!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE INITPARA                   ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE initpara(nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nstyps) 10,306
!  Initialize the model control parameters. Most of them are read in
!  from an input file.
!  AUTHOR: Ming Xue
!  3/17/1991.
!  5/02/92 (M. Xue)
!    Added full documentation.
!  5/25/92 (M. Xue)
!    Reworked to provide a friendly user interface for control
!    parameter input, and write out a log file.
!  6/04/92 (M. Xue)
!    Further facelift.
!  8/03/92 (M. Xue)
!    The grid scale in the formula of divergecne damping coefficient
!    is changed from (dx*dy*dz)**(2/3) to min(dx,dy,dz)**2.
!    This will affect the results as compared with previous runs.
!    Added output control parameter input etc.
!  4/16/93 (M. Xue and H. Jin)
!    Added parameter inputs that are related to terrain.
!  9/20/93 (A. Sathye and M. Xue)
!    Changed to the NAMELIST input format.
!  9/27/93 (M. Xue)
!    For non-stretched case, dzmin is set to dz. For 2-d mode,
!    appropriate LBC's are automatially set to periodic B.C.
!  12/3/93 (M. Xue)
!    Added parameters for automatical grid translation.
!  2/12/94 (Yuhe Liu)
!    Added parameters for surface energy budget model.
!  10/26/94 (Y. Liu)
!    Add lbcopt to namelist &boundary_condition_options for the
!    lateral boundary condition option.
!  12/12/94 (Y. Liu)
!    Changed default values of variables in namelists to the same as
!    in User's Guide and corrected the log file output.
!  12/22/94 (Y. Liu)
!    Added more parameters into the namelist blocks, including
!    ubar0 and vbar0 in initialization, and strhtune in grid.
!  01/28/95 (G. Bassett)
!    Added new parameter, buoyopt, to input namelist &initialization.
!  08/24/95 (K. Brewster)
!    Changed informative opening message to tell user about namelist.
!  2/2/96 (Donghai Wang & yuhe Liu)
!    Added parameters for map projection factor.
!  3/26/96 (Yuhe Liu)
!    Added a namelist, &radiation, and parameters for radiation.
!  4/2/96  (Donghai Wang, X. Song and M. Xue)
!    Added parameters for implicit treatment of vertical mixing.
!  5/7/96  (Donghai Wang and M. Xue)
!    Added a parameter for Rayleigh damping.
!  7/31/96 (Ming Xue and Yuhe Liu)
!    Added the isotropic option for divergence damping. Parameter
!    divdmpnd changed to divdmpndh for horizontal and divdmpndv for
!    vertical.
!  3/23/97 (Ming Xue)
!    Parameter scmixfctr added to namelist block computational_mixing.
!  3/23/97 (Ming Xue)
!    Modifications made so that the program will complete reading in
!    input parameters and check their validity even when error is
!    encountered before it stops at the end of this subroutine.
!  7/27/97 (Dan Weber)
!    Added fftopt to the list of specified parameters.
!  10/21/97 (Donghai Wang)
!    Added two parameters,buoy2nd and rhofctopt.
!  04/15/98 (Donghai Wang)
!    Added a new fraction factor for Kain-Fritsch scheme.
!  08/31/98 (K. Brewster)
!    Added nudging NAMELIST to version 4.4.
!  1999/10/21 (Gene Bassett)
!    Separated the reading in from the computation of derived variables
!    (since some values were not being set when reading was aborted due
!    to namelist read errors).
!  2000/04/13 (Gene Bassett)
!    Added dumping options for HDF formats.
!  2000/04/24 (Gene Bassett)
!    Update message passing version and added grid_dims &
!    message_passing namelist blocks.
!  2002/03/20 (Dan Weber, M. Xue, X. Jin)
!   Added one option for vertically implicit fall velocity and 
!   weight coefficients for two time levels
!  05/14/2002 (J. Brotzge)
!    Modified code for multiple soil schemes  
!  08/27/02 (Dan Weber)
!     Added option for using Ferrier (1994) fall velocity coefficients.
!     They replace the Lin constants when fallopt=2, otherwise fallopt
!     =1 for lin scheme values.  Added fallopt variable.
!    nx       Number of grid points in the x-direction
!    ny       Number of grid points in the y-direction
!    nz       Number of grid points in the z-direction
!    nzsoil   Number of grid points in the soil profile  
!    Control parameters defined in include files.
!  Variable Declarations. (Local Variables)

  INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz      ! The number of grid points in 3 dimensions.
  INTEGER :: nzsoil        ! The number of grid points in the soil 
  INTEGER :: nstyps        ! Maximum number of soil types per grid point.
!  Misc. local variables:
  REAL :: wrmax            ! Maximun value of canopy moisture
  INTEGER :: i

  INTEGER :: lenstr      ! Length of a string
  LOGICAL :: iexist      ! Flag set by inquire statement for file
                         ! existence
  REAL :: temr
  REAL :: dtsml0,dtsfc0    ! Temporary variable

  CHARACTER (LEN=19) :: initime  ! Real time in form of 'year-mo-dy:hr:mn:ss'

  INTEGER :: unum          ! unit number for reading in namelist
  PARAMETER (unum=5)
  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: inputfile
  INTEGER :: lenfil

  INTEGER :: inisplited, dmp_out_joined

!  Include files:
!  Global constants and parameters, most of them specify the
!  model run options.
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'soilcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'nudging.inc'
  INCLUDE 'radcst.inc'
!  Grid and map parameters.
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'
!  Control parameters defining the boundary condition types.
  INCLUDE 'bndry.inc'
!  Universal physical constants such as gas constants.
  INCLUDE 'phycst.inc'
!  External boundary parameters and variables.
  INCLUDE 'exbc.inc'
!  Message passing parameters.
  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'
!  namelist Declarations:
!  Define the namelist, &arpsagr, for ARPS AGR. Not used by other programs
!  except for ARPSagr. Included here to avoid problem on e.g., Cray's
!  when reading arps.input.
  NAMELIST /grid_dims/ nx,ny,nz

  NAMELIST /message_passing/ nproc_x,nproc_y,max_fopen

  INCLUDE 'agricst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'nodal.inc'
  NAMELIST /arpsagr/  runold, rstime,                                  &
                      levfix, intrat, intratt,                         &
                      intrpodr, kcheck,                                &
                      verbose1, verbose2, verbose3,                    &
                      verbose4, verbose5, verbose6,                    &
                      rstart,rstdump,grdsrt,                           &
                      nfinelv, ngrdnew,                                &

  NAMELIST /comment_lines/ nocmnt, cmnt

  NAMELIST /jobname/ runname

  NAMELIST /model_configuration/ runmod

  NAMELIST /initialization/ initime,initopt,inibasopt,viniopt,ubar0,    &
            vbar0,pt0opt,ptpert0,pt0radx,pt0rady,pt0radz,pt0ctrx,       &
            pt0ctry,pt0ctrz,rstinf,inifmt,inisplited,inifile,inigbf,      &

  NAMELIST /nudging/ nudgopt,ndstart,ndstop,ndintvl,ndgain,incrfnam,    &
                     nudgu,nudgv,nudgw,nudgp,nudgpt,nudgqv,             &

  NAMELIST /equation_formulation/ buoyopt,buoy2nd,rhofctopt,bsnesq,     &

  NAMELIST /terrain/ ternopt,mntopt,hmount,mntwidx,mntwidy,             &

  NAMELIST /grid/ dx,dy,dz,strhopt,dzmin,zrefsfc,dlayer1,dlayer2,       &

  NAMELIST /projection/ mapproj, trulat1,trulat2,trulon, sclfct,        &

  NAMELIST /timestep/ dtbig,tstart,tstop

  NAMELIST /acoustic_wave/csopt,csfactr,csound,dtsml,vimplct,           &

  NAMELIST /numerics/ madvopt, sadvopt,fctorderopt,fctadvptprt

  NAMELIST /boundary_condition_options/ lbcopt, wbc,ebc,sbc,nbc,        &
            tbc,fftopt,bbc, rbcopt,c_phase,rlxlbc,pdetrnd

  NAMELIST /exbcpara/exbcname,tinitebd,tintvebd,                        &

  NAMELIST /coriolis_force/ coriopt,coriotrm

  NAMELIST /turbulence/tmixopt,trbisotp,tkeopt,trbvimp,tmixvert,        &
            alfcoef,tmixcst, prantl, kmlimit

  NAMELIST /computational_mixing/                                       &
            cmix2nd,cfcm2h,cfcm2v,cmix4th,cfcm4h,cfcm4v,scmixfctr,      &

  NAMELIST /divergence_damping/ divdmp,divdmpndh, divdmpndv

  NAMELIST /rayleigh_damping/ raydmp,cfrdmp,zbrdmp

  NAMELIST /asselin_time_filter/ flteps

  NAMELIST /microphysics/ mphyopt,moist,cnvctopt,                       & 
            kffbfct,kfsubsattrig,wcldbs,confrq,qpfgfrq,idownd,          & 
            subsatopt,rhsat,rhsatmin,dx_rhsatmin,dx_rhsat100,           &
            impfallopt, fallvalpha, fallvbeta, fallopt

  NAMELIST /radiation/ radopt, radstgr, rlwopt, radshade, dtrad, raddiag

  NAMELIST /surface_physics/ sfcphy,landwtr,cdhwtropt,                  &
            cdmlnd,cdmwtr,cdhlnd,cdhwtr,cdqlnd,cdqwtr,                  &
            pbldopt,pbldpth0,lsclpbl0,tqflxdis,dtqflxdis,               &

  NAMELIST /soil_ebm/ sfcdat,soiltestmeso,soilscheme,soilstrhopt,       &
            soilinit,dtsfc,styp,vtyp,lai0,roufns0,veg0,                 &
            sitemeso,siteflux,siternet,sitesoil,siteveg,                &
            nzsoil,dzsoil,zrefsoil,tsoilint,qsoilint,        &
            soildzmin,soildlayer1,soildlayer2,soilstrhtune,             &
            ptslnd0,ptswtr0,wetcanp0,snowdpth0,                         &
            tsprt,t2prt,wgrat,w2rat,                                    &
            sfcdtfl,soilinfl,sfcfmt,soilfmt,nstyp,                      &
            tsoil_offset, tsoil_offset_amplitude

  NAMELIST /grdtrans/cltkopt,grdtrns,umove,vmove,chkdpth,               &

  NAMELIST /history_dump/ hdmpopt,dmp_out_joined,hdmpfmt,grbpkbit,      &

  NAMELIST /output/ dirname,tfmtprt,exbcdmp,exbchdfcompr,extdadmp,      &
            grdout,basout,varout,mstout,rainout,prcout,                 &
            iceout,tkeout, trbout,sfcout,landout,totout,                &
            radout,flxout,                                              &
            qcexout,qrexout,qiexout,qsexout,qhexout,                    &
            trstout,tmaxmin,tenergy,imgopt,                             &
            timgdmp,pltopt,tplots,filcmprs,readyfl,                     &

  NAMELIST /debug/ lvldbg

  REAL :: dh
  INTEGER :: err_no
  DATA err_no /0/

  INTEGER :: ip
  INTEGER ebcsv,wbcsv,nbcsv,sbcsv

!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Set the ARPS version number, which will be printed in the log
!  file in the comment line. The string can be up to 20 character long.

  arpsversion = 'ARPS 5.0'
!  Now we begin to read in the values of parameters:

!  Set up the default values for all the variables to be read in
!  using the namelist method. In case the user does not specify a
!  particular value, this value will be used.
  nx = 67
  ny = 67
  nz = 35

  nproc_x = 1
  nproc_y = 1
  max_fopen = 1

  nocmnt = 10

  cmnt(1) = ' '
  cmnt(2) = 'A zero perturbation run                    '
  cmnt(3) = ' '
  cmnt(4) = ' '
  cmnt(5) = ' '
  cmnt(6) = ' '
  cmnt(7) = ' '
  cmnt(8) = ' '
  cmnt(9) = ' '
  cmnt(10) =' '

  runname = 'may20'

  runmod = 1

  initime = '1977-05-20.21:00:00'
  timeopt = 0
  initopt = 1
  inibasopt = 1
  viniopt = 1
  pt0opt  = 1

  ubar0   = 0.0
  vbar0   = 0.0

  ptpert0 = 4.0
  pt0radx = 10000.0
  pt0rady = 10000.0
  pt0radz =  1500.0
  pt0ctrx = 32000.0
  pt0ctry = 32000.0
  pt0ctrz =  1500.0

  rstinf  = 'may20.rst003600'
  inifmt  = 1
  inifile = 'may20.bin003600'
  inigbf  = 'may20.bingrdbas'
  sndfile = 'may20.snd'

  soilinitopt = 0
  soiltintv   = 0.0
  tsfcopt = 0 

  nudgopt  = 0
  ndstart  = 0.
  ndstop   = 0.
  ndintvl  = 600.
  ndgain   = 1.9
  incrfnam = 'nudge.spam'
  incrfmt  = 1
  nudgu    = 1
  nudgv    = 1
  nudgw    = 1
  nudgp    = 1
  nudgpt   = 1
  nudgqv   = 1
  nudgqc   = 0
  nudgqr   = 0
  nudgqi   = 0
  nudgqs   = 0
  nudgqh   = 0

  ternopt = 0
  mntopt =  1
  hmount =  0.0
  mntwidx = 1.0E4
  mntwidy = 1.0E4
  mntctrx = 1.0E4
  mntctry = 1.0E4
  terndta ='arpstern.data'
  ternfmt = 1

  dx = 1000.0
  dy = 1000.0
  dz =  500.0

  strhopt  = 0
  dzmin    = 500.0
  zrefsfc  =   0.0
  dlayer1  =   0.0
  dlayer2  =   1.0E5
  strhtune =   1.0
  zflat    =   1.0E5

  ctrlat  =  35.0
  ctrlon  = -100.0

  mapproj  = 0
  trulat1  =   30.0
  trulat2  =   60.0
  trulon   = -100.0
  sclfct   =    1.0
  mpfctopt = 1
  mptrmopt = 1
  maptest  = 0

  dtbig = 6.0
  tstart= 0.0
  tstop = 3600.0

  vimplct  = 1
  ptsmlstp = 0
  csopt    = 1
  csfactr  =   0.5
  csound   = 150.0
  tacoef   =   0.6
  dtsml    =   1.0

  buoyopt   = 1
  buoy2nd   = 1
  rhofctopt = 1
  bsnesq    = 0
  peqopt    = 1

  madvopt  = 1
  sadvopt  = 1

  lbcopt = 1
  wbc = 4
  ebc = 4
  sbc = 4
  nbc = 4
  tbc = 1
  fftopt = 2
  bbc = 1
  rbcopt  = 1
  c_phase = 30.0
  rlxlbc  =  0.0
  pdetrnd = 0

  radopt  = 0
  radstgr = 1
  rlwopt  = 1
  radshade = 0
  dtrad   = 600.0
  raddiag = 1

  moist    = 0
  mphyopt  = 0
  cnvctopt = 0
  subsatopt = 0 
  kffbfct  = 0.0
  kfsubsattrig = 0
  ice      = 0
  wcldbs   = 0.005
  confrq   = 600.0
  qpfgfrq  = 120.0
  idownd   = 1

  impfallopt = 0
  fallvalpha = 0.5
  fallvbeta = 0.5
  fallopt = 1

  rhsat    = 0.80
  rhsatmin = 0.80
  dx_rhsatmin = 50000. 
  dx_rhsat100 = 5000. 

  sfcphy   = 0
  landwtr  = 1
  cdhwtropt= 0
  cdmlnd   = 3.0E-3
  cdmwtr   = 1.0E-3
  cdhlnd   = 3.0E-3
  cdhwtr   = 1.0E-3
  cdqlnd   = 2.1E-3
  cdqwtr   = 0.7E-3
  pbldopt  = 0
  pbldpth0 = 1400.0
  lsclpbl0 = 0.15
  sflxdis  = 0
  tqflxdis = 0
  dtqflxdis= 200.0
  smthflx  = 0
  numsmth  = 1
  sfcdiag  = 0

  sfcdat  = 1
  nstyp  = 4
  styp    = 3
  vtyp    = 10
  lai0    = 0.31
  roufns0 = 0.1
  veg0    = 0.0
  sfcdtfl = 'arpssfc.data'
  sfcfmt  = 1

  soiltestmeso = 1
  sitemeso = '../../arpsdata.dir/mtsnorm.dir/Meso'
  siteflux = '../../arpsdata.dir/mtsnorm.dir/Flux'
  siternet = '../../arpsdata.dir/mtsnorm.dir/Radd'
  sitesoil = '../../arpsdata.dir/mtsnorm.dir/Soil'
  siteveg =  '../../arpsdata.dir/mtsnorm.dir/Veg'

  soilscheme = 0
  nzsoil     = 2
  dzsoil     = 1.00
  zrefsoil   = 0.0
  DO i=1,nzsoil 
    tsoilint(i) = 273.15
    qsoilint(i) = 0.50

  soilstrhopt = 0
  soildzmin   = 0.025
  soildlayer1 = 0.0
  soildlayer2 = 1.0
  soilstrhtune = 1.0

  soilinit = 1
  ptslnd0  = 300.16
  ptswtr0  = 288.16
  wetcanp0 = 0.0
  snowdpth0 = 0
  soilinfl = 'may20.soilinit'
  soilfmt  = 1

  dtsfc = 10.0

  coriopt = 0
  coriotrm= 0

  tmixopt  = 2
  trbisotp = 1
  tkeopt   = 1
  trbvimp  = 0
  tmixvert = 1
  alfcoef  = 0.25
  prantl   = 1.0
  tmixcst  = 0.0
  kmlimit  = 0.5

  cmix2nd = 1
  cfcm2h  = 0.0
  cfcm2v  = 1.0E-3
  cmix4th = 1
  cfcm4h  = 1.0E-3
  cfcm4v  = 0.0
  scmixfctr = 1.0
  cmix_opt = 0

  divdmp    = 1
  divdmpndh = 0.05
  divdmpndv = 0.05

  tmaxmin  = 60.0
  tenergy  = 360000.0
  imgopt   = 0
  timgdmp  = 60.0
  pltopt   = 0
  tplots   = 1800.0
  filcmprs = 1
  readyfl = 0

  raydmp = 0
  cfrdmp = 1./300.
  zbrdmp = 10000.0

  flteps = 0.10

  cltkopt = 0
  grdtrns = 0
  umove = 0.0
  vmove = 0.0
  chkdpth = 2500.0
  twindow = 33333
  tceltrk  = 120.0
  tcrestr  = 1800.0

  lvldbg = 0

  hdmpopt  = 1
  dmp_out_joined = 0
  hdmpfmt  = 10
  grbpkbit = 16
  hdfcompr = 0
  thisdmp  = 3600.0
  tstrtdmp = 0.0
  numhdmp  = 1
  DO i=1,numhdmp
    hdmptim(i) = 0.
  istager = 0

  dirname  = ' '
  tfmtprt  = 3600.0
  exbcdmp  = 0
  exbchdfcompr = 0
  extdadmp = 0
  grdout   = 0
  basout   = 0
  varout   = 1
  mstout   = 1
  rainout  = 0
  prcout   = 0
  iceout   = 0
  totout   = 1
  tkeout   = 0
  trbout   = 0
  sfcout   = 0
  snowout  = 0
  landout  = 0
  radout   = 0
  flxout   = 0

  qcexout = 0
  qrexout = 0
  qiexout = 0
  qsexout = 0
  qhexout = 0

  sfcdmp   = 0
  soildmp  = 0
  terndmp  = 0

  trstout  = 3600.0

  exbcname = 'arpsexbc'
  tinitebd = '1977-05-20.15:00:00'
  tintvebd = 10800
  ngbrz    = 5
  brlxhw   = 2.3
  cbcdmp   = 0.0033333333
  cbcmix   = 1.0E-3
  exbcfmt  = 1

  mgrid = 1
!  Initialize message passing processors.
  ! Non-MPI defaults:
  mp_opt = 0
  myproc = 0
  loc_x = 1
  loc_y = 1
  readsplit = 0
  joindmp = 0
!      Initialize the processors for an MPI job.
  CALL mpinit_proc

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN

  WRITE(6,'(/ 16(/5x,a)//)')                                            &
     '###############################################################', &
     '###############################################################', &
     '#####                                                     #####', &
     '#####                      Welcome to                     #####', &
     '#####                                                     #####', &
     '#####   The Advanced Regional Prediction System  (ARPS)   #####', &
     '#####                                                     #####', &
     '#####                     Version 5.0                     #####', &
     '#####                                                     #####', &
     '#####                     Developed by                    #####', &
     '#####     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms    #####', &
     '#####                University of Oklahoma               #####', &
     '#####                                                     #####', &
     '###############################################################', &

  WRITE(6,'(5(/5x,a),/6(/5x,a)/)')                                      &
      'The model begins by reading a number of control parameters,',    &
      'which are specified in namelist format through the standard',    &
      'input stream (unit 5).  See the ARPS Users Guide and the',       &
      'sample input file, arps.input, for guidance on specifying',      &
      'these parameters',                                               &
      'At the end of all parameter input, a log file is produced',      &
      'which can be directly used as the input file when you want',     &
      'to replicate the same job. This file is named runnam.log.nn',    &
      'where runnam is a standard prefix for all output files that',    &
      'are produced by this job and nn is a number appended to the',    &
      'file name when file runnam.log.nn-1 already exists.'

!  Read in grid dimensions.
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,grid_dims, END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0) &
     WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block grid_dims sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdatei(nx,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(ny,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nz,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') "nx =",nx
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') "ny =",ny
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') "nz =",nz
!  Read in message passing options.
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,message_passing, END=100)

  IF (myproc == 0) &
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block message_passing sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdatei(nproc_x,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nproc_y,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(max_fopen,1)

  nproc_x_in = nproc_x
  nproc_y_in = nproc_y

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
      "Number of processors in the x-direction is:",nproc_x
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
      "Number of processors in the y-direction is:",nproc_y
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
      "Maximum number of files open:",max_fopen


  ! Note that for MP version nx & ny here are global values.  They will
  ! be reassigned to their per-processor value below.

  IF (mp_opt > 0) THEN

    IF (nx /= nproc_x*int((nx-3)/nproc_x)+3) THEN
      nx = nproc_x*int((nx-3)/nproc_x+0.9999999999999) + 3
      IF (myproc == 0) THEN
        WRITE (6,*) "WARNING: adjusting nx to fit on ",nproc_x," processors:"
        WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') "   new nx =",nx
    IF (ny /= nproc_y*int((ny-3)/nproc_y)+3) THEN
      ny = nproc_y*int((ny-3)/nproc_y+0.9999999999999) + 3
      IF (myproc == 0) THEN
        WRITE (6,*) "WARNING: adjusting ny to fit on ",nproc_y," processors:"
        WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') "   new ny =",ny


    nproc_x = 1
    nproc_y = 1
    nprocs = 1
    max_fopen = 1

!  Initialize message passing variables.
  CALL mpinit_var

!  Read in agri name list block - not used by single grid arps run 

  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,arpsagr, END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0) &
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block arpsagr sucessfully read.'
!  Read in some comment lines on this job and the name of
!  this run designated by a string at least 6 character long.
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,comment_lines, END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0) &
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block comment_lines sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(nocmnt,1)
  CALL mpupdatec(cmnt,80*nocmnt)

  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,jobname,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0) &
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block jobname sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatec(runname,80)

  IF (myproc == 0) &
    WRITE(6,'(/5x,a,a)') 'The name of this run is: ', runname
!  Find out the number of characters to be used to construct file
!  names.
  CALL gtlfnkey( runname, lfnkey )
!  Read in the parameter that controls the model run mode:
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,model_configuration,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                        &
      'Namelist block model_configuration sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(runmod,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE (6,'(/5x,a,i4)') 'The run mode is: ', runmod
!  Read in control parameter INITOPT for model initialization
!  INITOPT = 1, Self initialization (e.g. specify perturbation using
!                 analytical functions),
!            = 2, Restart run, initialize the model using previous
!                 model output,
!            = 3, Initialize the model using external input data file.
!  For options 2 and 3, the names of input files need to be provided.
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,initialization,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0) &
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block initialization sucessfully read.'

  readsplit = MOD(inisplited+1, 2)

!  IF (readsplit > 0 .AND. max_fopen < (nproc_x*nproc_y)) THEN
!    IF(myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(1x,a,/,3(a,I2))')     &
!         'When inisplited = 0, max_fopen >= nproc_x*nproc_y',        &
!         ' max_fopen = ', max_fopen, ' nproc_x = ', nproc_x,         &
!         ' nproc_y = ', nproc_y
!    err_no = err_no + 1
!    CALL arpsstop('Please check max_fopen restriction with '//       &
!           'inisplited = 0',1)

  CALL mpupdatec(initime,19)
  CALL mpupdatei(initopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(inibasopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(viniopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ubar0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(vbar0,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(pt0opt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ptpert0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(pt0radx,1)
  CALL mpupdater(pt0rady,1)
  CALL mpupdater(pt0radz,1)
  CALL mpupdater(pt0ctrx,1)
  CALL mpupdater(pt0ctry,1)
  CALL mpupdater(pt0ctrz,1)
  CALL mpupdatec(rstinf,128)
  CALL mpupdatei(inifmt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(readsplit,1)
  CALL mpupdatec(inifile,128)
  CALL mpupdatec(inigbf,128)
  CALL mpupdatec(sndfile,128)
  CALL mpupdatei(soilinitopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tsfcopt,1) 
  CALL mpupdater(soiltintv,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(timeopt,1)

  READ (initime, '(i4.4,1x,i2.2,1x,i2.2,1x,i2.2,1x,i2.2,1x,i2.2)' )     &

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a,a,i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2)')              &
      '     The initial local time for this run is ',                   &
      '     year-mo-dy:hr:mn:ss = ',                                    &

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4/)') 'Perturbation option was ', pt0opt

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
      'The magnitude of the initial perturbation is ', ptpert0,' K.'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,3e10.3,a,/5x,a,a,/5x,a,e10.3,a,e10.3,a,e10.3,a)')      &
      'The input radii of the thermal bubble are ',                     &
      pt0radx, pt0rady, pt0radz,' (m)',                                 &
      'in x, y and z direction respectively, and the center is ',       &
      'located at','x=',pt0ctrx,' y=',pt0ctry,' z=',pt0ctrz,            &
      ' (m).'
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4/)') 'tsfc option was ', tsfcopt
!  Input data files for initialization:
  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( rstinf, lenstr)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
      'The two time level restart data to be read in is ',              &

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
      'The history dump type restart data format was ',inifmt

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( inifile, lenstr)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
      'The t-dependent history dump format restart data to be read is ',&

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( inigbf, lenstr)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a,a)')                                                 &
      'The base state/grid history dump ',                              &
      'format restart data to be read is ', inigbf(1:lenstr)
!  Input the environmental sounding.
  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( sndfile, lenstr )
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
       'Sounding file to be used is ', sndfile(1:lenstr)
!  Read the nudging options.
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,nudging,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block nudging sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ndstart,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ndstop,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ndintvl,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ndgain,1)
  CALL mpupdatec(incrfnam,132)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgu,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgv,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgw,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgpt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgqv,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgqc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgqr,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgqi,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgqs,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nudgqh,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(incrfmt,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
        'The nudging assimilation option was ',nudgopt

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f9.2)') 'Nudging assimilation start: ',ndstart

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f9.2)') 'Nudging assimilation stop: ',ndstop

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f9.2)') 'Nudging assimilation interval: ',ndintvl

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f9.2)') 'Nudging assimilation gain: ',ndgain

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( incrfnam, lenstr)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
      'The nudging increment file is ',incrfnam(1:lenstr)
!  Specify the types of terrain option:
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,terrain,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block terrain sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(ternopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(mntopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(hmount,1)
  CALL mpupdater(mntwidx,1)
  CALL mpupdater(mntwidy,1)
  CALL mpupdater(mntctrx,1)
  CALL mpupdater(mntctry,1)
  CALL mpupdatec(terndta,128)
  CALL mpupdatei(ternfmt,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The mountain type option was ', mntopt

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
      'The height of mountain is ', hmount,' (m).'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,2e10.3,a,/5x,a,a,/5x,a,e10.3,a,e10.3,a)')              &
      'The input half-width of bell-shaped mountain are ',              &
      mntwidx, mntwidy, ' (m)',                                         &
      'in x and y direction respectively, and the center is ',          &
      'located at','x=',mntctrx,' y=',mntctry,' (m).'
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The terrain option was ', ternopt

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( terndta, lenstr)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                              &
      'The terrain data file is ',terndta(1:lenstr)
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The terrain data file format is ', ternfmt
!  Input horizontal grid size
  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,grid,END=100)
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block grid sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdater(dx,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dy,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dz,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(strhopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dzmin,1)
  CALL mpupdater(zrefsfc,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dlayer1,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dlayer2,1)
  CALL mpupdater(strhtune,1)
  CALL mpupdater(zflat,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ctrlat,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ctrlon,1)

  IF( strhopt == 0.AND.dzmin /= dz ) THEN
    IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                               &
         'For non-stretched case, dzmin was reset to dz.'
    dzmin = dz

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'Input dx was',dx,' meters'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'Input dy was ',dy,' meters'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The stretch option was ', strhopt

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'Input dz was ',dz,' meters'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'Input ctrlat was ',ctrlat,' degrees North'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'Input ctrlon was ',ctrlon,' degrees East'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'dzmin is ',dzmin,' meters'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'zrefsfc is ',zrefsfc ,' meters'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'dlayer1 is ',dlayer1 ,' meters'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'dlayer2 is ',dlayer2 ,' meters'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
       'zflat   is ',zflat   ,' meters'
!  Input map projection parameters
  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,projection,END=100)
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block projection sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdatei(mapproj,1)
  CALL mpupdater(trulat1,1)
  CALL mpupdater(trulat2,1)
  CALL mpupdater(trulon,1)
  CALL mpupdater(sclfct,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(mpfctopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(mptrmopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(maptest,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                            &
         'Input mapproj was ',mapproj
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                       &
         'Input trulat1 was ',trulat1,' degrees North'
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                       &
         'Input trulat2 was ',trulat2,' degrees North'
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                         &
        'The latitude of the center of the model domain was ',ctrlat
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                         &
        'The longitude of the center of the model domain was ',ctrlon
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                       &
         'Input trulon was ',trulon,' degrees East'
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)')                                         &
         'Input sclfct was ',sclfct
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)')                                            &
         'The option for map factor was ', mpfctopt
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)')                                            &
       'The option for map factor term in u and v advection was ',  &

  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,timestep,END=100)
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block timestep sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdater(dtbig,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tstart,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tstop,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'The big timestep was ',dtbig,' seconds.'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'The model startup time was ',tstart, ' seconds.'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'The termination time was ',tstop, ' seconds.'

  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,acoustic_wave,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block acoustic_wave sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(csopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(csfactr,1)
  CALL mpupdater(csound,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dtsml,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(vimplct,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(ptsmlstp,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tacoef,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The sound speed option was ',csopt

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                               &
       'The reduction factor for sound speed was ', csfactr

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'The constant sound speed was ', csound,' m/s.'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a,i5)')                                                &
       'The vertical implicit integration option for ',                 &
       'w and p equations was ', vimplct

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a,i5)')                                                &
       'The option for potential temperature equation integration',     &
       'was ', ptsmlstp

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a,f10.3)')                                             &
       'The time average coefficient for vertically ',                  &
       'implicit solver was ', tacoef

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'The input small timestep was ',dtsml,' seconds.'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'The actual small time step size to be used is ',                &
       dtsml,' seconds.'
!  Read in parameters related to equation formaulation
  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,equation_formulation,END=100)
    WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                 &
      'Namelist block equation_formulation sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdatei(buoyopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(buoy2nd,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(rhofctopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(bsnesq,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(peqopt,1)

  IF ( buoyopt == 0 ) THEN
    IF(myproc == 0) WRITE(6,*) 'WARNING: buoyancy terms turned off',  &
               ' by selecting buoyopt=0.'

  IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)')                               &
       'The option for pressure equation formulation was ',peqopt
!  Read in parameters related to numerical schemes
  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,numerics,END=100)
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block numerics sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(madvopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(sadvopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(fctorderopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(fctadvptprt,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)')                                                  &
       'The option for momentum advection was ', madvopt

  IF( madvopt < 1 .OR. madvopt > 3 ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i3,a,2(/5x,a))')                                     &
        'Input value of madvopt= ', madvopt,' was invalid.',            &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)')                                                  &
       'The option for scalar   advection was ', sadvopt

  IF( sadvopt < 1 .OR. sadvopt > 5 ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i3,a,2(/5x,a))')                                     &
        'Input value of sadvopt= ', sadvopt,' was invalid.',            &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF( fctorderopt /= 1 .AND. fctorderopt /= 2 ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i3,a,2(/5x,a))')                                     &
        'Input value of fctorderopt= ', fctorderopt,' was invalid.',    &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF( fctadvptprt < 0 .OR. fctadvptprt > 2 ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i3,a,2(/5x,a))')                                     &
        'Input value of fctadvptprt= ', fctadvptprt,' was invalid.',    &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF(sadvopt == 4.AND.ptsmlstp == 1.AND.fctadvptprt /= 1) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(2(/5x,a))')                                               &
        'When sadvopt=4, and ptsmlstp=1, fctadvptprt has to be 1',      &
        'fctadvptprt reset to 1'

    fctadvptprt = 1

!  Input boundary condition control parameters:
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,boundary_condition_options,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                        &
      'Namelist block boundary_condition_options sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(lbcopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(wbc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(ebc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(sbc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nbc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(tbc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(fftopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(bbc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(rbcopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(c_phase,1)
  CALL mpupdater(rlxlbc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(pdetrnd,1)
!  For 2-D or 1-D runs, appropriate boundary conditions are
!  automatically set to periodic.
  IF( runmod == 2 .OR. runmod == 4 ) THEN
    IF( nbc /= 2 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i2)') 'nbc reset to 2 for runmod=',runmod
      nbc = 2
    END IF

    IF( sbc /= 2 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i2)') 'sbc reset to 2 for runmod=',runmod
      sbc = 2
    END IF

  IF( runmod == 3 .OR. runmod == 4 ) THEN
    IF( wbc /= 2 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i2)') 'wbc reset to 2 for runmod=',runmod
      wbc = 2
    END IF
    IF( ebc /= 2 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i2)') 'ebc reset to 2 for runmod=',runmod
      ebc = 2
    END IF

  IF ( lbcopt == 1 .AND.                                                &
         (wbc == 5 .OR. ebc == 5 .OR. sbc == 5 .OR. nbc == 5) ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a/5x,a,4(/5x,a,i2),2(/5x,a))')                         &
        'The lateral boundary conditions were set to internal ',        &
        'determined, but one of them was set to external forced.',      &
        'wbc = ',wbc,'  ebc = ',ebc,'  sbc = ',sbc,'  nbc = ',nbc,      &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
  ELSE IF ( lbcopt == 2 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a/5x,a)')                                              &
        'The lateral boundary conditions were set to external forced.', &
        'All lateral boundary conditions will be reset to 5 accordingly.'
    wbc = 5
    ebc = 5
    sbc = 5
    nbc = 5
  ELSE IF( lbcopt /= 1 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i3,a,2(/5x,a))')                                     &
        'Input value of lbcopt = ', lbcopt,' was invalid.',             &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF ( ebc == 3 .OR. wbc == 3 ) THEN
    ebc = 3
    wbc = 3

  IF ( nbc == 3 .OR. sbc == 3 ) THEN
    nbc = 3
    sbc = 3

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a, 4(/5x,i3,a))')                                        &
       'The boundary options are:',                                     &
       wbc,' for  west boundary,',ebc,' for  east boundary,',           &
       sbc,' for south boundary,',nbc,' for north boundary.'

  IF ( vimplct == 1 .AND. (tbc == 2 .OR. bbc == 2) ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a/5x,a,2(/5x,a,i2),2(/5x,a))')                         &
        'The small time step integration scheme was set to implicit ',  &
        'which is not valid for periodic vertical boundary conditions.',&
        'tbc = ',tbc,'  bbc = ',bbc,                                    &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a, /2(5x,i3,a))')                                        &
       'The boundary options are:',                                     &
       tbc,' for top boundary,',bbc,' for bottom boundary.'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a, /2(5x,i3,a))')                                        &
       'The upper boundary fft transform option is: ', fftopt

  IF( vimplct == 0.AND.tbc == 4)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,/5x,a,/5x,a,2(/5x,a))')                              &
        'The upper radiation condition boundary option was chosen and', &
        'is not compatible with the vertically explicit option',        &
        'reset tbc or vimplct.',                                        &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF( tbc == 4.AND.inibasopt == 2)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,/5x,a,4(/5x,a))')                                    &
        'The upper radiation boundary condition option was chosen ',    &
        'with a neutral environment.  This upper radiation ',           &
        'is not compatible with a neutral base state. ',                &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
!  Input radiation lateral boundary condition options:
  IF( rbcopt < 1.OR.rbcopt > 5 ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,/1x,a,i3,a,2(5x,a))')                                &
        'Only option rbcopt=1,2,3,4,5 is available in current version.',  &
        'The input was ',rbcopt,', Please reset rbcopt and rerun ARPS.', &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
       'The radiation boundary condition option was',rbcopt

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,/5x,a,f13.6)')                                         &
       'The constant gravity phase speed used by radiation ',           &
       'lateral boundary condition option 2 was ',c_phase

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f13.6)')                                               &
       'The relaxation coefficient used at the inflow boundaries is'    &

!  IF ( initopt.ne.1 .and. lbcopt.ne.1 ) THEN
!    pdetrnd = 0

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
       'Option for pressure detrending was', pdetrnd
!  Input external boundary condition control parameters:
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,exbcpara)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block exbcpara sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatec(exbcname,80)
  CALL mpupdatec(tinitebd,19)
  CALL mpupdatei(tintvebd,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(ngbrz,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(brlxhw,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(cbcdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(cbcmix,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(exbcfmt,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a9)')                                                  &
      'The initial external boundary time string was ',tinitebd

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i10)')                                                 &
      'The time interval to update external boundary conditions was ',  &

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i10)')                                                 &
      'The number of boundary relaxation zone grids was ', ngbrz

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.8)')                                               &
      'The real grid number where BC relaxation is half weighted was ', &

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.8)')                                               &
      'The magnitude of the boundary relaxation damping was ',cbcdmp

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.8)')                                               &
      'The magnitude of the boundary computational mixing was ',cbcmix

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
      'The external boundary file format was ', exbcfmt
!  Coriolis parameters:
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,coriolis_force,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block coriolis_force sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(coriopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(coriotrm,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The Coriolis term option was ', coriopt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The flag for Coriolis formulation was',        &
!  Input parameters for turbulent mixing.
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,turbulence,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block turbulence sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(tmixopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(trbisotp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(tkeopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(trbvimp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(tmixvert,1)
  CALL mpupdater(alfcoef,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tmixcst,1)
  CALL mpupdater(prantl,1)
  CALL mpupdater(kmlimit,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The turbulence option was ', tmixopt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The isotropic turbulence option was ',         &

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The 1.5 order TKE option was ', tkeopt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
        'The implicit treatment of vertical mixing option was',         &

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
       'The parameter coeff was ', alfcoef

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
       'The nondimensional turbulent prandtl number was ', prantl

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
       'The constant mixing coeff was ', tmixcst

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
       'The parameter used to limit km was ', kmlimit

  IF (trbvimp == 0) alfcoef=1.0

  IF (tmixopt == 4 .AND. (tkeopt <= 0 .OR. tkeopt >= 4) ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i3,2(/5x,a))')                                      &
        'tkeopt should be 1, 2, or 3 for tmixopt=4, input was=',tkeopt, &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
!  Input control parameters for computational mixing
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,computational_mixing,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                        &
      'Namelist block computational_mixing sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(cmix2nd,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cfcm2h,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cfcm2v,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(cmix4th,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cfcm4h,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cfcm4v,1)
  CALL mpupdater(scmixfctr,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(cmix_opt,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
      'The second order computational mixing option was ',cmix2nd

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)')                                               &
      'The coeff for second order horizontal mixing was ',cfcm2h

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)')                                               &
      'The coeff for second order vertical mixing was ',cfcm2v

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                  &
      'The fourth order computational mixing option was ',cmix4th

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)')                                               &
      'The coeff for fourth order horizontal mixing was ',cfcm4h

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)')                                               &
      'The coeff for fourth order vertical mixing was ',cfcm4v

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)')                                               &
      'The c-mixing reduction factor for scalars was ',scmixfctr

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                               &
      'The c-mix monotonic option was ',cmix_opt

  IF( cmix2nd /= 0 .AND. cfcm2h > 0.125/dtbig ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a,2(/5x,a))')                                        &
        'Value of cfcm2h was too large. ',                              &
        'It has to be less than 1/(8*dtbig).',                          &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
    CALL arpsstop('arpsstop called from INITPARA with cdcm2h selection',1)

  IF( cmix2nd /= 0 .AND. cfcm2v > 0.125/dtbig ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a,2(/5x,a))')                                        &
        'Value of cfcm2v was too large. ',                              &
        'It has to be less than 1/(8*dtbig).',                          &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF( cmix4th /= 0 .AND. cfcm4h > 0.125/dtbig ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a,2(/5x,a))')                                        &
        'Value of cfcm4h was too large. ',                              &
        'It has to be less than 1/(8*dtbig).',                          &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF( cmix4th /= 0 .AND. cfcm4v > 0.125/dtbig ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a,2(/5x,a))')                                        &
        'Value of cfcm4v was too large. ',                              &
        'It has to be less than 1/(8*dtbig).',                          &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
!  Input controls for divergence damping on acoustic waves
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,divergence_damping,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                        &
      'Namelist block divergence_damping sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(divdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdater(divdmpndh,1)
  CALL mpupdater(divdmpndv,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
      'The acoustic wave damping option was ', divdmp

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a,f10.3,a)')                                    &
      'The non-dimensional divergence damping coeff was ',              &
      divdmpndh, ' for horizontal and ',                                &
      divdmpndv, ' for vertical'
!  Rayleigh damping parameters:
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,rayleigh_damping,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block rayleigh_damping sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(raydmp,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cfrdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdater(zbrdmp,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The rayleigh damping option was ',raydmp

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)') 'The rayleigh damping coeff was ',cfrdmp

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)')                                               &
      'The altitude of base of rayleigh damping was ',zbrdmp

  IF ( raydmp == 2 .AND. lbcopt /= 2 ) THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i3,/5x,a,a,2(/5x,a))')                              &
        'You can use raydmp=2 only when lbcopt=2. lbcopt=', lbcopt,     &
        'had been chosen. Please reset raydmp or lbcopt in the',        &
        'input file.',                                                  &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
    CALL arpsstop('arpsstop called from INITPARA with raydmp/lbcopt     &
         & selection',1)
!  Robert-Asselin time filter coefficient:
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,asselin_time_filter,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                        &
      'Namelist block asselin_time_filter sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdater(flteps,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,e15.5)')                                               &
      'The non-dimensional coeff of asselin time filter was ',flteps
!  Input the control parameters for microphysics parameterizations
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,microphysics,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block microphysics sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdatei(mphyopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(moist,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(cnvctopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(subsatopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(kfsubsattrig,1)
  CALL mpupdater(kffbfct,1)
  CALL mpupdater(wcldbs,1)
  CALL mpupdater(confrq,1)
  CALL mpupdater(qpfgfrq,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(idownd,1)

  CALL mpupdatei(impfallopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(fallvalpha,1)
  CALL mpupdater(fallvbeta,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(fallopt,1)

  CALL mpupdater(rhsat,1)
  CALL mpupdater(rhsatmin,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dx_rhsatmin,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dx_rhsat100,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The microphysics option was ', mphyopt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The moist phyics option was ', moist

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
      'The convective cumulus option was ',cnvctopt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
      'The sub-saturation option was ',subsatopt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f15.5)')                                              &
      'The K-F rainwater feedback option was ',kffbfct

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
      'The K-F sub-saturation trigger was kfsubsattrig=', kfsubsattrig 

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.5)') 'The vertical motion was ', wcldbs

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.5)')                                              &
      'The frequency of conv. para. updated in seconds was',confrq

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.5)')                                              &
      'The frequency of grid  para. updated in seconds was',qpfgfrq

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The downdraft flag was ', idownd

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 & 
      'The vertically implicit fall velocity option was ', impfallopt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a, f10.5)') 'The  alpha weigth factor was ', fallvalpha

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a, f10.5)') 'The  beta weight factor was ', fallvbeta

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The fall velocity option was ', fallopt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.5)')                                              & 
      'The threshold of RH for condensation to occur: rhsat = ',        & 

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.5)')                                              & 
      'The threshold of RH for a grid size of dx_rhsatmin: rhsatmin = ',& 

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f15.5)')                                              & 
      'The grid size for condensation to occur (RH=rhsatmin): dx_rhsatmin = ', & 

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f15.5)')                                              & 
      'The grid size for condensation to occur (RH=100%): dx_rhsat100 = ', & 

  IF ( moist == 0 .AND. cnvctopt == 1 ) THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a,a,2(/5x,a))')                                  &
        'Since cnvctopt = 1, ',                                         &
        'moist has to be set to 1 in order to use cumulus physics',     &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
    CALL arpsstop('arpsstop called from INITPARA with moist/cnvctopt    &
         & selection',1)

  IF ( cnvctopt == 1 .AND. mphyopt /= 0 ) THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a,a,2(/5x,a))')                                  &
        'Use cnvctopt=2 if you wish to use',                            &
        'both cumulus parameterization and microphysics.',              &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF ( mphyopt < 0 .OR. mphyopt > 4 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                        &
        'No option for mphyopt > 4.',                                   &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
  ELSE IF ( mphyopt == 2 .OR. mphyopt == 3 ) THEN
    ice = 1
    ice = 0

  IF (kfsubsattrig < 0 .OR. kfsubsattrig > 1) THEN 
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                        &
      'ERROR: No option for kfsubsattrig < 0 or > 1. ',                 &
      'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',     &
      'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF ( subsatopt < 0 .OR. subsatopt > 2 ) THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                        &
      'ERROR: No option for subsatopt < 0 or > 2. ',                    &
      'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',     &
      'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1
  ELSE IF (subsatopt == 0) THEN 
    rhsat = 1.0 
  ELSE IF (subsatopt == 1) THEN 
    IF (rhsat < 0.) THEN 
      WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                 &
        'ERROR: The threshold of RH can not be less than 0. ',          & 
        'But you have chosen rhsat < 0. ',                              & 
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    ELSE IF (rhsat > 1.) THEN 
      WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a)')                                           &
        'WARNING: The subsatopt is designed for RH less than 1. ',      & 
        'But you have chosen rhsat > 1. It is now set to 1. ' 
    END IF 
    rhsat = max(0., min(1.0, rhsat)) 
  ELSE IF (subsatopt == 2) THEN 
    IF (rhsatmin < 0.) THEN 
      WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                      &
        'ERROR: The threshold of RH can not be less than 0. ',          & 
        'But you have chosen rhsatmin < 0. ',                           & 
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    ELSE IF (rhsatmin > 1.) THEN 
      WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                      &
        'WARNING: the subsatopt is designed for RH less than 1. ',      & 
        'But you have chosen rhsatmin greater than 1. ',                & 
        'It is now re-set to 1. ' 
      rhsatmin = 1.
    END IF 
    IF (dx_rhsatmin < 0. .OR. dx_rhsat100 < 0.) THEN 
      WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                      &
        'ERROR: dx_rhsatmin or dx_rhsat100 can not be less than 0. ',   & 
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    ELSE IF (dx_rhsatmin < dx_rhsat100) THEN 
      WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                      &
        'ERROR: dx_rhsatmin can not be greater than dx_rhsat100. ',     & 
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF 
    rhsat = max(rhsatmin,                                               & 
              min(1.0,1.0+(rhsatmin-1.0)*(dx-dx_rhsat100)               & 

  IF (myproc == 0) WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.5)')                             & 
      'rhsat for model integration is re-adjusted to ', rhsat 
!  Input the control parameters for radiation parameterizations
  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,radiation,END=100)
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block radiation sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdatei(radopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(radstgr,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(rlwopt,1)
!augustin add radshade
  CALL mpupdatei(radshade,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dtrad,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(raddiag,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                               &
        'The radiation phyics option was ', radopt

    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                               &
        'The radiation staggering option was ', radstgr

    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                               &
        'The option for longwave schemes was ', rlwopt
! augustin add radshade
  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
      'The option to compute the shade was ', radshade

    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.5)')                                            &
        'The Time interval to update the radiation forcing was ', dtrad

    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                               &
        'The radiation diagnostic output option was ', raddiag

  nradstp = nint( dtrad/dtbig )
  IF( nradstp /= 0 ) THEN
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6,a)')                             &
        'Radiation physics will be calculated every ', nradstp,         &
        ' time steps'
    dtrad = dtbig*nradstp
    nradstp = -1
    radopt  = 0
    IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')      &
                                'Radiation physics is switched off.'
!  Input surface physics options
  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,surface_physics,END=100)
    WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Namelist block surface_physics sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(sfcphy,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(landwtr,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(cdhwtropt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cdmlnd,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cdmwtr,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cdhlnd,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cdhwtr,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cdqlnd,1)
  CALL mpupdater(cdqwtr,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(pbldopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(pbldpth0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(lsclpbl0,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(tqflxdis,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dtqflxdis,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(smthflx,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(numsmth,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(sfcdiag,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The surface physics option was ', sfcphy
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The land/water option was ', landwtr
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The constant water cdh option was ', cdhwtropt
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                            &
      'The user specified drag coeff for momentun over land was ',cdmlnd
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                            &
      'The user specified drag coeff for momentun over water was ',cdmwtr
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
        'The user specified drag coeff for heat over land was ',          &
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
        'The user specified drag coeff for heat over water was ',         &
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
        'The user specified drag coeff for moisture over land was ',      &
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
        'The user specified drag coeff for moisture over water was ',     &
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i3)')                                                 &
        'The option for determining PBL depth was ', pbldopt
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
        'The user specified PBL depth was ', pbldpth0
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
        'The PBL length scale ', lsclpbl0
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The flux distribution option was ',            &

  IF ( sfcphy == 0 ) THEN
    sflxdis = 0
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a)')                            &
        'When sfcphy=0, there is no surface flux to be distributed.',   &
        ' Set sflxdis=0.'
  ELSE IF ( sflxdis < 0 .OR. sflxdis > 3 ) THEN
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE (6,'(5x,a,/5x,a,/5x,a)')                     &
        'The options for sflxdis must be between 0 and 3.',             &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF (myproc == 0) WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                &
      'The heat and moisture distribution option was ',tqflxdis

  IF ( sfcphy == 0 ) THEN
    tqflxdis = 0
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a)')                            &
        'When sfcphy=0, there is no surface flux to be distributed.',   &
        ' Set tqflxdis=0.'
  ELSE IF ( tqflxdis < 0 .OR. tqflxdis > 2 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,/5x,a,/5x,a))')                                     &
        'The options for tqflxdis must be 0, 1, or 2.',                 &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF( tqflxdis /= 0 .AND. sflxdis /= 0 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,/5x,a,/5x,a,/5x,a)')                                &
        'Options tqflxdis and sflxdis should not be turned on at the',  &
        'same time. Please turn one of them off',                       &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',   &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

  IF ( smthflx >= 0 ) THEN
    numsmth = MAX( 1, numsmth )

  IF ( radopt == 0 .AND. (sfcphy == 3 .OR. sfcphy == 4) ) THEN
    radopt = 1
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a,i2)')                    &
        'Since soil-vegetation process was switched on, we must',       &
        'compute the surface radiation flux for energy balance.',       &
        'radopt was reset to 1 in INITPARA.'
!  Input soil and vegetation parameters
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,soil_ebm,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block soil_ebm sucessfully read.'

  CALL mpupdatei(sfcdat,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(soilinit,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dtsfc,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(styp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(vtyp,1)
  CALL mpupdater(lai0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(roufns0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(veg0,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nzsoil,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(soilscheme,1)
  CALL mpupdater(dzsoil,1)
  CALL mpupdater(zrefsoil,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tsoilint,nzsoil)
  CALL mpupdater(qsoilint,nzsoil)
  CALL mpupdater(soildzmin,1)
  CALL mpupdater(soildlayer1,1)
  CALL mpupdater(soildlayer2,1)
  CALL mpupdater(soilstrhtune,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ptslnd0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(ptswtr0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(wetcanp0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(snowdpth0,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tsprt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(t2prt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(wgrat,1)
  CALL mpupdater(w2rat,1)
  CALL mpupdatec(sfcdtfl,128)
  CALL mpupdatec(soilinfl,128)
  CALL mpupdatei(sfcfmt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(soilfmt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(nstyp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(tsoil_offset, 1)
  CALL mpupdater(tsoil_offset_amplitude, 1)

!EMK 15 July 2002
  CALL mpupdatei(soiltestmeso,1)
  CALL mpupdatec(sitemeso,128)
  CALL mpupdatec(siteflux,128)
  CALL mpupdatec(siternet,128)
  CALL mpupdatec(sitesoil,128)
  CALL mpupdatec(siteveg,128)
  CALL mpupdatei(soilstrhopt,1)
!EMK END 15 July 2002

  nstyp = MAX(1,nstyp)
  nstyps = nstyp

  IF( soilstrhopt == 0.AND.soildzmin /= dzsoil ) THEN
    IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                                                   &
         'For non-stretched case, dzmin was reset to dz.'
    END IF
    soildzmin = dzsoil

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The stretch option was ', soilstrhopt

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5,a)')                                             &
       'Input nzsoil was ',nzsoil,' levels'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'Input dzsoil was ',dzsoil,' meters'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'Input zrefsoil was ',zrefsoil,' meters'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'soildzmin is ',soildzmin,' meters'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'soildlayer1 is ',soildlayer1 ,' meters'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                             &
       'soildlayer2 is ',soildlayer2 ,' meters'

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
       'The surface data input option was ',sfcdat

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
       'The soil test option was ',soiltestmeso

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
       'The soil scheme input option was ',soilscheme

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
       'The surface initial data input option was ',soilinit

  IF ( sfcphy == 0 ) THEN
    sfcdat = 1
    soilinit = 1
    landwtr = 0
    sfcdiag = 0
    IF (myproc == 0)       &
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a/5x,a/5x,a)')                                        &
        'Since sfcphy = 0, sfcdat and soilinit are set to 1 and',       &
        'landwtr to 0 to avoid reading the surface data.',              &
        'Diagnostics printing is turned off.'

  IF (soilscheme == 0) THEN
    nzsoil = 2
    dzsoil = 1.0
    IF (myproc == 0)   &
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                                                &
        'Since soilscheme = 0, nzsoil is set to 2 and dzsoil is set to 1.0'

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
       'The time step for surface energy budget model was ',dtsfc

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The surface soil type is ',styp

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The surface vegtation type is ',vtyp

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'The leaf area index is ', lai0

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
       'The user specified land surface roughness was ', roufns0

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
       'The user specified vegetation fraction was ', veg0

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The soil scheme mesonet test is ',soiltestmeso

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The soil scheme is ',soilscheme

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The number of soil layers are ',nzsoil

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'The average soil layer depth is ',dzsoil

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'The reference height of the soil depth is ',zrefsoil

  IF(soilinit == 1)THEN
    DO i=1,nzsoil 
      WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'The profile soil temperature is ', &

      WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'The profile soil moisture is ',    &
    END DO

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,a,f10.3)')                                            &
       'The initial ground level soil potential temperature ',          &
       'over land is ',ptslnd0

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,a,f10.3)')                                            &
       'The initial ground level soil potential temperature ',          &
       'over water is ',ptswtr0

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'The canopy moisture is ',wetcanp0

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'The snow depth is ',snowdpth0

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
      'The offset of tsfc from surface air temperature is ',tsprt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
      'The offset of tsoil from surface air temperature is ',t2prt

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
      'The saturation ratio of surface soil moisture is ',wgrat

  WRITE (6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                              &
      'The saturation ratio of deep soil moisture is ',w2rat

  IF(soiltestmeso == 1)THEN

    lenstr = 80
    CALL strlnth( sitemeso, lenstr )
    IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
         'Surface data file to be used is ', sitemeso(1:lenstr)
    END IF

    lenstr = 80
    CALL strlnth( siteflux, lenstr )
    IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
         'Surface data file to be used is ', siteflux(1:lenstr)
    END IF

    lenstr = 80
    CALL strlnth( siternet, lenstr )
    IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
         'Surface data file to be used is ', siternet(1:lenstr)
    END IF

    lenstr = 80
    CALL strlnth( sitesoil, lenstr )
    IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
         'Surface data file to be used is ', sitesoil(1:lenstr)
    END IF

    lenstr = 80
    CALL strlnth( siteveg, lenstr )
    IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
         'Surface data file to be used is ', siteveg(1:lenstr)
    END IF

    lenstr = 80
    CALL strlnth( sfcdtfl, lenstr )
    IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
         'Surface data file to be used is ', sfcdtfl(1:lenstr)
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
         'The surface data file format was ',sfcfmt
    END IF

    lenstr = 80
    CALL strlnth( soilinfl, lenstr )
    IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,a)')                                                   &
         'Soil data file to be used is ', soilinfl(1:lenstr)
    WRITE (6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                                 &
         'The soil data file format was ',soilfmt
    END IF

  END IF ! end of soiltestmeso if block....

  IF ( sfcphy /= 0 ) THEN

    dtsfc = MIN( dtsfc, dtbig )
    dtsfc0 = dtsfc
    nsfcst = nint(dtbig/dtsfc)
    dtsfc  = dtbig/nsfcst

    IF ( dtsfc > dtsfc0 ) THEN
      nsfcst = nsfcst + 1
      dtsfc = dtbig/nsfcst
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(/a,1x,f10.4,a)')                                        &
          '     The actual surface model time step to be used is ',     &
           dtsfc, ' seconds'
    END IF

    IF (styp <= 0 .OR. styp >= 14) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i3,a,2(/5x,a))')                                   &
          'The input styp =',styp, 'not acceptable.',                   &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

    IF (vtyp <= 0 .OR. vtyp >= 15) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i3,a,2(/5x,a))')                                   &
          'The input vtyp =',vtyp, 'not acceptable.',                   &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

    IF ( lai0 < 0.0 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f6.2,a,2(/5x,a))')                                 &
          'The input lai0=',lai0, 'not acceptable.',                    &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

    IF ( roufns0 < 0.0 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f6.2,a,2(/5x,a))')                                 &
          'The input roufns0=',roufns0, 'not acceptable.',              &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

    IF ( veg0 < 0.0 .OR. veg0 > 1.0 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f6.2,a,2(/5x,a))')                                 &
          'The input veg0=',veg0, 'not acceptable.',                    &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

  IF ( nzsoil < 1 ) THEN
   IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f6.2,a,2(/5x,a))')                                 &
          'The input nzsoil=',nzsoil, 'not acceptable.',                &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
   err_no = err_no + 1

  IF(soilinit == 1)THEN
    DO i=1,nzsoil 

    IF ( tsoilint(i) < 173.13 .OR. tsoilint(i) > 373.16 ) THEN
      IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.5,a,2(/5x,a))')                                &
          'The input tsoilint=',tsoilint(i), 'not acceptable.',         &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      END IF
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

    END DO 

    IF ( ptslnd0 < 173.13 .OR. ptslnd0 > 373.16 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.5,a,2(/5x,a))')                                &
          'The input ptslnd0=',ptslnd0, 'not acceptable.',              &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

    IF ( ptswtr0 < 173.13 .OR. ptswtr0 > 373.16 ) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.5,a,2(/5x,a))')                                &
          'The input ptswtr0=',ptswtr0, 'not acceptable.',              &
          'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
          'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
      err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

    IF ( styp == 12 ) THEN
      ptslnd0  = MIN( ptslnd0, 273.16 )
      DO i=1,nzsoil 
        tsoilint(i) = MIN( tsoilint(i), 273.16 )
        qsoilint(i) = 0.
      END DO 

      wetcanp0 = 0.
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(/a/a/a)')                                               &
          '     The soil type is ice.',                                 &
          '     The soil temperatures are set to ice point 273.16 K.',  &
          '     And the moisture variables are set to 0.'
    ELSE IF ( styp == 13 ) THEN
      DO i=1,nzsoil 
      qsoilint(i) = 1.
      wetcanp0 = 1.
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
      WRITE(6,'(/a/a)')                                                 &
          '     The soil type is water.',                               &
          '     The moisture variables are set to 1.'
      END DO 

      DO i=1,nzsoil 
      IF (qsoilint(i) < 0.0 .OR. qsoilint(i) > 1.0) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
        WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.5,a,2(/5x,a))')                              &
            'The input qsoil=',qsoilint(i), 'not acceptable.',            &
            'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
            'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
        err_no = err_no + 1
      ELSE IF ( qsoilint(i) > wsat(styp) ) THEN
        qsoilint(i) = wsat(styp)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
        WRITE(6,'(/a/a,f10.4)')                                         &
            '     The input qsoil is greater than the saturated value', &
            '     and actually adjusted to the saturated value: ',      &
      END IF
      END DO 

      wgrat = MAX( 0.0, MIN(1.0,wgrat) )
      w2rat = MAX( 0.0, MIN(1.0,w2rat) )

      wrmax = .2*veg0*lai0
      IF (wetcanp0 < 0.0 .OR. wetcanp0 > 1.0) THEN
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
        WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.5,a,2(/5x,a))')                              &
            'The input wetcanp0=',wetcanp0, 'not acceptable.',          &
            'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
            'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
        err_no = err_no + 1
      ELSE IF ( wetcanp0 > wrmax ) THEN
        wetcanp0 = wrmax
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
        WRITE(6,'(/a/a,f10.4)')                                         &
            '     The input wetcanp0 is greater than the maximun value ', &
            '     and actually adjusted to the maximun value: ',wetcanp0
      END IF

    END IF


  nstyps = MAX(1,nstyps)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') "nstyps =",nstyps

! soil_offset amplitude
  SELECT CASE (tsoil_offset)
    CASE (0:2)
        IF (myproc == 0) & 
          WRITE(6, '(a/, a, I2)')                                           &
                '     Option for including seasonal deep and skin'//        &
                ' layer temperature offset in the two-layer soil model',    & 
                '     Your choice is ', tsoil_offset
       err_no = err_no + 1
       IF (myproc == 0) &
         WRITE(6, '(a, I2, 3(a/))')                                          &
            '     The input tsoil_offset =',tsoil_offset, 'not acceptable.', &
            '     Program will try to complete reading in input parameters,',&
            '     but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'

  IF (myproc == 0) & 
     WRITE(6, '(a/, a, F5.3)')                                                &
          '    The amplitude of the annual cycle of the difference (offset)', &
          '    in deep and skin layer soil seasonal-mean temperatures is ',   & 

!  Read in parameters for automatic grid translation.
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,grdtrans,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block grdtrans sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(cltkopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(grdtrns,1)
  CALL mpupdater(umove,1)
  CALL mpupdater(vmove,1)
  CALL mpupdater(chkdpth,1)
  CALL mpupdater(twindow,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tceltrk,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tcrestr,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i10)') 'Cell tracking option was ',cltkopt
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i10)') 'The grid translation option was ',grdtrns

  IF( grdtrns == 2 .AND. cltkopt == 0 ) THEN
    cltkopt = 1
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'((5x,a)/)')                                                &
        'Since grdtrns =2, cltkopt was reset to 1.'
!  Ground-relative domain translation speed:
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                               &
       'The domain translation speed in x was ', umove

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                               &
       'The domain translation speed in y was ', vmove

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                               &
      'The depth of domain to check for grid translation was',chkdpth
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                                               &
      'The time window for updating umove and vmove was ',twindow

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'Cell tracking interval was ', tceltrk

  IF( tceltrk > 0.0 .AND. tceltrk < dtbig ) THEN
    nceltrk = 1
    nceltrk = nint(tceltrk/dtbig)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6,a)')                                                &
       'Cell-tracking routine will be called every', nceltrk,           &
       ' time steps.'

  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'Cell restore time was ', tcrestr
!  Read in namelist &history_dump
  IF (myproc == 0) READ (unum,history_dump,END=100)
  IF (myproc == 0) &
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block history_dump sucessfully read.'

  joindmp = dmp_out_joined

!  IF (joindmp > 0 .AND. max_fopen < (nproc_x*nproc_y)) THEN
!    IF(myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(1x,a,/,3(a,I2))')     &
!         'When dmp_out_joined = 0, max_fopen >= nproc_x*nproc_y',    &
!         ' max_fopen = ', max_fopen, ' nproc_x = ', nproc_x,         &
!         ' nproc_y = ', nproc_y
!    err_no = err_no + 1
!    CALL arpsstop('Please check max_fopen restriction with '//       &
!           'dmp_out_joined = 1',1)

  CALL mpupdatei(hdmpopt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(hdmpfmt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(joindmp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(grbpkbit,1)
  CALL mpupdater(thisdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tstrtdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(numhdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdater(hdmptim,numhdmp)
  CALL mpupdatei(istager,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(hdfcompr,1)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The history dump option was ',hdmpopt

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The history dump format was ',hdmpfmt

    IF (mp_opt > 0) THEN
    IF (joindmp == 1) THEN
      WRITE(6, '(5x,a)') 'Joined dump (Do not need joinfiles any more.)'
      WRITE(6, '(5x,a)') 'Need to run joinfiles to get joined files'
    END IF
    END IF

  IF( hdmpfmt < 0 .OR. hdmpfmt > 11) THEN
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4,a,2(/5x,a))')                  &
        'The option hdmpfmt=', hdmpfmt, ' not valid.',                &
        'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ', &
        'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
    err_no = err_no + 1

!  IF( hdmpfmt.eq.10 .and. nz.ge.256 ) THEN
!    write(6,'(5x,a/5x,a)')
!    :  'The GRIB format can only handle number of vertical levels',
!    :  'less than 256 (8-bits). Reset hdmpfmt to 1 (binary format)'
!    hdmpfmt = 1

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6)')                                             &
         'Number of bits in packing GRIB dump data was ',grbpkbit
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
         'HDF4 compression option was ',hdfcompr
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                        &
        'The history dump time interval was ',thisdmp,' seconds '
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                        &
        'The history dump starting time was ',tstrtdmp,' seconds '

  IF ( hdmpopt == 2 ) THEN

    IF(numhdmp > 0) THEN
      DO i=1,numhdmp
        hdmpstp(i) = nint(hdmptim(i)/dtbig)
      END DO

      nhisdmp = 1
      IF (myproc == 0)THEN
        WRITE(6,'(5x,i3,a,a)') numhdmp,                               &
          ' history data dumps will be produced at',                  &
          ' the following time steps:'
        WRITE(6,'(5x,10i6)') (hdmpstp(i),i=1,numhdmp)
      END IF
      nhisdmp = -1
      IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                             &
          'History data dump is switched off.'
    END IF


    hdmpopt  = 1
    nhisdmp  = nint(thisdmp/dtbig)
    nstrtdmp = nint(tstrtdmp/dtbig)

    thisdmp  = nhisdmp*dtbig
    tstrtdmp = nstrtdmp*dtbig

    IF(nhisdmp > 0) THEN
      IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6,a,i6,a/5x,a,a)')             &
          'History data dumps will be produced every ', nhisdmp,      &
          ' time steps after the first ',nstrtdmp,' time steps ',     &
          'where tttttt (if any) stands for the time of the data ',   &
          'in seconds.'
      nhisdmp = -1
      IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                              &
          'History data dump is switched off.'
    END IF

!  Read in namelist &output
  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,output,END=100)
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block output sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatec(dirname,128)
  CALL mpupdater(tfmtprt,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(exbcdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(exbchdfcompr,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(extdadmp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(grdout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(basout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(varout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(mstout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(rainout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(prcout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(iceout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(tkeout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(trbout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(sfcout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(landout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(totout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(radout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(flxout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(qcexout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(qrexout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(qiexout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(qsexout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(qhexout,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(trstout,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tmaxmin,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tenergy,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(imgopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(timgdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(pltopt,1)
  CALL mpupdater(tplots,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(filcmprs,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(readyfl,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(sfcdmp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(soildmp,1)
  CALL mpupdatei(terndmp,1)

  IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(/5x,a,f10.3,a)')                       &
      'Formatted printout time interval was ',tfmtprt,' seconds.'

  nfmtprt =  nint(tfmtprt/dtbig)

  IF( nfmtprt /= 0) THEN
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6,a)')                         &
        'Formatted printing is done every ', nfmtprt,' time steps.'
    nfmtprt = -1
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                              &
        'Formatted printing is switched off.'
!  Input model output parameters:
!  First, give the name of the directory into which output files
!  will be written:
  ldirnam = 80
  CALL strlnth( dirname, ldirnam)

  IF( ldirnam == 0 ) THEN
    dirname = '.'

  IF( dirname(1:ldirnam) /= ' ') THEN
!  Check if the specified output directory exists, if not,
!  abort the job.

    IF( .NOT.iexist ) THEN

      IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,2(/5x,a))')                    &
          'Specified output directory '//dirname(1:ldirnam)//        &
          ' not found.',                                             &
          'It was created by the program.'

      CALL unixcmd( 'mkdir -p '//dirname(1:ldirnam) )

!      write(6,'(5x,a,4(/5x,a))')
!    :      'Specified output directory '//dirname(1:ldirnam)//
!    :      ' not found.',
!    :      'Please create it before starting the model.',
!    :      'Program will try to complete reading in input parameters, ',
!    :      'but will stop at the end of subroutine INITPARA.'
!        err_no = err_no + 1
    END IF

    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                               &
        'Output files will be in directory '//dirname(1:ldirnam)//'.'


    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                               &
        'Output files will be in the current work directory.'


  IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                              &
      'The flag to dump out ARPS array into EXBC fields was ',exbcdmp

  IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                              &
      'The flag for HDF4 compression was ',exbchdfcompr

  IF ( lbcopt /= 2 ) THEN
    extdadmp = 0
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                            &
     'The flag to dump out EXBC array into ARPS history file was ',  &

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
      'The flag to dump out ARPS surface data files was ',sfcdmp
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
      'The flag to dump out ARPS soil data files was ',soildmp
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
      'The flag to dump out an ARPS terrain data file was ',terndmp
!  Set the control parameters for the output of selected fields.
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
         'The input grid coordinate dump option was ', grdout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The input base state array dump option was ', basout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The input mass-velocity array dump option was ', varout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The input non-ice water array dump option was ',mstout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The input rain array dump option was ', rainout
  rainout = rainout * mstout

  IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                             &
      'The input precipitation rates array dump option was ',prcout
  prcout = prcout * mstout

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The input ice array dump option was ', iceout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The input TKE dump option was ', tkeout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The input eddy mixing coeff dump option was ', trbout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The soil variable dump option was ', sfcout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The surface property array dump option was ', landout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The radiation arrays dump option was ', radout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The surface fluxes dump option was ', flxout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The qc EXBC dump option was ', qcexout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The qr EXBC dump option was ', qrexout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The qi EXBC dump option was ', qiexout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The qs EXBC dump option was ', qsexout
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)')                                             &
        'The qh EXBC dump option was ', qhexout
!  Input restart data dump time:
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                                                 &
       'Specify the time interval between restart data dumps (s):'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                                         &
      'Time interval between restart dumps was ',trstout,' seconds '

  nrstout =  nint(trstout/dtbig)
  IF( nrstout > 0) THEN
    IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,/5x,a,i6,a,/5x,a)')              &
        'Restart data files '//runname(1:lfnkey)//'.rsttttttt',       &
        'will be produced every ', nrstout,' time steps',             &
        'where tttttt stands for the time of the data in seconds.'
    nrstout = -1
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                                &
        'Restart data dump is switched off.'
!  Input parameters for maximum and minimum statistics calculations:
  IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3,a)')                         &
     'Interval between max/min calculations was ',tmaxmin,' seconds '

  nmaxmin = nint(tmaxmin/dtbig)

  IF( tmaxmin > 0.0 .AND. tmaxmin < dtbig ) THEN
    nmaxmin = 1
    nmaxmin = nint(tmaxmin/dtbig)

  IF(nmaxmin /= 0)THEN
    IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6,a,/5x,a/)')                   &
        'Max. min. statistics are calculated every ', nmaxmin,        &
        ' time steps.',                                               &
        'and the results are written into file '//runname(1:lfnkey)   &
        //'.maxmin '
    nmaxmin = -1
  IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                                 &
        'Max. min. statistics calculations are switched off.'
!  Input parameter for energy/ptprt variance statistics calculations:
  IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)')                            &
      'Interval between energy stats calculations was ',tenergy

  nenergy = nint(tenergy/dtbig)

  IF(nenergy /= 0)THEN
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6,a,/5x,a)')                     &
    'Energy statistics are calculated every',nenergy,' time steps.',  &
    'and the results are written into file '//runname(1:lfnkey)//'.eng '
    nenergy = -1
    IF (myproc == 0)  WRITE(6,'(5x,a)')                               &
        'Energy statistics calculations are switched off.'
!  More output control parameters, for HDF imgage generation, cell-
!  tracking calls and graphic plotting.
  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'Image dump option was ',imgopt
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'Image dump interval was ',timgdmp

  IF( timgdmp == 0.0) THEN
    imgopt = 0
    nimgdmp = 1
  ELSE IF( timgdmp > 0.0 .AND. timgdmp < dtbig ) THEN
    nimgdmp = 1
    nimgdmp = nint(timgdmp/dtbig)

  IF (myproc == 0)THEN
    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6,a)')                                          &
       'HDF images will be produced every ', nimgdmp,' time steps.'

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'Plotting option was ', pltopt

    WRITE(6,'(5x,a,f10.3)') 'Plotting interval was ', tplots

  nplots  = nint(tplots /dtbig)
  IF(nplots > 0)THEN
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6,a)')                          &
        'Plotting routine will be called every',nplots,' time steps.'
    nplots = -1

  IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i6)')                              &
    'File compression option was ',filcmprs
!  Input debug information print controls:
  IF (myproc == 0) THEN
    READ (unum,debug)
    WRITE(6,'(a)')'Namelist block debug sucessfully read.'
  CALL mpupdatei(lvldbg,1)

  IF (myproc == 0) &
  WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i4)') 'The debug printing level was ', lvldbg

  GO TO 102
!  Print out the input parameters.
!  Write out a log file of model parameters which can be used as
!  the input file to re-run the model.

  IF (myproc == 0) &
  CALL wrtcomment('Error reading NAMELIST file. Default values used',1)


  IF(myproc ==0) WRITE(6,'(a)')  &
!  Adjust max_fopen if readsplit >0 and/or joindmp >0

  IF (mp_opt >0 .AND. (readsplit >0 .OR. joindmp >0)) THEN
    IF (max_fopen < (nproc_x*nproc_y)) THEN
      max_fopen = nproc_x*nproc_y

      IF(myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,a,I4,/,2(a,I2))')                &
         'max_fopen reset to = ', nproc_x*nproc_y,                  &
         'for inisplited = ', inisplited,                           &
         ' and/or dmp_out_joined = ', dmp_out_joined
    END IF
!  Compute derived variables.
  ebc_global = ebc
  wbc_global = wbc
  nbc_global = nbc
  sbc_global = sbc

  IF (mp_opt > 0) THEN  ! Convert from global to processor specific values.
    nx = (nx - 3)/nproc_x + 3
    ny = (ny - 3)/nproc_y + 3
    IF (myproc == 0) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') "Processor nx =",nx
      WRITE(6,'(5x,a,i5)') "Processor ny =",ny
    END IF

    IF (loc_x /= 1) wbc = 0
    IF (loc_x /= nproc_x) ebc = 0
    IF (loc_y /= 1) sbc = 0
    IF (loc_y /= nproc_y) nbc = 0

  IF( initopt == 2 ) THEN
    restrt = 1
    restrt = 0

  CALL julday( year, month, day, jday )         ! Get the Julian day

  temr = ndintvl/dtbig
  temr = (ndstop-ndstart)/ndintvl

  IF ( mapproj == 0 ) mpfctopt = 0
  mptrmopt = mptrmopt * mpfctopt
  latitud = ctrlat
  longitud= ctrlon
  IF ( mapproj == 0 ) THEN
    trulat1 = ctrlat
    trulat2 = ctrlat
    trulon  = ctrlon

  dtsml0 = dtsml
  nsmstp = MAX( 1, nint(2.0*dtbig/dtsml) )
  dtsml  = 2.0*dtbig/nsmstp
  IF (dtsml > dtsml0) THEN
    nsmstp = nsmstp + 1
    dtsml  = 2.0*dtbig/nsmstp

  dxinv = 1.0/dx
  dyinv = 1.0/dy
  dzinv = 1.0/dz
  dzsoilinv = 1.0/dzsoil
  dzsoilinv2 = dzsoilinv * dzsoilinv

  xl = (nx-3)*dx
  yl = (ny-3)*dy
  zh = (nz-3)*dz

  IF( ternopt /= 0 .OR. strhopt /= 0 ) THEN
    crdtrns = 1
    crdtrns = 0

  cbcmixh = cbcmix * dx*dy

  IF( runmod == 2 ) THEN
    dh = dx
  ELSE IF( runmod == 3 ) THEN
    dh = dy
    dh = SQRT(dx*dy)

  cfcmh2 = cfcm2h * dh*dh
  cfcmh4 = cfcm4h * dh**4
  cfcmv2 = cfcm2v * dz*dz
  cfcmv4 = cfcm4v * dz**4

  IF ( divdmp == 1 ) THEN    ! isotropic, cdvdmph=cdvdmpv

    IF ( runmod == 1 ) THEN
      temr = MIN(dx,dy,dzmin)
    ELSE IF( runmod == 2 ) THEN
      temr = MIN(dx,dzmin)
    ELSE IF( runmod == 3 ) THEN
      temr = MIN(dy,dzmin)
    ELSE IF( runmod == 4 ) THEN
      temr = dzmin
    END IF

    cdvdmph = divdmpndh * temr **2 / dtsml
    cdvdmpv = cdvdmph

  ELSE IF ( divdmp == 2 ) THEN

    IF ( runmod == 1 ) THEN
      temr = MIN( SQRT(dx*dy), 5000.0 )
    ELSE IF( runmod == 2 ) THEN
      temr = MIN( dx, 5000.0 )
    ELSE IF( runmod == 3 ) THEN
      temr = MIN( dy, 5000.0 )
    ELSE IF( runmod == 4 ) THEN
      temr = dzmin
    END IF

    cdvdmph = divdmpndh * temr**2 / dtsml
    cdvdmpv = divdmpndv * dzmin **2 / dtsml


  IF( err_no /= 0 ) THEN
    IF (myproc == 0) WRITE(6,'(5x,i4,a,/5x,a,/5x,a,a)')              &
        err_no, ' fatal errors found with the input parameters.',    &
        'Please check the ARPS input parameters carefully.',         &
        'The values of parameters you have used can be found',       &
        ' in the log file.'
    CALL arpsstop('arpsstop called from INITPARA with an option',1)

!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE PRTLOG                     ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE prtlog(nx,ny,nz,nzsoil,nunit) 6,12
!  Print a log file compatible in the namelist format
!  AUTHOR: Adwait Sathye
!  9/15/93

!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz      ! The number of grid points in 3 directions
  INTEGER :: nzsoil        ! The number of grid points in the soil  
  INTEGER :: nunit         ! The I/O unit to be used for the log file output
!  Misc. local variables:
  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: logfn
  INTEGER :: llogfn
  INTEGER :: logfunt
  INTEGER :: istat
  INTEGER :: lenstr,i,j,ncmnt
!  Include files
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'          ! Grid parameters
  INCLUDE 'bndry.inc'
  INCLUDE 'phycst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'exbc.inc'
  INCLUDE 'nudging.inc'
  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'            ! Message passing parameters.
  INCLUDE 'agricst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'nodal.inc'
!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Write out a log file in namelist format which can be used as
!  the input file for replicating this run.
!  First get a name for the log file:
  IF( nunit == 6 ) THEN

    logfunt = 6
    WRITE(logfunt,'(///2x,a,i3//)')                                     &


    CALL gtlogfn(runname(1:lfnkey), mgrid, nestgrd, logfn, llogfn)

    CALL getunit( logfunt )

    OPEN (UNIT=logfunt, FILE=trim(logfn(1:llogfn)),STATUS='new',        &

    IF(istat /= 0) THEN

      WRITE(6,'(/3x,a)')'Error in opening log file ',logfn(1:llogfn)
      WRITE(6,'(3x,a/)')'Job stopped in subroutine INITPARA.'
      CALL arpsstop('arpsstop called from PRTLOG with opening log file' &

    END IF

!  Construct a namelist input file in the namelog file. default
!  format used by the write function for namelist is to write all the
!  data in a single line, as opposed to a single value per line.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '&grid_dims'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nx = ', nx,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'ny = ', ny,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nz = ', nz,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '/'

  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '&message_passing'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'nproc_x   = ', nproc_x,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'nproc_y   = ', nproc_y,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'max_fopen = ', max_fopen, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '/'

  nxc = nx ! Base grid dimensions in ARPS AGR 
  nyc = ny ! Base grid dimensions in ARPS AGR 
  nzc = nz ! Base grid dimensions in ARPS AGR 

  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '&arpsagr'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'levfix = ', levfix,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    '  intrat = ', intrat,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    '  intratt= ', intratt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'intrpodr= ', intrpodr,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i10,a)')   'kcheck  = ', kcheck,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'verbose1= ', verbose1,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'verbose2= ', verbose2,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'verbose3= ', verbose3,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'verbose4= ', verbose4,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'verbose5= ', verbose5,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'verbose6= ', verbose6,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'rstart  = ', rstart  ,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt,'(3x,a,a,a)')      'runold = ''', trim(runold), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'rstime    = ',rstime, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'rstdump = ', rstdump ,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,l7,a)')     'grdsrt  = ', grdsrt  ,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nfinelv = ', nfinelv, ','

  DO i=1,nfinelv
    WRITE (logfunt, '(5x,a,i3.3,a,i3,a)')'ngrdnew(',i,') =',ngrdnew(nfinelv),','
    DO j=1,ngrdnew(nfinelv)
      WRITE (logfunt,'(7x,a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a,f10.3,a)')'ixc(',j,',',i,') =',ixc(j,i),','
      WRITE (logfunt,'(7x,a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a,f10.3,a)')'jyc(',j,',',i,') =',jyc(j,i),','
      WRITE (logfunt,'(7x,a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a,f10.3,a)')'ixln(',j,',',i,') =',ixln(j,i),','
      WRITE (logfunt,'(7x,a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a,f10.3,a)')'jyln(',j,',',i,') =',jyln(j,i),','
      WRITE (logfunt,'(7x,a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a,f10.3,a)')'gangle(',j,',',i,') =',gangle(j,i),','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '/'

  ncmnt = MAX( 1, MIN(9,nocmnt) )

  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '&comment_lines'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'nocmnt    = ', ncmnt , ','

  WRITE (cmnt(ncmnt),'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,a)')                            &
                    ' nx =',nx,', ny =',ny,', nz =',nz,                 &
                    ' ',arpsversion

  DO i=1,ncmnt
    WRITE (logfunt,'(3x,a,i2.2,a,a,a)')                                 &
         'cmnt(',i,')  = ''', trim(cmnt(i)), ''','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '/'
!  Write the jobname namelist values into the log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)') '&jobname'
  WRITE (logfunt,'(3x,a,a,a)') 'runname   = ''', trim(runname), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '/'
!  Write the model config namelist values into the log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)') '&model_configuration'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'runmod    = ', runmod, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)') '/'
!  Write the initialization namelist values into the namelist logfile
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')    '&initialization'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a)')   &
                   'initime   = ''', year,'-',month,'-',day,'.',        &
                               hour,':',minute,':',second, ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'timeopt   = ', timeopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'initopt   = ', initopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'inibasopt = ', inibasopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'viniopt   = ', viniopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'soilinitopt = ',soilinitopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'tsfcopt = ',tsfcopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'soiltintv   = ',soiltintv,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ubar0     = ', ubar0,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'vbar0     = ', vbar0,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'pt0opt    = ', pt0opt,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ptpert0   = ', ptpert0,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'pt0radx   = ', pt0radx,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'pt0rady   = ', pt0rady,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'pt0radz   = ', pt0radz,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'pt0ctrx   = ', pt0ctrx,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'pt0ctry   = ', pt0ctry,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'pt0ctrz   = ', pt0ctrz,  ','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)') 'sndfile   = ''', trim(sndfile), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt,'(3x,a,a,a)')  'rstinf    = ''', trim(rstinf), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')'inifmt    = ', inifmt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')'inisplited= ', MOD(readsplit+1,2), ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)') 'inifile   = ''', trim(inifile), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)') 'inigbf    = ''', trim(inigbf),  ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')     '/'
!  Write the nudging namelist values into the namelist logfile
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')    '&nudging'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgopt   = ', nudgopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ndstart   = ', ndstart,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ndstop    = ', ndstop,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ndintvl   = ', ndintvl,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ndgain    = ', ndgain,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')     'incrfnam = ''', trim(incrfnam), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'incrfmt   = ', incrfmt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgu     = ', nudgu,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgv     = ', nudgv,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgw     = ', nudgw,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgp     = ', nudgp,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgpt    = ', nudgpt,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgqv    = ', nudgqv,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgqc    = ', nudgqc,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgqr    = ', nudgqr,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgqi    = ', nudgqi,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgqs    = ', nudgqs,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nudgqh    = ', nudgqh,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')      '/'
!  Write the terrain namelist values into the namelist logfile
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&terrain'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'ternopt   = ', ternopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'mntopt    = ', mntopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'hmount    = ', hmount,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'mntwidx   = ', mntwidx, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'mntwidy   = ', mntwidy, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'mntctrx   = ', mntctrx, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'mntctry   = ', mntctry, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'ternfmt   = ', ternfmt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')     'terndta  = ''', trim(terndta), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the grid namelist values into the namelist logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&grid'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dx        = ', dx,       ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dy        = ', dy,       ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dz        = ', dz,       ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'strhopt   = ', strhopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dzmin     = ', dzmin,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'zrefsfc   = ', zrefsfc,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dlayer1   = ', dlayer1,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dlayer2   = ', dlayer2,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'strhtune  = ', strhtune, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'zflat     = ', zflat,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ctrlat    = ', ctrlat,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ctrlon    = ', ctrlon,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the map projection namelist values into the namelist logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&projection'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'mapproj   = ',mapproj, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'trulat1   = ',trulat1, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'trulat2   = ',trulat2, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'trulon    = ',trulon,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'sclfct    = ',sclfct,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'mpfctopt  = ',mpfctopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'mptrmopt  = ',mptrmopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'maptest   = ',maptest, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the timestep namelist values into the namelist logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '×tep'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dtbig     = ', dtbig, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tstart    = ', tstart,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tstop     = ', tstop, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the acoustic_wave namelist values into the namelist logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&acoustic_wave'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'vimplct   = ', vimplct, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'ptsmlstp  = ', ptsmlstp,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'csopt     = ', csopt,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'csfactr   = ', csfactr, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'csound    = ', csound,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tacoef    = ', tacoef,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dtsml     = ', dtsml,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write out equation formulation related parameters
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&equation_formulation'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'buoyopt   = ', buoyopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'buoy2nd   = ', buoy2nd,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'rhofctopt = ', rhofctopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'bsnesq    = ', bsnesq,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'peqopt    = ', peqopt,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write out numerics related parameters
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&numerics'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'madvopt   = ', madvopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sadvopt   = ', sadvopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i3,a)')    'fctorderopt= ',fctorderopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i3,a)')    'fctadvptprt= ',fctadvptprt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write all the boundary conditions in the namelist format into
!  the namelist logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&boundary_condition_options'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'lbcopt    = ', lbcopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'wbc       = ', wbc_global,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'ebc       = ', ebc_global,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sbc       = ', sbc_global,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'nbc       = ', nbc_global,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'tbc       = ', tbc,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'fftopt    = ', fftopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'bbc       = ', bbc,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'rbcopt    = ', rbcopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'c_phase   = ', c_phase,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'rlxlbc    = ', rlxlbc ,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'pdetrnd   = ', pdetrnd,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the exbcpara namelist value into the log file.
  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( exbcname, lenstr)

  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&exbcpara'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a)')                                             &
                      'exbcname  = '''//exbcname(1:lenstr)//''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a)')     'tinitebd  = '''//tinitebd//''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i10,a)')   'tintvebd  = ', tintvebd, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i10,a)')   'ngbrz     = ', ngbrz,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'brlxhw    = ', brlxhw,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cbcdmp    = ', cbcdmp,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cbcmix    = ', cbcmix,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'exbcfmt   = ', exbcfmt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the coriolis force namelist values into the logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')   '&coriolis_force'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'coriopt   = ', coriopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'coriotrm  = ', coriotrm,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')    '/'
!  Write the turbulence namelist values into the namelist logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&turbulence'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'tmixopt   = ', tmixopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'trbisotp  = ', trbisotp,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'tkeopt    = ', tkeopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'trbvimp   = ', trbvimp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'tmixvert  = ', tmixvert,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'alfcoef   = ', alfcoef, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'prantl    = ', prantl,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tmixcst   = ', tmixcst, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'kmlimit   = ', kmlimit, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write a computational_mixing namelist values into the logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&computational_mixing'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'cmix2nd   = ', cmix2nd,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cfcm2h    = ', cfcm2h, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cfcm2v    = ', cfcm2v, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'cmix4th   = ', cmix4th,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cfcm4h    = ', cfcm4h, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cfcm4v    = ', cfcm4v, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'scmixfctr = ', scmixfctr, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'cmix_opt = ', cmix_opt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Calculate divdmpnd and write the divergence namelist data into
!  the namelist log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&divergence_damping'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'divdmp    = ', divdmp,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'divdmpndh = ', divdmpndh,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'divdmpndv = ', divdmpndv,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the rayleigh_damping namelist values into the logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&rayleigh_damping'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'raydmp    = ', raydmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'cfrdmp    = ', cfrdmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'zbrdmp    = ', zbrdmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the asselin_time_filter namelist data into the logfile.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&asselin_time_filter'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'flteps    = ', flteps, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the microphysics namelist values into the log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      'µphysics'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'moist     = ', moist,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'mphyopt   = ', mphyopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'cnvctopt  = ', cnvctopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'kffbfct   = ', kffbfct, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'kfsubsattrig = ', kfsubsattrig, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'wcldbs    = ', wcldbs,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.4,a)') 'confrq    = ', confrq,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.4,a)') 'qpfgfrq   = ', qpfgfrq, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'idownd    = ', idownd,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'impfallopt   = ', impfallopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'fallvalpha   = ', fallvalpha,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'fallvbeta    = ', fallvbeta,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'fallopt   = ', fallopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'subsatopt = ', subsatopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'rhsat     = ', rhsat, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'rhsatmin  = ', rhsatmin, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'dx_rhsatmin  = ', dx_rhsatmin, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'dx_rhsat100  = ', dx_rhsat100, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the radiation namelist values into the log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&radiation'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'radopt    = ', radopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'radstgr   = ', radstgr, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'rlwopt    = ', rlwopt,  ','
!augustin addradshade
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'radshade   = ', radshade,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dtrad     = ', dtrad,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'raddiag   = ', raddiag, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the surface physics namelist values into the namelist
!  log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&surface_physics'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sfcphy    = ', sfcphy, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'landwtr   = ', landwtr,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'cdhwtropt = ', cdhwtropt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cdmlnd    = ', cdmlnd, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cdmwtr    = ', cdmwtr, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cdhlnd    = ', cdhlnd, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cdhwtr    = ', cdhwtr, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cdqlnd    = ', cdqlnd, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'cdqwtr    = ', cdqwtr, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'pbldopt   = ', pbldopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'pbldpth0  = ', pbldpth0,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'lsclpbl0  = ', lsclpbl0,','
!  write (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sflxdis   = ', sflxdis,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'tqflxdis  = ', tqflxdis,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dtqflxdis = ', dtqflxdis,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sfcdiag   = ', sfcdiag,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the surface energy budget model (EBM) namelist values into
!  the namelist log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&soil_ebm'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sfcdat    = ', sfcdat,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'styp      = ', styp,     ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'vtyp      = ', vtyp,     ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'lai0      = ', lai0,     ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'roufns0   = ', roufns0,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'veg0      = ', veg0,     ','

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( sfcdtfl,lenstr )
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
                       'sfcdtfl   = ''', sfcdtfl(1:lenstr), ''','
!  lenstr = 4
!  CALL strlnth( sitedir,lenstr )
!  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
!                       'sitedir   = ''', sitedir(1:lenstr), ''','
!  lenstr = 4
!  CALL strlnth( sitefile,lenstr )
!  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
!                       'sitefile   = ''', sitefile(1:lenstr), ''','

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( sitemeso,lenstr )
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
                       'sitemeso   = ''', sitemeso(1:lenstr), ''','

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( siteflux,lenstr )
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
                       'siteflux   = ''', siteflux(1:lenstr), ''','

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( siternet,lenstr )
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
                       'siternet   = ''', siternet(1:lenstr), ''','

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( sitesoil,lenstr )
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
                       'sitesoil   = ''', sitesoil(1:lenstr), ''','

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( siteveg,lenstr )
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
                       'siteveg   = ''', siteveg(1:lenstr), ''','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sfcfmt    = ', sfcfmt,   ','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'soiltestmeso = ',soiltestmeso, ','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'soilscheme   = ',soilscheme, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)') 'nzsoil       = ', nzsoil,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dzsoil    = ', dzsoil,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'zrefsoil    = ', zrefsoil,  ','

  IF ( nzsoil > 0 ) THEN
    DO i=1,nzsoil  
      WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i3.3,a,f16.4,a)')     & 
                      'tsoilint(',i,') = ', tsoilint(i),','
      WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i3.3,a,f16.4,a)')     & 
                      'qsoilint(',i,') = ', qsoilint(i),','
    END DO

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4.4,a)') 'soilstrhopt    = ', soilstrhopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'soildzmin    = ', soildzmin,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'soildlayer1    = ', soildlayer1,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'soildlayer2    = ', soildlayer2,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'soilstrhtune    = ', soilstrhtune,   ','

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( sfcdtfl,lenstr )
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
                       'sfcdtfl   = ''', sfcdtfl(1:lenstr), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sfcfmt    = ', sfcfmt,   ','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'soilinit  = ', soilinit, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ptslnd0   = ', ptslnd0,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'ptswtr0   = ', ptswtr0,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'wetcanp0  = ', wetcanp0, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'snowdpth0 = ', snowdpth0,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'tsprt     = ', tsprt,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 't2prt     = ', t2prt,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'wgrat     = ', wgrat,    ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,e15.5,a)') 'w2rat     = ', w2rat,    ','

  lenstr = 80
  CALL strlnth( soilinfl,lenstr )
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,a,a)')                                         &
                      'soilinfl  = ''', soilinfl(1:lenstr), ''','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'soilfmt   = ',soilfmt,   ','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'tsoil_offset   = ',tsoil_offset,   ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tsoil_offset_amplitude   = ',tsoil_offset_amplitude,   ','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'dtsfc     = ', dtsfc,    ','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Parameters for automatic grid translation.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&grdtrans'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'cltkopt   =',cltkopt,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tceltrk   =',tceltrk,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tcrestr   =',tcrestr,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'grdtrns   =',grdtrns,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'umove     =',umove,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'vmove     =',vmove,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'twindow   =',twindow,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'chkdpth   =',chkdpth,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the history_dump namelist data into the log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&history_dump'

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'hdmpopt   = ', hdmpopt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'hdmpfmt   = ', hdmpfmt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'dmp_out_joined   = ', joindmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'grbpkbit  = ', grbpkbit,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'hdfcompr  = ', hdfcompr,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'thisdmp   = ', thisdmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tstrtdmp  = ', tstrtdmp,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'numhdmp   = ', numhdmp, ','
  IF ( numhdmp > 0 ) THEN
    DO i=1,numhdmp
      WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i3.3,a,f16.4,a)')                          &
                              'hdmptim(',i,') = ', hdmptim(i),','
    END DO
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the output namelist data into the log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&output'

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a)')                                             &
                 'dirname   = '''//dirname(1:ldirnam)//''','

  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'exbcdmp   = ', exbcdmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'exbchdfcompr = ', exbchdfcompr, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'extdadmp  = ', extdadmp,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'filcmprs  = ', filcmprs,','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'basout    = ', basout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'grdout    = ', grdout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'varout    = ', varout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'mstout    = ', mstout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'iceout    = ', iceout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'tkeout    = ', tkeout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'trbout    = ', trbout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sfcout    = ', sfcout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'rainout   = ', rainout, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'prcout    = ', prcout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'landout   = ', landout, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'radout    = ', radout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'flxout    = ', flxout,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'qcexout   = ', qcexout, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'qrexout   = ', qrexout, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'qiexout   = ', qiexout, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'qsexout   = ', qsexout, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'qhexout   = ', qhexout, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'sfcdmp    = ',  sfcdmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'soildmp   = ', soildmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'terndmp   = ', terndmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tfmtprt   = ', tfmtprt, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'trstout   = ', trstout, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tmaxmin   = ', tmaxmin, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tenergy   = ', tenergy, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'imgopt    = ', imgopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'timgdmp   = ', timgdmp, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'pltopt    = ', pltopt,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,f16.4,a)') 'tplots    = ', tplots,  ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'
!  Write the debug namelist value into the log file.
  WRITE (logfunt, '(/1x,a)')      '&debug'
  WRITE (logfunt, '(3x,a,i4,a)')    'lvldbg    = ', lvldbg, ','
  WRITE (logfunt, '(1x,a)')       '/'

  IF( logfunt /= 6 ) THEN

    CALL retunit( logfunt )

    WRITE(6,'(/3x,a,a,a/)')                                             &
         'Log file ',logfn(1:llogfn),' was produced for this job.'


!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE SETGRD                     ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE setgrd( nx,ny, x, y ) 2,4
!  Set up the ARPS model grid.
!  The structure of this program is as follows:
!  1. Get the map projection information.
!     (call subroutine setmapr)
!  2. Get the absolute coordinates of the model grid origin on map
!     grid with the origin at north pole.
!     (call subroutine lltoxy)
!  3. Set up the model origin.
!     (call subroutine setorig)
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  1/26/94
!  7/15/94
!  Change the model grid reference point from the southwest corner to
!  the center of model domain.
!  9/10/94 (Weygandt & Y. Lu)
!  Cleaned up documentation.
!    nx       Number of grid points for the model
!             grid in the east-west direction.
!    ny       Number of grid points for the model
!             grid in the north-south direction.
!    x        Analysis grid points in the e-w direction
!             (in grid units)
!    y        Analysis grid points in the n-s direction
!             (in grid units)

!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx                ! Number of model grid points
                               ! in the east-west direction.
  INTEGER :: ny                ! Number of model grid points
                               ! in the north-south direction
  REAL :: x   (nx)             ! 2-D model grid points east-west
                               ! direction (model grid units)
  REAL :: y   (ny)             ! 2-D model grid points north-south
                               ! direction (model grid units)
!  Include files: globcst.inc phycst.inc
!  dx       Model grid spacing in the x-direction east-west
!           (meters)
!  dy       Analysis grid spacing in the y-direction north-south
!           (meters)
!  ctrlat   Latitude of the center of the model grid (deg. N)
!  ctrlon   Longitude of the center of the model grid (deg. E)
!wdt update
!  mapproj  type of map projection used to setup the model grid.
!           mapproj = 1  Polar Stereographic projection
!                   = 2  Lambert Contformal
!                   = 3  Mercator projection
!                   = 4  Lat, Lon Projection
!                   = 5  User defined
!  trulat1  The 1st real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulat2  The 2nd real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulon   Real true longitude of map projection.
!  sclfct   Map scale factor (eg. sclfct=1/1000000)
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'          ! Grid parameters
  INCLUDE 'phycst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'            ! Message passing parameters.
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: i,j
  REAL :: alatpro(2)
  REAL :: sclf
  REAL :: dxscl             ! Model x-direction grid spacing
                            ! normalized by the map scale
                            ! dxscl=dx/sclf
  REAL :: dyscl             ! Model y-direction grid spacing
                            ! normalized by the map scale
                            ! dyscl=dy/sclf
  REAL :: ctrx, ctry, swx, swy

  REAL :: xsub0, ysub0

!  Beginning of executable code...
  alatpro(1) = trulat1
  alatpro(2) = trulat2

  IF( sclfct /= 1.0) THEN
    sclf  = 1.0/sclfct
    dxscl = dx*sclf
    dyscl = dy*sclf
    sclf  = 1.0
    dxscl = dx
    dyscl = dy

  xsub0 = dx * (nx-3) * (loc_x-1)
  ysub0 = dy * (ny-3) * (loc_y-1)
!  Note IMPORTANT!!!!: dx and dy are in meters...and the grid is
!  oriented so that the y-axis line through the true longitude of
!  a map projection runs along a longitude line towards
!  the northpole and the x-axis is perpendicular to the y-axis.
!  Create the x,y grid in grid meters (multiplied by sclf), the
!  origin is the southwest corner of the model physical domain as
!  translated from the center point specified by user
!  (ctrlat/ctrlon).
  CALL setmapr( mapproj,sclf,alatpro,trulon )
                               ! set up parameters for map projection

!  Find the absolute coordinate (ctrx,ctry) of point (ctrlat,ctrlon)
!  in the latitude-longitude space.
  CALL lltoxy( 1,1, ctrlat,ctrlon, ctrx, ctry )
!  Translate the center point to the first physical point, i.e.,
!  the origin of the model grid.
!     swx = ctrx - (float(nx-3)/2.) * dxscl
!     swy = ctry - (float(ny-3)/2.) * dyscl
  swx = ctrx - (FLOAT(nproc_x*(nx-3))/2.) * dxscl
  swy = ctry - (FLOAT(nproc_y*(ny-3))/2.) * dyscl

  CALL setorig( 1, swx, swy)
                               ! set up the model origin to the coord.

  xgrdorg = 0.0
  ygrdorg = 0.0
!  Calculate the rest of the model grid points in earth meters*sclf
  DO i=1,nx

!       x(i) = dxscl * (i-2)
    x(i) = sclf*xsub0 + dxscl * (i-2)


  DO j=1,ny

!       y(j) = dyscl * (j-2)
    y(j) = sclf*ysub0 + dyscl * (j-2)


  CALL setcornerll(nx,ny,x,y)