############################################################### ############################################################### ##### ##### ##### Welcome to ##### ##### ##### ##### The Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) ##### ##### ##### ##### Version 5.3 ##### ##### ##### ##### Developed by ##### ##### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ##### ##### University of Oklahoma ##### ##### ##### ############################################################### ############################################################### The model begins by reading a number of control parameters, which are specified in namelist format through the standard input stream (unit 5). See the ARPS Users Guide and the sample input file, arps.input, for guidance on specifying these parameters At the end of all parameter input, a log file is produced which can be directly used as the input file when you want to replicate the same job. This file is named runnam.log.nn where runnam is a standard prefix for all output files that are produced by this job and nn is a number appended to the file name when file runnam.log.nn-1 already exists. Waiting namelist from standard input ... ======================================== Namelist block grid_dims sucessfully read. nx = 183 ny = 163 nz = 53 Namelist block message_passing sucessfully read. Number of processors in the x-direction is: 6 Number of processors in the y-direction is: 10 Maximum number of files open: 60 Namelist block comment_lines sucessfully read. Namelist block jobname sucessfully read. The name of this run is: ad2017112918 Namelist block model_configuration sucessfully read. The run mode is: 1 Namelist block initialization sucessfully read. The initial local time for this run is year-mo-dy:hr:mn:ss = 2017-11-29.18:00:00 Perturbation option was 1 The magnitude of the initial perturbation 1 is 4.000 K. The input radii of the thermal bubble are 0.100E+05 0.100E+05 0.150E+04 (m) in x, y and z direction respectively, and the center is located at x= 0.480E+05 y= 0.160E+05 z= 0.150E+04 (m). tsfc option was 0 The two time level restart data to be read in is may20.rst003600 The history dump type restart data format was 3 The t-dependent history dump format restart data to be read is ././ei2017112918.hdf021600 The base state/grid history dump format restart data to be read is ././ei2017112918.hdfgrdbas Sounding file to be used is may20.snd Namelist block assim sucessfully read. The assimilation option was 0 IAU shape: 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, IAU begin: 0.00, 300.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, IAU end : 600.00, 600.00, 300.00, 600.00, 600.00, IAU tmax : 150.00, 450.00, 300.00, 90.00, 120.00, IAU gain : 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, The assimilation increment file is ././incr2017112918 Namelist block terrain sucessfully read. The mountain type option was 1 The height of mountain is 0.000 (m). The input half-width of bell-shaped mountain are 0.100E+05 0.100E+05 (m) in x and y direction respectively, and the center is located at x= 0.100E+05 y= 0.100E+05 (m). The terrain option was 2 The terrain data file is neus_1620x1440_9.trnhdf The terrain data file format is 3 Namelist block grid sucessfully read. Input dx was 9000.000 meters Input dy was 9000.000 meters The stretch option was 1 Input dz was 400.000 meters Input ctrlat was 42.000 degrees North Input ctrlon was -80.000 degrees East domain origin option was 0 dzmin is 20.000 meters zrefsfc is 0.000 meters dlayer1 is 0.000 meters dlayer2 is 100000.000 meters zflat is 100000.000 meters Namelist block projection sucessfully read. Input mapproj was 2 Input trulat1 was 42.000 degrees North Input trulat2 was 42.000 degrees North The latitude of the center of the model domain was 42.000 The longitude of the center of the model domain was -80.000 Input trulon was -80.000 degrees East Input sclfct was 0.10000E+01 The option for map factor was 1 The option for map factor term in u and v advection was 1 Namelist block timestep sucessfully read. The big timestep was 10.000 seconds. The model startup time was 0.000 seconds. The termination time was 0.000 seconds. Namelist block acoustic_wave sucessfully read. The sound speed option was 1 The reduction factor for sound speed was 0.500 The constant sound speed was 150.000 m/s. The vertical implicit integration option for w and p equations was 1 The option for potential temperature equation integrationwas 0 The time average coefficient for vertically implicit solver was 0.750 The input small timestep was 10.000 seconds. The actual small time step size to be used is 10.000 seconds. Namelist block equation_formulation sucessfully read. The option for pressure equation formulation was 1 Namelist block numerics sucessfully read. The option for time integration was 1 The option for momentum advection was 3 The option for scalar advection was 3 Namelist block boundary_condition_options sucessfully read. The lateral boundary conditions were set to external forced. All lateral boundary conditions will be reset to 5 accordingly. The boundary options are: 5 for west boundary, 5 for east boundary, 5 for south boundary, 5 for north boundary. The boundary options are: 1 for top boundary, 1 for bottom boundary. The upper boundary fft transform option is: 2 The radiation boundary condition option was 4 The constant gravity phase speed used by radiation lateral boundary condition option 2 was 300.000000 The relaxation coefficient used at the inflow boundaries is 0.500000 rbc_plbc = 1 Option for pressure detrending was 0 Namelist block exbcpara sucessfully read. The initial external boundary time string was 1977-05-2 The time interval to update external boundary conditions was 3600 The number of boundary relaxation zone grids was 12 The real grid number where BC relaxation is half weighted was 0.48000002E+01 The magnitude of the boundary relaxation damping was 0.22222223E-02 The external boundary file format was 3 Namelist block coriolis_force sucessfully read. The Coriolis term option was 4 The earth curvature option was 0 The flag for Coriolis formulation was 1 Namelist block turbulence sucessfully read. The turbulence option was 4 The isotropic turbulence option was 0 The 1.5 order TKE option was 3 The implicit treatment of vertical mixing option was 1 The nondimensional turbulent prandtl number was 0.330 The constant mixing coeff was 0.000 The parameter used to limit km was 1.000 The PBL parameterization option was 4 Namelist block computational_mixing sucessfully read. The second order computational mixing option was 0 The coeff for second order horizontal mixing was 0.00000E+00 The coeff for second order vertical mixing was 0.40000E-03 The fourth order computational mixing option was 1 The coeff for fourth order horizontal mixing was 0.30000E-03 The coeff for fourth order vertical mixing was 0.30000E-03 The c-mixing reduction factor for scalars was 0.10000E+01 The c-mix monotonic option was 0 Namelist block divergence_damping sucessfully read. The acoustic wave damping option was 2 The non-dimensional divergence damping coeff was 0.050 for horizontal and 0.050 for vertical Namelist block rayleigh_damping sucessfully read. The rayleigh damping option was 2 The rayleigh damping coeff was 0.33300E-02 The altitude of base of rayleigh damping was 0.12000E+05 Namelist block asselin_time_filter sucessfully read. The non-dimensional coeff of asselin time filter was 0.50000E-01 Namelist block microphysics sucessfully read. The microphysics option was 2 And the microphysics will be called every 1 time steps. DSD preference was 0 Cloud number concentration was 0.10000E+09 Rain DSD intercept parameters was 0.80000E+07 Snow DSD intercept parameters was 0.30000E+07 Graupel DSD intercept parameters was 0.40000E+06 Hail DSD intercept parameters was 0.40000E+05 Ice density was 0.50000E+03 Snow density was 0.10000E+03 Graupel density was 0.40000E+03 Hail density was 0.91300E+03 Rain shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Ice shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Snow shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Graupel shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Hail shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Graupel initiation option was 1 Hail initiation option was 1 Reflectivity operator melting option was 0 Microphysics thermal diagnostic option was 0 The moist phyics option was 1 The convective cumulus option was 5 The sub-saturation option was 0 The K-F rainwater feedback option was 0.00000 The K-F sub-saturation trigger was kfsubsattrig= 0 The vertical motion was 0.00500 The frequency of conv. para. updated in seconds was 120.00000 The frequency of grid para. updated in seconds was 120.00000 The downdraft flag was 1 The vertically implicit fall velocity option was 0 The fall velocity option was 1 The threshold of RH for condensation to occur: rhsat = 0.80000 The threshold of RH for a grid size of dx_rhsatmin: rhsatmin = 0.80000 The grid size for condensation to occur (RH=rhsatmin): dx_rhsatmin = 50000.00000 The grid size for condensation to occur (RH=100%): dx_rhsat100 = 5000.00000 rhsat for model integration is re-adjusted to 1.00000 Namelist block concentration sucessfully read. The concentration option was 0 Number of release points was 1 Number of emission points 1 Release point Emitted Emitted time No. icc jcc kcc Concentrat. sta. end. ---- ---- ---- ---- ----------- ---- ---- 1 85 83 2********** 720010800 Namelist block radiation sucessfully read. The radiation phyics option was 2 The radiation staggering option was 1 The option for longwave schemes was 1 The option to compute the shade was 0 The Time interval to update the radiation forcing was 600.00000 The radiation diagnostic output option was 0 Radiation physics will be calculated every 60 time steps Namelist block surface_physics sucessfully read. The surface physics option was 4 The land/water option was 1 The constant water cdh option was 0 The user specified drag coeff for momentun over land was 0.003 The user specified drag coeff for momentun over water was 0.001 The user specified drag coeff for heat over land was 0.003 The user specified drag coeff for heat over water was 0.001 The user specified drag coeff for moisture over land was 0.002 The user specified drag coeff for moisture over water was 0.001 The option for determining PBL depth was 2 The user specified PBL depth was 1400.000 The PBL length scale 0.250 The flux distribution option was 0 The heat and moisture distribution option was 1 Namelist block soil_ebm sucessfully read. For non-stretched case, dzmin was reset to dz. The stretch option was 0 Input nzsoil was 2 levels Input dzsoil was 1.000 meters Input zrefsoil was 0.000 meters soildzmin is 1.000 meters soildlayer1 is 0.000 meters soildlayer2 is 1.000 meters The surface data input option was 2 The soil model forced option was 0 The soil scheme input option was 1 The surface initial data input option was 3 Since soilmodel_option = 1, nzsoil is set to 2 and dzsoil is set to 1.0 The time step for surface energy budget model was 10.000 The surface soil type is 3 The surface vegtation type is 10 The leaf area index is 0.310 The user specified land surface roughness was 0.010 The user specified vegetation fraction was 0.300 The option for the soil scheme being forced is 0 The soil scheme is 1 The number of soil layers are 2 The average soil layer depth is 1.000 The reference height of the soil depth is 0.000 The initial ground level soil potential temperature over land is 293.000 The initial ground level soil potential temperature over water is 288.000 The canopy moisture is 0.000 The snow depth is 0.000 The offset of top soil layer from surface air temperature is 0.000 The offset of bottom soil layer from surface air temperature is 0.000 The saturation ratio of surface soil moisture is 0.700 The saturation ratio of deep soil moisture is 0.700 nstyps = 3 Option for including seasonal deep and skin layer temperature offset in the two-layer soil model Your choice is 0 The amplitude of the annual cycle of the difference (offset) in deep and skin layer soil seasonal-mean temperatures is 2.500 Namelist block grdtrans sucessfully read. Cell tracking option was 0 The grid translation option was 0 The domain translation speed in x was 0.000 The domain translation speed in y was 0.000 The depth of domain to check for grid translation was 2500.000 The time window for updating umove and vmove was 300.000 Cell tracking interval was 120.000 Cell-tracking routine will be called every 12 time steps. Cell restore time was 1800.000 Namelist block history_dump sucessfully read. The history dump option was 1 The history dump format was 3 Number of bits in packing GRIB dump data was 16 HDF4 compression option was 5 The history dump time interval was 3600.000 seconds The history dump starting time was 0.000 seconds History data dumps will be produced every 360 time steps after the first 0 time steps where tttttt (if any) stands for the time of the data in seconds. Namelist block output sucessfully read. Grid and Base file output is 1. Formatted printout time interval was 0.000 seconds. Formatted printing is switched off. The flag to dump out ARPS array into EXBC fields was 0 The flag for HDF4 compression was 5 The flag to dump out ARPS surface data files was 0 The flag to dump out ARPS soil data files was 0 The flag to dump out an ARPS terrain data file was 0 The input grid coordinate dump option was 1 The input base state array dump option was 0 The input mass-velocity array dump option was 1 The input non-ice water array dump option was 1 The input rain array dump option was 0 The input precipitation rates array dump option was 0 The input ice array dump option was 1 The input TKE dump option was 0 The input eddy mixing coeff dump option was 0 The soil variable dump option was 1 The surface property array dump option was 1 The radiation arrays dump option was 0 The surface fluxes dump option was 0 The qc EXBC dump option was 0 The qr EXBC dump option was 0 The qi EXBC dump option was 0 The qs EXBC dump option was 0 The qh EXBC dump option was 0 The qg EXBC dump option was 0 Concentration number EXBC dump option was 0 Reflectivity EXBC dump option was 0 rfopt = 1 was chosen based on mphyopt = 2 The radar reflectivity will be computed using the method of Jung, Zhang, and Xue (2008) The T-matrix coefficients are stored in ./T-matrix/X-band The radar reflectivity calculations will assume a radar wavelength of 107.0 mm Specify the time interval between restart data dumps (s): Time interval between restart dumps was 21600.000 seconds Restart data files ad2017112918.rsttttttt will be produced every 2160 time steps where tttttt stands for the time of the data in seconds. Interval between max/min calculations was 300.000 seconds Max. min. statistics are calculated every 30 time steps. and the results are written into file ad2017112918.maxmin Interval between energy stats calculations was 0.000 Energy statistics calculations are switched off. Image dump option was 0 Image dump interval was 60.000 Data files for images will be written every 6 time steps. Plotting option was 0 Plotting interval was 600.000 Plotting routine will be called every 60 time steps. File compression option was 0 Namelist block debug sucessfully read. The debug printing level was 0 ======================================= Input dtsml = 10.00000, Adjusted dtsml = 10.00000 INITADAS: resetting lbcopt to 1 & lateral bc's to 4 Waiting ADAS namelist from standard input ... ======================================== Namelist block incr_out sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_const sucessfully read. Namelist block adjust sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_radaropt sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_cloud sucessfully read. Read-in mphyopt: 2 rfopt: 2 Reconciled mphyopt: 2 rfopt: 2 Namelist block adas_typ sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_range sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_kpvar sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_zrange sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_thrng sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_trnrng sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_backerf sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_sng sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_ua sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_radar sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_retrieval sucessfully read. Finished allocating arrays Reading calib/model_error_wdt.adastab Background Std Error for RUC 3-hour forecast k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 30.00 2 100.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 30.00 3 500.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 20.00 4 1000.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 20.00 5 1500.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 20.00 6 2000.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 20.00 7 3000.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 20.00 8 4000.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 20.00 9 5000.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 20.00 10 5500.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 20.00 11 7000.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.50 20.00 12 8000.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.50 20.00 13 9000.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.50 20.00 14 10000.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.50 20.00 15 12000.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.50 20.00 16 16000.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 20.00 17 20000.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 20.00 Reading calib/saoerr.adastab Single-level std error for SA Surface Aviation Obs QC multiplier: 5.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 5.00 Reading calib/mesoerr.adastab Single-level std error for MESO Oklahoma Mesonet Obs QC multiplier: 5.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.11 5.00 Reading calib/wtxmnerr.adastab Single-level std error for WTXMN West Texas Mesonet Obs QC multiplier: 4.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 5.00 Reading calib/mesoalpnerr.adastab Single-level std error for MESOALPN Mesonets in Alpine Terrain QC multiplier: 3.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.11 5.00 Reading calib/mesohydrerr.adastab Single-level std error for MESOHYDR Hydrology Oriented Mesonet Stations QC multiplier: 3.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.11 5.00 Reading calib/mesometerr.adastab Single-level std error for MESOMET Mesonet Obs QC multiplier: 4.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.11 5.00 Reading calib/mesoroaderr.adastab Single-level std error for MESOROAD Roadside mesonet sites run by state DOTs. QC multiplier: 3.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.11 5.00 Reading calib/mopederr.adastab Single-level std error for MOPED GST MOPED Mobile surface observations QC multiplier: 2.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 10.00 Reading calib/nfawoserr.adastab Single-level std error for NFAWOS Non-Federal AWOS Surface Obs QC multiplier: 4.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1.00 1.00 1.22 0.60 5.00 Reading calib/autoerr.adastab Single-level std error for AUTO AUTO Surface Aviation Obs QC multiplier: 4.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1.50 1.50 2.40 0.80 6.00 Reading calib/amatsfcerr.adastab Single-level std error for AMATSFC Amateur Surface Obs, Backyard Weather Stations, APRSWXNET, etc QC multiplier: 2.0 u (m/s) v (m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 10.00 Reading calib/raoberr.adastab UA data std error for NWS RAOB U.S. NWS Radiosonde Observation QC multiplier: 4.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.20 5.00 2 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.20 5.00 3 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.20 5.00 4 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 5 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 6 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 7 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 8 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 5.00 9 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 5.00 10 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 7.00 11 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 7.00 12 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 7.00 13 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 10.00 14 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 10.00 15 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 12.00 16 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 15.00 17 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 15.00 18 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 15.00 19 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 15.00 Reading calib/profilerr.adastab UA data std error for WPDN PRO U.S. Wind Profiler Demonstration Network Profiler QC multiplier: 3.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 5 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 7 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 8 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 9 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 10 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 15 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 16 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 17 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 18 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/blproferr.adastab UA data std error for BLPROF Boundary Layer Profiler -- typically SODARs QC multiplier: 3.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 5 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 7 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 8 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 9 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 10 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 15 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 16 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 17 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 18 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 20 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/sodarerr.adastab UA data std error for SODAR Typical SODAR QC multiplier: 3.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 5 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 7 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 8 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 9 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 10 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 15 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 16 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 17 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 18 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 20 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/proflrerr.adastab UA data std error for PROFLR Generic Wind Profiler (e.g., MADIS MAP Unspecified Instrument) QC multiplier: 3.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 5 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 7 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 8 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 9 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 10 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 15 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 16 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 17 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 18 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/uhfprferr.adastab UA data std error for UHFPRF UHF Wind Profiler QC multiplier: 3.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 5 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 7 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 8 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 9 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 10 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 15 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 16 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 17 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 18 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/vhfprferr.adastab UA data std error for VHFPRF VHF Wind Profiler QC multiplier: 3.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 5 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 7 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 8 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 9 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 10 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 15 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 16 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 17 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 18 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/vad88derr.adastab UA data std error for 88D VAD VAD Winds from WSR-88D NEXRAD radar QC multiplier: 2.5 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 5 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 7 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 8 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 9 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 10 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 15 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 16 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 17 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 18 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 20 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/vadtdwrerr.adastab UA data std error for TDWR VAD VAD Winds from FAA TDWR radar QC multiplier: 2.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 5 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 7 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 8 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 9 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 10 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 15 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 16 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 17 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 18 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 20 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/vadcasaerr.adastab UA data std error for CASA VAD VAD Winds from CASA X-band radar QC multiplier: 2.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 2 111.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 3 540.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 4 988.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.80 13.00 5 1457.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 6 1949.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.50 13.00 7 2466.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.40 13.00 8 3012.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.30 13.00 9 3591.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 13.00 10 4206.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 11 4865.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 12 5574.00 2.50 2.50 0.60 1.00 13.00 13 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 14 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 13.00 15 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 15.00 16 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 17.00 17 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 20.00 18 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 19 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.80 20.00 20 15795.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 20.00 Reading calib/rad88Derr.adastab Radar data std error for 88D-AII 88D NWS/DoD Network Radar - Archive-II QC multiplier: 4.0 ref(dBz) Vrad(m/s) SpWid(m/s) 0.10 2.00 2.00 0.00 Reading calib/radnidserr.adastab Radar data std error for 88D-NIDS 88D NWS/DoD Network Radar NIDS distribution QC multiplier: 2.0 ref(dBz) Vrad(m/s) SpWid(m/s) 0.10 3.00 2.00 0.00 Reading calib/radcasaerr.adastab Radar data std error for CASA-IP1 CASA X-band Radar QC multiplier: 4.0 ref(dBz) Vrad(m/s) SpWid(m/s) 0.12 2.50 2.00 0.00 Reading calib/radtdwrerr.adastab Radar data std error for TDWR TDWR Airport Radar Network QC multiplier: 4.0 ref(dBz) Vrad(m/s) SpWid(m/s) 0.10 1.00 2.00 0.00 Reading calib/rad88dperr.adastab Radar data std error for 88D-POL 88D Dual Pol QC multiplier: 4.0 ref(dBz) Vrad(m/s) SpWid(m/s) 0.10 1.00 2.00 0.00 Reading calib/ret88Derr.adastab Retrieval std error for 88D-RET Retrieved data from WSR-88D network radar QC multiplier: 4.0 k hgt(m) u(m/s) v(m/s) pres(mb) temp(K) RH(%) 1 111.00 1.50 1.50 0.60 1.50 5.00 2 540.00 1.50 1.50 0.60 1.50 5.00 3 988.00 1.50 1.50 0.60 1.50 5.00 4 1457.00 1.50 1.50 0.60 1.20 5.00 5 1949.00 1.50 1.50 0.60 1.20 5.00 6 2466.00 1.50 1.50 0.60 1.20 5.00 7 3012.00 1.50 1.50 0.60 1.20 5.00 8 3591.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 9 4206.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 10 4865.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 11 5574.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 12 6343.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 13 7185.00 3.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 5.00 14 8177.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 5.00 15 9163.00 3.50 3.50 0.60 1.00 5.00 16 10362.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.20 10.00 17 11774.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 10.00 18 13507.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 10.00 19 15795.00 3.50 3.50 0.50 1.50 10.00 HDFREAD: Reading HDF file: ././ei2017112918.hdfgrdbas Incoming data format, fmtverin=005.30 HDF4 Coded Data THE NAME OF THIS RUN IS: ei2017112918 Comments: ARPS 5.4 Del City Storm Simulation To read grid and base state data at time 21600.0 secs = 360.000 mins. HDFREAD: INFO - nstyp in data file ( 9) is greater than that specified in namelist ( 3) using only nstyp = 3. HDFRD3D: Reading variable zp .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable zpsoil .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable ubar .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable vbar .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable wbar .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable ptbar .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable pbar .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable qvbar .... HDFRD3DI: Reading variable soiltyp ...... 3 HDFRD3D: Reading variable stypfrct .... INFO: read in "nstyp" from data file is 9. The ARPS model runtime requires nstyp = 3. The extra data for "soiltyp" and "stypfrct" in section (:,:, 4: 9) is discarded. HDFRD2DI: Reading variable vegtyp ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable lai ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable roufns ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable veg ...... Data at time= 360.0 (min) were successfully read. HDFREAD: Successfully read ././ei2017112918.hdfgrdbas HDFREAD: Reading HDF file: ././ei2017112918.hdf021600 Incoming data format, fmtverin=005.30 HDF4 Coded Data THE NAME OF THIS RUN IS: ei2017112918 Comments: ARPS 5.4 Del City Storm Simulation To read data for time: 21600.0 secs = 360.000 mins. nscalarin = 1 qcin = 1, qrin = -1, qiin = -1, qsin = -1, qhin = -1, HDFREAD: INFO - nstyp in data file ( 9) is greater than that specified in namelist ( 3) using only nstyp = 3. HDFRD3D: Reading variable zp .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable zpsoil .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable u .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable v .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable w .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable pt .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable p .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable qv .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable qc .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable totalrefl .... HDFRD3D: Reading variable wetcanp .... HDFRD2D: Reading variable snowdpth ...... HDFRD3D: Reading variable radfrc .... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radsw ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable rnflx ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radswnet ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radlwin ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable usflx ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable vsflx ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable ptsflx ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable qvsflx ...... Data at time= 360.0 (min) were successfully read. HDFREAD: Successfully read ././ei2017112918.hdf021600 EXTINIT successful read reading history data from ././ei2017112918.hdfgrdbas and ././ei2017112918.hdf021600. nscalarin = 1 Use specified initial time: 2017-11-29.18:00:00 and model starting time: 0.000 seconds Min. and max. of the data arrays read in: xmin = -0.900000E+04, xmax = 0.162900E+07 ymin = -0.900000E+04, ymax = 0.144900E+07 zmin = -0.400000E+03, zmax = 0.204000E+05 zpmin = -0.200000E+02, zpmax = 0.207800E+05 j3min = 0.471753E-01, j3max = 0.195001E+01 ubarmin = 0.285403E+01, ubarmax = 0.359984E+02 vbarmin = -0.742386E+01, vbarmax = 0.119830E+01 ptbarmin= 0.280263E+03, ptbarmax= 0.488481E+03 pbarmin = 0.506533E+04, pbarmax = 0.102146E+06 rhostrmin= 0.530608E-01, rhostrmax= 0.823813E+00 qvbarmin= 0.163562E-05, qvbarmax= 0.400572E-02 umin = -0.798591E+01, umax = 0.593077E+02 vmin = -0.442131E+02, vmax = 0.272900E+02 wmin = -0.331498E+00, wmax = 0.267764E+00 ptprtmin= -0.154557E+02, ptprtmax= 0.200840E+02 pprtmin = -0.202257E+04, pprtmax = 0.113101E+04 qvmin = 0.475901E-06, qvmax = 0.121823E-01 qcmin = 0.000000E+00, qcmax = 0.000000E+00 qrmin = 0.000000E+00, qrmax = 0.000000E+00 qimin = 0.000000E+00, qimax = 0.000000E+00 qsmin = 0.000000E+00, qsmax = 0.000000E+00 qhmin = 0.000000E+00, qhmax = 0.000000E+00 tkemin = 0.000000E+00, tkemax = 0.000000E+00 ptcummin= 0.000000E+00, ptcummax= 0.000000E+00 qvcummin= 0.000000E+00, qvcummax= 0.000000E+00 qccummin= 0.000000E+00, qccummax= 0.000000E+00 qrcummin= 0.000000E+00, qrcummax= 0.000000E+00 qicummin= 0.000000E+00, qicummax= 0.000000E+00 qscummin= 0.000000E+00, qscummax= 0.000000E+00 Base state z-profiles at I= 130, J= 1 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Output directory is <././>. k z(m) pbar(Pascal) ptbar(K) rhobar(kg/m**3) Qvbar(kg/kg) U(m/s) V(m/s) 52 20390.002 5065.333 488.48062 0.09641627 0.00000423 13.53430 1.19830 51 19609.998 5756.538 470.48334 0.09641627 0.00000357 15.98431 1.00829 50 18852.324 6519.592 453.22409 0.10939251 0.00000308 17.23568 1.03905 49 18137.490 7333.523 437.49738 0.12325724 0.00000268 18.41618 1.06839 48 17461.926 8195.856 424.75659 0.13744467 0.00000227 20.09719 0.71938 47 16822.219 9103.203 413.25940 0.15226856 0.00000191 21.89843 0.29361 46 16215.113 10054.519 402.73758 0.16774067 0.00000164 23.66181 -0.04283 45 15637.512 11047.784 394.01270 0.18338707 0.00000165 25.39649 0.26696 44 15086.466 12081.150 386.00629 0.19953404 0.00000166 27.06338 0.58030 43 14559.188 13154.485 378.86505 0.21603562 0.00000209 28.72205 0.48649 42 14053.038 14267.339 372.47479 0.23286280 0.00000273 30.31222 0.20081 41 13565.538 15420.802 366.35391 0.25026959 0.00000433 31.75913 0.31112 40 13094.363 16618.570 359.88541 0.26874736 0.00000676 33.41578 0.54479 39 12637.342 17864.559 353.78745 0.28786474 0.00000930 34.64983 0.65697 38 12192.459 19163.279 347.47205 0.30815950 0.00001222 35.38389 0.62093 37 11757.854 20519.258 342.28598 0.32848072 0.00001478 35.90325 0.20762 36 11331.820 21932.979 337.94443 0.34891310 0.00001789 35.99507 -1.05469 35 10912.809 23407.684 334.50354 0.36926940 0.00002107 35.73783 -2.43443 34 10499.424 24944.359 331.86438 0.38949564 0.00002516 35.19466 -3.63775 33 10090.425 26546.701 329.51370 0.41010723 0.00003086 34.50160 -4.49162 32 9684.728 28218.637 327.48462 0.43104318 0.00003944 33.59669 -5.01748 31 9281.400 29964.363 325.70172 0.45238224 0.00005114 32.48061 -5.26009 30 8879.670 31788.305 324.03534 0.47430280 0.00006655 31.20342 -5.32388 29 8478.914 33695.238 322.41870 0.49692550 0.00008662 29.84207 -5.30413 28 8078.669 35690.004 320.84140 0.52029765 0.00011359 28.51570 -5.32569 27 7678.624 37776.773 319.32635 0.54440463 0.00015015 27.25968 -5.40701 26 7278.624 39959.438 317.84741 0.56930834 0.00019339 26.04182 -5.48961 25 6878.669 42240.973 316.41629 0.59500033 0.00023692 24.85026 -5.52037 24 6478.915 44623.699 314.98840 0.62156898 0.00028023 23.68557 -5.60114 23 6079.671 47109.145 313.52719 0.64909637 0.00031919 22.54497 -5.87334 22 5681.402 49698.035 311.98917 0.67769283 0.00033600 21.31826 -6.39676 21 5284.729 52389.516 310.45963 0.70716512 0.00035111 20.02039 -6.84863 20 4890.427 55180.270 308.95700 0.73742867 0.00036704 18.75413 -7.19192 19 4499.425 58065.223 307.42105 0.76857126 0.00038971 17.52918 -7.38227 18 4112.810 61037.414 305.84641 0.80054271 0.00043731 16.32812 -7.41518 17 3731.822 64087.254 304.18063 0.83341044 0.00051228 15.01829 -7.23518 16 3357.855 67203.422 302.29495 0.86748600 0.00059844 13.60211 -6.78460 15 2992.460 70372.797 300.02463 0.90320778 0.00075551 12.30966 -6.14402 14 2637.344 73580.672 297.28973 0.94082308 0.00106655 11.12031 -5.41562 13 2294.365 76807.375 294.37970 0.97948891 0.00141535 9.98080 -4.81600 12 1965.541 80026.297 291.46298 1.01857841 0.00165399 8.91562 -4.42975 11 1653.040 83205.375 288.52069 1.05779266 0.00196965 7.83425 -4.19509 10 1359.189 86306.211 285.79755 1.09589481 0.00234512 6.50832 -3.96240 9 1086.468 89283.023 283.46637 1.13169575 0.00277819 5.25012 -3.06567 8 837.513 92082.828 281.86896 1.16322696 0.00314552 4.36550 -2.19324 7 615.115 94646.922 281.07104 1.18952358 0.00330156 3.77992 -2.19182 6 422.219 96916.172 280.68250 1.21142673 0.00339726 3.27215 -1.78859 5 261.927 98833.805 280.29407 1.23006678 0.00357633 2.88143 -1.26913 4 137.493 100339.578 280.75568 1.24105716 0.00400551 5.48479 -1.35638 3 52.329 101379.641 280.50607 1.25134289 0.00400545 5.48480 -1.35638 2 10.000 101899.766 280.38229 1.25647867 0.00400562 5.48480 -1.35638 1 -10.000 102146.414 280.32385 1.25647867 0.00400521 5.48480 -1.35640 Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. READSFCDT: reading in external supplied surface data from file - ./neus_1620x1440_9_m11_d29_n3.sfchdf The map projection and griding information for the surface data: Projection: 2 The 1st real true latitude: 0.42000000E+02 The 2nd real true latitude: 0.42000000E+02 The real true longitude: -0.80000000E+02 Map scale factor: 0.10000000E+01 Latitude at the origin: 0.42000000E+02 Longitude at the origin: -0.80000000E+02 HDFRD3DI: Reading variable soiltyp ...... 3 Read in soiltyp HDFRD3D: Reading variable stypfrct .... Read in stypfrct HDFRD2DI: Reading variable vegtyp ...... Read in vegtyp HDFRD2D: Reading variable lai ...... Read in lai HDFRD2D: Reading variable roufns ...... Read in roufns HDFRD2D: Reading variable veg ...... Read in veg HDFRD2D: Reading variable ndvi ...... Read in ndvi Surface variable in the initialization file was used. No more initialization performed. Precip correlation category assignment counts cat 1: 28400 cat 2a: 0 cat 2b: 1084 cat 3: 0 cat 4: 0 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Writing ad2017112918.lst Processing file 1 data/sao201711291800.lso Fortran I/O unit 38 picked from the free list. Opening qclist: sao201711291800.sqc Fortran I/O unit 37 picked from the free list. Opening qclist: sao201711291800.lsq Calling prepsfcobs Getting surface data from: data/sao201711291800.lso Fortran I/O unit 36 picked from the free list. Blacklisting Wind Variables 3 at GAG Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at 1F0 Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at PVJ Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at JWG Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at F05 Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at LAW Blacklisting Temperature 1 at SNK Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at SNK Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at PVW Blacklisting Wind Variables 3 at PVW Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at HHF Blacklisted station KHRS not found in dataset Blacklisted station KONS not found in dataset Fortran I/O unit 36 returned to the free list. Normal completion of READ_SURFACE_OBS LSO data vaild time: 29-NOV-2017 18:00:00.00 Getting past surface data from: data/sao201711291700.lso Fortran I/O unit 36 picked from the free list. Blacklisting Wind Variables 3 at GAG Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at 1F0 Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at PVJ Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at JWG Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at F05 Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at LAW Blacklisting Temperature 1 at SNK Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at SNK Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at PVW Blacklisting Wind Variables 3 at PVW Blacklisting Dew Point 2 at HHF Blacklisted station KHRS not found in dataset Blacklisted station KONS not found in dataset Fortran I/O unit 36 returned to the free list. Normal completion of READ_SURFACE_OBS # of data stns available: 3624 3647 FYI from sta_match: 263 stations of 3624 were not matched. Hourly change: ivar= 1 mean= 0.90 stddev= 2.72 Hourly change: ivar= 2 mean= -0.09 stddev= 2.28 Hourly change: ivar= 3 mean= 3.13 stddev= 88.02 Hourly change: ivar= 4 mean= 0.14 stddev= 2.90 Hourly change: ivar= 5 mean= 0.21 stddev= 2.98 Hourly change: ivar= 6 mean= -0.11 stddev= 3.14 numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. Hourly change: ivar= 8 mean= -0.12 stddev= 1.25 Hourly change: ivar= 9 mean= -0.25 stddev= 0.81 Hourly change: ivar= 10 mean= -33.59 stddev= 916.62 Hourly change: ivar= 11 mean= -10.32 stddev= 565.40 Hourly change: ivar= 12 mean= -0.01 stddev= 0.22 numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. Hourly change: ivar= 14 mean= 0.06 stddev= 1.28 ** temporal QC of surface data complete. ** qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 2.250000 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 2.250000 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 4.000000 4.000000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 16.00000 16.00000 90000.00 16.00000 9.9999988E-03 qsrc = 1.000000 1.000000 14884.00 0.3600000 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 57600.01 0.6400000 3.5999999E-03 qsrc = 16.00000 16.00000 90000.00 16.00000 9.9999988E-03 BARQC: nsta= 3624 QC flagging data...sta=0CO var, ob =u 17.61001 delta ob = 15.46944 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 8.154832 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=0CO var, ob =v -13.38457 delta ob = -12.33456 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.487667 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=2G4 var, ob =press 91916.01 delta ob = -6141.359 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4866.318 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=BCE var, ob =theta 301.6170 delta ob = 8.833496 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.172198 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=BFF var, ob =u -3.242100 delta ob = -8.114344 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.511832 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=BLU var, ob =theta 297.4378 delta ob = 12.51233 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 11.93783 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=CQC var, ob =u 9.152785 delta ob = 8.805023 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.112950 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=CSV var, ob =press 95759.45 delta ob = -3509.453 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3391.084 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=CUT var, ob =press 82392.69 delta ob = -6615.086 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4512.510 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=CXRL var, ob =qv 4.0540234E-03 delta ob = 1.3426219E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.2102306E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=CZZ var, ob =press 92453.83 delta ob = -8072.828 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5499.522 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=DAAD var, ob =u 5.998218 delta ob = 8.832749 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.484367 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=DAAJ var, ob =press 90061.34 delta ob = -5178.555 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=DAAV var, ob =qv 9.3671922E-03 delta ob = 3.4803837E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.1467304E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=DAAY var, ob =press 88312.32 delta ob = -8517.688 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7373.411 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=DAOB var, ob =press 88226.06 delta ob = -8958.516 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6500.770 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=DAOV var, ob =press 94856.85 delta ob = -4288.281 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2436.879 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=DTTD var, ob =press 98024.43 delta ob = -3211.516 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EDQM var, ob =press 93826.66 delta ob = -3655.453 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3016.644 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EFRO var, ob =press 98234.20 delta ob = -2303.828 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 90.68224 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EGGD var, ob =press 99137.43 delta ob = -1580.313 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1497.995 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EGKB var, ob =press 98914.77 delta ob = -1705.266 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1589.853 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EGNM var, ob =press 98913.23 delta ob = -1957.359 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1420.974 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EGPU var, ob =v -8.554226 delta ob = -9.519718 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.618136 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=EICK var, ob =press 100153.2 delta ob = -1895.586 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 378.5867 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ENDU var, ob =theta 254.3897 delta ob = -15.65683 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 8.238881 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENFB var, ob =u 14.71884 delta ob = 10.77109 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.011719 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENGC var, ob =v -10.20435 delta ob = -7.904669 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.492362 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENGM var, ob =press 97603.71 delta ob = -2500.711 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1601.858 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ENHF var, ob =press 99151.84 delta ob = -1187.336 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 223.5665 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ENHF var, ob =theta 274.8183 delta ob = 9.462006 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.222622 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENHF var, ob =qv 3.5561619E-03 delta ob = 2.1410519E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.3208119E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENMH var, ob =theta 273.1846 delta ob = 8.796814 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.226826 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENMH var, ob =qv 3.5276185E-03 delta ob = 2.1513174E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.5868161E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENNA var, ob =u -7.746029 delta ob = -7.681605 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.882395 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENOA var, ob =v -9.775488 delta ob = -9.603206 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.221257 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ENSG var, ob =press 94441.44 delta ob = -4987.453 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2122.886 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EPGD var, ob =press 98875.55 delta ob = -1505.328 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 355.2242 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EPWA var, ob =press 99546.89 delta ob = 1017.406 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 310.3386 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ESNO var, ob =press 99189.24 delta ob = -1118.438 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 353.8690 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ESNQ var, ob =press 95141.89 delta ob = -4779.867 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 949.8362 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ESNQ var, ob =theta 257.7939 delta ob = -12.80112 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.687317 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ESSD var, ob =press 97908.69 delta ob = -1625.805 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 715.2214 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EVRA var, ob =press 100800.3 delta ob = 1563.609 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 382.3719 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=EVW var, ob =press 78733.57 delta ob = -7787.016 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5916.907 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=FBFT var, ob =press 90290.25 delta ob = -1189.711 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=FKYS var, ob =press 92768.66 delta ob = -8143.531 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=GCXO var, ob =press 94462.52 delta ob = -6355.422 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 746.5067 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=GDP var, ob =press 84045.39 delta ob = -6321.031 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6144.042 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=GMAD var, ob =press 100602.3 delta ob = 4787.484 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=GMFF var, ob =press 94430.61 delta ob = -5938.766 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 715.3984 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=GMFO var, ob =press 95513.58 delta ob = -3141.227 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3056.369 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=GMMX var, ob =press 95814.80 delta ob = -3024.445 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=GMMX var, ob =qv 4.9596354E-03 delta ob = -7.3818034E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=GNC var, ob =theta 283.5280 delta ob = 8.954895 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.241821 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=HSP var, ob =press 89124.77 delta ob = -7781.727 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7295.278 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=JST var, ob =press 94103.99 delta ob = -3945.008 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3699.755 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=L35 var, ob =press 79704.48 delta ob = -18470.09 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 9249.360 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=L35 var, ob =theta 301.0522 delta ob = 8.714630 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.965103 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LBSF var, ob =press 94631.04 delta ob = -4646.469 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1479.934 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LCEN var, ob =press 100903.8 delta ob = -1082.008 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 322.5826 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LDDU var, ob =v -7.654058 delta ob = -8.334258 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.021581 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LDOS var, ob =qv 5.1180222E-03 delta ob = 1.4555727E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.2567552E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LECO var, ob =press 100463.6 delta ob = 2880.227 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1921.605 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LEGR var, ob =press 94218.16 delta ob = -6153.102 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 785.9043 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LELL var, ob =press 97768.75 delta ob = -2277.766 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1775.814 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LEMD var, ob =press 94144.69 delta ob = 1244.094 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1198.916 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LEVS var, ob =press 92962.55 delta ob = 1701.938 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LFCR var, ob =press 94167.34 delta ob = -5436.313 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3581.300 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LFVP var, ob =press 101230.0 delta ob = 1077.688 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 683.6547 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LFVP var, ob =qv 4.6944502E-03 delta ob = 1.6781134E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.1976478E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LGKF var, ob =qv 9.2793927E-03 delta ob = 2.6754593E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 9.8652334E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LGKO var, ob =press 100350.3 delta ob = -1345.039 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1173.794 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LGSA var, ob =press 100186.2 delta ob = -1323.000 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 282.7296 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LHQ var, ob =press 102580.0 delta ob = 3201.133 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1501.303 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LIBQ var, ob =press 81960.15 delta ob = -18461.23 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4216.009 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LIBQ var, ob =qv 4.6722926E-03 delta ob = -2.4803518E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.3440360E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LICA var, ob =v -4.607535 delta ob = -8.678978 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.505830 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LICG var, ob =press 98556.60 delta ob = -1840.164 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 656.8478 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LICJ var, ob =v 9.131763 delta ob = 11.02688 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.816782 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LICJ var, ob =qv 6.2797181E-03 delta ob = -3.5911137E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.3584077E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LIMH var, ob =press 64527.92 delta ob = -31434.72 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7638.994 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LIMH var, ob =theta 291.4549 delta ob = 12.57333 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.423468 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LIMH var, ob =qv 1.2097404E-03 delta ob = -2.7893973E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.5397706E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LIMY var, ob =press 81243.79 delta ob = -16204.50 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7926.972 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LIMY var, ob =theta 291.9823 delta ob = 11.99323 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 9.366212 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LIRT var, ob =press 88144.52 delta ob = -11602.30 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2525.855 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LIVC var, ob =press 76697.52 delta ob = -22901.41 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4293.777 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LIVC var, ob =theta 293.5921 delta ob = 14.99866 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.231896 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LIVF var, ob =press 93572.27 delta ob = -5817.352 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4013.293 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LKPR var, ob =press 96233.83 delta ob = -1649.773 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1251.393 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LLBG var, ob =press 101617.3 delta ob = 8040.203 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1150.326 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LPBJ var, ob =press 98095.06 delta ob = -2485.328 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1575.716 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LPMT var, ob =press 100958.2 delta ob = 1162.375 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1094.561 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LQSA var, ob =press 94856.85 delta ob = -5097.578 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2396.928 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LRTC var, ob =press 101527.7 delta ob = 1139.258 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 452.5867 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LSGC var, ob =press 88765.96 delta ob = -7597.453 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4107.493 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LTAP var, ob =press 95597.16 delta ob = 7633.508 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3157.835 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LTAR var, ob =press 87531.62 delta ob = -3556.688 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3357.728 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LTAU var, ob =press 89964.42 delta ob = -10092.12 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 9163.926 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LTBA var, ob =theta 284.9720 delta ob = 9.118500 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.898529 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LTBA var, ob =qv 6.1962395E-03 delta ob = 1.4110031E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 8.6319959E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LTBJ var, ob =press 100556.4 delta ob = -1189.000 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 993.0842 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LTCE var, ob =press 82449.50 delta ob = -16282.89 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 14537.57 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=LTCG var, ob =qv 7.6007540E-03 delta ob = 2.9561911E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LTCI var, ob =theta 292.8396 delta ob = 7.792480 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.380372 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LZKZ var, ob =theta 272.2833 delta ob = -13.39618 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.612672 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=LZKZ var, ob =qv 3.2079273E-03 delta ob = -3.5520962E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.8117919E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=LZTT var, ob =press 92554.96 delta ob = -5644.336 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2312.753 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MDST var, ob =press 99110.48 delta ob = -2111.219 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 355.0930 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MGGT var, ob =press 85735.88 delta ob = -13440.96 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 8755.932 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MGQZ var, ob =theta 320.8741 delta ob = 12.47046 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 10.61084 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=MGRT var, ob =press 98548.34 delta ob = -2572.484 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1687.260 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MHNO var, ob =u -4.194613 delta ob = -8.315229 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.700686 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=MHNO var, ob =v -9.394050 delta ob = -10.35354 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.509515 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=MHNO var, ob =qv 1.0589878E-02 delta ob = -6.5122889E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.5278516E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=MKJP var, ob =v 6.101497 delta ob = 9.316831 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=MLP var, ob =press 81976.29 delta ob = -12302.63 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5020.567 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MLP var, ob =qv 2.6446909E-03 delta ob = -1.2812295E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.2492314E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=MMDO var, ob =press 82100.98 delta ob = 2813.031 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MMIA var, ob =press 93367.10 delta ob = 8148.938 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 75.89126 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MMIA var, ob =qv 1.3068005E-02 delta ob = 7.0824064E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=MMMT var, ob =press 101417.4 delta ob = 5739.883 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MMZC var, ob =press 79287.95 delta ob = -2376.594 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 663.8685 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MNJG var, ob =press 90001.55 delta ob = -9802.961 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6420.678 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MPO var, ob =press 95088.05 delta ob = -5285.742 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3779.809 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MRLM var, ob =press 101238.0 delta ob = 10545.50 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5152.351 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MRLM var, ob =theta 296.1067 delta ob = -8.462982 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.972821 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=MUCC var, ob =press 101441.8 delta ob = 1316.039 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 611.0165 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=MWN var, ob =u 21.03434 delta ob = 16.29767 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.570302 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=MYP var, ob =u 14.21841 delta ob = 12.54919 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 8.039445 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=NOG var, ob =qv 1.4732213E-02 delta ob = 1.1649060E-02 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.4070144E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=OAKB var, ob =press 82524.53 delta ob = -15002.72 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEAH var, ob =press 99936.03 delta ob = -1823.969 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 444.5700 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEBA var, ob =press 83829.25 delta ob = -4763.828 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3892.438 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEBA var, ob =qv 1.2803225E-02 delta ob = 5.5483249E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.2551981E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=OEBH var, ob =press 88844.15 delta ob = 8901.969 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 329.3111 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEBH var, ob =qv 6.6035353E-03 delta ob = -6.3384725E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.3073210E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=OEDM var, ob =press 91416.81 delta ob = -2775.156 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEDM var, ob =qv 7.3653562E-03 delta ob = -5.5876803E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=OEGN var, ob =press 101563.9 delta ob = 21340.50 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4863.452 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEGN var, ob =qv 1.8569190E-02 delta ob = 5.7224939E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.8531679E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=OEGS var, ob =press 94191.97 delta ob = 3778.430 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEGT var, ob =press 96199.54 delta ob = 2879.609 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1587.769 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEMA var, ob =press 94593.08 delta ob = -6884.883 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEMA var, ob =theta 303.9413 delta ob = 8.034943 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=OENG var, ob =press 88529.20 delta ob = 8574.820 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 307.2221 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OENG var, ob =qv 6.6270488E-03 delta ob = -6.2644179E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.2748793E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=OERR var, ob =press 95589.44 delta ob = 1537.813 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 643.5276 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OESK var, ob =press 94083.51 delta ob = 1453.070 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OETB var, ob =press 93021.55 delta ob = -8584.508 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 653.2308 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OETF var, ob =press 85905.80 delta ob = -12529.27 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3743.986 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OEWJ var, ob =qv 9.9005550E-03 delta ob = 5.4740263E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=OIMM var, ob =press 91140.87 delta ob = -8909.281 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 422.1378 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OIMM var, ob =qv 2.7599388E-03 delta ob = -1.9270631E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.0553766E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=OISS var, ob =press 85547.78 delta ob = -13038.92 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 11984.66 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OMAL var, ob =press 98772.66 delta ob = -2742.719 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 538.4802 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=OPPS var, ob =press 97527.25 delta ob = 1619.750 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=P53 var, ob =theta 275.6613 delta ob = -12.10043 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.971116 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=P69 var, ob =qv 5.2700280E-03 delta ob = 2.1167449E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.7706773E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=PABA var, ob =qv 8.8330271E-04 delta ob = -2.1559518E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=PABI var, ob =v 13.86569 delta ob = 14.61009 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.741377 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=PACZ var, ob =press 95921.51 delta ob = -1885.867 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 842.5076 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PAEG var, ob =theta 268.1054 delta ob = 8.285736 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.857156 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=PAEG var, ob =qv 1.3223632E-03 delta ob = 6.4957177E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.8541209E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=PAEH var, ob =press 95106.63 delta ob = -1905.305 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 144.2010 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PAFM var, ob =u -8.661635 delta ob = -8.143321 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.144646 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=PAHC var, ob =v -4.295616 delta ob = -7.542804 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.442157 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=PAII var, ob =press 95766.72 delta ob = -1092.422 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 619.9910 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PAIM var, ob =press 93828.90 delta ob = -3463.094 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1992.675 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PAKP var, ob =qv 3.8691045E-04 delta ob = -4.8529956E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=PAMC var, ob =press 96749.28 delta ob = 2318.320 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2012.835 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PARY var, ob =press 95816.06 delta ob = -1938.898 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 933.8248 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PASM var, ob =press 96643.58 delta ob = -1038.070 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 688.6760 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PASX var, ob =press 100157.0 delta ob = 2557.008 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1113.993 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PATC var, ob =u -8.742977 delta ob = -9.917523 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.142795 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=PATC var, ob =press 97613.29 delta ob = -1058.172 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 675.1711 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PAZK var, ob =press 86783.50 delta ob = -9481.625 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6236.652 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PGUA var, ob =press 98662.27 delta ob = -1295.828 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PHSF var, ob =press 81661.27 delta ob = -19725.16 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1559.075 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PRO var, ob =v 5.851951 delta ob = 8.294477 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.239262 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=PTKR var, ob =press 98566.37 delta ob = -1690.250 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=PUC var, ob =press 82442.95 delta ob = -4117.602 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3575.204 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=QDG var, ob =v 7.023685 delta ob = 8.380693 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.736816 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=QDG var, ob =theta 274.5837 delta ob = -10.53506 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.014306 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=QDG var, ob =qv 2.3143459E-03 delta ob = -6.2919566E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.2840983E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=RCSS var, ob =u -1.491566 delta ob = -9.471682 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.235683 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=RJNK var, ob =u 7.003663 delta ob = 10.12968 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.827890 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=RJTY var, ob =press 99935.91 delta ob = -1176.414 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 592.9581 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=RKNY var, ob =press 99641.50 delta ob = -2381.195 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1371.747 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=RKNY var, ob =theta 279.4367 delta ob = 9.768341 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.621320 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=RPLC var, ob =press 99184.41 delta ob = -1350.859 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=RPLL var, ob =qv 2.2462239E-02 delta ob = 5.7506822E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.3643330E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=SBBR var, ob =press 89174.82 delta ob = -3273.102 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SBCJ var, ob =press 93954.90 delta ob = -5651.188 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SBEG var, ob =press 100796.1 delta ob = 1075.656 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SBKP var, ob =press 93596.05 delta ob = 1026.695 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 884.4615 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SBRB var, ob =press 99386.97 delta ob = 1447.438 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SBSJ var, ob =press 93857.80 delta ob = 1178.555 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 589.5884 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SCAR var, ob =press 100583.1 delta ob = 4581.703 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 76.36799 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SCCH var, ob =press 100025.4 delta ob = -1781.125 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SDB var, ob =u -10.38832 delta ob = -9.235121 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.499813 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SDB var, ob =press 86527.22 delta ob = -12254.18 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 9534.384 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SELT var, ob =press 73167.50 delta ob = -27644.80 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 76.71388 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SELT var, ob =theta 313.9745 delta ob = 12.52243 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SGES var, ob =press 91252.59 delta ob = -6777.930 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 447.4407 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKBG var, ob =press 87856.98 delta ob = -10897.96 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2367.148 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKBO var, ob =press 75088.96 delta ob = -19426.61 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7766.991 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKBO var, ob =theta 319.2539 delta ob = 10.05084 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.713974 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SKCC var, ob =press 97211.31 delta ob = -1976.773 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 298.3533 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKEJ var, ob =press 99158.83 delta ob = 18511.79 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 8171.049 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKIP var, ob =press 71552.13 delta ob = -10207.20 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKNV var, ob =press 95728.33 delta ob = 5693.250 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2933.300 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKUC var, ob =v 0.6130925 delta ob = 8.066355 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SKUI var, ob =press 100525.6 delta ob = 16417.43 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 8916.629 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKUI var, ob =theta 298.7021 delta ob = -15.89532 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.168415 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SKVP var, ob =press 99347.74 delta ob = -1447.484 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 98.85944 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SKVV var, ob =press 96094.03 delta ob = 5164.141 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 75.97098 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SLCA var, ob =press 91701.48 delta ob = -3939.492 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SLCB var, ob =press 74801.98 delta ob = 9566.809 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SLJE var, ob =v 0.000000 delta ob = 7.501235 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SLK var, ob =press 95824.86 delta ob = -4937.938 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2368.456 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SLTJ var, ob =press 80949.13 delta ob = -13192.20 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3028.289 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SLVM var, ob =press 95640.97 delta ob = 2179.656 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SMP var, ob =press 88810.32 delta ob = -12155.78 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5926.336 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SPCL var, ob =press 99512.51 delta ob = 5869.195 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 76.84500 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SPHO var, ob =press 73280.12 delta ob = 5771.438 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SPHY var, ob =press 67508.68 delta ob = -1462.484 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SPJR var, ob =press 74392.23 delta ob = -26430.27 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SPJR var, ob =theta 320.1058 delta ob = 27.31171 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.260148 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SPME var, ob =v -3.600761 delta ob = -9.781457 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.164647 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SPMS var, ob =press 99294.34 delta ob = 1347.969 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 75.57217 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SRR var, ob =press 79844.78 delta ob = -8602.367 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6095.578 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SRR var, ob =theta 304.1003 delta ob = 9.160553 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.783533 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SVMI var, ob =press 100446.1 delta ob = 4281.227 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1360.677 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=SVMI var, ob =theta 302.7645 delta ob = -7.813538 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.029754 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=SVVA var, ob =press 96122.53 delta ob = -4883.539 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=TCK var, ob =theta 256.3348 delta ob = -19.52780 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.577886 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=TCK var, ob =qv 5.7488936E-04 delta ob = -2.3248931E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.2834912E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=TEX var, ob =qv 1.5632187E-03 delta ob = -1.8425621E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.6759867E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=UACC var, ob =press 98622.31 delta ob = 2393.742 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=UBBG var, ob =press 98166.13 delta ob = 5924.156 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5020.061 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=UDYZ var, ob =press 91959.70 delta ob = 8435.703 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=UDYZ var, ob =qv 5.1675146E-03 delta ob = 9.6766185E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.1246494E-05 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=UIII var, ob =qv 1.1700284E-03 delta ob = 3.6065286E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=UIL var, ob =qv 1.0138294E-03 delta ob = -4.2433948E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.1353731E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=UKLU var, ob =press 99793.49 delta ob = 1798.422 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1650.522 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ULMM var, ob =qv 2.1149856E-03 delta ob = 7.1702059E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.5698891E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=UNBB var, ob =press 100433.6 delta ob = -1799.664 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=UNBB var, ob =qv 7.7820942E-04 delta ob = -8.1308046E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=UNEE var, ob =press 100240.8 delta ob = -1992.461 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=UNEE var, ob =qv 8.5664791E-04 delta ob = -7.3464197E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=URKA var, ob =v 4.772959 delta ob = 8.822188 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=URKA var, ob =qv 6.1917133E-03 delta ob = 2.1302672E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=URMM var, ob =press 98459.92 delta ob = 1783.898 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1009.347 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=URMT var, ob =press 96648.48 delta ob = -4476.258 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1040.130 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=URSS var, ob =qv 6.1808098E-03 delta ob = 2.1239650E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.2689898E-05 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=URWW var, ob =qv 2.4871642E-03 delta ob = -1.0110608E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=USSS var, ob =qv 2.3014287E-03 delta ob = 5.3216703E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=UTDD var, ob =theta 286.6945 delta ob = 8.410583 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.358221 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=UTDD var, ob =qv 5.4612807E-03 delta ob = 1.5229662E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.0541568E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=UTST var, ob =press 99189.63 delta ob = 5793.219 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=UWOO var, ob =press 101862.8 delta ob = 1782.711 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 658.9919 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=UWOO var, ob =qv 1.5970597E-03 delta ob = -7.0992461E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.5265414E-05 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=VEPT var, ob =press 100769.8 delta ob = 13856.23 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=VEPT var, ob =theta 286.5213 delta ob = -8.211792 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=VIDP var, ob =press 98920.41 delta ob = 1838.000 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=VTCP var, ob =press 99358.62 delta ob = -1755.070 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WAE var, ob =press 94757.59 delta ob = -7202.055 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3536.504 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WAQ var, ob =u 4.678197 delta ob = 7.590347 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.675331 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=WAQ var, ob =v -8.581244 delta ob = -16.44880 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 14.12978 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=WAQ var, ob =press 100022.4 delta ob = -1757.430 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1020.753 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WAQ var, ob =qv 3.8289921E-03 delta ob = -1.5787496E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.3110584E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=WBD var, ob =qv 2.9782662E-03 delta ob = -1.5869611E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 9.0124423E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=WDC var, ob =press 96664.73 delta ob = -1160.555 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1015.668 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WDH var, ob =press 102349.0 delta ob = 2805.445 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2455.163 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WFF var, ob =press 94547.72 delta ob = -1102.844 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 828.0368 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WFW var, ob =press 99354.51 delta ob = -1380.281 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1092.185 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WFZ var, ob =qv 4.4362244E-04 delta ob = -5.1278248E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=WIL var, ob =qv 1.0418256E-03 delta ob = 3.9087480E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=WKB var, ob =press 98670.41 delta ob = -1474.531 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 890.8840 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WKH var, ob =press 98211.18 delta ob = -4186.578 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1518.469 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WKM var, ob =v 10.72182 delta ob = 8.086838 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.962410 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=WKP var, ob =press 95954.74 delta ob = -3736.914 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1550.744 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WLF var, ob =press 98588.77 delta ob = 1648.578 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1153.847 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WLI var, ob =qv 5.3884770E-04 delta ob = 1.4463696E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.4602996E-05 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=WLP var, ob =v 15.15477 delta ob = 9.153877 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3.714355 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=WLS var, ob =press 97519.17 delta ob = -2588.906 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2476.871 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WOB var, ob =qv 2.6476718E-03 delta ob = 6.8682292E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=WPU var, ob =theta 274.5948 delta ob = -9.104614 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 8.853559 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=WPX var, ob =press 97430.61 delta ob = -1810.922 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 73.37784 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WQL var, ob =press 98349.45 delta ob = 8095.250 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5194.680 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WRA var, ob =press 101398.3 delta ob = 1519.633 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 501.6443 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WRF var, ob =press 95425.24 delta ob = -3863.781 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 447.6096 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WTU var, ob =press 91228.67 delta ob = -7668.742 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1154.846 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WUP var, ob =press 95402.32 delta ob = 1896.695 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 734.8635 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WVH var, ob =press 96719.58 delta ob = -3027.531 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1372.094 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WWA var, ob =press 100628.5 delta ob = -1833.297 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1666.179 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WYM var, ob =press 92743.59 delta ob = -5954.422 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5810.861 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=WZS var, ob =v -6.318387 delta ob = -8.562297 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.455556 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=XBP var, ob =press 101785.5 delta ob = 1486.297 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 864.9242 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=XLL var, ob =press 99844.34 delta ob = 2398.742 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1712.477 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=XLL var, ob =theta 289.2788 delta ob = 33.52568 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 9.555988 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=XLL var, ob =qv 3.2487574E-03 delta ob = 2.6818141E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.1091361E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=XMD var, ob =press 100380.0 delta ob = 3726.953 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 3145.119 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=XTL var, ob =theta 285.5947 delta ob = 7.830627 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.833664 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=YAS var, ob =press 97525.23 delta ob = -1047.047 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 462.8772 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YDB var, ob =theta 275.8907 delta ob = 17.34863 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 11.29060 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=YET var, ob =press 90390.10 delta ob = -1623.648 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1030.588 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YFS var, ob =qv 2.9776621E-04 delta ob = -2.9310040E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.8167484E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YGL var, ob =press 98871.18 delta ob = -2525.430 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 679.3889 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YGQ var, ob =press 97919.99 delta ob = -1878.086 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1520.344 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YHZ var, ob =press 99127.39 delta ob = -1371.719 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 926.9299 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YIK var, ob =qv 2.3392153E-03 delta ob = 1.0538164E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 7.9719024E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YKD var, ob =qv 4.8260472E-04 delta ob = 1.4513018E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.1034197E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YKO var, ob =qv 1.9544682E-03 delta ob = 8.1034494E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.6780143E-05 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YLD var, ob =press 97095.12 delta ob = -2336.586 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1531.031 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YLL var, ob =press 92942.80 delta ob = -1611.195 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1199.471 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YMAV var, ob =press 100924.2 delta ob = 1513.570 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 80.75734 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YMT var, ob =qv 1.4012062E-03 delta ob = -3.3275087E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.4913619E-03 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YMU var, ob =press 99299.49 delta ob = -1060.727 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 847.9248 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YPC var, ob =press 100268.6 delta ob = 1192.953 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 112.8351 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YPC var, ob =qv 3.9489870E-04 delta ob = -2.5717594E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YPX var, ob =qv 1.1431589E-03 delta ob = -6.3830952E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YQH var, ob =theta 262.3596 delta ob = -8.474701 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.753110 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=YQH var, ob =qv 7.0228730E-04 delta ob = -1.0298593E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.7249126E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YSF var, ob =press 97535.78 delta ob = 3309.047 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 114.1723 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YTE var, ob =qv 1.7981328E-03 delta ob = 6.2158727E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YUB var, ob =press 100180.6 delta ob = 1203.711 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1029.582 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YWJ var, ob =press 97802.52 delta ob = -1055.328 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 310.9860 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YWJ var, ob =qv 4.9353845E-04 delta ob = 1.9000677E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.6688759E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YWL var, ob =press 90887.10 delta ob = -4417.828 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2955.817 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YXR var, ob =press 99521.41 delta ob = 1056.367 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 744.6201 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YYD var, ob =press 94560.62 delta ob = -3814.609 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1557.083 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YYE var, ob =press 95847.23 delta ob = -1829.586 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 106.4711 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YYN var, ob =press 91441.08 delta ob = -2113.430 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1503.736 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=YZF var, ob =theta 249.5517 delta ob = -12.70889 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 6.592422 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=YZF var, ob =qv 2.9815728E-04 delta ob = -8.7402033E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.7917682E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=YZG var, ob =v 2.458265 delta ob = 8.933677 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 4.895586 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=YZG var, ob =press 96364.88 delta ob = -2307.969 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 949.1186 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ZBYN var, ob =press 93667.54 delta ob = -8854.680 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 83.21915 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ZBYN var, ob =theta 274.2306 delta ob = 9.968964 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ZBYN var, ob =qv 1.7363448E-03 delta ob = 5.2454078E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=ZFN var, ob =qv 3.2760506E-04 delta ob = 1.5280164E-04 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 5.3332210E-06 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=ZGOW var, ob =press 101663.8 delta ob = 1531.180 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 QC flagging data...sta=ZMT var, ob =theta 281.2949 delta ob = 14.21088 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 1.487978 7.500000 QC flagging data...sta=ZMT var, ob =qv 4.9426984E-03 delta ob = 3.4365011E-03 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 2.3315464E-04 0.2500000 QC flagging data...sta=ZYCC var, ob =press 100144.6 delta ob = -1041.531 3.0*stdv,qclimit= 0.000000 1000.000 Combining stations: AFC and YFC Combining stations: AJO and CNO Combining stations: AQY and YQY Combining stations: AXS and LTS Combining stations: BAD and DTN Combining stations: BFI and RNT Combining stations: CAHR and YYG Combining stations: CPRO and PRO Combining stations: CXAR and YEK Combining stations: CXY and MDT Combining stations: EGLC and EGLL Combining stations: EGUL and EGUN Combining stations: EGWU and EGLEG Combining stations: EYW and NQX Combining stations: FXE and PMP Combining stations: GEU and LUF Combining stations: GKY and GPM Combining stations: HEY and LOR Combining stations: HHR and LAX Combining stations: HLR and ILE Combining stations: HSV and HUA Combining stations: LGA and NYC Combining stations: LGKP and LZKZ Combining stations: LIPH and LIPS Combining stations: LIPL and LIPO Combining stations: LOU and SDF Combining stations: LRBS and LROP Combining stations: LTAG and QDG Combining stations: MMTJ and SDM Combining stations: MSP and SGS Combining stations: MYF and NKX Combining stations: NFG and OKB Combining stations: NGU and ORF Combining stations: NUQ and PAO Combining stations: NZY and SAN Combining stations: OZR and HEYLO Combining stations: PAED and PAMR Combining stations: PALH and PANC Combining stations: PALP and PAQT Combining stations: PDX and VUO Combining stations: PQW and YQW Combining stations: WBA and WZG Combining stations: WBT and WQR Combining stations: WBU and YBU Combining stations: WCF and YBV Combining stations: WDJ and YQR Combining stations: WFO and YFO Combining stations: WFP and YDP Combining stations: WGR and YGR Combining stations: WGW and WSW Combining stations: WGX and YGX Combining stations: WJL and YJF Combining stations: WLJ and YLJ Combining stations: WLM and WYJ Combining stations: WMKK and WMSA Combining stations: WON and YDA Combining stations: WPF and YWH Combining stations: WPG and YPG Combining stations: WPL and YPL Combining stations: WSAP and WSSS Combining stations: WSV and YCP Combining stations: WUM and ZFA Combining stations: WVC and YYN Combining stations: WVD and YVM Combining stations: WVT and YVT Combining stations: WWZ and YSN Combining stations: WXP and YXP Combining stations: WZT and YDN Combining stations: WZU and XMI Combining stations: WZW and YZW Combining stations: XEG and YEG Combining stations: XGD and YQX Combining stations: XKA and YYU Combining stations: XMM and YMM Combining stations: XMW and YXH Combining stations: XOA and YOW Combining stations: XOX and YVC Combining stations: XTO and YTZ Combining stations: XWN and YWG Combining stations: XZV and YZV Combining stations: YAW and WZUXM Combining stations: YET and ZZJ Combining stations: YHY and ZHY Combining stations: YMJ and ZMJ Combining stations: YMT and ZMT Combining stations: YOC and ZOC Combining stations: YQT and ZTB Combining stations: YSM and ZSM Fortran I/O unit 38 returned to the free list. Fortran I/O unit 37 returned to the free list. Processing file 2 data/buoy201711291800.lso Fortran I/O unit 37 picked from the free list. Opening qclist: buoy201711291800.sqc Fortran I/O unit 38 picked from the free list. Opening qclist: buoy201711291800.lsq Calling prepsfcobs Getting surface data from: data/buoy201711291800.lso Fortran I/O unit 36 picked from the free list. Blacklisted station GAG not found in dataset Blacklisted station 1F0 not found in dataset Blacklisted station PVJ not found in dataset Blacklisted station JWG not found in dataset Blacklisted station F05 not found in dataset Blacklisted station LAW not found in dataset Blacklisted station SNK not found in dataset Blacklisted station PVW not found in dataset Blacklisted station HHF not found in dataset Blacklisted station KHRS not found in dataset Blacklisted station KONS not found in dataset Fortran I/O unit 36 returned to the free list. Normal completion of READ_SURFACE_OBS LSO data vaild time: 29-NOV-2017 18:00:00.00 Getting past surface data from: NULL +++ ERROR opening: NULL +++ IOS code = 209 Fortran I/O unit 36 picked from the free list. Blacklisted station GAG not found in dataset Blacklisted station 1F0 not found in dataset Blacklisted station PVJ not found in dataset Blacklisted station JWG not found in dataset Blacklisted station F05 not found in dataset Blacklisted station LAW not found in dataset Blacklisted station SNK not found in dataset Blacklisted station PVW not found in dataset Blacklisted station HHF not found in dataset Blacklisted station KHRS not found in dataset Blacklisted station KONS not found in dataset Fortran I/O unit 36 returned to the free list. Normal completion of READ_SURFACE_OBS ++Bad status return trying to get surface data from: NULL Temporal QC skipped. # of data stns available: 318 0 numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. numdiff < 2, no dev_ck done. ** temporal QC of surface data complete. ** BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY 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source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not 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source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched BUOY source not matched qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 2.250000 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 2.250000 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 4.000000 4.000000 40000.00 1.232100 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 16.00000 16.00000 90000.00 16.00000 9.9999988E-03 qsrc = 1.000000 1.000000 14884.00 0.3600000 2.4999997E-03 qsrc = 2.250000 2.250000 57600.01 0.6400000 3.5999999E-03 qsrc = 16.00000 16.00000 90000.00 16.00000 9.9999988E-03 BARQC: nsta= 318 Fortran I/O unit 37 returned to the free list. Fortran I/O unit 38 returned to the free list. Calling prepuaobs Calling grdtosng flagging 2G4 151.6198 SA flagging CKC 165.1293 SA flagging HSP 561.2334 SA flagging LNP 145.0767 SA flagging MPO 177.0183 SA flagging MQE 156.7870 SA flagging MWN 1263.987 SA flagging TNB 150.1392 SA flagging WIS 470.6112 SA 558 of 4030 single-level stations are inside the ARPS domain Calling grdtoua 0 of 0 upper air profiles are inside the ARPS domain Calling prepradar allocating full ref_mos_3d 183 163 53 open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1803_KAPX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KAPX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1800_KCCX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KCCX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1758_KCLE.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KCLE to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1755_KDIX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KDIX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1802_KDTX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KDTX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1800_KENX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KENX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1800_KGRB.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KGRB to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1755_KGRR.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KGRR to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1803_KILN.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KILN to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1756_KILX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KILX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1802_KIND.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KIND to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1757_KMKX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KMKX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1756_KMQT.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KMQT to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1804_KOKX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KOKX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1803_KPAH.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KPAH to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1804_KPBZ.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KPBZ to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1804_KRLX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KRLX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. open_process_radar_head: Opening radar file - nids/r882017112918_1802_KVWX.adas.hdf4 RADAR file source, srcrad( 1) = 88D-AII HDFRD2DI: Reading variable radcolk ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolhgt ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolref ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolvel ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcolnyq ...... HDFRD2D: Reading variable radcoltim ...... Adding radar KVWX to mosaic. Reflectivity coverage 3.00 km to 230.00 km. Reflectivity elevs 91.00 deg to -91.00 deg. Back from rdradcol, istat_radar = 1 Prepradar: ncolrad = 0 Calling prepretr Calling grdtoret Calling qcdiff QC Statistics for single-level data Variable Obs Rejected Percent u 512 0 0.0 v 512 0 0.0 press 534 0 0.0 theta 543 0 0.0 qv 540 0 0.0 QC Statistics for UA data Variable Obs Rejected Percent u 0 0 0.0 v 0 0 0.0 press 0 0 0.0 theta 0 0 0.0 qv 0 0 0.0 QC Statistics for radar data Variable Obs Rejected Percent Vr 0 0 0.0 QC Statistics for retrieval data Variable Obs Rejected Percent u 0 0 0.0 v 0 0 0.0 press 0 0 0.0 theta 0 0 0.0 qv 0 0 0.0 Calling anxiter Computing orig difference stats Statistics for analysis pass 0 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 512 -0.114 2.15 2 v 512 -0.217 1.72 3 press 534 -30.7 87.1 4 theta 543 -2.41 2.77 5 qv 540 0.345E-03 0.652E-03 Radar data variables for pass 0 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 0 0.00 0.00 2 v 0 0.00 0.00 3 press 0 0.00 0.00 Source usage switches for pass 1 Single level data Using WTXMN Multiple level data Using NWS RAOB Using WPDN PRO Using BLPROF Using SODAR Using PROFLR Raw radar data Using 88D-AII Retrieval radar data none trnropt = 1 trnrcst = 100.0 m trnrng = 1.800 OBSCOR: Influence cutoff radius: 525.65 km. Bratseth on grid using height ipass= 1 Influence cutoff radius: 525.65 km. Bratseth at obs sites using height ipass= 1 Influence cutoff radius: 525.65 km. Computing new differences, ipass= 1 Statistics for analysis pass 1 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 512 -0.114 2.15 2 v 512 -0.217 1.72 3 press 534 -30.7 87.1 4 theta 543 -2.41 2.77 5 qv 540 0.345E-03 0.652E-03 Radar data variables for pass 1 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 0 0.00 0.00 2 v 0 0.00 0.00 3 press 0 0.00 0.00 Source usage switches for pass 2 Single level data Using SA Using MESO Using WTXMN Using MESOALPN Using MESOHYDR Using MESOMET Using MESOROAD Using MOPED Using NFAWOS Using AUTO Using AMATSFC Multiple level data Using NWS RAOB Using WPDN PRO Using BLPROF Using SODAR Using PROFLR Using UHFPRF Using VHFPRF Using 88D VAD Using TDWR VAD Using CASA VAD Raw radar data none Retrieval radar data none trnropt = 1 trnrcst = 100.0 m trnrng = 1.800 OBSCOR: Influence cutoff radius: 315.39 km. Bratseth on grid using height ipass= 2 Influence cutoff radius: 315.39 km. Bratseth at obs sites using height ipass= 2 Influence cutoff radius: 315.39 km. Computing new differences, ipass= 2 Statistics for analysis pass 2 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 512 0.570E-07 1.39 2 v 512 -0.130E-07 1.21 3 press 534 -0.702E-03 51.8 4 theta 543 -0.121E-04 0.822 5 qv 540 0.147E-10 0.346E-03 Radar data variables for pass 2 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 0 0.00 0.00 2 v 0 0.00 0.00 3 press 0 0.00 0.00 Source usage switches for pass 3 Single level data Using SA Using MESO Using MESOALPN Using MESOHYDR Using MESOMET Using MESOROAD Using MOPED Using NFAWOS Using AUTO Using AMATSFC Multiple level data Using UHFPRF Using VHFPRF Using 88D VAD Using TDWR VAD Using CASA VAD Raw radar data none Retrieval radar data none trnropt = 1 trnrcst = 100.0 m trnrng = 1.800 OBSCOR: Influence cutoff radius: 210.26 km. Bratseth on grid using height ipass= 3 Influence cutoff radius: 210.26 km. Bratseth at obs sites using height ipass= 3 Influence cutoff radius: 210.26 km. Computing new differences, ipass= 3 Statistics for analysis pass 3 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 512 0.117E-08 1.05 2 v 512 0.420E-08 0.962 3 press 534 0.892E-03 34.1 4 theta 543 -0.208E-05 0.619 5 qv 540 0.125E-10 0.282E-03 Radar data variables for pass 3 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 0 0.00 0.00 2 v 0 0.00 0.00 3 press 0 0.00 0.00 Source usage switches for pass 4 Single level data Using SA Using MESO Using MESOALPN Using MESOHYDR Using MESOMET Using MESOROAD Using MOPED Using NFAWOS Using AUTO Using AMATSFC Multiple level data Using UHFPRF Using VHFPRF Using 88D VAD Using TDWR VAD Using CASA VAD Raw radar data none Retrieval radar data none trnropt = 1 trnrcst = 100.0 m trnrng = 1.800 OBSCOR: Influence cutoff radius: 157.70 km. Bratseth on grid using height ipass= 4 Influence cutoff radius: 157.70 km. Bratseth at obs sites using height ipass= 4 Influence cutoff radius: 157.70 km. Computing new differences, ipass= 4 Statistics for analysis pass 4 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 512 0.274E-07 0.789 2 v 512 -0.472E-08 0.747 3 press 534 -0.454E-03 21.0 4 theta 543 0.219E-05 0.468 5 qv 540 0.625E-11 0.225E-03 Radar data variables for pass 4 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 0 0.00 0.00 2 v 0 0.00 0.00 3 press 0 0.00 0.00 Source usage switches for pass 5 Single level data Using SA Using MESO Using MESOALPN Using MESOHYDR Using MESOMET Using MESOROAD Multiple level data none Raw radar data none Retrieval radar data none trnropt = 1 trnrcst = 100.0 m trnrng = 1.800 OBSCOR: Influence cutoff radius: 157.70 km. Bratseth on grid using height ipass= 5 Influence cutoff radius: 157.70 km. Bratseth at obs sites using height ipass= 5 Influence cutoff radius: 157.70 km. Computing new differences, ipass= 5 Statistics for analysis pass 5 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 512 0.418E-07 0.658 2 v 512 0.223E-07 0.634 3 press 534 0.307E-03 17.0 4 theta 543 0.618E-06 0.395 5 qv 540 0.123E-10 0.196E-03 Radar data variables for pass 5 ivar name knt bias rms 1 u 0 0.00 0.00 2 v 0 0.00 0.00 3 press 0 0.00 0.00 Creating status file: ad2017112918.adasstat Creating station list file: ad2017112918.adasstn obropt = 11 Found mean k (=38) level at which w is zero for O'Brian adjustment, obrzero= 12000. m. Before w adjust, rho*wcont(top): wcmin = -0.2084 at i= 1, j= 2, k= 38 wcmax = 0.2605 at i=182, j=141, k= 38 Horizontal divergence correction distributed linearly in k. After wcont adjustment, rho*wcont(top): wcmin = 0.000 at i= 1, j= 1, k= 38 wcmax = 0.000 at i= 1, j= 1, k= 38 Allocating qscalar_cld: nscalar= 5 Calling Cloud Cover Analysis: cloud_cv Welcome to the ADAS Cloud Analysis Call background fields routine Initializing the cloud analysis grid Call Ingest/Insert SAO routines Inserting SAO data from 4030 stations. Num stations analyzed/cloud soundings = 586 586 Analyzing SAO cloud soundings Barnes_r5 called Good value of iskip = 1 # of cloud soundings = 586 Min possible weight = 2.7133352E-08 Max possible weight = 100000.0 Ncnt = 26385 radm2*100,iii_max,n_fnorm: 1.533000 100752 106316 Calculating solar position parameters. pt( 91, 81): Solar alt = 25.58469, declin = -21.35756, hour_angle = 12.79910 Getting satellite visible data remapped on the model grid sfname= ar2017112918_goes13_20171129_1745.satalb.hdf4 nx,ny,nfield= 183 163 1 Fortran I/O unit 38 picked from the free list. rdsatfld: dmpfmt= 2 sfname=ar2017112918_goes13_20171129_1745.satalb.hdf4 HDFRD3D: Reading variable satfld .... Fortran I/O unit 37 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 37 returned to the free list. sfname= ar2017112918_goes15_20171129_1800.satalb.hdf4 nx,ny,nfield= 183 163 1 Fortran I/O unit 37 picked from the free list. rdsatfld: dmpfmt= 2 sfname=ar2017112918_goes15_20171129_1800.satalb.hdf4 HDFRD3D: Reading variable satfld .... Fortran I/O unit 36 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 36 returned to the free list. Read successful, calling process_vis Mosaicked Visible Satellite Data: ar2017112918_goes13_20171129_1745.satalb.hdf4 ar2017112918_goes15_20171129_1800.satalb.hdf4 min albedo: 1.0000 max albedo: 1.1898 min vis cf: 1.0000 max vis cf: 1.0000 Inserting satellite IR data. Getting satellite IR data remapped on the model grid sfname= ar2017112918_goes13_20171129_1745.satctt.hdf4 nx,ny,nfield= 183 163 2 Fortran I/O unit 36 picked from the free list. rdsatfld: dmpfmt= 2 sfname=ar2017112918_goes13_20171129_1745.satctt.hdf4 HDFRD3D: Reading variable satfld .... sfname= ar2017112918_goes15_20171129_1800.satctt.hdf4 nx,ny,nfield= 183 163 2 Fortran I/O unit 35 picked from the free list. rdsatfld: dmpfmt= 2 sfname=ar2017112918_goes15_20171129_1800.satctt.hdf4 HDFRD3D: Reading variable satfld .... Fortran I/O unit 34 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 34 returned to the free list. Read successful, calling insert_ir Insert satellite IR data routines called. Computing ground skin temperature Sample solar position parms for point ( 92 82) hangle altitude transalt ratio highalt lowalt correctn 12.91 25.49 26.60 0.96 21.02 13.03 4.00 Find cloud_top for each grid point. **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 1 1 296. 282. 263. 1511. 4965. 0.54 0.59 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 84 1 1 291.00 290.83 291.02 0.09 215. 223. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 84 1 1 291.00 290.83 291.02 0.09 215. 223. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 85 1 1 291.00 290.85 291.04 0.20 213. 219. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 85 1 1 291.00 290.85 291.04 0.20 213. 219. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86 1 1 291.00 290.85 291.04 0.21 212. 218. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86 1 1 291.00 290.85 291.04 0.21 212. 218. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87 1 1 291.00 290.86 291.05 0.27 212. 216. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 69 2 1 289.00 288.86 289.05 0.25 572. 576. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 77 2 1 290.50 290.36 290.54 0.24 296. 301. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 9 3 1 290.50 290.38 290.57 0.38 156. 158. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 79 3 1 290.50 290.38 290.57 0.37 282. 285. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 79 3 1 290.50 290.38 290.57 0.37 282. 285. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 131 3 1 292.00 291.83 292.03 0.14 -7. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 133 3 1 292.00 291.84 292.03 0.16 -7. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 49 4 1 289.00 288.90 289.09 0.48 320. 320. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 62 4 1 286.00 285.85 286.03 0.16 903. 910. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 75 4 1 290.00 289.84 290.03 0.15 385. 392. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 93 4 1 291.00 290.89 291.08 0.44 195. 197. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 1 5 1 291.00 290.90 291.09 0.48 141. 141. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 51 5 1 288.50 288.32 288.51 0.05 367. 376. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 155 5 1 293.00 292.82 293.01 0.07 -9. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 1 6 1 291.00 290.83 291.03 0.15 131. 138. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 70 6 1 286.50 286.36 286.54 0.21 798. 803. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 157 6 1 293.00 292.85 293.05 0.26 -5. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 82 7 1 290.50 290.37 290.55 0.28 294. 298. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 45 8 1 288.50 288.36 288.51 0.09 331. 339. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 55 8 1 288.50 288.38 288.57 0.35 329. 332. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 77 8 1 290.00 289.85 290.04 0.23 447. 452. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83 8 1 290.50 290.40 290.58 0.44 287. 288. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83 8 1 290.50 290.40 290.58 0.44 287. 288. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 89 8 1 290.50 290.37 290.56 0.32 245. 249. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90 8 1 290.50 290.34 290.53 0.14 245. 252. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90 8 1 290.50 290.34 290.53 0.14 245. 252. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91 8 1 290.50 290.35 290.53 0.16 244. 251. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91 8 1 290.50 290.35 290.53 0.16 244. 251. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92 8 1 290.50 290.37 290.56 0.31 242. 245. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92 8 1 290.50 290.37 290.56 0.31 242. 245. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 45 9 1 288.50 288.32 288.51 0.04 381. 390. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 46 9 1 288.50 288.37 288.56 0.31 367. 370. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 47 9 1 288.50 288.40 288.59 0.47 359. 360. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 52 9 1 288.50 288.36 288.55 0.27 306. 311. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 52 9 1 288.50 288.36 288.55 0.27 306. 311. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 53 9 1 288.50 288.36 288.55 0.27 309. 313. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 54 9 1 288.50 288.36 288.55 0.28 314. 318. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 54 9 1 288.50 288.36 288.55 0.28 314. 318. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83 9 1 290.50 290.37 290.55 0.29 300. 305. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83 9 1 290.50 290.37 290.55 0.29 300. 305. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 88 9 1 290.50 290.36 290.55 0.25 247. 251. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92 9 1 290.50 290.33 290.52 0.11 241. 249. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92 9 1 290.50 290.33 290.52 0.11 241. 249. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 93 9 1 290.50 290.36 290.54 0.24 235. 240. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 94 9 1 290.50 290.40 290.58 0.45 229. 230. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 51 10 1 288.50 288.34 288.53 0.17 320. 326. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 57 10 1 288.00 287.84 288.02 0.13 358. 365. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86 10 1 290.50 290.39 290.57 0.38 263. 265. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86 10 1 290.50 290.39 290.57 0.38 263. 265. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87 10 1 290.50 290.33 290.52 0.08 255. 263. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90 10 1 290.50 290.33 290.51 0.06 247. 256. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90 10 1 290.50 290.33 290.51 0.06 247. 256. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91 10 1 290.50 290.36 290.54 0.22 245. 251. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91 10 1 290.50 290.36 290.54 0.22 245. 251. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92 10 1 290.50 290.37 290.55 0.28 241. 245. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 93 10 1 290.50 290.37 290.56 0.31 234. 238. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 145 10 1 291.00 290.85 291.05 0.24 -5. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 5 11 1 290.00 289.83 290.03 0.14 134. 141. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 5 11 1 290.00 289.83 290.03 0.14 134. 141. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 61 11 1 288.00 287.88 288.06 0.34 384. 387. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 77 11 1 287.50 287.36 287.54 0.23 704. 709. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86 11 1 290.50 290.34 290.53 0.15 282. 289. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90 11 1 290.50 290.38 290.56 0.35 250. 253. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90 11 1 290.50 290.38 290.56 0.35 250. 253. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86 12 1 290.50 290.41 290.59 0.49 315. 315. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86 12 1 290.50 290.41 290.59 0.49 315. 315. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87 12 1 290.50 290.32 290.50 0.00 300. 310. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87 12 1 290.50 290.32 290.50 0.00 300. 310. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 89 12 1 290.50 290.36 290.55 0.24 273. 278. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 89 12 1 290.50 290.36 290.55 0.24 273. 278. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 50 13 1 288.00 287.83 288.02 0.09 424. 432. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 50 13 1 288.00 287.83 288.02 0.09 424. 432. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 52 13 1 288.00 287.83 288.01 0.07 383. 391. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 52 13 1 288.00 287.83 288.01 0.07 383. 391. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 84 13 1 290.50 290.32 290.51 0.03 377. 387. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 85 14 1 290.00 289.89 290.08 0.42 419. 420. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 62 15 1 287.50 287.35 287.54 0.21 454. 459. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 147 15 1 290.00 289.82 290.02 0.10 -8. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 38 16 1 290.00 289.88 290.07 0.36 270. 273. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 63 16 1 287.50 287.32 287.50 0.01 484. 494. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 142 16 1 289.00 288.89 289.03 0.20 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 169 16 1 293.00 292.82 293.02 0.08 -8. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 36 17 1 290.00 289.82 290.01 0.05 229. 238. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 37 17 1 290.00 289.88 290.07 0.38 239. 242. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 39 17 1 290.00 289.85 290.04 0.20 268. 274. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 167 17 1 292.50 292.34 292.54 0.21 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 167 17 1 292.50 292.34 292.54 0.21 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 37 18 1 290.00 289.82 290.01 0.05 226. 235. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 38 18 1 290.00 289.81 290.00 0.02 235. 244. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 41 18 1 289.50 289.35 289.54 0.23 317. 322. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 46 18 1 289.00 288.87 289.06 0.33 347. 350. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 50 18 1 288.50 288.37 288.56 0.30 368. 372. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 68 18 1 287.00 286.85 287.04 0.21 602. 607. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 131 18 1 291.00 290.84 291.03 0.18 -5. 2. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 168 18 1 292.50 292.35 292.55 0.26 -5. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 171 18 1 293.00 292.84 293.04 0.20 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 13 19 1 289.00 288.89 289.08 0.43 149. 151. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 47 19 1 289.00 288.89 289.08 0.41 334. 336. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 88 19 1 287.00 286.83 287.02 0.10 677. 685. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 88 19 1 287.00 286.83 287.02 0.10 677. 685. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 162 19 1 291.50 291.35 291.55 0.24 -5. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 169 19 1 292.50 292.35 292.54 0.22 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 169 19 1 292.50 292.35 292.54 0.22 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 176 19 1 293.00 292.86 293.06 0.28 -4. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 36 20 1 289.50 289.38 289.57 0.39 246. 248. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 36 20 1 289.50 289.38 289.57 0.39 246. 248. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 48 20 1 289.00 288.85 289.04 0.19 321. 327. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 51 20 1 288.50 288.36 288.54 0.24 349. 354. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 170 20 1 292.50 292.34 292.54 0.20 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 170 20 1 292.50 292.34 292.54 0.20 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 38 21 1 289.50 289.38 289.57 0.36 245. 247. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 48 21 1 289.00 288.84 289.03 0.14 313. 320. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 84 21 1 287.00 286.81 287.00 0.01 661. 670. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 28 22 1 289.00 288.88 289.07 0.36 173. 175. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 34 22 1 289.00 288.90 289.09 0.45 242. 243. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 47 22 1 289.00 288.88 289.07 0.35 306. 309. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 50 22 1 288.50 288.37 288.56 0.30 341. 344. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 50 22 1 288.50 288.37 288.56 0.30 341. 344. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 69 22 1 287.00 286.83 287.02 0.10 576. 584. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 163 22 1 291.00 290.88 291.07 0.38 -2. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 174 22 1 293.00 292.82 293.02 0.10 -8. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 35 23 1 289.00 288.83 289.02 0.12 231. 239. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 36 23 1 289.00 288.90 289.09 0.49 241. 241. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 42 23 1 289.00 288.92 289.07 0.46 288. 288. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 44 23 1 289.00 288.88 289.07 0.35 298. 301. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 45 23 1 289.00 288.82 289.01 0.08 295. 304. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 143 23 1 287.00 286.90 287.02 0.14 -7. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 161 23 1 290.50 290.34 290.53 0.15 -7. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 30 24 1 288.50 288.39 288.58 0.44 193. 194. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 48 24 1 288.50 288.34 288.53 0.14 323. 330. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 58 24 1 288.00 287.88 288.07 0.38 365. 367. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 80 24 1 285.00 284.87 285.05 0.28 772. 777. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 33 25 1 288.50 288.38 288.57 0.38 211. 214. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 42 25 1 288.50 288.35 288.51 0.05 284. 293. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 43 25 1 288.50 288.36 288.55 0.27 303. 308. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 44 25 1 288.50 288.32 288.51 0.07 311. 320. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 52 25 1 288.00 287.89 288.08 0.44 350. 351. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 59 25 1 288.00 287.85 288.04 0.21 350. 356. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 66 25 1 288.00 287.83 288.02 0.10 414. 422. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 67 25 1 288.00 287.87 288.06 0.30 422. 426. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 78 25 1 285.00 284.85 285.04 0.20 733. 739. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83 25 1 286.00 285.89 286.08 0.43 674. 675. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 143 25 1 287.00 286.90 287.01 0.09 -8. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 161 25 1 290.00 289.87 290.04 0.23 -5. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 176 25 1 293.00 292.83 293.02 0.11 -8. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 49 26 1 288.00 287.86 288.05 0.24 343. 348. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 59 26 1 288.00 287.82 288.01 0.04 331. 340. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 80 26 1 285.00 284.86 285.05 0.26 743. 748. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 168 26 1 291.00 290.81 291.01 0.05 -9. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 168 26 1 291.00 290.81 291.01 0.05 -9. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 177 26 1 293.00 292.86 293.06 0.31 -4. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 14 27 1 288.00 287.83 288.02 0.10 133. 141. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 15 27 1 288.00 287.88 288.08 0.39 135. 137. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 29 27 1 288.00 287.82 288.01 0.07 183. 191. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 188.4323 to 20386.13 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 195.4360 to 20386.00 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 271.6142 to 20384.51 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 288.0194 to 20384.19 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 300.7330 to 20383.95 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 308.5992 to 20383.79 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 311.9803 to 20383.72 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 84 27 1 286.00 285.81 286.00 0.00 631. 641. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 178 27 1 293.00 292.82 293.02 0.11 -8. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 22 28 1 288.00 287.85 288.04 0.22 128. 133. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 23 28 1 288.00 287.82 288.02 0.09 130. 138. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 167.8525 to 20386.54 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 197.0058 to 20385.97 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 216.7231 to 20385.58 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 220.0352 to 20385.52 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 81 28 1 285.00 284.90 285.09 0.47 725. 726. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 151 28 1 287.50 287.43 287.55 0.40 -2. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 26 30 1 287.50 287.36 287.55 0.26 164. 169. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 159.2100 to 20386.70 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 170 30 1 290.50 290.38 290.57 0.38 -2. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 177 30 1 292.00 291.82 292.02 0.10 -8. 0. -9999. **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 1 31 291. 274. 249. 2868. 6506. 0.60 0.65 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 17 31 1 287.50 287.40 287.59 0.46 129. 130. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 23 31 1 287.50 287.38 287.57 0.38 138. 140. -9999. **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 26 31 292. 283. 268. 1303. 4285. 0.39 0.41 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 27 31 292. 279. 268. 1974. 4292. 0.55 0.58 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 28 31 292. 277. 268. 2345. 4301. 0.64 0.67 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 29 31 292. 277. 268. 2344. 4311. 0.64 0.67 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 30 31 292. 281. 268. 1494. 4320. 0.70 0.73 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 31 31 292. 281. 268. 1495. 4327. 0.70 0.73 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 32 31 292. 281. 268. 1576. 4330. 0.72 0.75 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 33 31 292. 280. 268. 1651. 4329. 0.74 0.77 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 34 31 292. 277. 268. 2335. 4324. 0.64 0.67 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 35 31 292. 278. 268. 2113. 4314. 0.60 0.63 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 36 31 292. 278. 268. 2110. 4306. 0.61 0.64 **CORR_CVR** i j tg_k told tnew ctold ctnew cvnew cvrnewf 37 31 292. 277. 268. 2339. 4306. 0.65 0.68 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 85 31 1 284.50 284.40 284.59 0.47 742. 742. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 168 31 1 290.00 289.86 290.05 0.28 -4. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 178 31 1 292.00 291.82 292.02 0.09 -8. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 16 32 1 287.50 287.32 287.51 0.07 118. 126. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 18 32 1 287.50 287.39 287.58 0.41 123. 125. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91 32 1 285.50 285.35 285.54 0.20 692. 698. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 96 32 1 287.00 286.82 287.01 0.04 532. 541. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 169 32 1 290.00 289.85 290.04 0.21 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 20 33 1 287.50 287.38 287.57 0.37 118. 120. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 21 33 1 287.50 287.39 287.59 0.44 120. 122. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 94 33 1 286.00 285.90 286.09 0.48 631. 631. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 96 33 1 286.50 286.39 286.57 0.39 583. 585. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 99 33 1 287.00 286.86 287.04 0.22 562. 567. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 99 33 1 287.00 286.86 287.04 0.22 562. 567. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 135 33 1 289.50 289.39 289.58 0.40 2. 4. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 64 34 1 287.00 286.84 287.03 0.18 245. 251. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 241.2361 to 20385.11 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 160 34 1 288.00 287.92 288.05 0.37 -3. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 106 37 1 288.00 287.89 288.08 0.42 364. 365. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 162 37 1 288.00 287.91 288.04 0.29 -4. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 137 38 1 290.00 289.87 290.06 0.33 1. 5. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 158 38 1 287.50 287.42 287.53 0.30 -4. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 109 39 1 289.00 288.86 289.05 0.25 202. 207. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 138 39 1 290.00 289.90 290.09 0.46 2. 3. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 171 39 1 289.00 288.91 289.05 0.34 -3. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 67 40 1 285.50 285.39 285.52 0.13 219. 227. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 216.7231 to 20385.58 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 160 41 1 287.50 287.39 287.51 0.09 -8. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 169 41 1 288.50 288.39 288.53 0.20 -6. 0. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 61 43 1 285.50 285.35 285.54 0.22 242. 247. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 237.4755 to 20385.18 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 48 45 1 285.50 285.32 285.51 0.05 218. 226. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87 45 1 285.00 284.84 285.03 0.15 392. 399. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 49 46 1 285.50 285.31 285.50 0.01 211. 220. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 50 46 1 285.50 285.34 285.53 0.17 221. 228. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 63 46 1 285.50 285.35 285.54 0.23 229. 235. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 85 46 1 285.50 285.40 285.59 0.49 341. 341. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 47 47 1 285.00 284.90 285.09 0.47 226. 226. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 54 47 1 285.00 284.81 285.00 0.00 277. 287. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 54 47 1 285.00 284.81 285.00 0.00 277. 287. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 58 47 1 285.00 284.82 285.01 0.07 275. 284. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 58 47 1 285.00 284.82 285.01 0.07 275. 284. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 60 47 1 285.00 284.82 285.01 0.04 266. 275. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 85 47 1 285.50 285.31 285.50 0.00 332. 342. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 40 48 1 284.50 284.31 284.50 0.01 267. 277. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 48 48 1 285.00 284.84 285.04 0.18 214. 220. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 48 48 1 285.00 284.84 285.04 0.18 214. 220. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 52 48 1 285.00 284.83 285.02 0.13 257. 264. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 84 48 1 285.50 285.36 285.55 0.25 318. 322. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 35 49 1 285.00 284.89 285.08 0.41 201. 203. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 212.2208 to 20385.67 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 217.8099 to 20385.56 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 208.2187 to 20385.75 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 216.9474 to 20385.58 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 32 52 1 284.00 283.88 284.07 0.35 229. 232. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 214.7221 to 20385.62 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 216.0331 to 20385.59 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 112 59 1 285.00 284.88 285.07 0.35 320. 323. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 115 61 1 285.00 284.89 285.08 0.41 281. 283. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 119 61 1 286.00 285.88 286.07 0.35 171. 174. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 120 63 1 285.50 285.38 285.56 0.34 189. 192. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 120 63 1 285.50 285.38 285.56 0.34 189. 192. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 121 63 1 285.50 285.37 285.56 0.31 199. 203. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 121 63 1 285.50 285.37 285.56 0.31 199. 203. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 122 63 1 285.50 285.36 285.55 0.27 206. 210. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 123 63 1 285.50 285.40 285.59 0.48 205. 205. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 209.6677 to 20385.72 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 127 64 1 285.50 285.33 285.52 0.10 185. 192. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 127 64 1 285.50 285.33 285.52 0.10 185. 192. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 131 65 1 285.50 285.34 285.53 0.18 175. 181. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 117 66 1 284.00 283.83 284.01 0.05 265. 274. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 117 66 1 284.00 283.83 284.01 0.05 265. 274. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 128 66 1 284.50 284.33 284.51 0.06 244. 253. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 130 66 1 285.00 284.84 285.02 0.13 207. 214. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 131 69 1 283.50 283.36 283.55 0.27 326. 330. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 135 69 1 285.00 284.88 285.06 0.33 215. 218. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 139 70 1 285.00 284.85 285.03 0.17 212. 219. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 18 72 1 281.00 280.89 281.07 0.40 191. 193. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 143 73 1 284.50 284.40 284.58 0.42 241. 243. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 65 74 1 279.50 279.33 279.51 0.08 204. 212. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 135 74 1 281.50 281.33 281.52 0.10 454. 461. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 136 74 1 282.00 281.89 282.08 0.42 412. 414. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 315.2752 to 20383.66 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87 76 1 279.00 278.85 279.04 0.20 335. 341. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 330.6971 to 20383.36 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 129 76 1 281.00 280.86 281.04 0.24 349. 354. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 130 76 1 281.00 280.83 281.02 0.08 347. 355. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 80 77 1 278.50 278.35 278.55 0.24 307. 312. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 293.6776 to 20384.08 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 128 77 1 280.50 280.36 280.55 0.25 371. 375. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 96 78 1 278.00 277.89 278.07 0.38 466. 469. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 27 79 1 280.50 280.34 280.53 0.15 211. 218. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 391.9708 to 20382.16 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 373.6853 to 20382.52 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 360.6612 to 20382.78 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 132 79 1 280.00 279.82 280.01 0.06 445. 454. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 494.3525 to 20380.17 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 514.6390 to 20379.77 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 102 80 1 277.00 276.89 277.07 0.39 572. 574. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 123 80 1 279.50 279.39 279.58 0.42 388. 390. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 364.3356 to 20382.71 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 123 81 1 279.50 279.32 279.51 0.04 369. 378. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 123 81 1 279.50 279.32 279.51 0.04 369. 378. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 365.0946 to 20382.69 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 376.9974 to 20382.46 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 22 83 1 279.50 279.34 279.52 0.12 171. 178. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 536.4609 to 20379.35 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 492.4894 to 20380.21 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 568.1846 to 20378.73 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 529.1122 to 20379.49 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 451.7093 to 20381.00 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 567.2013 to 20378.75 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 545.5175 to 20379.17 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 478.7581 to 20380.48 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 448.7249 to 20381.06 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 517.2266 to 20379.73 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 72 88 1 278.00 277.90 278.09 0.47 184. 185. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 69 89 1 278.00 277.83 278.02 0.09 168. 176. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 167.8525 to 20386.54 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 184.1887 to 20386.22 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 182.8432 to 20386.24 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 183.1364 to 20386.24 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 184.3095 to 20386.21 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 185.4308 to 20386.19 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 185.1375 to 20386.20 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 176.6330 to 20386.36 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 170.8196 to 20386.48 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 203.2333 to 20385.85 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 203.7335 to 20385.84 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 203.1815 to 20385.85 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 197.1093 to 20385.96 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 189.3811 to 20386.12 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 89 91 1 278.50 278.31 278.50 0.00 180. 190. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 174.5457 to 20386.41 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 82 92 1 277.50 277.39 277.57 0.38 234. 236. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 226.5904 to 20385.39 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 225.7797 to 20385.41 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 220.5182 to 20385.51 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 217.2234 to 20385.57 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 247.1012 to 20384.99 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 244.0824 to 20385.05 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 238.3208 to 20385.16 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90 93 1 278.00 277.83 278.01 0.07 195. 203. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 263.3857 to 20384.67 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 265.6800 to 20384.63 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 279.6702 to 20384.36 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 279.6702 to 20384.36 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 256.4683 to 20384.81 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 36 96 1 278.00 277.90 278.09 0.46 188. 189. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 299.2495 to 20383.97 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 294.0571 to 20384.07 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 282.6200 to 20384.30 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 89 96 1 277.00 276.90 277.09 0.47 229. 229. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92 96 1 277.50 277.40 277.59 0.46 201. 201. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92 96 1 277.50 277.40 277.59 0.46 201. 201. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 307.2537 to 20383.82 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 315.4822 to 20383.66 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 308.1335 to 20383.80 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 304.8041 to 20383.87 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 328.9376 to 20383.40 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 329.9726 to 20383.38 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92 99 1 277.00 276.90 277.09 0.47 220. 221. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 346.2916 to 20383.06 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91100 1 276.50 276.33 276.52 0.10 262. 270. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 324.0212 to 20383.49 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 339.4776 to 20383.19 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 4110 1 276.00 275.82 276.01 0.03 279. 288. 1344. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 10110 1 276.00 275.89 276.08 0.43 248. 249. 1353. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 51110 1 275.00 274.87 275.05 0.28 314. 318. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 5113 1 275.50 275.38 275.56 0.32 304. 308. 1252. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 11113 1 275.50 275.32 275.51 0.06 248. 257. 1267. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 12116 1 275.00 274.86 275.05 0.26 256. 260. 1214. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 62116 1 274.50 274.32 274.51 0.04 197. 206. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 10117 1 274.50 274.35 274.54 0.22 304. 310. 1112. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 43117 1 274.50 274.35 274.54 0.19 255. 261. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 43118 1 274.50 274.34 274.53 0.16 224. 230. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 27119 1 274.50 274.34 274.53 0.15 182. 189. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 41119 1 274.50 274.38 274.57 0.37 218. 220. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 29120 1 274.50 274.33 274.52 0.09 172. 181. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 294.1951 to 20384.07 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 215.7399 to 20385.60 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 232.0416 to 20385.29 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 98121 1 272.00 271.89 272.08 0.40 316. 318. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 308.5302 to 20383.79 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 324.3489 to 20383.48 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 337.4248 to 20383.23 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 104121 1 271.50 271.37 271.56 0.33 394. 397. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 387.1062 to 20382.26 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 402.4591 to 20381.96 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 411.5674 to 20381.79 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 20122 1 274.00 273.84 274.02 0.13 221. 228. 1486. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 209.3917 to 20385.72 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 228.9710 to 20385.34 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 248.1708 to 20384.97 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 266.8013 to 20384.61 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 284.9833 to 20384.25 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 302.2856 to 20383.91 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 333.4055 to 20383.31 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 348.1891 to 20383.02 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 363.2661 to 20382.73 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 378.4292 to 20382.43 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 393.6269 to 20382.14 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 408.6348 to 20381.84 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 420.9689 to 20381.60 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 116122 1 271.50 271.32 271.51 0.05 315. 324. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 23123 1 274.00 273.83 274.02 0.11 186. 193. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 24123 1 274.00 273.86 274.04 0.24 181. 186. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 201.4910 to 20385.88 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92123 1 272.50 272.35 272.53 0.16 225. 232. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 221.7775 to 20385.48 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 243.9272 to 20385.05 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 265.8008 to 20384.63 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 285.1558 to 20384.25 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 300.4225 to 20383.95 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 313.1361 to 20383.70 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 326.7468 to 20383.44 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 343.3589 to 20383.12 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 399.9751 to 20382.01 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 416.1906 to 20381.70 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 429.1111 to 20381.44 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 436.4254 to 20381.30 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 437.0464 to 20381.29 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 431.8885 to 20381.39 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 110123 1 271.00 270.90 271.08 0.45 385. 386. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 114123 1 271.00 270.87 271.05 0.29 341. 345. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 114123 1 271.00 270.87 271.05 0.29 341. 345. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 15124 1 273.50 273.42 273.53 0.24 345. 350. 1220. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 17124 1 273.50 273.44 273.54 0.43 298. 299. 1285. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 213.8078 to 20385.64 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 235.0949 to 20385.22 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 93124 1 272.00 271.86 272.04 0.23 263. 268. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 258.0726 to 20384.78 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 280.6879 to 20384.34 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 299.4910 to 20383.97 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 312.8083 to 20383.71 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 324.0902 to 20383.49 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 383.0523 to 20382.34 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 405.3055 to 20381.91 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 435.7354 to 20381.31 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 443.1013 to 20381.17 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 444.0500 to 20381.15 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 106124 1 270.50 270.34 270.53 0.16 443. 450. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 439.8582 to 20381.23 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 432.1817 to 20381.38 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 108124 1 270.50 270.39 270.58 0.41 428. 429. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 116124 1 271.00 270.90 271.09 0.47 300. 300. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 14125 1 273.50 273.40 273.52 0.15 405. 412. 1217. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 14125 1 273.50 273.40 273.52 0.15 405. 412. 1217. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 55125 1 273.50 273.38 273.57 0.37 223. 226. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 208.0979 to 20385.75 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 226.8319 to 20385.38 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 247.2565 to 20384.99 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 268.7679 to 20384.57 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 289.6927 to 20384.16 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 307.0294 to 20383.82 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 354.9168 to 20382.89 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 428.0416 to 20381.46 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 440.8587 to 20381.21 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 446.8101 to 20381.10 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 447.4484 to 20381.08 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 443.6533 to 20381.16 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 436.7358 to 20381.29 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 14126 1 273.50 273.42 273.57 0.44 442. 443. 1247. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 23126 1 273.50 273.37 273.56 0.31 209. 213. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 54126 1 273.50 273.40 273.58 0.45 210. 211. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 237.0615 to 20385.18 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 256.1578 to 20384.81 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 275.6508 to 20384.43 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 294.0053 to 20384.08 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 309.8068 to 20383.77 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 325.0907 to 20383.47 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 344.8080 to 20383.09 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 401.2171 to 20381.99 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 448.7249 to 20381.06 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 448.1902 to 20381.07 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 444.8436 to 20381.14 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 440.2032 to 20381.23 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 106126 1 270.00 269.84 270.03 0.15 437. 443. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 107126 1 270.00 269.86 270.05 0.27 428. 432. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 117126 1 271.50 271.35 271.54 0.21 186. 191. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 94127 1 271.00 270.87 271.05 0.29 303. 307. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 94127 1 271.00 270.87 271.05 0.29 303. 307. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 385.7089 to 20382.29 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 438.4264 to 20381.26 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 447.4139 to 20381.08 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 446.9654 to 20381.09 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 443.0150 to 20381.17 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 439.2027 to 20381.25 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 111127 1 270.50 270.34 270.53 0.14 299. 306. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 114127 1 271.00 270.82 271.01 0.05 217. 226. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 73128 1 273.00 272.83 273.02 0.11 201. 209. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 93128 1 271.00 270.84 271.02 0.12 285. 292. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 105128 1 269.50 269.39 269.58 0.40 438. 439. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 105128 1 269.50 269.39 269.58 0.40 438. 439. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 106128 1 269.50 269.36 269.54 0.23 430. 435. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 106128 1 269.50 269.36 269.54 0.23 430. 435. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 114128 1 271.00 270.82 271.01 0.05 199. 208. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90129 1 271.50 271.34 271.52 0.11 227. 235. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90129 1 271.50 271.34 271.52 0.11 227. 235. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 92129 1 271.00 270.90 271.09 0.47 268. 268. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 101129 1 269.50 269.38 269.57 0.38 439. 442. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 102129 1 269.50 269.38 269.57 0.36 434. 437. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 103129 1 269.50 269.35 269.54 0.20 427. 433. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 103129 1 269.50 269.35 269.54 0.20 427. 433. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 110129 1 270.00 269.89 270.08 0.42 306. 307. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 75130 1 272.50 272.40 272.59 0.45 207. 208. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83130 1 272.50 272.37 272.55 0.29 177. 181. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 110130 1 270.00 269.82 270.01 0.05 278. 286. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86131 1 272.00 271.85 272.03 0.18 188. 195. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86131 1 272.00 271.85 272.03 0.18 188. 195. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 88132 1 271.50 271.35 271.54 0.22 203. 209. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91132 1 271.00 270.88 271.06 0.34 222. 225. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 111132 1 270.00 269.84 270.04 0.19 228. 234. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 54133 1 273.00 272.90 273.08 0.45 195. 196. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 69133 1 272.50 272.32 272.50 0.01 181. 191. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 78133 1 272.00 271.88 272.07 0.38 223. 225. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87133 1 271.50 271.33 271.51 0.07 200. 209. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87133 1 271.50 271.33 271.51 0.07 200. 209. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 45134 1 273.00 272.88 273.07 0.36 200. 203. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 215.2396 to 20385.61 Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 184.4820 to 20386.21 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 65134 1 272.50 272.36 272.55 0.26 189. 193. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83134 1 271.50 271.37 271.56 0.34 227. 231. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83134 1 271.50 271.37 271.56 0.34 227. 231. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 84134 1 271.50 271.34 271.53 0.18 217. 223. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 111134 1 269.50 269.38 269.57 0.39 256. 258. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 112134 1 269.50 269.37 269.56 0.29 259. 263. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 113134 1 269.50 269.34 269.53 0.14 267. 274. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 118134 1 269.50 269.38 269.57 0.35 273. 276. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 120134 1 269.50 269.33 269.52 0.08 281. 289. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 121134 1 269.50 269.36 269.55 0.28 289. 293. -9999. Old cldtop is out of domain range: 1.000000 Old cldtop= -9999.000 zs range from 187.8113 to 20386.15 Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87135 1 271.00 270.90 271.09 0.49 218. 219. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 88135 1 271.00 270.84 271.03 0.16 207. 214. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 93135 1 270.50 270.36 270.55 0.26 212. 217. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 96135 1 270.00 269.85 270.03 0.17 247. 254. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 108135 1 269.00 268.85 269.04 0.20 300. 306. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 113135 1 269.00 268.90 269.09 0.49 309. 309. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91136 1 270.50 270.33 270.52 0.09 211. 219. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 94136 1 270.00 269.85 270.04 0.20 245. 250. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 98136 1 269.50 269.39 269.57 0.40 295. 297. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 87137 1 270.50 270.38 270.57 0.37 236. 239. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 104137 1 268.50 268.32 268.50 0.03 325. 334. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 67138 1 271.00 270.86 271.05 0.25 361. 366. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 95138 1 269.00 268.89 269.08 0.43 326. 327. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 95138 1 269.00 268.89 269.08 0.43 326. 327. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 102138 1 268.50 268.36 268.54 0.23 315. 320. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 68139 1 270.50 270.33 270.51 0.07 397. 405. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 105139 1 268.00 267.83 268.01 0.07 341. 349. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 113139 1 268.00 267.89 268.08 0.41 354. 356. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 75140 1 270.00 269.84 270.03 0.16 407. 414. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 76140 1 270.00 269.83 270.02 0.10 396. 404. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 80141 1 269.50 269.33 269.52 0.12 388. 396. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 81141 1 269.50 269.36 269.55 0.26 376. 381. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86141 1 269.50 269.39 269.58 0.43 298. 300. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 111141 1 267.50 267.31 267.50 0.01 371. 381. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 69142 1 269.50 269.35 269.53 0.18 461. 467. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 94142 1 268.50 268.35 268.54 0.20 313. 319. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 94142 1 268.50 268.35 268.54 0.20 313. 319. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 68143 1 269.50 269.34 269.53 0.15 449. 456. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91143 1 268.50 268.38 268.57 0.37 318. 321. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 91143 1 268.50 268.38 268.57 0.37 318. 321. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 81144 1 268.50 268.40 268.59 0.48 424. 425. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 81144 1 268.50 268.40 268.59 0.48 424. 425. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 90144 1 268.50 268.32 268.50 0.02 314. 324. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 111144 1 267.00 266.86 267.05 0.28 385. 390. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 79145 1 268.50 268.35 268.54 0.20 422. 428. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 79145 1 268.50 268.35 268.54 0.20 422. 428. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 77146 1 268.50 268.38 268.56 0.33 426. 429. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 95146 1 268.00 267.85 268.03 0.18 294. 300. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 76147 1 268.50 268.37 268.55 0.29 419. 423. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 82147 1 268.00 267.84 268.03 0.15 408. 415. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 75148 1 268.50 268.40 268.59 0.47 415. 415. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 81148 1 268.00 267.90 268.09 0.46 404. 405. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 84148 1 267.50 267.34 267.52 0.12 415. 423. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 74149 1 268.50 268.39 268.58 0.43 412. 414. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 81149 1 268.00 267.83 268.01 0.07 388. 397. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86150 1 267.00 266.85 267.03 0.17 413. 420. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 89150 1 267.50 267.36 267.54 0.23 350. 355. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 89150 1 267.50 267.36 267.54 0.23 350. 355. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 68151 1 268.50 268.39 268.57 0.40 448. 450. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 69151 1 268.50 268.35 268.54 0.19 438. 444. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 70151 1 268.50 268.37 268.55 0.29 429. 433. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 71151 1 268.50 268.37 268.56 0.33 417. 420. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 72151 1 268.50 268.32 268.51 0.06 404. 412. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 79151 1 268.00 267.87 268.06 0.31 377. 381. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86151 1 267.00 266.90 267.09 0.46 395. 396. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 86151 1 267.00 266.90 267.09 0.46 395. 396. -9999. Warning: Cloud Top Below Ground - flagged i j kl t11mu_loc t_abv t_blw frac hgt_m hterain ctop_8 83152 1 267.50 267.37 267.55 0.28 364. 368. -9999. Inserting radar reflectivity data. Inserting radar reflectivity Total cloud grid points modified by radar = 131 Inserting satellite VIS data. Comparing clouds and radar (_RDR) vis_rad_thcvr = 0.20 vis_rad_thdbz = 10.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 12 100 0.00 33.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 15 117 0.00 18.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 15 118 0.00 18.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 16 117 0.00 17.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 18 113 0.00 24.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 18 116 0.00 15.5 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 19 113 0.00 23.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 19 114 0.00 24.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 20 111 0.00 17.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 20 113 0.00 17.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 20 114 0.00 27.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 22 114 0.00 18.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 22 115 0.00 16.5 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 40 90 0.00 18.5 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 57 53 0.00 16.5 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 57 94 0.00 21.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 58 93 0.00 17.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 62 89 0.00 19.5 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 153 65 0.00 19.0 1.00 CLD_RDR: cvr_mx/dbz/vis > 154 66 0.00 19.0 1.00 Calculating Cloud Ceiling, Base and Top Calculating cloud liquid/ice water. Start LWC subroutine. wmhr_Cu= 5.0000002E-04 wmhr_Sc= 4.9999999E-05 wc_St= 5.0000001E-02 thresh_cvr= 0.6500000 Generating Lowest Base and Highest Top Arrays Initializing SLWC array Initializing w array Initializing Cloud Type Array Finding Cloud Layers and Computing Output Field(s) Quality check consistency of comulunimbus cloud. n_cld_columns = 7719, n_slwc_call = 8590 Analyzing cloud/precipitation type. zr 8 63 8 -0.93 279.46 17.4 zr 8 63 7 -0.69 278.77 23.7 rlayer_refreez_max = 3048.967 n_frz_rain/n_sleet = 2 0 Computing Icing Severity Index field Cloud options: cldqvopt= 1 cldqcopt= 1 cldqropt= 1 cldptopt= 5 cldwopt = 0 Enhancing qc and qi-fields Enhancing qr, qs, and qh-fields Adjusting ptprt to moist-adiab cloud temp for w>-0.2 frac of qc: 1.000000 adj_lim: 8.000000 max_adj= 32.96768 Enhancing RH-field for cldcvr between 0.35 and 0.90with linear ramp from 50.0% to 99.0% Here QV adjustment loop 1 obropt = 11 Found mean k (=38) level at which w is zero for O'Brian adjustment, obrzero= 12000. m. Before w adjust, rho*wcont(top): wcmin = -0.2084 at i= 1, j= 2, k= 38 wcmax = 0.2605 at i=182, j=141, k= 38 Horizontal divergence correction distributed linearly in k. After wcont adjustment, rho*wcont(top): wcmin = 0.000 at i= 1, j= 1, k= 38 wcmax = 0.000 at i= 1, j= 1, k= 38 Data dump of grid and base state arrays into file ././/ad2017112918.hdfgrdbas Writing HDF4 grid and base file to ././/ad2017112918.hdfgrdbas HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3DI: Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT2DI: Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable Fortran I/O unit 34 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 34 returned to the free list. History data dump in file ././ad2017112918.hdf000000 Writing HDF4 data at time= 0.000 into file ././ad2017112918.hdf000000 HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable

HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT4D : Writing variable HDFWRT4D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable Fortran I/O unit 34 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 34 returned to the free list. Warning: ieee_underflow is signaling Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP ==== ADAS terminated normally ====