import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import folium from folium import IFrame from branca.colormap import linear from branca.colormap import LinearColormap import numpy as np # Map Interactive Popup Format html_template = """
Local Time: {time}
Methane: {ch4:.2f} ppb
""" # Load the data from the file file_path = './1241-1247UTC_Mar28_2024_CH4_lat_lon_unixTime.txt' # Update the path #file_path = './1241-1250UTC_Mar28_2024_CH4_lat_lon_unixTime.txt' # Update the path #file_path = './1352-1433UTC_Aug1_2024_CH4_lat_lon_unixTime.txt' # Update the path #file_path = './1352-1545UTC_Aug1_2024_CH4_lat_lon_unixTime.txt' figure_path = './' data = pd.read_csv(file_path, delim_whitespace=True, header=0) # Filter out invalid methane concentration values data = data[data['CH4LicormatchIphonePPB'] > 0] data["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(data['unix_time'],unit='s') # Convert unix time to UTC data['local_datetime'] = data['datetime'] - pd.Timedelta(hours=5) # Convert UTC to local time (Summer Central Time) # Ensure the datetime is formatted to display up to seconds data['local_datetime'] = data['local_datetime'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') m = folium.Map(location=[np.mean(data['lat']), np.mean(data['lon'])], zoom_start=15, tiles=None) # Add a tile layer (try different ones if 'OpenStreetMap' doesn't work) folium.TileLayer('OpenStreetMap',name='Street View').add_to(m) folium.TileLayer('Esri.WorldImagery',name='Satellite View').add_to(m) vmin = 2100 vmax = 2600 color_scale = LinearColormap(['blue', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'red'], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # Adding a color bar color_scale.caption = 'Methane (ppb)' color_scale.add_to(m) # Add markers for lat, lon, ch4, local_time in zip(data['lat'], data['lon'], data['CH4LicormatchIphonePPB'], data['local_datetime']): if ch4 > 0: # Assuming negative values are invalid html = html_template.format(time=local_time, ch4=ch4) iframe = IFrame(html, width=260, height=40) # width and height of the IFrame itself popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=200) folium.CircleMarker( location=[lat, lon], radius=3.8432, color=color_scale(ch4), fill=True, fill_color=color_scale(ch4), fill_opacity=0.7, popup=popup ).add_to(m) folium.LayerControl().add_to(m) # CSS to adjust the caption font size and tick label size CSS = """ """ # Inject CSS into the map m.get_root().header.add_child(folium.Element(CSS)) # Save and show the map'mathane_map_Mar28_2024Pampa.html')'mathane_map_full.html')