NWC REU 2014
May 21 - July 30



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Forecast Sensitivity of Lake-Effect Snow to Choice of Boundary Layer Parameterization Scheme

Robert Conrick and Heather Reeves


What is already known:

  • Relatively little work has been done to understand constraints and limitations of.high-resolution numerical weather prediction of lake-effect snow.
  • Given that lake-effect snow cloud systems are completely contained within the boundary layer, it is reasonable to suspect some sensitivities to choice of PBL scheme may exist.

What this study adds:

  • Six boundary layer schemes are tested on a case-study of lake-effect snow to assess forecast sensitivity to various boundary layer parameterization schemes
  • The experiments reveal significant precipitation (as much as 20 mm over 6 h) and heat/moisture flux differences between the schemes.
  • Forcing all schemes to use the same over-water heat and moisture fluxes causes the precipitation forecasts to be in closer agreement.
  • The heat and moisture fluxes are found to be strongly dependent on a turbulence parameterization called the similarity-stability functions.
  • When the similarity-stability functions are set constant, precipitation forecasts are similar in all schemes. Therefore these functions have a significant impact on lake-effect snow.
  • Comparison of the forecast accumulated precipitation to observations shows that most schemes over predict the precipitation; however, closest agreement occurs with the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino scheme.


This study assesses the forecast sensitivity of lake-effect snow to various boundary layer parameterization schemes using the WRF-ARW model. Six boundary layer schemes are tested on a case- study of lake-effect snow over Lake Erie in Dec 2009. The experiments reveal significant precipitation differences (as much as 20 mm over 6 h) between the schemes. Consideration of the heat and moisture fluxes shows that schemes producing more precipitation have higher fluxes over the lake. Forcing all schemes to use the same over-water heat and moisture fluxes causes the precipitation forecasts to be in closer agreement. The heat and moisture fluxes are found to be strongly dependent on the similarity- stability functions for heat, momentum, and moisture (ΨH, ΨM, and ΨQ). When the over-water values for ΨH, ΨM, and ΨQ are set to be the same in all schemes, precipitation forecasts are similar in all experiments, thus indicating that the parameterization used to determine ΨH, ΨM, an have profound impacts on forecasts of this type of weather. Comparison of the forecast accumulated precipitation to observations shows that most schemes over predict the precipitation. The scheme in closest agreement is the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino scheme.

Full Paper [PDF]