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Experimental Realtime Forecasts![]() |
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Using the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS), CAPS produces daily forecasts in support of current and future research. These forecasts are designed to provide verification input to the model development effort.
This site is maintained by Kevin W. Thomas
Your comments, inquiries, problem reports, and suggestions are welcome.
Welcome to the CAPS ARPS user web pages. _____________________________________________________________________________________________CASA analysis runs continue round the clock. Ditto for the CASA forecasts. Many HWT forecasts are here. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ WARNING - "big animation" on some forecast regions will use a lot of memory, as they are 1500x1500 images. They could cause some systems to get very slow or possibly lock up, requiring a reboot. Click here to learn about the *Tropical Storm* that affected Oklahoma on August 19th, 2007. Watch for extra run with names that start with "mesoh" during hurricane season. CAPS is located in the National Weather Center. Daily CASA ARPS forecasts are run on the OSCER supercomputers. OU Supercomputers have routine maintenance scheduled on some Wednesdays from 6am to midnight. On these days, forecasts (if any are scheduled) will be cut short. Maintenance will only be as necessary during the spring experiments. Only emergency maintenance days will occur during the spring experiments. Bookmarking favorite images, animation loops, and multipanels is possible, though the URL's aren't obviously from the web pages. Analysis and forecasts history files are available for ftp in both HDF4 and netCDF format. The data is at ftp://caps.ou.edu/pub/arpsdata. Both HDF4 and netCDF format are supported. Hourly Analysis Regions: CONUS20 - CONtinental U.S., 20km grid. NEUS - NorthEastern U.S. (analysis only), 9km grid. SPMESO - Southern Plains MESOscale, 9km grid. NOTE - Some regions may be turned off during the spring experiments. CONUS20 and SPMESO are ready about 30 minutes past the hour, while the the NEUS is ready about 60 minutes past the hour. Daily Forecastion Regions (non-spring experiment season): Currently none. OSCER Supercomputers are a big part of the CAPS forecasts. Thanks go to the OSCER System Admins who work to keep the systems running! We would like your feedback. Send email (remove underscores) to r_e_a_l_t_i_m_e_2_0_1_6_@_c_a_p_s_._o_u_._e_d_u If there is a problem, we would like to know. Thanks for visiting the CAPS ARPS user web pages. KWT...04/25/2018...4:40pm CDT.
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