0-dimentional gas phase mechanism model: model tar file (instruction to run; instruction_bothCompiler; instruction_gfortran4KPP; )
source2; model tar with Br; model tar with Br,VerifiedJun7_2024 (instruction to run);
tar4OK_O3 VerifiedJun7_2024 (figures)
citation: Hu, X.-M., et al. (2010), Variability of ozone in the marine boundary layer of the equatorial Pacific Ocean , J. Atmos. Chem., 66:117–136.

1-dimenitonal boundary layer chemistry model for Maryland O3: (model tar file; instruction to run/plot with PGI compiler)
( old version: model tar file; instruction to run/plot)
citation: Hu, X.-M., et al. (2013), Impact of the Vertical Mixing Induced by Low-level Jets on Boundary Layer Ozone Concentration, Atmos. Environ., 70, 123-130

1-dimenitonal Arctic boundary layer chemistry model: model tar file Note: NetCDF libarary required
instruction to run/plot; Final report; source2
citation: Hu, X.-M., et al. (2013), Impact of the Vertical Mixing Induced by Low-level Jets on Boundary Layer Ozone Concentration, Atmos. Environ., 70, 123-130

Boundary layer barrier wind single-layer slab model: model tar file Note: ifort compiler needed
instruction to run/plot;
Citation: Hu, X.-M., X. Li et al. (2016), The Formation of Barrier Winds East of the Loess Plateau and their Effects on Dispersion Conditions in the North China Plains, Bound.-layer meteor., DOI:10.1007/s10546-016-0159-4

if you have any questions regarding these models, please contact:
Dr. Xiao-Ming Hu
Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
University of Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma 73072, USA
Email: xhu@ou.edu
Website: http://www.caps.ou.edu/~xhu/

Arctic Modeling
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Contact XM Hu