kBrews Weather Spotting Frequency List
Central and South Texas
Central and South Texas (South of I-20 and DFW area)
* Dublin (SW SEP) 147.39 + Commanche Co.
Hamilton 442.475 + PL 88.5 RAILS
Granbury 147.08 + Hood Co.
Glen Rose 145.27 + Somervell Co.
Cleburne 145.49 - Johnson Co.
Waxahachie 145.41 - Ellis Co.
Scurry 147.34 + Kaufman Co.
Wills Point 146.98 - Van Zandt & Rains Co.'s
Corsicana 145.29 - Navarro Co.
Eustace 147.02 + Henderson Co.
Athens 147.22 +
Tyler 146.96 -
* Tyler 147.00 - Coord for NWS SHV, PL 88.5
Van Zandt,Smith,Henderson,Wood,Gregg
Carthage 147.18 +
Brownwood 146.94 - Brown Co.
** Temple/Waco (Eddy) 147.14 + PL 123.0 Bell Co. EOC Group
McLennan and surrounding Co.'s
Wide Area (80 mile radius)
FTW Echolink Connected
147.32 + Back-up for McLennan Co. & North
147.18 + Secondary back-up for McLennan Co.
146.82 - Back-up for Bell Co. and South
Palestine 147.08 + Anderson Co.
Jacksonville 146.80 - Cherokee Co.
Nacogdoches 146.84 -
* Austin 147.36 + PL 131.8 Central Texas Severe Wx Net
Austin 146.94 - check-in, resource net
** College Station 146.68 - PL 88.5 Brazos Co.
146.82 - PL 88.5 Brazos Texas A&M spotters/chasers
Madisonville 146.78 - PL 103.5 Madison County ARC
San Antonio 146.94 - PL 179.9 Bexar Co.
147.14 + PL 179.9 Wide area (Canyon Lake)
Houston 146.84 - Harris Co. (PL 103.5)
RAILS: Radio Amateur Intrastate Link System
Texas ARES HF emergency net 7.290 and 3.873KHz
Texas Highway Patrol.... 155.46
car-to-station...... 154.68
Bryan P.D............... 155.610
Bryan Dept of Pub Safety ....... 155.460, 154.665
NOAA Weather Radio
162.400 Austin
162.425 Kerrville
162.450 Llano,Palestine
162.475 Waco, Junction
162.500 La Grange
162.550 College Station
Texas A&M area sources:
Myles Barkman, KG5AI, kg5ai@tca.net (04/98)
Jim Robinson, K5PNV, webmaster@skywarn-texas.org (06/00)
Waco area source: Gerald Richman, n5zxj, n5zxj@arrl.net (04/05)
Austin source: Lansing Pugh, KK5VK, lansing@lansingpugh.com (08/99)
Houston source: Bob White, KF5ZL, RQBH88A@prodigy.com (03/96)
San Antonio source: Michael Smith, n5ywa, n5ywa@hotmail.com (04/00)
Palestine source: Tom Wardell KB5YUE teez5@flash.net (05/02)
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Rev: 01 May 2005
Compilation © 2005 Keith Brewster, n0iaw