Publication Abstracts

Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of hailstorms

Abstract of the Doctoral Dissertation

Author: Kong, F.-Y.

	A three-dimensional hailstorm numerical model with fully elastic primi-
tive equations is developed. The model contains more detail bulk-water parame-
terized microphysics, including 4 warm cloud microphysical processes, and 17
ice phase microphysical processes, in which the Hallett-Mossop process and the
secondary ice crystal production process owing to the shattering of relatively
large supercooled drops during freezing are also parameterized explicitly, and
the overall enhancement effect to the ice crystal number by all ice multiplica-
tion processes is considered by adaption of the concentration formula, In add-
tion, a surface layer parameterization scheme is joined into the model, so that
it is able to simulate the evolution processes of hailstorms over lower boundar-
ies with inhomogeneous thermal or roughness properties.
	The model has been runned experimentally to evaluate its stability and 
validity. some important features of 3D convective systems, such as weaker
compensating downdraft outside clouds, subcloud cold pool and cold outflow, weak
echo structure, vortex pair and its splitting, and middle-level barrier-flow
pattern, are successfully simulated.
	Four aspects of microphysics and dynamics of hailstorms, and their
interactions have been investigated by using the numerical model:

	(1) The impact features and relative importances of the 17 ice phase
processes parameterized in the model are numerically evaluated, the special 
emphasis is placed on contributions  of the ice multiplication processes. The
simulations show that: The influences of ice multiplication are largely depen-
dent upon environments and conditions of clouds themselves. For cumulus clouds
in relatively warm atmosphere, the production of secondary ice crystal promotes
ice glaciation in clouds, with the results that more latent heat released warms 
the upper portion of clouds and causes higher cloud tops, the ground precipita-
tion is advanced and the amount of solid precipitation is largely increased.
Whereas for those clouds in cold environment, the ice multiplication processes 
no longer make significant contribution to cloud glaciation, but can modify the 
fractions of solid and liquid precipitation. For some long-lived convection
systems, the processes even affect the cloud's dynamics and macro-feature.
However, for isolated thunderstorms with shorter life cycle, their evolution 
features can not be influenced obviously.
	In the two processes considered, the shattering mechanism plays a
dominant role in the effects of the ice multiplication on the microphysical
structure of convections. The enhancement correction to ice crystal concentra-
tion generally intensifies the overall effects of multiplication processes.

	(2) The numerical experiments are made to evaluate the sensitivities of
convective storms to the ice phase microphysical processes. It is found that:
With ice phase processes, the modeling storms develop more intensively, the 
total released latent heat and the surface precipitation rates reach their peak
values earlier. Especially, when the storm environment is relatively colder and
the supercooled layer is very deep, the effects of ice phase processes can be
strong enough to modify the storm's dynamic structure and life cycle. Analyses
show that the modification is due to the differences of microphysics included 
in the model affect the optimum 'buoyance-shear' equilibrium of the storm.
	These results implicate that the neglect of ice phase microphysics in
numerical cloud models will underestimate the intensity and precipitation of
simulating storms, or even fail, in some colder environments, in simulating
correct storm structure and lifetime. If the processes are excluded in mesoscale
models, prediction errors will be generated by means of underestimating latent
heat contributions. The error in latent heat can range from several ten to
hundred percent in magnitude.

	(3) The three- and two-dimensional numerical experiments are made to
incestigate the evolution and surface precipitation features of convective
storms in mono-dirrectional low-level wind shear environment. The simulations
show that: In order to trigger a convection in low-level wind shear environment
by thermal bubble, a more intensive or extensive temperature disturbance is
needed, whereas it can be initiated much easier by cold outflow. Furthermore,
low-level shears with certain intensity lead the peak intensity of convections
to decrease, but a longer lifetime, larger amount of cumulative surface precipi-
tation, and more extend rainfall area with some smaller peak rainfall rate. The
analyses of flux distribution of water vapor through cloud base level find that
low-level shear in certain intensity is favourable to maintaining a steady,
long-lasting supply of water vapor, so as to promote the lifetime and precipita-
tion of storms.
	Although the uses of two-dimensional model in simulating convective 
activities in mono-directional shear environment have some severe distortions,
the time evolution features of maximum updraft velocities and total surface
precipitation are coincident with the results of three-dimensional simulations

	(4) The influences of large area of semi-unbounded cold water surface
on the evolution, propagation, and precipitation or hail shooting of hailstorms
in summer afternoon have been simulated, using real sounding profiles for
temperature, humidity, and wind. The model has successfully simulated the 
significant modification of the propagation path of hailstorms near cold water
surface. The way of path change can be either 'along-bank' or 'toward-bank',
according to positions of the systems relative to convergence zone of water-land
circulation. The simulations also show that: The hailstorms developing or propa-
gating within convergence zone of local circulation will be intensified, and 
produce much heavier hail shooting, whereas those over cold water surface or
cold modification layer will be strongly inhibited.
	On the orther hand, because the direction and intensity of low-level
wind govern the degree of cold modification air and convergence zone of local
circulation moving into inner land, it is significantly meaningful to the degree
and property of the influences of cold water surface on hailstorm activities.
When strong low-level wind blows from water surface to land, convective systems 
over a fairly wide range of land along water bank will be inhibited by thermal
effects of cold modification air in low level, without presenting obvious path 

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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Ice Phase Microphysics in Cumulus Clouds. Part I: Model Establishment and Ice Phase Parameterization

Author(s): Kong, F., M. Huang and H. Xu

	A fully elastic three-dimensional cold cloud numerical model with 15
parameterized ice-phase microphysical processes, including ice nucleation,
sublimation, riming, dry- and wet-growth of hailstone and melting, is developed
in order to investigate the interactions of ice-phase microphysics with cloud
dynamics and microstructure. The parameterization scheme for the processes and
the numerical technique involving ice-phase calculation are described. The
model is experimentally run to evaluate its stability and validity. Some
important features of 3-D convective systems, such as weaker compensating
downdraft outside clouds, weak echo strucure, votex pair and its splitting,
and middle-level barrier-flow, are successfully simulated.

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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Ice Phase Microphysics in Cumulus Clouds. Part II: Effects of the Ice Multiplication Processes

Author(s): Kong, F., M. Huang and H. Xu

Two ice crystal multiplication processes are parameterized in the compressible three-dimensional numerical cloud model described in the first part of this study. The formation of secondary ice crystals by shattering of relatively large supercooled drops during freezing and by the Hallett-Mossop mechanism is explicitly considered, and the ice crystal consentration is modified. For isolated convective clouds with warm base, the simulations show that the inclusion of ice multiplication processes causes insignificant modification on the cloud dynamics and macro-features, the simulated cloud only produces slightly more total ground precipitation whereas the maximum precipitation rate is increased and the appearing time of ice crystals is advanced. However, the processes do affect the microphysics of the cloud: They promote ice glaciation in clouds, with the result that more latent heat released warms the upper portion of the cloud and causes a higher cloud top. In the two multiplication processes, the shattering mechanism plays a dominant role in the ice multiplication of clouds. The relative importance of each ice phase process is also analyzed.j

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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of the Effects of Ice Phase Processes on Evolution of Convective Storms

Author(s): Kong, F., M. Huang and H. Xu

The numerical experiments on sensitivity of two types of convective storms to ice phase microphysical processes have been made by using a fully elastic three-dimensional cloud model with a more detail ice phase parameteri- zation scheme. The simulations show that, in general, inclusion of ice phase processes in the model leads to more intensive modeling storms--the total latent heat released and the total precipitation increase obviously, the cloud top rises, and the maximum ground precipitation rate is reached earlier. These effects of ice phase processes can be much more significant in some relatively cold environments, in which they even modify the dynamic structures and life cycle of simulating storms. The mechanisms and favourable conditions of ice phase influences on storms are also discussed.

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The Effects of Low Level Ambient Wind in Simulating Convective Clouds

Author(s): Kong, F.

(will input soon)

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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of the Effects of a Cold Water Surface on the Evolution and Propagation of Thunderstorms

Author(s): Kong, F., M. Huang and H. Xu

The influences of large areas of semi-unbounded cold water surface on the evolution, propagation and precipitation production of thunderstorms are simulated by using a fully elastic three-dimensional numerical hailstorm model. Real sounding profiles for temperature, humidity and wind are employed. The model has successfully simulated the significant modification of the propagation path of thunderstorms near the cold water area. The path change can be either 'along-bank' or 'toward-bank', depending on the position of the storm system relative to the convergence zone of the water-land circulation. The simulations also show that thunderstorms developing or propagating within the convergence zone of local circulation will be intensified and produce much heavier hail, whereas those over cold water surface or the air that has been cooled by the water will be strongly inhibited. The influence of the cold water surface on thunderstorm characters is largely dependent upon the direction and intensity of the low-level winds.

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The Vertical Transport of Air Pollutants by Convective Clouds. Part I: A Non-Reactive Cloud Transport Model

Author(s): Kong, F. and and Y. Qin

A convective cloud transport model, without chemical processes, is developed by joining a set of concentration conservative equations into a two- dimensional, slab-symmetric and fuuly elastic numerical cloud model, and a numerical experiment is completed to simulate the vertical transport of ground- borne, inert gaseous pollutant by deep thunderstorm. The simulation shoes that deep convective storm can very effectively transport high concentrated pollutant gas from PBL upward to the upper troposphere in 30 to 40 minutes, where the pollutant spreads laterally outward with strong anvil outflow, forming an extensive high concentration area. Meanwhile, relatively low concentration areas are formed in PBL both below and beside the cloud, mainly caused by dynamic pumping effect and sub-cloud downdraft flow. About 80% of the pollutant gas transported to the upper troposphere is from the layer below 1.5km AGL.

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Numerical Simulations of the Microbursts

Author(s): Kong, F., M. Huang and H. Xu

A two-dimensional, slab-symmetric microburst numerical model with very fine spetial resolution is developed and used to simulate the formation and evolution of the dry and wet microburst lines. Some satisfactory results are obtained. The structure and evolution features of the simulated wet microburst lines are coincident with the observations quite well. The dry microbursts, driven by the evaporative cooling of the ice crystal precipitating element fall- ing in a dry adiabatic layer, only produce a little ground rainfall and tempera- ture drops. A weak stable layer several hundred meters thick can significantly block and weaken the dry microburst.

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The Vertical Transport of Air Pollutants by Convective Clouds. Part II: Transport of Soluable Gases and Sensitivity Tests

Author(s): Kong, F.

A two-dimensional, non-reactive convective cloud transport model is used to simulate in detail the vertical transport and wet scavenging of soluble pollutant gases by a deep thunderstorm system. Simulations show that for gases with not very high solubility, a deep and intense thunderstorm can still rapidly and efficiently transport them from boundary layer (PBL) up to mid and upper troposphere, resulting in a local significant increase of concentration in the upper layer and a reduction in PBL. Dissolution effects decrease both the incloud gas concentration and the upward net fluxes. The higher the solubility is, the more remarkable the decrease is. However, for very low soluble gases (H<100 M/atm), the influences are very slight. In addition, the effects of irreversible dissolution and aqueous reactions in drops on the vertical transport of gaseous pollutants are estimated in extreme.

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The Vertical Transport of Air Pollutants by Convective Clouds. Part III: Transport Features of Different Cloud Systems

Author(s): Kong, F. and and Y. Qin

The vertical transport features of gaseous pollutants, with a negative exponent profile of concentration, by different types of convective cloud systems are numerically investigated by using a two-dimensional, reactionless convective cloud transport model. The results show that an isolated, weak storm is able to pump pollutant gas out PBL and transport it to the mid-troposphere, whereas a deep, intense thunderstorm can very efficiently transport air pollutants up to the mid and upper troposphere and laterally spread with anvil, forming an extensive concentration surge layer at altitude of ten-odd kilometers altitude. Each type of convective transport results in concentration reduction in PBL. In a wind shear environment the transport efficiency of deep thunder- storm significantly increases and the pollutants enter into clouds on the downshear side at low-level and spread downwind in anvil layer. On the other hand, for a cumulus cloud with plenty of liquid water, the gas dissolution effect is increased, and the irreversible aqueous reactions, in extreme, may significantly weaken the vertical transports of pollutant gases with solubility coefficents no more than 1000 M/atm.

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A Model Study on Three-Dimensional Wind Field Analysis from Dual-Doppler Radar Data

Author(s): Kong, F. and J. Mao

A three-dimensional wind field analysis software based on the Beijing- Gucheng dual-Doppler weather radar system has been built, and evaluated by using the numerical cloud model producing storm flow and hydrometeor fields. The effects of observation noise and the spatial distribution of wind field analysis error are also investigated.

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An Explicit Approach of Microphysics in MC2

Author(s): Kong, F. and M. K. Yau

An explicit condensation scheme is developed for the Canadian Mesoscale Compressible Community Model (MC2), which contains warm rain and ice-phase microphysics processes. Three hydrometeor variables, cloud water mixing ratio, rain water mixing ratio, and ice or snow mixing ratio, are explicitly predicted. The effect of ice particle enhancement is parameterized in the scheme. Moreover, the hydrometeor mass loading term is added into the model. A numerical simula- tion test of the ERICA IOP2 winter cyclone case shows that the scheme is valid with high efficiency. Despite running at the quite large time step comparable to the MC2 system, it is able to generate reasonable magnitude and distribution of the cloud and precipitation fields and to successfully capture the cyclone's explosive deepening rate and general evolution feature without increasing too much computing resource. [Click HERE to download the entire paper (PS)]

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A Numerical Study of the ERICA IOP2 Marine Cyclone

Author(s): Kong, F. and M. K. Yau

A numerical study is conducted using the MC2 non-hydrostatic, semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit limited-area model to investigate the evolution and structure of the second strongest extratropical marine cyclone during the ERICA (IOP2). Diagnosis of cyclogenesis based on the model output and some sensitivity tests are also carried out to study the influences of deep convection on the storm's explosive deepening process. For the later purpose, an explicit condensation scheme containing warm rain and ice-phase microphysics processes is developed within the MC2 framework. The control simulation successfully produces the observed cyclone's evolution and structure characteristics. The sea level central pressure falls 40 mb within 24 hours, 3 mb less than the observation. The 30 hour simulated low center deviates from the observation by less than 75km. The cloud signature is excellently in agreement with the satellite imagery. Besides the well simulated warm and cold frontal precipitation bands, the coastal frontal precipitation accompaning IOP2 storm is also successfully reproduced excepting some position deviation. Different condensation approaches can generate quite similar deepening rate and storm track. However, the explicitmicrophysics scheme produces much stronger low level PV, especially along the cold front zones, and leads to more fully seclusion of the cyclone center as well. The inversion of PV anomaly of moist vs. dry run shows that the low and mid level diabatic condensation contributes a major role to the cyclone's deepening besides the horizontal thermal advection within the lower boundary. [Click HERE to download the entire paper (PS)]

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The Mesoscale Structure of ERICA IOP2 Storm

Author(s): Kong, F. and M. K. Yau

A high resolution simulation of the ERICA IOP2 explosive marine cyclone using MC2 with a newly developed efficient explicit microphysics scheme has been carried out. In addition to reproducing well the cyclone's explosive deepening and its general characteristics, the simulation reveals many important fine structures. The simulated bent-back front exhibits several mesoscale perturbation, while both the primary and secondary cold fronts show very narrow (about 20km) and sharp baroclinic features. Periodic mesoscale precipitation cores are embedded along the cold fronts, with evidence of eddy-like and hook-look structures. As cyclogenesis proceeds, the primary cold front and the warm front gradually seperate from the bent-back front and the cyclone center near the triple point. A second triple point forms between the remaining bent-back front and the secondary cold front. The seperation process is triggered at the low levels because of mesoscale downdrafts. The deepest convections are found near the region of both triple points. Behind the cold-front and in the area of the cold air outbreak, shallow cumulus cloud streets, rotating cyclonically around the east side of the surface low center, are successfully simulated. Moreover, A double spiral signature of the cyclone center is evident in the low level vorticity field and hydrometeor field. The explicit condensation scheme generates tremendous low-level PV within the frontal zones, with a magnitude comparable to that calculated from fine resolution observation data.

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Simulations of marine fog and stratus using Coastal-ARPS

Author(s): Kong, F., V. Wong, and B. Zhou

Marine fogs and low ceiling stratus are the most dominant weather events affecting aviation and navigation along the west coastal area of central North America. An attempt has been made to simulate these phenomena using a limited-area 3D mesoscale model -- the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) developed at the University of Oklahoma. For the purpose several modifications have been made to the model, includeing a new condensation scheme which allows more realistic microphysics in low-supersaturation environment like marine fogs and stratus, and a better treatment of MBL processes. The simulations are initilized using 40km ETA model output on the days with marine fog and/or low stratus off San Francisco Bay area between May and June 1997. Various satellite imagery, especially the NRL experimental GOES-9 nighttime and daytime fog and low cloud products, along with surface observation data serve as verification dataset. Preliminary results show that the ARPS model, with the modifications, is able to simulate the formation of marine fogs under favourite large scale circulation and sea surface thermal pattern. The persistent northerly flow along the west coast and resulting large scale subsidence leads to significant cooling and moistening within MBL, which is the major mechanism in forming marine fogs. Among MBL physics processes, mixing helps the MBL air reach saturation point, radiation cooling at fog top layer increases inversion above MBL. With respect to fog distribution and variation features, the model generated results agree reasonablly well with the verification dataset. Furthermore, simulations are also carried out to test the model's capability in predicting fog clearing and/or its evolution into low stratus. [Click HERE to download the entire paper (PS)]

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An Experimental Simulation of A Coastal Fog-Stratus Case Using COAMPS(tm) Model

Author(s): Kong, F.

This paper presents an experimental simulation of a summer season marine fog-stratus case along the west coast of California using the U.S. Navy COAMPS(tm) model. The purpose is to show the potential usefulness of mesoscale models in forecasting this type of marine boundary weather phenomenon. The role of data assimilation and the impacts of solar radiation, microphysics, and vertical resolution in improving the forecasts are examined. The model capability in forecasting the burn-off process over the San Francisco Bay area is also tested with very high horizontal resolution (2 km grid size) using the model's one-way nesting technique. The model demonstrates promising capacity in this case to replicate the temporal and spatial cloud coverage over the San Francisco Bay and surrounding area, shown in satellite imagery, despite a 2 hour lag to complete clearing over the Bay. This study also suggests that a better microphysics parameterization and proper representation of microphysics in the solar radiation scheme are both important forCOAMPS(tm) to produce more realistic simulations and to improve the burn-off forecast. [Click HERE to view the entire paper (pdf)]

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The Performance of An E-1 Scheme for The Atmospheric Boundary Layer in A Mesoscale Model with Grid Spacing As Small As 1 Km

Author(s): Fiedler, B. H. and F. Kong

A new E-l boundary layer scheme is tested within the U.S. Navy's COAMPS model. The goal is to give COAMPS the capability to simulate mesoscale cellular convection. The new scheme is aimed to be consistent with both classic results for clear entrainment and recent calibrations, derived from large-eddy simulations, for entrainment into smoke clouds and water clouds. A parameter is included in the scheme that allows sub-grid transpot to be reduced so that, when the model has 2km grid spacing or less, more of the transport is forced to occur in resolved convection. At 2km grid spacing, the scheme allows COAMPS to simulate the break up of a stratocumulus cloud deck into mesoscale cellular convection. [Click HERE to view the entire paper (pdf)]

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Multi-Resolution Ensemble Forecasts of An Observed Tornadic Thunderstorm System. Part I: Comparison of Coarse and Fine Grid Experiments

Author(s): F. Kong, K. K. Droegemeier, and N. L. Levit

Using a non-hydrostatic numerical model with horizontal grid spacing of 24 km and nested grids of 6 and 3 km spacing, we employ the scaled lagged average forecasting (SLAF) technique, developed originally for global and synoptic-scale prediction, to generate ensemble forecasts of a tornadic thunderstorm complex that occurred in North Central Texas on 28-29 March 2000. This is the first attempt, to our knowledge, in applying ensemble techniques to a cloud-resolving model using radar and other observations assimilated within non-horizontally uniform initial conditions and full model physics. Our principal goal is to investigate the viability of ensemble forecasting in the context of explicitly resolved deep convective storms, with particular emphasis on the potential value added by fine grid spacing and probabilistic versus deterministic forecasts. Further, we focus on the structure and growth of errors as well as the application of suitable quantitative metrics to assess forecast skill for highly intermittent phenomena at fine scale. Because numerous strategies exist for linking multiple nested grids in an ensemble framework with none obviously superior, we examine several, particularly in light of how they impact the structure and growth of perturbations. Not surprisingly, forecast results are sensitive to the strategy chosen, and owing to the rapid growth of errors on the convective scale, the traditional SLAF methodology of age-based scaling is replaced by scaling predicated solely upon error magnitude. This modification improves forecast spread and skill, though we believe errors grow more slowly than desirable. For all three horizontal grid spacings utilized, ensembles show both qualitative and quantitative improvement relative to their respective deterministic control forecasts. Nonetheless, the evolution of convection at 24 and 6 km spacings is vastly different from, and arguably inferior to, that at 3 km because at 24 km spacing, the model cannot explicitly resolve deep convection while at 6 km, the deep convection closure problem is ill-posed and clouds are neither implicitly nor explicitly represented (even at 3 km spacing, updrafts and downdrafts only are marginally resolved). Despite their greater spatial fidelity, the 3 km grid spacing experiments are limited in that the ensemble mean reflectivity tends to be much weaker in intensity, and much broader in aerial extent, than that of any single 3 km spacing forecast owing to amplitude reduction and spatial smearing that occur when averaging is applied to spatially intermittent phenomena. The ensemble means of accumulated precipitation, on the other hand, preserve peak intensity quite well. Although a single case study obviously does not provide sufficient information with which to draw general conclusions, the results presented here, as well as those in Part II (which focuses solely on 3 km grid spacing experiments), suggest that even a small ensemble of cloud-resolving forecasts may provide greater skill, and greater practical value, than a single deterministic forecast using either the same or coarser grid spacing.

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