Source code for pycaps.derive.parcel

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from derive_functions import qv_from_vapr, temp_from_vapr
import iterative

[docs]def compute_lcl(sfc_T, sfc_p, sfc_r=None, sfc_td=None): """ Compute the LCL pressure and temperature given parcel temperature, pressure, and mixing ratio or dewpoint. Args: sfc_T: Parcel temperature in degrees C sfc_p: Parcel pressure in hPa sfc_r: Parcel mixing ratio in g/g. Optional if sfc_td is specified. sfc_td: Parcel dewpoint in degrees C. Optional if sfc_r is specified. Returns: LCL temperature in degrees C and LCL pressure in hPa. """ if sfc_r is None and sfc_td is None: print "computeLCL() must receive either sfc_r or sfc_td" return np.nan, np.nan if sfc_r is None: sfc_r = qv_from_vapr(t=(sfc_td + 273.15), p=(sfc_p * 100)) lcl_T, lcl_p, lcl_r = iterative.solve_iteratively(iterative.condensation_temp, [sfc_T + 273.15, sfc_p / 10., sfc_r]) return lcl_T - 273.15, lcl_p * 10
[docs]def compute_lfc(parcel, snd): """ Computes LFC given a parcel trace and environmental trace. Args: parcel (tuple): A tuple of (parcel pressure in hPa, parcel temperature in degrees C). Both should be 1- dimensional arrays. snd (tuple): A tuple of (environmental pressure in hPa, environmental temperature in degrees C). Both should be 1-dimensional arrays. Returns: The pressure of the parcel LFC in hPa. In the case of multiple LFCs, the highest one (lowest in pressure) is returned. """ pres, (t_parcel, t_snd) = _merge_profiles(parcel, snd) equil = _find_equilibria(pres, (t_parcel, t_snd), direction='np') if len(equil) > 0: lfc = equil[-1] else: lfc = np.nan return lfc
[docs]def compute_el(parcel, snd): """ Computes EL given a parcel trace and environmental trace. Args: parcel (tuple): A tuple of (parcel pressure in hPa, parcel temperature in degrees C). Both should be 1- dimensional arrays. snd (tuple): A tuple of (environmental pressure in hPa, environmental temperature in degrees C). Both should be 1-dimensional arrays. Returns: The pressure of the parcel EL in hPa. In the case of multiple ELs, the highest one (lowest in pressure) is returned. """ pres, (t_parcel, t_snd) = _merge_profiles(parcel, snd) equil = _find_equilibria(pres, (t_parcel, t_snd), direction='pn') if len(equil) > 0: el = equil[-1] else: el = np.nan return el
[docs]def sb_parcel(t_snd, p_snd, td_snd): """ Find the surface-based parcel given temperature, dewpoint, and pressure profiles. Args: t_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of temperatures in degrees C. p_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of pressures in hPa. td_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of dewpoints in degrees C. Returns: Temperature in degrees C, pressure in hPa, and dewpoint in degrees C of the surface-based parcel. """ return t_snd[0], p_snd[0], td_snd[0]
[docs]def ml_parcel(t_snd, p_snd, td_snd, ml_depth=100): """ Find the mixed-layer parcel given temperature, dewpoint, and pressure profiles. Args: t_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of temperatures in degrees C. p_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of pressures in hPa. td_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of dewpoints in degrees C. ml_depth (float): The depth of the mixed layer in hPa. Optional, defaults to 100 hPa. Returns: Temperature, in degrees C, pressure in hPa, and dewpoint in degrees C of the mixed-layer parcel. """ if ml_depth <= 0: raise ValueError("ml_parcel must have a mixed layer depth > 0") r_snd = qv_from_vapr(t=(t_snd + 273.15), p=(p_snd * 100)) pt_snd = (t_snd + 273.15) * (1000. / p_snd) ** (2. / 7.) ml_idx = np.where(p_snd >= (p_snd[0] - ml_depth)) ml_pt = (pt_snd[ml_idx] * p_snd[ml_idx]).sum() / p_snd[ml_idx].sum() ml_r = (r_snd[ml_idx] * p_snd[ml_idx]).sum() / p_snd[ml_idx].sum() t_prc = ml_pt * (p_snd[0] / 1000.) ** (2. / 7.) - 273.15 td_prc = temp_from_vapr(qv=ml_r, p=(p_snd[0] * 100.)) return t_prc, p_snd[0], td_prc
[docs]def mu_parcel(t_snd, p_snd, td_snd, search_depth=300): """ Find the most-unstable parcel given temperature, dewpoint, and pressure profiles. Args: t_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of temperatures in degrees C. p_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of pressures in hPa. td_snd (np.ndarray): A 1-dimensional array of dewpoints in degrees C. search_depth (float): The depth of the layer to search in hPa. Optional, defaults to 300 hPa. Returns: Temperature, in degrees C, pressure in hPa, and dewpoint in degrees C of the most-unstable parcel. """ return
def _merge_profiles(*profs): pres_profs, quant_profs = zip(*profs) pres_merge = np.unique(np.concatenate(pres_profs))[::-1] quant_merge = [] for pprof, qprof in profs: qmerge = interp1d(pprof[::-1], qprof[::-1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan)(pres_merge) quant_merge.append(qmerge) return pres_merge, quant_merge def _find_equilibria(pres, temp, direction='np'): t_parcel, t_snd = temp t_diff = t_parcel - t_snd t_crossings = np.where((t_diff[:-1] * t_diff[1:]) < 0)[0] if direction == 'np': t_cross_keep = np.array([ idx for idx in t_crossings if t_diff[idx] < 0 ]) elif direction == 'pn': t_cross_keep = np.array([ idx for idx in t_crossings if t_diff[idx] > 0 ]) else: raise ValueError("_find_equilibria() got '%s' for direction. Should be one of 'np' and 'pn'." % direction) tdiff_interp = interp1d(pres[::-1], t_diff[::-1]) equil = [] for tck in t_cross_keep: eql = brentq(tdiff_interp, pres[tck], pres[tck + 1]) equil.append(eql) return equil