Reference List -- Radiation Parameterization

Ice Water Path¨COptical Depth Relationships for Cirrus and Deep Stratiform Ice Cloud Layers. Andrew J. Heymsfield, Sergey Matrosov, and Bryan Baum, JAM, 42 (2003), 1369¨C1390.

Parameterization of Atmospheric Radiative Transfer. Part I: Validity of Simple Models. Graeme L.  Stephens, Philip M. Gabriel, and Philip T. Partain, JAS, 58 (2001), 3391-3409.

Parameterization of Atmospheric Radiative Transfer. Part II: Selection Rules. Philip M. Gabriel, Philip T.  Partain, and Graeme L. Stephens, JAS, 58 (2001), 3411-3423.

An Experimental Technique for Testing the Validity of Cumulus Cloud Parameterizations for Longwave Radiation Calculations. Dejiang Han and Robert G. Ellingson, JAM, 39 (2000), 1147-1159.

Numerical Simulations of Stratus Clouds and Their Sensitivity to Radiation-A RACE Case Study. Hong  Guan, Andre Tremblay, George A. Isaac, Kevin B. Strawbridge, and Catharine M. Banic, JAM, 39 (2000), 1881-1893.

A Parameterization of the Visible Extinction Coefficient of Ice Clouds in Terms of the Ice/Water Content. C. Martin R. Platt, JAS, 54 (1997), 2083-2098.

Parameterizing Grid-Averaged Longwave Fluxes for Inhomogeneous Marine Boundary Layer Clouds. Howard W. Barker and Bruce A. Wielicki, JAS, 54 (1997), 2785-2798.