kBrews Weather Spotting Frequency List
Southwestern Kansas

  Kansas (Western --  West of US 281)
    LOCATION            FREQ    DUP   NOTES
    Tribune             147.36   +
  * Scott City          146.70   -    Sand Hills ARC (SHARC)
    Dighton             146.64   -    Lane Co.
    Pawnee Rock         444.325  +    PL 88.5 
    Great Bend          146.76   -    Barton Co.  Great Bend ARC
    Ulysses             147.06   +    SHARC
  * Garden City         146.91   -    May be linked to Liberal 444.10
                        443.225  +    SHARC
    Liberal             146.805  -    SPARC
    Liberal             444.10   +    May be linked to Garden City 146.91
  * Dodge City          146.61   -    Boothill ARC, NWS Monitored 
    Ensign              444.375  +    Dodge City Backup, NWS Monitored
    Dodge City          442.325  +
			443.675  +
    Coldwater           147.555       Simplex, PL 100.0
    Pratt               146.70   -
    Forgan, OK          147.39   +

 * AM Radio Garden City KBUF 1030 AM
   FM Radio Dodge City KOLS 95.5 FM

   151.010 Finney County Spotters
   155.745 Kearney County Spotters
   155.100 Wx modification program, Ground to Air
   122.925  "        "         "    Air to Air, Air to Ground
  Dodge City severe Wx Reports:  (620) 227-3311
 NOAA Weather Radio
    162.400   Gem, Chanute, Ellsworth
    162.450   Ulysses
    162.425   Lenora, Meade
    162.475   Dodge City
    162.525   Dighton, Belvidere
    162.550   Tribune 

  Tom Batt, K0TDB, tbatt@rwisp.com (05/06)
  Gaylon Rose, KC0AUD, GRose@youthville.org (01/06)
  Dale Urban, N0KQX deunju@juno.com (03/00)
  Don Gruver, KG0HN, dgruver@media-net.net (04/97)
  Rick Calvert, KB0SYG (06/96)
  Bruce Looney, KB0JFG, bruce@pld.com (03/96)

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Rev: 08 May 2006
Compilation © 2006 Keith Brewster, n0iaw