CAPS 2008 Spring Experiment Ensemble Forecast Product
This demonstration webpage
shows hourly ensemble products (postage-stamp
chart, mean/spread, spaghetti
plots, and probability maps)
of the forecast composite reflectivity and 1-h accumulated
fields, along with the available observations
(composite reflectivity mosaic
and NSSL/NMQ 1-h precipitation)
valid at the same times.
[WRF-ARW modeling system;10 ensemble
(hybrid: initial perturbation + physics perturbation); 4 km horizontal grid
spacing; 51 vertical levels] NEW in 2008: a)
Forecast is initiated at 0000 UTC, 30 h forecast; b) WSR-88D radar data are assimilated at 0000 UTC for all
but c0 members; c)
Eight members have initial perturbations added; d) Larger