array(i,j)-1, 1) k_highest = MIN(itop_array(i,j)+1,(nz-1)) DO WHILE (k <= k_highest) IF(clouds_3d(i,j,k+1) >= thresh_cvr & .AND. clouds_3d(i,j,k) < thresh_cvr & .OR. k == 1 .AND. clouds_3d(i,j,k) >= thresh_cvr) THEN cld_base_m = 0.5 * (zs_1d(k) + zs_1d(k+1)) k_base = k + 1 k = k + 1 DO WHILE (k <= nz-1) IF(clouds_3d(i,j,k) > thresh_cvr & .AND. clouds_3d(i,j,k+1) <= thresh_cvr) THEN cld_top_m = 0.5 * (zs_1d(k) + zs_1d(k+1)) k_top = k ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! We have now defined a cloud base and top ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! kb = k_base kt = k_top ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Make sure cloud base and top stay in the model domain ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! kb = MIN(kb,nz-1) kt = MIN(kt,nz-1) ! IF(l_prt) PRINT*,i,j,' Cld bs/top index',kb,kt IF(l_flag_cldtyp) THEN ! Get 1d Stab.& Cld type CALL get_stability (nz,t_1d,zs_1d,p_mb_1d & ,kb,kt,dte_dz_1d,tem1) IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) PRINT*,i,j WRITE(6,641) (1000.0*dte_dz_1d(kr),kr=2,34) 641 FORMAT(1X,'dTdz(km):',11F6.2) END IF DO k1 = kb,kt CALL get_cloudtype(t_1d(k1),dte_dz_1d(k1) & ,cld_base_m,cld_top_m,itype,c2_type) ! IF(radar_3d(i,j,k1) > 45.) THEN itype = 10 ! CB END IF IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) WRITE(6,642) i,j,k1,t_1d(k1),dte_dz_1d(k1) & ,0.001*cld_base_m,0.001*cld_top_m & ,radar_3d(i,j,k1),itype,c2_type 642 FORMAT(1X,3I3,' t=',f6.1,' dtz=',f6.2,' base/top=' & ,2F7.3,' refl=',e7.2,' typ=',i2,a3) END IF cldtyp_1d(k1) = itype cldpcp_type_3d(i,j,k1) = itype END DO !k1 END IF ! l_flag_cldtyp.eq.true ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! We have now defined a cloud base and top ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(iflag_slwc /= 0) THEN n_slwc_call = n_slwc_call + 1 IF(iflag_slwc < 10) THEN ! simple adiabatc scheme CALL get_slwc1d (nz,cld_base_m,cld_top_m,kb,kt & ,zs_1d,t_1d,p_pa_1d,iflag_slwc,slwc_1d) ELSE ! iflag_slwc > 10, new Smith-Feddes scheme mode = 1 DO k1 = 1,nz ! Initialize slwc_1d(k1) = 0.0 cice_1d(k1) = 0.0 ctmp_1d(k1) = temp_3d(i,j,k1) END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! QC the data going into SMF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(cld_top_m > zs_1d(nz-1) - 110.) THEN cld_top_qc_m = zs_1d(nz-1) - 110. cld_base_qc_m = & MIN(cld_base_m,cld_top_qc_m - 110.) WRITE(6,501)i,j,nint(zs_1d(nz-1)) & ,nint(cld_base_qc_m),nint(cld_top_qc_m) 501 FORMAT(1X,'QC data for SMF, ht/bs/tp',2I4,3I6) ELSE ! normal case cld_top_qc_m = cld_top_m cld_base_qc_m = cld_base_m END IF ! IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) '== cloud_lwc: Calling GET_SFM_1D ==' WRITE(6,643) i,j,0.001*cld_top_qc_m & ,0.001*cld_base_qc_m 643 FORMAT(1X,2I3,' ctop/base_qc=',2F7.3) END IF CALL get_sfm_1d(nz,cld_base_qc_m,cld_top_qc_m & ,zs_1d,p_mb_1d,t_1d & ,slwc_1d,cice_1d,ctmp_1d,l_prt) ! IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) ' After get_sfm_1d: ',i,j WRITE(6,644) (slwc_1d(kr),kr=1,35) 644 FORMAT(1X,' lwc=',7E10.3) WRITE(6,645) (cice_1d(kr),kr=1,35) 645 FORMAT(1X,' ice=',7E10.3) END IF END IF ! iflag_slwc < 10 END IF ! iflag_slwc .ne. 0 DO k1 = kb,kt ! Loop through the cloud layer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(iflag_slwc /= 0) THEN ! IF(slwc_1d(k1) > 0.) THEN ! IF(istat_radar == 1 .AND. temp_3d(i,j,k1) < 273.15) THEN ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Apply Radar Depletion when temperature is below 0 degree (C) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! IF(cldtyp_1d(k1) /= 10) THEN ! Not CB ! IF(radar_3d(i,j,k1) <= 8.) THEN ! No Depletion ! CONTINUE ! ELSE IF(radar_3d(i,j,k1) > 11.) THEN ! ! Total Depltion ! cice_1d(k1) = cice_1d(k1) + slwc_1d(k1) ! slwc_1d(k1) = 0.0 ! ! IF(l_prt) THEN ! WRITE(6,*) ' **** Radar Depeletion--total (>11dBZ)' ! WRITE(6,646) i,j,k1,radar_3d(i,j,k1),cice_1d(k1) & ! ,slwc_1d(k1) ! END IF ! ELSE ! Ramped Depletion ! ramp = 1.0 - ((radar_3d(i,j,k1) - 8.) / 3.) ! cice_1d(k1) = cice_1d(k1) + slwc_1d(k1) & ! * (1.-ramp) ! slwc_1d(k1) = slwc_1d(k1) * ramp ! ! IF(l_prt) THEN ! WRITE(6,*) ' **** Radar Depeletion--partial ( 9-11dBZ)' ! WRITE(6,646) i,j,k1,radar_3d(i,j,k1),cice_1d(k1) & ! ,slwc_1d(k1) ! END IF ! ! END IF ! Dbz Sufficient for Depletion ! END IF ! Not a CB ! END IF ! istat_radar=1 & temp < 273.15 ! END IF ! slwc_1d(k1) .gt. 0. ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Pull lwc/ice from 1d array to 3d array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(slwc_1d(k1) > 0.) slwc_3d(i,j,k1)=slwc_1d(k1) IF(cice_1d(k1) > 0.) cice_3d(i,j,k1)=cice_1d(k1) ctmp_3d(i,j,k1)=ctmp_1d(k1) ! IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) ' cloud_lwc: final lwc and ice content:' WRITE(6,646) i,j,k1,radar_3d(i,j,k1),cice_3d(i,j,k1) & ,slwc_3d(i,j,k1) 646 format(1x,3i3,' refl=',e7.2,' ice=',e10.3,' lwc=',e10.3) END IF END IF ! iflag_slwc .ne. 0 END DO ! k1 goto 1000 END IF ! Found Cloud Top, cvr(k) > 0.1 & cvr(k+1) < 0.1 k = k + 1 END DO ! k, while (k .le. nz-1) END IF ! Found Cld_Bs, cld(k+1)>.1&cld(k)<.1 OR k=1&cld(k)>.1 1000 k = k + 1 END DO ! k, while (k .le. k_highest) END IF ! ibase_array.NE.nz, (At least one layer exists) END DO ! j END DO ! i ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Quality check cloud type field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(l_cb_qc) THEN CALL cloud_type_qc (nx,ny,nz,zs_3d,clouds_3d & ,cldpcp_type_3d) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate in-cloud w-field. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO i = 1,nx-1 DO j = 1,ny-1 l_cloud = .false. ! IF( ibase_array(i,j) /= nz) THEN ! At least one lyr exists l_cloud = .true. DO k = 1,nz-1 ! Initialize t_1d(k) = temp_3d(i,j,k) zs_1d(k) = zs_3d(i,j,k) p_pa_1d(k) = p_3d(i,j,k) p_mb_1d(k) = 0.01*p_3d(i,j,k) cldtyp_1d(k) = cldpcp_type_3d(i,j,k) END DO END IF ! ibase_array.NE.nz, (At least one layer exists) IF(l_flag_incld_w) THEN IF(l_cloud) THEN IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) ' cloud_lwc: Calling incld_w',i,j WRITE(6,650) (cldtyp_1d(kr),kr=2,34) 650 FORMAT('CTP',11I7) WRITE(6,652) (zs_1d(kr),kr=2,34) 652 FORMAT('zs:',11F7.0) END IF DO k = 2,nz-1 zp_1d(k) = 0.5*(zs_1d(k-1)+zs_1d(k)) END DO zp_1d(1) = zs_1d(1) - (zp_1d(2)-zs_1d(1)) CALL cloud_w(nz,cldtyp_1d,zp_1d,w_1d & ,r_missing,wmhr_cu,wmhr_sc,wc_st) IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,653) (w_1d(kr),kr=2,34) 653 FORMAT('w:',11F7.2) WRITE(6,654) (p_mb_1d(kr),kr=2,34) 654 FORMAT('p:',11F7.1) END IF DO k = 1,nz-1 ! Transfer the 1D w into the output w_3d array IF(w_1d(k) /= r_missing) THEN w_3d(i,j,k) = w_1d(k) w_tem(i,j,k) = w_1d(k) END IF END DO END IF ! l_cloud END IF ! l_flag_incld_w END DO ! j END DO ! i IF(clddiag == 1) THEN IF (cld_files == 1) THEN varid='cloudw' varname='Cloud Vert Veloc' varunits='m/s' CALL wrtvar1(nx,ny,nz,w_tem,varid,varname,varunits, & time,runname,dirname,istatwrt) END IF END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE(6,601) n_cld_columns,n_slwc_call 601 FORMAT(/1X,' n_cld_columns=',i6,' n_slwc_call =',i6/) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Simulate Radar Data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(.true.) THEN DO i = 1,nx DO j = 1,ny l_mask_pcptype(i,j) = .false. END DO ! j END DO ! i END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get 3D precip type ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(istat_radar == 1) THEN ! Get 3D precip type WRITE(6,*) ' Analyzing cloud/precipitation type.' CALL pcp_type_3d(nx,ny,nz,temp_3d,rh_3d,p_3d & ,radar_3d,l_mask_pcptype & ,cldpcp_type_3d,istat_1) IF(istat_1 /= 1) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'Bad status returned by PCP_TYPE_3D, aborting' RETURN END IF END IF ! Valid Radar Data IF(clddiag == 1) THEN IF (cld_files == 1) THEN varid='cptype' varname='Precipitation Type' varunits='Category Number' CALL wrtvar1(nx,ny,nz,cldpcp_type_3d,varid,varname,varunits, & time,runname,dirname,istatwrt) END IF END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Computing Icing Severity Index field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(l_flag_icing) THEN WRITE(6,*)' Computing Icing Severity Index field' DO i = 1,nx-1 DO j = 1,ny-1 DO k = 1,nz-1 iarg = cldpcp_type_3d(i,j,k) i_precip_type = iarg/16 i_cldtyp = iarg - i_precip_type*16 IF(iarg > 0) THEN ! clouds or precip are present rho = p_3d(i,j,k)/(rair*temp_3d(i,j,k)) lwc_g_m3 = slwc_3d(i,j,k)*rho ! g/m3 for icing CALL isi3(lwc_g_m3,temp_3d(i,j,k)-273.15 & ,i_cldtyp,i_precip_type,xindex) iarg = xindex icing_index_3d(i,j,k) = iarg ELSE icing_index_3d(i,j,k) = 0 END IF END DO ! k END DO ! j END DO ! i IF(clddiag == 1) THEN IF (cld_files == 1) THEN varid='icingd' varname='Icing Index' varunits='Index Number' CALL wrtvar1(nx,ny,nz, icing_index_3d, varid,varname,varunits, & time,runname,dirname,istatwrt) END IF END IF ! END IF ! l_flag_icing =.true. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! istatus = 1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE cloud_lwc ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GET_STABILITY ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE get_stability (nz,t_1d,zs_1d,p_mb_1d,kbtm,ktop & 1 ,dte_dz_1d,thetae_1d) ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! This routine returns stability at a given level given ! 1D temperature and pressure array inputs ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Jian Zhang ! 05/96 Based on LAPS cloud analysis code of 07/95 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 05/11/96 (J. Zhang) ! Modified for ADAS format. Added full documentation. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: INTEGER :: nz ! number of vertical model levels REAL :: t_1d(nz) ! temperature (degree Kelvin) profile REAL :: zs_1d(nz) ! heights (m MSL) of each level REAL :: p_mb_1d(nz) ! pressure (mb) at each level INTEGER :: kbtm,ktop ! indices of the bottom and top cloud layer ! ! OUTPUT: REAL :: dte_dz_1d(nz) ! stability array ! ! LOCAL: REAL :: thetae_1d(nz) ! (equivalent) potential temperature. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: k,km1,kp1,klow,khigh REAL :: os_fast ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate Stability ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! klow = MAX(kbtm-1,1) khigh = MIN(ktop+1,nz-1) DO k = klow,khigh thetae_1d(k) = os_fast(t_1d(k), p_mb_1d(k)) END DO ! k dte_dz_1d=0. DO k = kbtm,ktop km1 = MAX(k-1,1) kp1 = MIN(k+1,nz-1) IF( (zs_1d(kp1) - zs_1d(km1)) <= 0.) THEN print *, ' Error in get_stability ' print *, ' k,kp1,km1 = ',k,kp1,km1 print *, ' zs_1d(kp1),zs_1d(km1)= ',zs_1d(kp1),zs_1d(km1), & (zs_1d(kp1) - zs_1d(km1)) STOP ELSE dte_dz_1d(k) = (thetae_1d(kp1) - thetae_1d(km1)) & / (zs_1d(kp1) - zs_1d(km1)) END IF END DO ! k RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_stability ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### FUNCTION OS_FAST ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! FUNCTION os_fast(tk,p) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! THIS FUNCTION RETURNS THE EQUIVALENT POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE OS ! (K) FOR A PARCEL OF AIR SATURATED AT TEMPERATURE T (K) ! AND PRESSURE P (MILLIBARS). ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: (BAKER,SCHLATTER) ! 05/17/1982 ! ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! 05/11/96 (Jian Zhang) ! Modified for ADAS grid. Add document stuff. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variables declaration ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: REAL :: tk ! temperature in kelvin REAL :: p ! pressure in mb ! ! OUTPUT: REAL :: os_fast ! equivalent potential temperature ! ! LOCAL: REAL :: b ! empirical const. approx.= latent heat of ! vaporiz'n for water devided by the specific ! heat at const. pressure for dry air. DATA b/2.6518986/ REAL :: tc,x,w REAL :: eslo ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! tc = tk - 273.15 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! From W routine ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! x= eslo(tc) w= 622.*x/(p-x) os_fast= tk*((1000./p)**.286)*(EXP(b*w/tk)) RETURN END FUNCTION os_fast ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GET_CLOUDTYPE ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE get_cloudtype(temp_k,dte_dz,cbase_m,ctop_m & 1 ,itype,c2_type) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! This routine returns cloud type at a given point given ! temperature and stability inputs ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Jian Zhang ! 05/96 Based on the LAPS cloud analysis code of 05/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 05/11/96 (J. Zhang) ! Modified for ADAS format. Added full documentation. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: REAL :: temp_k ! temperature REAL :: dte_dz ! stability factor REAL :: cbase_m ! height at cloud base level REAL :: ctop_m ! height at cloud top level ! ! OUTPUT: INTEGER :: itype ! cloud type index CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: c2_type ! ! LOCAL: CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: c2_cldtyps(10) DATA c2_cldtyps /'St','Sc','Cu','Ns','Ac' & ,'As','Cs','Ci','Cc','Cb'/ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL :: depth_m,temp_c ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! temp_c = temp_k - 273.15 depth_m = ctop_m - cbase_m ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Go from Stability to Cloud Type ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF ( temp_c >= -10.) THEN IF (dte_dz >= +.001) THEN itype = 1 ! St ELSE IF (dte_dz < +.001 .AND. dte_dz >= -.001) THEN itype = 2 ! Sc ELSE IF (dte_dz < -.001 .AND. dte_dz >= -.005) THEN itype = 3 ! Cu ELSE ! dte_dz .lt. -.005 IF(depth_m > 5000) THEN itype = 10 ! Cb ELSE ! depth < 5km itype = 3 ! Cu END IF END IF ELSE IF (temp_c < -10. .AND. temp_c >= -20.) THEN IF (dte_dz < 0.) THEN IF(depth_m > 5000) THEN itype = 10 ! Cb ELSE itype = 5 ! Ac END IF ELSE itype = 6 ! As END IF ELSE ! temp_c.lt.-20. IF (dte_dz >= +.0005) THEN itype = 7 ! Cs ELSE IF (dte_dz < +.0005 .AND. dte_dz >= -.0005) THEN itype = 8 ! Ci ELSE ! dte_dz .lt. -.0005 itype = 9 ! Cc END IF IF(depth_m > 5000 .AND. dte_dz < -.0000) THEN itype = 10 ! Cb END IF END IF c2_type = c2_cldtyps(itype) RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_cloudtype ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GET_SLWC1D ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE get_slwc1d (nk,cbase_m,ctop_m,kbase,ktop & 1,1 ,zs_1d,t_1d,p_pa_1d,iflag_slwc,slwc_1d) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! This routine calls a subroutine "lwc_rep" which calculates ! the adiabatic liquid water content. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Jian Zhang ! 05/96 Based on the LAPS cloud analysis code of 07/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 05/13/96 (Jian Zhang) ! Modified for ADAS format. Added full documentation. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: INTEGER :: iflag_slwc ! indicator for LWC scheme option INTEGER :: nk ! number of model vertical levels REAL :: t_1d(nk) ! temperature (k) in one model column REAL :: zs_1d(nk) ! heights (m) at grd pts in one model column REAL :: p_pa_1d(nk) ! pressure (pa) in one model column REAL :: cbase_m,ctop_m ! heights (m) of cloud base and top levels INTEGER :: kbase,ktop ! vertical index of cloud base and top levels ! ! OUTPUT: REAL :: slwc_1d(nk) ! estimated adiabatic liquid water ! ! LOCAL: INTEGER :: i_status1,i_status2 ! flag for subroutine calling ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: k REAL :: p_low,p_high,cbase_pa,cbase_k,ctop_k,frac_k & ,grid_top_pa,grid_top_k REAL :: fraction,thickness,dlog_space REAL :: adiabatic_lwc,adjusted_lwc,adjusted_slwc ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k = 1,nk slwc_1d(k) = 0.0 END DO IF(ctop_m > cbase_m) THEN ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Determine Lowest and Highest Grid Points within the cloud ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(ktop >= kbase .AND. kbase >= 2) THEN ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get cloud base pressure and temperature ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cbase_pa = -999. ! Default value is off the grid DO k = 1,nk-2 IF(zs_1d(k+1) > cbase_m .AND. zs_1d(k) <= cbase_m) THEN thickness = zs_1d(k+1) - zs_1d(k) fraction = (cbase_m - zs_1d(k))/thickness p_low = p_pa_1d(k) p_high = p_pa_1d(k+1) dlog_space = LOG(p_high/p_low) cbase_pa = p_low * EXP(dlog_space*fraction) END IF END DO ! k frac_k=(cbase_m-zs_1d(kbase-1))/(zs_1d(kbase)-zs_1d(kbase-1)) IF(frac_k /= fraction) & PRINT*,' **GET_SLWC1D** frac=',fraction,' frac_k=',frac_k cbase_k = t_1d(kbase-1)*(1.0-frac_k) + t_1d(kbase)*frac_k ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Get cloud top temperature ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! frac_k = (ctop_m-zs_1d(ktop-1)) / (zs_1d(ktop)-zs_1d(ktop-1)) ctop_k = t_1d(ktop-1)*(1.0 - frac_k) + t_1d(ktop) * frac_k ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate SLWC at each vertical grid point. For each level ! we use an assumed cloud extending from the actual cloud base ! to the height of the grid point in question. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=kbase,ktop grid_top_pa = p_pa_1d(k) grid_top_k = t_1d(k) CALL slwc_revb(cbase_pa,cbase_k & ,grid_top_pa,grid_top_k,ctop_k & ,adiabatic_lwc,adjusted_lwc,adjusted_slwc & ,i_status1,i_status2) ! IF(i_status2 == 1) THEN IF(iflag_slwc == 1) THEN slwc_1d(k) = adiabatic_lwc ELSE IF(iflag_slwc == 2) THEN slwc_1d(k) = adjusted_lwc ELSE IF(iflag_slwc == 3) THEN slwc_1d(k) = adjusted_slwc END IF ELSE WRITE(6,*)' Error Detected in SLWC' END IF END DO ! k END IF ! ktop > kbase & kbase > 2, thick enough cloud exists END IF ! ctop_m > cbase_m, cloud exists RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_slwc1d SUBROUTINE slwc_revb(cb_pa,cb_k,gt_pa,gt_k,ct_k, & 1 adiabatic_lwc,adjusted_lwc,adjusted_slwc, & i_status1,i_status2) ! !.......................HISTORY............................. ! ! WRITTEN: CA. 1982 BY W. A. COOPER IN HP FORTRAN 4 ! !....... CALCULATES TEMPERATURE T AND LIQUID WATER CONTENT FROM !.. CLOUD BASE PRESSURE P0 AND TEMPERATURE T0, FOR ADIABATIC !.. ASCENT TO THE PRESSURE P. !.. -> INPUT: CLOUD BASE PRESSURE P0 AND TEMPERATURE T0 !.. PRESSURE AT OBSERVATION LEVEL P !.. -> OUTPUT: "ADIABATIC" TEMPERATURE T AND LIQUID WATER CONTENT ! ! MODIFIED: November 1989 by Paul Lawson for LAPS/WISP. Routine ! now calculates adiabatic liquid water content ! (ADIABATIC_LWC) using cloud base pressure and grid-top ! temperature and pressure. Also calculated are ADJUSTED_LWC, ! which adjusts ADIABATIC_LWC using an empirical cloud ! water depletion algorithm, and ADJUSTED_SLWC, which is ! ADIABATIC_LWC in regions where T < 0 C adjusted ! using an empirical algorithm by Marcia Politovich. ! ! Subroutine is now hardwired for stratiform cloud only. ! Can be modified to include Cu with input from LAPS main. ! ! revb: ca 12/89 Calculate adiabatic lwc by going from cloud ! base to LAPS grid level instead to cloud top, thus ! helping to better calculate in layer clouds. ! Add TG (grid temperature) to calcualtion. ! ! revc: 2/27/90 Correct error in code. Zero-out slwc when grid ! temperature (GT) > 0. ! ! J.Z.: 4/7/97 Correct error in code ! Grid temperature should be TG, not GT. ! ! ! OUTPUTS: ADIABATIC_LWC ! ADJUSTED_LWC ! ADJUSTED_SLWC ! I_STATUS1 - 1 when -20 < cld_top_temp < 0 for Stratus ! 0 Otherwise ! I_STATUS2 - 1 when valid input data provided from main ! DATA eps/0.622/,cpd/1.0042E3/,cw/4.218E3/,rd/287.05/,alhv/2.501E6/ INTEGER :: cty INTEGER :: i_status1, i_status2 i_status1=1 i_status2=1 ! 2 Print *,'ENTER: P-BASE(mb), T-BASE(C), P-TOP, T-TOP, CLD TYPE' ! READ(5,*) P0, T0, P, CTT, CTY ! If(CTY.ne.0.and.CTY.ne.1) Go to 2 ! ! Hardwire cloud type (CTY) for stratus for now ! cty=0 ! !.....Convert Pa to mb and Kelvin to Celcius ! p0 = cb_pa/100. p = gt_pa/100. t0 = cb_k - 273.15 tg = gt_k - 273.15 ctt= ct_k - 273.15 ! Print *, 'CTT in Sub = ', CTT ! ! Check for valid input data... ! IF(p0 > 1013..OR.p0 < 50.) THEN i_status2=0 RETURN ELSE END IF ! ! IF(t0 > 50..OR.t0 < -70.) THEN i_status2=0 RETURN ELSE END IF ! ! IF(p > 1013..OR.p < 50.) THEN i_status2=0 RETURN ELSE END IF ! ! Set I_STATUS1 = F if 0 < cld top < -20 C (for stratus). ! IF(tg >= 0..OR.ctt < -20.) i_status1=0 ! tk=t0+273.15 e=vapor(t0) r=eps*e/(p0-e) cpt=cpd+r*cw thetaq=tk*(1000./(p0-e))**(rd/cpt)*EXP(alhv*r/(cpt*tk)) ! 1ST APPROX t1=tk e=vapor(t1-273.15) rv=eps*e/(p-e) t1=thetaq/((1000./(p-e))**(rd/cpt)*EXP(alhv*rv/(cpt*t1))) ! SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS DO i=1,10 e=vapor(t1-273.15) rv=eps*e/(p-e) t1=(thetaq/((1000./(p-e))**(rd/cpt)*EXP(alhv*rv/(cpt*t1))) & +t1)/2. t=t1-273.15 ! Print *, P0,T0,P,T,E,RV,THETAQ END DO ! GET LWC e=vapor(t) rv=eps*e/(p-e) tw=r-rv adiabatic_lwc=tw*p*28.9644/(8.314E7*t1)*1.e9 IF(adiabatic_lwc < 0.) adiabatic_lwc=0. ! Print *, 'Adiabtic LWC = ', ADIABATIC_LWC IF(tg >= 0.) THEN ! adjusted_slwc=0. ! Added 2/27/90 ! IF(cty == 0.) THEN IF(ctt < -20.) THEN adjusted_lwc=0. ELSE IF(ctt < -15..AND.ctt >= -20.) THEN adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/8. ELSE IF(ctt < -10..AND.ctt >= -15.) THEN adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/4. ELSE adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/2. END IF ELSE IF(ctt < -25.) THEN adjusted_lwc=0. ELSE IF(ctt < -15..AND.ctt >= -25.) THEN adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/8. ELSE IF(ctt < -10..AND.ctt >= -15.) THEN adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/4. ELSE adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/2. END IF END IF ELSE IF(cty == 0.) THEN IF(ctt < -20.) THEN adjusted_lwc=0. adjusted_slwc=0. ELSE IF(ctt < -15..AND.ctt >= -20.) THEN adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/8. adjusted_slwc=adiabatic_lwc/8. ELSE IF(ctt < -10..AND.ctt >= -15.) THEN adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/4. adjusted_slwc=adiabatic_lwc/4. ELSE adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/2. adjusted_slwc=adiabatic_lwc/2. END IF ELSE IF(ctt < -25.) THEN adjusted_lwc=0. adjusted_slwc=0. ELSE IF(ctt < -15..AND.ctt >= -25.) THEN adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/8. adjusted_slwc=adiabatic_lwc/8. ELSE IF(ctt < -10..AND.ctt >= -15.) THEN adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/4. adjusted_slwc=adiabatic_lwc/4. ELSE adjusted_lwc=adiabatic_lwc/2. adjusted_slwc=adiabatic_lwc/2. END IF END IF END IF ! Print *,'Adjusted LWC = ', ADJUSTED_LWC ! Print *,'Adjusted SLWC = ', ADJUSTED_SLWC END SUBROUTINE slwc_revb ! FUNCTION TO CALCULATE VAPOR PRESSURE: ! FUNCTION vapor(tfp) ! INPUT IS IN DEGREES C. IF GT 0, ASSUMED TO BE DEW POINT. IF ! LESS THAN 0, ASSUMED TO BE FROST POINT. ! ROUTINE CODES GOFF-GRATCH FORMULA tvap=273.16+tfp IF(tfp > 0.) GO TO 1 ! THIS IS ICE SATURATION VAPOR PRESSURE IF(tvap <= 0) tvap=1E-20 e=-9.09718*(273.16/tvap-1.)-3.56654*ALOG10(273.16/tvap) & +0.876793*(1.-tvap/273.16) vapor=6.1071*10.**e RETURN 1 CONTINUE ! THIS IS WATER SATURATION VAPOR PRESSURE IF(tvap <= 0) tvap=1E-20 e=-7.90298*(373.16/tvap-1.)+5.02808*ALOG10(373.16/tvap) & -1.3816E-7*(10.**(11.344*(1.-tvap/373.16))-1.) & +8.1328E-3*(10.**(3.49149*(1-373.16/tvap))-1) vapor=1013.246*10.**e RETURN END FUNCTION vapor ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE GET_SFM_1D ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE get_sfm_1d (nz,zcb,zctop,zs_1d,p_mb_1d,t_1d,ql,qi,cldt, & 1 l_prt) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: !c----------------------------------------------------------------- !c !c This is the streamlined version of the Smith-Feddes !c and Temperature Adjusted LWC calculation methodologies !c produced at Purdue University under sponsorship !c by the FAA Technical Center. !c !c Currently, this subroutine will only use the Smith- !c Feddes and will only do so as if there are solely !c stratiform clouds present, however, it is very easy !c to switch so that only the Temperature Adjusted !c method is used. !c !c Dilution by glaciation is also included, it is a !c linear function of in cloud temperature going from !c all liquid water at -10 C to all ice at -30 C !c as such the amount of ice is also calculated ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Jian Zhang ! 05/96 Based on the LAPS cloud analysis code of 07/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 05/16/96 (Jian Zhang) ! Modified for ADAS format. Added full documentation. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: INTEGER :: nz ! number of model vertical levels REAL :: zs_1d(nz) ! physical height (m) at each scalar level REAL :: p_mb_1d(nz) ! pressure (mb) at each level REAL :: t_1d(nz) ! temperature (K) at each level REAL :: zcb ! cloud base height (m) REAL :: zctop ! cloud top height (m) ! ! OUTPUT: REAL :: ql(nz) ! liquid water content (g/kg) REAL :: qi(nz) ! ice water content (g/kg) REAL :: cldt(nz) ! ! LOCAL: REAL :: calw(200) REAL :: cali(200) REAL :: catk(200) REAL :: entr(200) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL :: dz,rv,rair,grav,cp,rlvo,rlso,dlvdt,eso REAL :: c,a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2 REAL :: delz,delt,cldbtm,cldbp,cldtpt,tbar REAL :: arg,fraclw,tlwc REAL :: temp,press,zbase,alw,zht,ht,y REAL :: rl,es,qvs1,p,des,dtz,es2,qvs2 INTEGER :: i,j,k,nlevel,nlm1,ip,kctop,kctop1,kcb,kcb1 REAL :: dtdz,dttdz,zcloud,entc,tmpk LOGICAL :: l_prt ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize 1d liquid water and ice arrays (for 100m layers) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO i=1,200 calw(i)=0.0 cali(i)=0.0 END DO ! if(i_prt.le.20) then ! i_prt=i_prt+1 ! l_prt=.true. ! else ! l_prt=.false. ! endif ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Preset some constants and coefficients. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dz=100.0 ! m rv=461.5 ! J/deg/kg rair=287.04 ! J/deg/kg grav=9.81 ! m/s2 cp=1004. ! J/deg/kg rlvo=2.5003E+6 ! J/kg rlso=2.8339E+6 ! J/kg dlvdt=-2.3693E+3 ! J/kg/K eso=610.78 ! pa c=0.01 a1=8.4897 b1=-13.2191 c1=4.7295 a2=10.357 b2=-28.2416 c2=8.8846 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate indices of cloud top and base ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k=1,nz-1 IF(zs_1d(k) < zcb .AND. zs_1d(k+1) > zcb) THEN kcb=k kcb1=kcb+1 END IF IF(zs_1d(k) < zctop .AND. zs_1d(k+1) > zctop) THEN kctop=k kctop1=kctop+1 END IF END DO IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) ' get_sfm_1d: input at cloud base:' WRITE(6,600) zcb,kcb,zs_1d(kcb),t_1d(kcb) & ,kcb1,zs_1d(kcb1),t_1d(kcb1) 600 FORMAT(1X,' base=',f8.0,' kcb=',i2,' ht=',f8.0,' T=',f6.1, & ' kcb1=',i2,' ht=',f8.0,' T=',f6.1) WRITE(6,*) ' get_sfm_1d: input at cloud top:' WRITE(6,601) zctop,kctop,zs_1d(kctop),t_1d(kctop) & ,kctop1,zs_1d(kctop1),t_1d(kctop1) 601 FORMAT(1X,' top=',f8.0,' kctop=',i2,' ht=',f8.0,' T=',f6.1, & ' kctop1=',i2,' ht=',f8.0,' T=',f6.1) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Obtain cloud base and top conditions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! delz = zs_1d(kcb+1)-zs_1d(kcb) delt = t_1d(kcb+1)-t_1d(kcb) cldbtm = delt*(zcb-zs_1d(kcb))/delz+t_1d(kcb) tbar = (cldbtm+t_1d(kcb))/2. arg = -grav*(zcb-zs_1d(kcb))/rair/tbar cldbp = p_mb_1d(kcb)*EXP(arg) delz = zs_1d(kctop+1)-zs_1d(kctop) delt = t_1d(kctop+1)-t_1d(kctop) cldtpt = delt*(zctop-zs_1d(kctop))/delz+t_1d(kctop) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate cloud lwc profile for cloud base/top pair ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! temp = cldbtm press = cldbp*100.0 zbase = zcb nlevel = ((zctop-zcb)/100.0)+1 IF(nlevel <= 0) nlevel=1 alw = 0.0 calw(1)= 0.0 cali(1)= 0.0 catk(1)= temp entr(1)= 1.0 nlm1 = nlevel-1 IF(nlm1 < 1) nlm1=1 zht = zbase DO j=1,nlm1 rl = rlvo+(273.15-temp)*dlvdt arg = rl*(temp-273.15)/273.15/temp/rv es = eso*EXP(arg) qvs1 = 0.622*es/(press-es) ! rho1 = press/(rair*temp) arg = -grav*dz/rair/temp p = press*EXP(arg) IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,605) j,zht,temp,press,1000.0*qvs1,es,rl 605 FORMAT(1X,i2,' ht=',f8.0,' T=',f6.1,' P=',f9.1,' qvs=', & f7.3,' es=',f6.1,' Lv=',e8.3) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate saturated adiabatic lapse rate ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! des = es*rl/temp/temp/rv dtz = -grav*((1.0+0.621*es*rl/(press*rair*temp))/ & (cp+0.621*rl*des/press)) zht = zht+dz press = p temp = temp+dtz*dz rl = rlvo+(273.15-temp)*dlvdt arg = rl*(temp-273.15)/273.15/temp/rv es2 = eso*EXP(arg) qvs2 = 0.622*es2/(press-es2) IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,605) j+1,zht,temp,press,1000.0*qvs2,es2,rl !605 format(1x,i2,' ht=',f8.0,' T=',f6.1,' P=',f9.1,' qvs=', ! : f7.3,' es=',f6.1,' Lv=',e8.3) END IF ! rho2 = press/(rair*temp) ! alw = alw+(qvs1-qvs2)*(rho1+rho2)/2. ! kg/m3 alw = alw+(qvs1-qvs2) ! kg/kg calw(j+1) = alw IF (l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,9015) j,1000.0*calw(j+1),zht 9015 FORMAT(1X,'j=',i3,' adiab.lwc =',f7.3,' alt =',f8.0) END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Reduction of lwc by entrainment ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ht = (zht-zbase)*.001 ! !c ------------------------------------------------------------------ !c !c skatskii's curve(convective) !c !c ------------------------------------------------------------------ !c if(ht.lt.0.3) then !c y = -1.667*(ht-0.6) !c elseif(ht.lt.1.0) then !c arg1 = b1*b1-4.0*a1*(c1-ht) !c y = (-b1-sqrt(arg1))/(2.0*a1) !c elseif(ht.lt.2.9) then !c arg2 = b2*b2-4.0*a2*(c2-ht) !c y = (-b2-sqrt(arg2))/(2.0*a2) !c else !c y = 0.26 !c endif !c !c ------------------------------------------------------------------ !c !c warner's curve(stratiform) !c !c ------------------------------------------------------------------ IF(ht < 0.032) THEN y = -11.0*ht+1.0 ! y(ht=0.032) = 0.648 ELSE IF(ht <= 0.177) THEN y = -1.4*ht+0.6915 ! y(ht=0.177) = 0.4437 ELSE IF(ht <= 0.726) THEN y = -0.356*ht+0.505 ! y(ht=0.726) = 0.2445 ELSE IF(ht <= 1.5) THEN y = -0.0608*ht+0.2912 ! y(ht=1.5) = 0.2 ELSE y = 0.20 END IF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate reduced lwc by entrainment and dilution ! ! Note at -5 C and warmer, all liquid. ! changed from -10 KB ! at -25 C and colder, all ice ! changed from -30 KB ! Linear ramp between. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(temp < 268.15) THEN IF(temp > 248.15) THEN fraclw=0.05*(temp-248.15) ELSE fraclw=0.0 END IF ELSE fraclw=1.0 END IF tlwc=1000.*y*calw(j+1) ! g/kg calw(j+1)=tlwc*fraclw cali(j+1)=tlwc*(1.-fraclw) catk(j+1)=temp entr(j+1)=y IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) ' Get_sfm_1d: entrainment dilution' WRITE(6,608) j+1,ht,1000.0*tlwc,calw(j+1),cali(j+1) 608 FORMAT(1X,i2,' ht=',f8.3,' alw=',f8.3,' lwc=',f7.3, & ' ice=',f7.3) END IF END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Alternative calculation procedure using the observed or ! inferred in cloud temperature profile ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(.true.) GO TO 455 ! forced goto, diseffect the following nlevel = (zctop-zcb)/100.0 temp = cldbtm press = cldbp*100.0 IF(nlevel <= 0) nlevel=0 alw = 0.0 calw(1) = 0.0 nlm1 = nlevel-1 IF(nlm1 < 1) nlm1=1 dtdz = (cldtpt-cldbtm)/(zctop-zcb) zht = zbase DO j=1,nlm1 rl = rlvo+(temp-273.15)*dlvdt arg = rl*(273.15-temp)/273.15/temp/rv es = eso*EXP(arg) qvs1 = 0.622*es/(press-es) ! rho1 = press/(rair*temp) arg = -grav*dz/rair/temp p = press*EXP(arg) des = es*rl/temp/temp/rv dtz = -grav*((1.0+0.621*es*rl/(press*rair*temp))/ & (cp+0.621*rl*des/press)) IF(dtdz < dtz) THEN dttdz = dtz-(dtdz-dtz) ELSE dttdz = dtdz END IF zht = zht+dz press = p temp = temp+dttdz*dz rl = rlvo+(273.15-temp)*dlvdt arg = rl*(temp-273.15)/273.15/temp/rv es2 = eso*EXP(arg) qvs2 = 0.622*es2/(press-es2) ! rho2 = press/(rair*temp) ! alw = alw+(qvs1-qvs2)*(rho1+rho2)/2. ! kg/m3 alw = alw+(qvs1-qvs2) ! kg/kg IF(alw < 0.0) alw=0.0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Application of a simple linear glaciation !c --------------------------------------------------------------- !c !c all liquid T > -15 C !c partially liquid -15 C > T > -25 C !c all ice T < -25 C !c !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(cldtpt < 258.15) THEN IF(cldtpt > 248.15) THEN fraclw = 0.1*(cldtpt-248.15) ELSE fraclw = 0.0 END IF ELSE fraclw = 1.0 END IF calw(j+1) = alw*fraclw*1000.0 WRITE(6,9015) j,calw(j+1),zht !9015 format(1x,'j=',i3,' adiab.lwc =',f9.5,' alt =',f8.0) END DO 455 CONTINUE !c !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Obtain profile of LWCs at the given grid point ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO ip=2,nz-1 IF(zs_1d(ip) <= zcb .OR. zs_1d(ip) > zctop) THEN ql(ip)=0.0 qi(ip)=0.0 cldt(ip)=t_1d(ip) ELSE DO j=2,nlevel zcloud = zcb+(j-1)*dz IF(zcloud >= zs_1d(ip)) THEN ql(ip) = (zs_1d(ip)-zcloud+100.)*(calw(j)-calw(j-1))*0.01 & +calw(j-1) qi(ip) = (zs_1d(ip)-zcloud+100.)*(cali(j)-cali(j-1))*0.01 & +cali(j-1) tmpk = (zs_1d(ip)-zcloud+100.)*(catk(j)-catk(j-1))*0.01 & +catk(j-1) entc = (zs_1d(ip)-zcloud+100.)*(entr(j)-entr(j-1))*0.01 & +entr(j-1) cldt(ip) = (1.-entc)*t_1d(ip) + entc*tmpk IF(l_prt) THEN WRITE(6,*) ' Get_sfm_1d: assigning ql(ip),qi(ip)' WRITE(6,609) ip,zs_1d(ip),zcb,zctop 609 FORMAT(1X,' ip=',i2,' ht=',f8.0,' zcb=' & ,f8.0,' zctop=',f8.0) WRITE(6,610) j,zcloud,j-1,zcloud-dz 610 FORMAT(1X,' j=',i2,' z=',f8.0,' j-1=',i2,' z=',f8.0) WRITE(6,611) calw(j),calw(j-1),ql(ip) & , cali(j),cali(j-1),qi(ip) 611 FORMAT(1X,' lwc_j=',f7.3,' lwc_1=',f7.3,' ql=',f7.3, & ' ice_j=',f7.3,' ice_1=',f7.3,' qi=',f7.3) END IF EXIT END IF END DO ! 475 CONTINUE END IF END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Write out file of lwc comparisons ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 9001 FORMAT(i7) ! 9002 FORMAT(1X,3I2,1X,14F8.2,i2,i3) ! 9004 FORMAT(1X,2E15.8,'ihr, imin, isec=',3(i8,1X)) ! 9005 FORMAT(2X,'Predicted LWC',8X,'Observed LWC',/) ! 9014 FORMAT(1X,8E15.8) RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_sfm_1d ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE CLOUD_TYPE_QC ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE cloud_type_qc (nx,ny,nz,zs_3d,cloud_cvr_3d, & 1 cloud_type_3d) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! This routine checks and modifies the analyzed cloud type field ! to assure the spatial consistency of cumulonimbus clouds. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: (Jian Zhang) ! 08/96 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! INPUT: INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz REAL :: zs_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! physical heights ! INPUT/OUTPUT: INTEGER :: cloud_type_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! cloud/precip type field REAL :: cloud_cvr_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! cloud cover analysis ! ! LOCAL: ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k,k1,k_cb_top,k_cb_base REAL :: depth_cb,depth_cu,depth_sc REAL :: cldcvr_cb,cldcvr_below,cldcvr_above LOGICAL :: cld_below_cb,cld_above_cb,l_prt ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! WRITE(6,*) 'Quality check consistency of comulunimbus cloud.' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Quality check the horizontal consistency of Cb cloud ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! l_prt=.false. DO k = 1,nz-1 DO j = 1,ny-1 DO i = 2,nx-2 ! l_prt = j.eq.29.and.i.lt.15.and.k.lt.25 IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k,'iii00ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & ' cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k), & 'ctym1:',cloud_type_3d(i-1,j,k), & 'ctyp1:',cloud_type_3d(i+1,j,k) END IF IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) == 10 ) CYCLE IF(cloud_type_3d(i-1,j,k) == 10 .AND.cloud_type_3d(i+1,j,k) == 10) THEN cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) = 10 IF(cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k) < 0.1) & cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k) = 0.5*(cloud_cvr_3d(i-1,j,k) & + cloud_cvr_3d(i+1,j,k)) END IF IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k,'iii11ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & ' cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k), & 'ctym1:',cloud_type_3d(i-1,j,k), & 'ctyp1:',cloud_type_3d(i+1,j,k) END IF END DO END DO !j l_prt=.false. DO i = 1,nx-1 DO j = 2,ny-2 ! l_prt = j.eq.29.and.i.lt.15.and.k.lt.25 IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k,'jjj00ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & ' cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k), & 'ctym1:',cloud_type_3d(i,j-1,k), & 'ctyp1:',cloud_type_3d(i,j+1,k) END IF IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) == 10 ) CYCLE IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j-1,k) == 10 .AND.cloud_type_3d(i,j+1,k) == 10) THEN cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) = 10 IF(cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k) < 0.1) & cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k) = 0.5*(cloud_cvr_3d(i,j-1,k) & + cloud_cvr_3d(i,j+1,k)) END IF IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k,'jjj11ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & ' cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k), & 'ctym1:',cloud_type_3d(i,j-1,k), & 'ctyp1:',cloud_type_3d(i,j+1,k) END IF END DO END DO !i END DO !k ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Quality check the vertical consistency of Cb cloud ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO i = 1,nx-1 DO j = 1,ny-1 DO k = 3, nz-2 ! l_prt = j.eq.29.and.i.lt.15.and.k.lt.25 cld_above_cb =.false. cld_below_cb =.false. cldcvr_above = 0.01 cldcvr_below = 0.01 IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k,'kkk00ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & 'ctyp2:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k+2), & 'ctyp1:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k+1), & ' ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & 'ctym1:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k-1), & 'ctym2:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k-2) PRINT*,i,j,k,'kkk00cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k), & 'cvrp2:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k+2), & 'cvrp1:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k+1), & ' ccvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k), & 'cvrm1:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k-1), & 'cvrm2:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k-2) END IF IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) == 3.OR.cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) == 10) CYCLE IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k+1) == 10) THEN cld_above_cb =.true. cldcvr_above = cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k+1) GO TO 14 ELSE IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k+2) == 10) THEN cld_above_cb =.true. cldcvr_above = cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k+2) END IF 14 CONTINUE IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k-1) == 10 .OR.cloud_type_3d(i,j,k-1) == 3) THEN cld_below_cb =.true. cldcvr_below = cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k-1) GO TO 15 ELSE IF (cloud_type_3d(i,j,k-2) == 10 & .OR. cloud_type_3d(i,j,k-2) == 3) THEN cld_below_cb =.true. cldcvr_below = cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k-2) END IF 15 CONTINUE IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k,'kkk111:',cld_below_cb,cld_above_cb, & 'cvr_below:',cldcvr_below, & 'cvr_above:',cldcvr_above END IF IF(cld_below_cb .AND. cld_above_cb) THEN cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) = 10 IF(cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k) < 0.1) THEN cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k) = 0.5*(cldcvr_above+cldcvr_below) END IF END IF IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k,'kkk22ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & 'ctyp2:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k+2), & 'ctyp1:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k+1), & ' ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & 'ctym1:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k-1), & 'ctym2:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k-2), & 'cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k) PRINT*,i,j,k,'kkk22cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k), & 'cvrp2:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k+2), & 'cvrp1:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k+1), & ' ccvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k), & 'cvrm1:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k-1), & 'cvrm2:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k-2) END IF END DO END DO !j END DO !i ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Final quality check the vertical consistency of Cb cloud ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO i = 1,nx-1 DO j = 1,ny-1 ! depth_cb = 0.0 depth_cu = 0.0 depth_sc = 0.0 DO k = 2, nz-2 ! l_prt = j.eq.29.and.i.lt.15.and.k.lt.25 IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k,'fff00ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k), & 'ccvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k) END IF IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) == 10) & depth_cb = depth_cb + 0.5*(zs_3d(i,j,k+1)-zs_3d(i,j,k-1)) IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) == 3) & depth_cu = depth_cu + 0.5*(zs_3d(i,j,k+1)-zs_3d(i,j,k-1)) IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) == 2) & depth_sc = depth_sc + 0.5*(zs_3d(i,j,k+1)-zs_3d(i,j,k-1)) END DO !k ! l_prt = j.eq.29.and.i.lt.15 IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,'fff11depth_cb:',depth_cb, & ' depth_Cu:',depth_cu,' depth_Sc:',depth_sc END IF IF(depth_cb >= 2500.0 .OR.depth_cb >= 1500.0.AND.depth_cu >= 5000.0 & .OR.depth_cu >= 7000.0 & .OR.depth_cb > 200.0.AND.(depth_cu+depth_sc) >= 9000.) THEN DO k = 2, nz-2 IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) /= 0) THEN k_cb_base = k GO TO 17 END IF END DO 17 CONTINUE DO k = nz-1,2,-1 IF(cloud_type_3d(i,j,k) /= 0) THEN k_cb_top = k GO TO 18 END IF END DO 18 CONTINUE ! l_prt = j.eq.29.and.i.lt.15 IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,'fff22k_Cb_base:',k_cb_base, & ' k_Cb_top:',k_cb_top END IF cldcvr_cb = cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k_cb_base) DO k1 = k_cb_base, k_cb_top IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k1,'fff33cldcvr_Cb_below:',cldcvr_cb, & ' cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k1), & ' ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k1) END IF cloud_type_3d(i,j,k1) = 10 IF(cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k1) < 0.1) THEN cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k1) = cldcvr_cb ELSE cldcvr_cb = cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k1) END IF IF(l_prt) THEN PRINT*,i,j,k1,'fff44cldcvr_Cb_below:',cldcvr_cb, & ' cvr:',cloud_cvr_3d(i,j,k1), & ' ctyp:',cloud_type_3d(i,j,k1) END IF END DO END IF END DO !j END DO !i ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE cloud_type_qc ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE CLOUD_W ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE cloud_w (nz,cloud_type,zs_1d,w & 1 ,r_missing, wmhr_cu,wmhr_sc,wc_st) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! Calculate in-cloud w-field as a function of cloud thickness ! and cloud type using prespecified profile shape. ! (e.g., parabolic for cumulus and constant for stratus clouds). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Jian Zhang ! 05/96 Based on the LAPS cloud analysis code of 07/1995 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! 05/16/96 (Jian Zhang) ! Modified for ADAS format. Added full documentation. ! 05/01/97 (Jian Zhang) ! Change the way that the values of "wmhr"s ! are defined. Previously their values are hard coded ! in this subroutine. Now they are defined in ! "adascld.inc" file. ! 08/05/97 (Jian Zhang) ! Further changes to the way that the values of "wmhr"s ! are defined. Now they are input arguments. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Input: REAL :: r_missing ! indicator for missing data REAL :: wmhr_cu ! coef_wmax for Cu-clouds (m/s/m) REAL :: wmhr_sc ! coef_wmax for Sc-clouds (m/s/m) REAL :: wc_st ! ! INPUT: INTEGER :: nz ! number of model vertical levels INTEGER :: cloud_type(nz) ! clour type index, see following table ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Cloud Type: ' ','St','Sc','Cu','Ns','Ac','As','Cs','Ci','Cc','Cb' ! Integer Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL :: zs_1d(nz) ! phusical heights at each level ! ! OUTPUT REAL :: w(nz) ! estimated in-cloud w values at each level ! ! LOCAL: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL :: ratio, wcld, parabolic_w_profile INTEGER :: k, k1, kbase, ktop REAL :: zbase, ztop ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Zero out return vector ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k = 1, nz w(k) = 0. END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Put in the wcld's for cumuliform clouds (Cu or Cb) first. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ratio = wmhr_cu DO k = 1, nz-1 IF (cloud_type(k) == 3 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 10) THEN kbase = k GO TO 10 END IF END DO GO TO 100 10 DO k = kbase, nz-1 IF (cloud_type(k) == 3 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 10) THEN ktop = k ELSE GO TO 20 END IF END DO 20 k1 = k ! save our place in the column zbase = zs_1d(kbase) ztop = zs_1d(ktop) DO k = 1, nz-1 wcld = parabolic_w_profile (zbase, ztop, ratio, zs_1d(k)) IF (wcld > 0.) THEN w(k) = wcld ELSE w(k) = 0. END IF END DO k1 = k1 + 1 IF (k1 >= nz-1) GO TO 100 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Try for another level of Cu. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k = k1, nz-1 IF (cloud_type(k) == 3 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 10) THEN kbase = k GO TO 10 END IF END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Now do the stratocumulus or similar clouds (Sc, Ac, Cc, Ns). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 100 ratio = wmhr_sc DO k = 1, nz-1 IF (cloud_type(k) == 2 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 4 & .OR. cloud_type(k) == 5 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 9) THEN kbase = k GO TO 110 END IF END DO GO TO 200 110 DO k = kbase, nz-1 IF (cloud_type(k) == 2 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 4 & .OR. cloud_type(k) == 5 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 9) THEN ktop = k ELSE GO TO 120 END IF END DO 120 k1 = k ! save our place in the column zbase = zs_1d(kbase) ztop = zs_1d(ktop) DO k = 1, nz-1 wcld = parabolic_w_profile (zbase, ztop, ratio, zs_1d(k)) IF (wcld > w(k)) w(k) = wcld END DO k1 = k1 + 1 IF (k1 >= nz) GO TO 200 ! try for stratiform clouds ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Try for another level of Sc. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO k = k1, nz-1 IF (cloud_type(k) == 2 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 4 & .OR. cloud_type(k) == 5 .OR. cloud_type(k) == 9) THEN kbase = k GO TO 110 END IF END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Make sure there is non-zero wcld wherever there are clouds of ! any kind. Also, return missing-data value for any place where ! wcld value is not diagnosed. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 200 DO k = 1, nz-1 IF(cloud_type(k) /= 0 .AND. w(k) < wc_st) w(k) = wc_st IF (w(k) == 0.) w(k) = r_missing END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE cloud_w ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### FUNCTION PARABOLIC_W_PROFILE ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! FUNCTION parabolic_w_profile (zbase, ztop, ratio, z) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! Define a parabolic-shaped w-profile. ! The vertical velocity is zero at cloud top, peaks one third of ! the way up from the base, and extends below the base by one third ! of the cloud depth. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: ! 07/95 ! ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! 05/16/96 (Jian Zhang) ! Added ARPS format document ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: REAL :: zbase ! height at cloud base REAL :: ztop ! height at cloud top REAL :: ratio ! specifies the max. w in two cld typs as func of z REAL :: z ! height at the given grid point ! ! OUTPUT REAL :: parabolic_w_profile ! w value at the given height ! ! LOCAL: REAL :: depth, vvmax, vvspan, halfspan, height_vvmax, x ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! depth = ztop - zbase IF (depth <= 0.) THEN parabolic_w_profile = 0. RETURN END IF vvmax = ratio * depth vvspan = depth * 4. / 3. halfspan = vvspan / 2. height_vvmax = ztop - halfspan x = -vvmax/(halfspan*halfspan) parabolic_w_profile = x * (z-height_vvmax)*(z-height_vvmax) + vvmax RETURN END FUNCTION parabolic_w_profile ! ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE PCP_TYPE_3D ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! SUBROUTINE pcp_type_3d (nx,ny,nz,temp_3d,rh_3d,p_pa_3d & 1 ,radar_3d,l_mask,cldpcp_type_3d,istatus) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! This routine returns 3D cloud and precipitation type field. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Jian Zhang ! 05/1996 Based on the LAPS cloud analysis code developed by ! Steve Albers. ! ! This program modifies the most significant 4 bits of the integer ! array by inserting multiples of 16. ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 05/16/96 (J. Zhang) ! Modified for ADAS format. Added full documentation. ! 01/20/98 (J. Zhang) ! Fixed a bug that no precip. type was assigned for a ! grid point at the top of the radar echo with Tw ! falling in the range of 0 to 1.3 degree C. ! 01/21/98 (J. Zhang) ! Fixed a bug that does the freezing/refreezing test ! on ice precipitates. ! 02/17/98 (J. Zhang) ! Change the hail diagnose procedure. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz ! Model grid size REAL :: temp_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! temperature (K) REAL :: rh_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! relative humudity REAL :: p_pa_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! pressure (Pascal) REAL :: radar_3d(nx,ny,nz) ! radar refl. (dBZ) ! ! OUTPUT: INTEGER :: istatus INTEGER :: cldpcp_type_3d(nx,ny,nz)! cld/precip type INTEGER :: itype ! cld/precip type index LOGICAL :: l_mask(nx,ny) ! "Potential" Precip Type ! ! LOCAL functions: REAL :: dwpt ! for dew point calcl'n REAL :: wb_melting_thres ! define melting temp. thresh. REAL :: tw ! for wet-bulb temp calcl'n ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i,j,k,k_upper REAL :: t_c,td_c,t_wb_c,temp_lower_c,temp_upper_c,tbar_c & ,p_mb,thickns,frac_below_zero INTEGER :: iprecip_type,iprecip_type_last,iflag_melt & ,iflag_refreez REAL :: zero_c,rlayer_refreez_max,rlayer_refreez INTEGER :: n_zr,n_sl,n_last REAL :: tmelt_c ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! istatus=0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Stuff precip type into cloud type array ! 0 - No Precip ! 1 - Rain ! 2 - Snow ! 3 - Freezing Rain ! 4 - Sleet ! 5 - Hail ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zero_c = 273.15 rlayer_refreez_max = 0.0 n_zr = 0 n_sl = 0 n_last = 0 DO j = 1,ny-1 DO i = 1,nx-1 iflag_melt = 0 iflag_refreez = 0 rlayer_refreez = 0.0 iprecip_type_last = 0 DO k = nz-1,1,-1 IF(radar_3d(i,j,k) >= 0. .OR. l_mask(i,j)) THEN ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Set refreezing flag ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! t_c = temp_3d(i,j,k) - zero_c td_c = dwpt(t_c,rh_3d(i,j,k)) p_mb = 0.01*p_pa_3d(i,j,k) tmelt_c = wb_melting_thres(t_c,radar_3d(i,j,k)) t_wb_c = tw(t_c,td_c,p_mb) IF(t_wb_c < 0.) THEN IF(iflag_melt == 1) THEN ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Integrate below freezing temperature times column thickness ! - ONLY for portion of layer below freezing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! temp_lower_c = t_wb_c k_upper = MIN(k+1,nz-1) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! For simplicity and efficiency, the assumption is here made that ! the wet bulb depression is constant throughout the level. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! temp_upper_c = t_wb_c + ( temp_3d(i,j,k_upper) & - temp_3d(i,j,k)) IF(temp_upper_c <= 0.) THEN frac_below_zero = 1.0 tbar_c = 0.5 * (temp_lower_c + temp_upper_c) ELSE ! Layer straddles the freezing level frac_below_zero = temp_lower_c & / (temp_lower_c - temp_upper_c) tbar_c = 0.5 * temp_lower_c END IF thickns = p_pa_3d(i,j,k_upper) - p_pa_3d(i,j,k) rlayer_refreez = rlayer_refreez & + ABS(tbar_c * thickns * frac_below_zero) IF(rlayer_refreez >= 25000.) THEN iflag_refreez = 1 END IF rlayer_refreez_max = & MAX(rlayer_refreez_max,rlayer_refreez) END IF ! iflag_melt = 1 ELSE ! Temp > 0C iflag_refreez = 0 rlayer_refreez = 0.0 END IF ! T < 0.0c, Temp is below freezing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Set melting flag ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(t_wb_c >= tmelt_c) THEN iflag_melt = 1 END IF IF(t_wb_c >= tmelt_c) THEN ! Melted to Rain iprecip_type = 1 ELSE ! Check if below zero_c (Refrozen Precip or Snow) IF(t_wb_c < 0.0) THEN IF(iflag_melt == 1) THEN IF(iprecip_type_last == 1 .OR.iprecip_type_last == 3) THEN ! test if rain or zr freeze IF(iflag_refreez == 0) THEN ! Freezing Rain n_zr = n_zr + 1 IF(n_zr < 30) THEN WRITE(6,5)i,j,k,t_wb_c,temp_3d(i,j,k) & ,rh_3d(i,j,k) 5 FORMAT('zr',3I3,2F8.2,f8.1) END IF iprecip_type = 3 ELSE ! (iflag_refreez = 1) ! Sleet n_sl = n_sl + 1 iprecip_type = 4 END IF ! iflag_refreez .eq. 0 ELSE iprecip_type = iprecip_type_last ! Unchanged n_last = n_last + 1 IF(n_last < 5) THEN WRITE(6,*)'Unchanged Precip',i,j,k,t_wb_c END IF END IF ! liquid precip. at upper level? ELSE ! iflag_melt =0 ! Snow iprecip_type = 2 END IF ! iflag_melt = 1? ELSE ! t_wb_c >= 0c, and t_wb_c < tmelt_c IF (iprecip_type_last == 0) THEN ! 1/20/98 iprecip_type = 1 ! rain:at echo top and 0<Tw<1.3C iflag_melt = 1 ELSE iprecip_type = iprecip_type_last n_last = n_last + 1 IF(n_last < 5) THEN WRITE(6,*)'Unchanged Precip',i,j,k,t_wb_c END IF END IF END IF ! t_wb_c < 0c END IF ! t_wb_c >= tmelt_c ELSE ! radar_3d < 0dBZ; No Radar Echo iprecip_type = 0 iflag_melt = 0 iflag_refreez = 0 rlayer_refreez = 0.0 END IF ! radar_3d(i,j,k).ge.0. .or. l_mask(i,j); Radar Echo? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Insert most sig 4 bits into array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! itype = cldpcp_type_3d(i,j,k) itype = itype - (itype/16)*16 ! Initialize the 4 bits itype = itype + iprecip_type * 16 ! Add in the new value cldpcp_type_3d(i,j,k) = itype iprecip_type_last = iprecip_type END DO ! k END DO ! j END DO ! i DO j = 1,ny-1 DO i = 1,nx-1 DO k = 1,nz-1 IF(radar_3d(i,j,k) >= 50.) THEN iprecip_type = 5 itype = cldpcp_type_3d(i,j,k) itype = itype - (itype/16)*16 ! Initialize the 4 bits itype = itype + iprecip_type * 16 ! Add in the new value cldpcp_type_3d(i,j,k) = itype END IF END DO ! k END DO ! j END DO ! i WRITE(6,*)' rlayer_refreez_max = ',rlayer_refreez_max WRITE(6,*)' n_frz_rain/n_sleet = ',n_zr,n_sl istatus=1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE pcp_type_3d ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### FUNCTION WB_MELTING_THRES ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! ! FUNCTION wb_melting_thres(t_c,dbz) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! This function calculates the wet-bulb threshold for melting snow ! into rain as a function of dbz and t_c. ! ! Currently it's simply set to a constant. Later it may be defined ! as function of temperature and radar echo intensity. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: ! 07/95 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! 05/17/96 (Jian Zhang) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- wb_melting_thres = 1.3 ! Units are C RETURN END FUNCTION wb_melting_thres ! !################################################################## !################################################################## !###### ###### !###### SUBROUTINE ISI3 ###### !###### ###### !###### Developed by ###### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !###### ###### !################################################################## !################################################################## ! ! SUBROUTINE isi3 (slw,temp,ictype,iptype,xindex) 1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! This subroutine is to calculate icing severity index ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: (M. POLITOVICH, RAP, NCAR) ! 30 Dec 1991 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 05/16/96 (Jian Zhang) ! Modified for ADAS format. Added full documentation. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: slw liquid water content in g/m3 ! temp temperature in deg C ! ictype cloud type ! iptype precip type ! OUTPUT: index severity index - real number from 0-6 ! ! NOTE: there are really 3 categories, with ! continuous or intermittent designation ! 1-3 = cats 1, 2 and 3 continuous ! 4-6 = cats 1, 2 and 3 intermittent ! continuous: cloud types st,as,cs ! intermittent: cloud types cu,cs,cb,ac,sc ! ! precip type: if zr, category 3 is designated ! ! scat and tcat are arrays of thresholds for slw and temp ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PARAMETER (islw=3, itemp=3, ityp=2) DIMENSION scat(islw),tcat(itemp) ! lw and temp categories DATA scat /0.01,0.1,0.5/ DATA tcat /-10.,-5.,0./ ! DIMENSION iaray(islw+1, itemp+1, ityp) ! 3D severity index matrix ! DATA iaray/ 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 3, & 0, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, & 0, 4, 5, 6, 0, 5, 5, 6, & 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0/ ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Sort input values ! **NOTE that - test is for "ge" rather than "gt" ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! i = 1 DO ii = 1, islw IF (slw > scat(ii)) i = ii + 1 END DO j = 1 DO ii = 1, itemp IF (temp > tcat(ii)) j = ii+1 END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Cloud type section (continuous/intermittent) ! Types: 0/none 1/St 2/Sc 3/Cu 4/Ns 5/Ac ! 6/As 7/Cs 8/Ci 9/Cc 10/Cb ! Continuous, k=1 ! Intermittent k=2 ! ** NOTE that - if there is no cloud type (=0) but there ! IS slw calculated, the slw overrides** ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! k = 1 IF (ictype == 2) k = 2 IF (ictype == 3) k = 2 IF (ictype == 5) k = 2 IF (ictype >= 9) k = 2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Precip type section (freezing rain/drizzle=cat 3) ! Types: 0/none 1/rn 2/sn 3/zr 4/sl 5/ha 6-10/no assignment ! ** NOTE that - freezing rain sets slw to category 4, ! and, sets temperature to category 3 (even if it is ! somehow diagnosed to "above freezing" ! Also - if no cloud type given (eg, below cloud), zr ! is considered "continuous"*** ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (iptype == 3) j = 3 IF (iptype == 3) i = 4 ! ! write (6,5995) slw,temp,type ! 15995 FORMAT (' l,t,ty:',2F7.2, a2) ! write (6,5996) i,j,k ! 15996 FORMAT (' i,j,k:',3I3) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! assign severity index from sorted values ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INDEX = iaray(i,j,k) xindex = INDEX ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE isi3