Copyright (C) 1995-2015 - All Rights Reserved University Corporation for Atmospheric Research NCAR Command Language Version 6.3.0 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement. See for more details. warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1656744..1657482] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198901.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1657488..1658154] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198902.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1658160..1658898] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198903.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1658904..1659618] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198904.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1659624..1660362] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198905.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1660368..1661082] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198906.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1661088..1661826] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198907.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1661832..1662570] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198908.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1662576..1663290] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198909.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1663296..1664034] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198910.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1664040..1664754] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198911.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1664760..1665498] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.198912.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1665504..1666242] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199001.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1666248..1666914] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199002.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1666920..1667658] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199003.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1667664..1668378] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199004.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1668384..1669122] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199005.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1669128..1669842] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199006.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1669848..1670586] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199007.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1670592..1671330] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199008.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1671336..1672050] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199009.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1672056..1672794] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199010.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1672800..1673514] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199011.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1673520..1674258] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199012.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1674264..1675002] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199101.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1675008..1675674] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199102.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1675680..1676418] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199103.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1676424..1677138] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199104.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1677144..1677882] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199105.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1677888..1678602] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199106.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1678608..1679346] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199107.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1679352..1680090] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199108.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1680096..1680810] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199109.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1680816..1681554] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199110.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1681560..1682274] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199111.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1682280..1683018] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199112.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1683024..1683762] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199201.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2784 bytes 696 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 116] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1683768..1684458] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199202.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1684464..1685202] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199203.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1685208..1685922] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199204.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1685928..1686666] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199205.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1686672..1687386] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199206.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1687392..1688130] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199207.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1688136..1688874] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199208.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1688880..1689594] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199209.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1689600..1690338] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199210.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1690344..1691058] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199211.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1691064..1691802] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199212.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1691808..1692546] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199301.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1692552..1693218] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199302.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1693224..1693962] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199303.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1693968..1694682] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199304.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1694688..1695426] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199305.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1695432..1696146] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199306.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1696152..1696890] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199307.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1696896..1697634] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199308.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1697640..1698354] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199309.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1698360..1699098] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199310.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1699104..1699818] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199311.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table alignment failed jpc_dec_decodepkts failed (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2 (0) before reading jpc_decode return (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1699824..1700562] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199312.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1700568..1701306] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199401.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1701312..1701978] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199402.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1701984..1702722] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199403.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1702728..1703442] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199404.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1703448..1704186] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199405.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1704192..1704906] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199406.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1704912..1705650] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199407.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1705656..1706394] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199408.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1706400..1707114] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199409.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1707120..1707858] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199410.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1707864..1708578] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199411.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1708584..1709322] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199412.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1709328..1710066] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199501.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1710072..1710738] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199502.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1710744..1711482] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199503.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1711488..1712202] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199504.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1712208..1712946] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199505.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1712952..1713666] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199506.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1713672..1714410] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199507.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1714416..1715154] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199508.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1715160..1715874] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199509.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1715880..1716618] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199510.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1716624..1717338] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199511.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1717344..1718082] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199512.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1718088..1718826] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199601.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2784 bytes 696 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 116] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1718832..1719522] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199602.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1719528..1720266] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199603.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1720272..1720986] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199604.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1720992..1721730] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199605.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1721736..1722450] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199606.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1722456..1723194] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199607.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1723200..1723938] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199608.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1723944..1724658] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199609.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1724664..1725402] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199610.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1725408..1726122] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199611.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1726128..1726866] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199612.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1726872..1727610] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199701.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1727616..1728282] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199702.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1728288..1729026] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199703.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1729032..1729746] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199704.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1729752..1730490] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199705.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1730496..1731210] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199706.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1731216..1731954] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199707.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1731960..1732698] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199708.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1732704..1733418] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199709.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1733424..1734162] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199710.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1734168..1734882] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199711.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1734888..1735626] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199712.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1735632..1736370] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199801.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1736376..1737042] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199802.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1737048..1737786] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199803.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1737792..1738506] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199804.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1738512..1739250] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199805.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1739256..1739970] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199806.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1739976..1740714] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199807.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1740720..1741458] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199808.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1741464..1742178] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199809.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1742184..1742922] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199810.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1742928..1743642] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199811.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1743648..1744386] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199812.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1744392..1745130] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199901.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2688 bytes 672 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 112] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1745136..1745802] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199902.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1745808..1746546] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199903.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1746552..1747266] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199904.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1747272..1748010] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199905.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1748016..1748730] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199906.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1748736..1749474] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199907.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1749480..1750218] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199908.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1750224..1750938] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199909.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1750944..1751682] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199910.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2880 bytes 720 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 120] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1751688..1752402] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2_xy at this time (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199911.grb2 warning: Entry (0) not found in code table file /usr/share/ncarg/grib2_codetables/ncep/4/4.2.table (0) start working on soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2 (0) before reading (0) after reading warning:xyLineColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyMarkerSizeF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_contour at this time warning:xyLineThicknessF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_contour at this time Variable: soill_TS Type: float Total Size: 2976 bytes 744 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [initial_time0_hours | 124] x [forecast_time0 | 6] Coordinates: initial_time0_hours: [1752408..1753146] forecast_time0: [1..6] Number Of Attributes: 12 lon_0 : 287.8121 lat_0 : 42.61924 level : ( 0, 0.1 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, 0 grid_type : Gaussian latitude/longitude _FillValue : 1e+20 units : K long_name : Temperature production_status : Operational products center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) warning:lbLabelAutoStride is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleFontHeightF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleString is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleJust is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleOffsetF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitlePosition is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:lbTitleDirection is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy.PlotManager at this time warning:cnFillOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnSpreadColors is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnFillMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLonF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMinLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpMaxLatF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSelectionMode is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMinLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnMaxLevelValF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLevelSpacingF is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:cnLinesOn is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time warning:mpOutlineBoundarySets is not a valid resource in soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2_xy at this time input in flex scanner failed (0) finish soilt1.gdas.199912.grb2